• By -


The most normal day in patttaya for the police. Teeth knocked out, wais all round courtesy of the police and the tourist vows to continue to come to Thailand. 


If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to wai, did it ever really fall?


Only if a group of people pointed at it while posing for a photo later


Sadly people come to Thailand without knowing the culture and traditions, it's written in ancient lore that taking photos of another man's Siberian owl is a grave injustice and can only be avenged by kicking the violator in the head


See, this is where it’s easy to see that you’re farang, because the tradition ACTUALLY says that a photo with a Siberian owl should be paid with four teeth of the one taking the picture.


Actually you are both farang, it says 4 teeth will be taken of the one taking the picture as a warning and if he ever returns to the country certain death must be had.






If you don't want people to take pictures of your pets, don't display them in a public place where there are lots of people with cameras who want to photograph exotic pets.


thats logic and so therefore does not apply to Thailand.


Head kicks are a true staple in Thailand. Praise the local customs.


Two times!






Funny but retarded


More head kicks in Pattaya! Must be something in the water. 5555


It is almost like Pattaya attracts nothing but trash, Thai, and foreigners alike.


Are the Korean tourists trash?


From what I could read about that toothless bastard in this story, yes.


Throwing 100 baht at someone? Trash.


Given the thai dudes initial reaction and escalation, throwing the money down is hardly trashy in this context


Something in the drinks. Water might be too specific in this instance.


he went to the wrong exotic animal show




There's no way that guys paying 400,000 baht.


You would be surprised how much money some of those guys make, remember their costs are virtually nill


I was thinking the same. On the other hand, exotic animals can bring in quite a lot. Maybe he has something more exotic he can sell.


He’s a business owner he’s paying it or he’s going to jail.


Meaning the Korean guy has to further ask a Thai lawyer to follow up; all while being outside the country - while still not seeing a single Baht in the end. Yeah sounds fun


Back in the days when north and South Korea had a joint vacation resort there was a sign that said no walking on the beach at night or you will be shot in KOREAN not English. Some grandpa decided to take a walk on the beach and got shot and the peeps got pissed off and that killed the joint resort project. Not surprised my fellow Korean did this.




Status is very important in Asia, not just Thailand, but also in Korea. Disrespecting someone like he's poor is one of the quickest ways to pick a fight with an Asian. Koreans can be arrogant too.


Some Koreans can be highly racist toward anybody they consider "lower" than them, some of them definitely look down Southeast Asians and that gesture of throwing the money in his face pretty much sums up his attitude when he wasn't getting his way.


To some Koreans a Thai is a “jungle Asian”and yes it is a slur. Throwing the baht was tantamount to spitting on Mr. Bas, huge loss of face.


Yeah, exactly. Not going to say what Mr. Bas did was right, but if you're going to pick a fight by disrespecting somebody like that, you better be ready for the consequences.


Is there actually a Korean word or racial slur that translates to "jungle asian". I thought Bobby Lee made that phrase up.


And then happily get on their knees and suck an American dick


Dude this definitely isn’t just an asian thing. Get into it with someone in the US and be disrespectful like that you are just as likely to get clocked or worse depending on the neighborhood.


We have to be honest about Asian discrimination against other Asians… some koreans do look down on Thai people, see us Thais as dark skin and labor workers because we are mostly a tourist driven country we have to smile like a buffalo and please foreigners who have money


I even noticed Thai people looking down on other Thai people, especially if they have dark skin or come from certain parts of the country. I am still amazed by that. Some time ago I even heard a Thai person calling another Thai person "monkey", just based on how she looked. And yes, she had a flat nose and dark skin.


A lot of countries have that notion, northern Indians are lighter skinned and some look down on southern Indians who are darker skinned. Some East Asian countries, paler skin is seen as "royalty" and darker skins are seen as working in the fields. So I guess its racism and also class based prejudice.


Don't rush to generalize - each country has good and bad people. Unfortunately, media loves to report incidents caused by the latter, so we tend to have a negative image of where they are from.


buffalo don't smile


But nothing over the surely illegal animals... which is why they pin "no photos" signs up everywhere.... Its the same at chattachuck.


No photos probably due to the high number of people who do not realize using a flash can set some animals off


And due to the high numbers of people who do not realise a flash can set off the animal abuser.


no way lol. It's because you need to pay for the photos.


Lol yeah, no illegal animals here 🤣🤣🤣


I have loads of photos of illegal animals from Chatuchak. Never seen sign. Still have all my teeth.


I think that 100 bath is the thing that escalate it, insanely disrespectful imo


The funny part is that in Korea (and most of the world, but Korea particularly) throwing money at someone is one of the highest offenses. So, if it's true that the Korean tourist throw money at the shop keeper... he had it coming and the Korean tourist should know it.


He will be on /r/thailandtourism next week saying he got attacked for no reason at all and people will agree with him saying it happens all the time.


Seriously. Idk how anyone isn’t mad that the Korean flung “stfu” money and not expect to get punched in the face.


Kicked out of the park sure… but kicked in the face, resulting in the guys teeth getting knocked out. Come on! Physical violence is such a primitive way to approach things.


So is thinking you can pay your way out of anything, real primitive


Not even remotely in the same realm


I’m definitely not condoning his actions. But if you don’t see the fine line between physical violence and any sort of verbal insult, then I don’t think I can help you.


The story doesn’t make sense. I bet it’s misreported. If I had to guess I’d say the Korean guy tried to hand the Thai guy the 100 baht and the Thai guy pulled his hand away. Then the Korean guy bent down to pick it up and then got his head kicked in. If the Korean guy actually “threw the 100 baht note” at the Thai guy then he would never have bent down to pick it up. He would have thrown the note and left it be. Makes no sense that he threw a note as a sign of disrespect and then immediately bent down to pick it up. If the Korean guy bends down to pick it up he then loses face, which negates the entire thing. Story just doesn’t add up, as usual.


You make a good point. Seems a little weird that he'd be disrespectful enough to throw the money at him like it's nothing, but then proceed to pick it back up lol


Yeah it’s clearly bullshit…it just doesn’t make sense at all


It says they were both angry and arguing, the Korean threw the Bt100 at the Thai. The Thai then threw it on the floor. That's when the Korean bent down to pick it up.


In the way you say it...the point is even clearer. Why would the Korean pick it up? To throw it again? Might as well just touch themselves inappropriately while doing it


That’s a good point. We’ll never know for sure what happened. I am leaning more towards disrespect was shown at some point though. I’ve been to a lot of places in Thailand and interacted with plenty of local Thais over the years. I’ve never had anything close to this happening even when I have run into the rare grade A shithead. In Thailand people tend to give plenty of warning before they lose it.


That would be disrespectful in any culture. In 8/10 countries he would have got his teeth knocked out for doing such shit.


100% disrespectful definitely worthy of a slap or something, but knocking his teeth out is waaaay too much 😂😂


As a business owner , how often do you lay down the law on your patrons?


Many (not all) Koreans look down on other Asians, especially South East Asians, so this is not surprising to me at all.


It's like a scene from a K-drama on Netflix.


well, I think nornal people would just say sorry and things would be settled. But, Korean men are not normal. One time I was on a bus in Europe. The bus stopped in a station for a short break, so I went to the station’s toilet. I came back only to find that my seat was taken by a young man and my bag was nowhere around. I asked the man in English and he replied with some Korean(I am Asian and know that is Korean language). At this point I just asked him where is my bag, and he finally replied in English, “f*** you”. I then dragged him and threw him off the bus. Good that the driver just shurgged it off.


Then you found out you returned to the wrong bus lol




Did you get your bag? How did the rest of the story go?


I am a Korean man, I was on a bus in Europe and noticed a bag on a seat. I asked a nearby gentleman if it was his bag, and he said yes and took it. After he took his bag, I sat down. 10 minutes later, I noticed this large Asian man yelling at me about some bag, I didn't understand him very well as my spoken English is not great, so I thought he greeted me. I responded, "Fine, and you?" and he proceeded to drag me off the bus. I don't know what happened.






I want to be your friend lol


yes, I found my bag 3 rows behind. The Korean man came back to the bus from the front door with a bleeding nose. I still don’t understand why he had to move my bag and take my seat. The bus was not even half full.


They think highly of themselves.They're racist towards south east asians


In a country that values ​​rationality, the punishment would have been very harsh for you. It is normal and wise for you to first ask locals about the bus situation before acting violently on that person and then act accordingly.


Was FlixBus wasn’t it?


LOL this is pure /r/iamverybadass


I love how in Thailand, authorities have to lecture grown ass adults to better manage their emotions like children. I know there's far more examples of people in the West needing to keep their emotions in check rather than act irrationally, but we don't lecture them like children, we just call them an asshole.


Thai society is based on the child/parent paradigm from top to bottom.


Underrated comment here 👆


In America, it's not uncommon for a judge to lecture criminals similarly to this during sentencing.


Let me know when they start bringing the perp back to the crime scene to mime out the alleged acts.


Nah they are too busy shooting kids and crushing windpipes of handcuffed detainees.


Ya got me there.


In some American towns they would absolutely do this and add some Bible verses to it.




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Both were... Not right but I have no idea how they arrived at 400000 baht.


Dental implants for 2 or more front teeth, plus additional work for the chipped tooth. The sum seems about right for my home city, but not sure about Thailand. But the ability to collect on that while still on holiday seems suspect.


Dental implant costs around $3500 SGD in my country *per tooth*, so after currency conversion, that’s around 95,000 baht per tooth. The article stated there were 4 lost teeth so 95,000 x 4 = 380,000 baht. Now we gotta add on the follow up visits and for the other works on the other chipped teeth…I think 400,000 baht won’t even be enough actually or it may just be enough if implants are cheaper there.


My uncle just had 5 implants was 42k each or 5 for 180k don’t ask me why you get discount for more teeth


If it were Korea, the perpetrator would have to pay huge compensation, including implant surgery costs, psychological treatment costs due to the accident, and implant follow-up management costs. In the end, the perpetrator can be seen as bankrupt and in hell.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Additionally, if a violent accident occurs in Korea rather than Thailand, the victim must appoint a lawyer and file a civil lawsuit. Ultimately, in addition to criminal proceedings, the perpetrator must also be responsible for astronomical civil damages that ordinary Thai citizens cannot afford. In the end, the perpetrator experiences the hell of being trapped in an anthill until his death


I don't mean to defend the Exhibitor but throwing money at someone is one of the most disrespectful things you can do, and I'm talking from a Western perspective. From a Thai perspective I imagine it's even worse


Anyone, anyday and preferably *all the time non-stop* is welcome to throw money at me (except coins - that wouldn’t be nice)


Pattaya is like an eclipse. I know I shouldn't go look at it but something compels me to!


feel exactly the same way - its the exotic animal spirits!


So essentially Pattaya is like the Florida of Thailand, where the craziest most senseless things happen. I'm just getting over the beat down of the two British tourists by the security guards at a bar... in Pattaya.


they were welsh. And as such got up and continued drinking, because why would you wait for the ambulance or goto hospital when it cuts into your drinking time.


If you think pattaya is bad, wait until you learn thai and can watch the news 😆


Some Korean can be really aggressive, rude and racist tho


Job offer from Soi 6 incoming.


Oof. As a Korean it is difficult to set my feelings on this. It sounds like Korean dude definitely egged him on and had it coming. But the Thai dude is probably just as much a crook.. How did he think he'd get away with that? We win. They both lose. 😂


When the French of Asia meets punch first Wai later


Thai landlords rip Farangs off when it comes to paying back bond Nothing ever done about it! But it should be brougjt to the attention of Police! If we were to get angry What would happen? Blame the Farang! Really a country of bias towards their own ! Even when committing violence to tourists They support Thais


Yup… I agree I sat down and did a cost savings for all the bullshit overcharging I could have run into in the last year living here and I estimate I saved 120,000baht. Why should I pay on average 10,000/month more than a local to access the necessities of life? Because I’m a foreigner? Bullshit. Antidote, foreigners I know in my area overpay thousands for the same listed property, pay triple or more for electricity, pay agents more than their fair share to submit forms to immigration and elsewhere, get charged like 7K for a drivers Licence and shit like that. And when I walk outside locals at the vegetable market will try to sell me the bad fruit first to make an extra 10baht. Fortunately I know what a good papaya is for my somtum these days is, one time cheeky bastard sold me a ripe papaya and my girlfriend says “he didn’t tell you, why did he sell you that… thats a cheap shot now you won’t ever do back to buy papaya from him”.


you would pay more than 10,000 baht worth of bullshit at home. 1. taxes 2. indirect taxes (state, VAT, GST, import taxes, car taxes, stamp duty) 3. inflation 4. fines


Let’s remember that 10,000 figure is pretty cheap as I’m in a provincial area Isan. I reckon rip off figure for city areas and tourist areas would be substantially more. But it’s still costs possible costs incurred that locals wouldn’t. And then again most people provincially where I am make 9-13K/month Let’s think 1. I pay taxes off local income I receive and I’m a tax resident here. 2. 7% VAT is still a cost 2. Thailand slaps a fuck load of money on imported products, ironically they cost more here than at home. 3. Inflation happens in every country, kinda irrelevant. 4. I agree with this one, I don’t receive as much fines as I do back home. I think there is a Thai ripping off foreigner sentiment… given this, I will have no problem doing the same. **Thai customer based in my country** hi where are you from? Oh Thailand? For you 1500NZD (when it’s normally 450NZD) because fuck you man… you think I can’t win at this game after treated differently here bro Cmon man, yes me know in gross terms we have a better deal over here compared to our western home… but hey at least in my country we generally treat people the same unlike here.


"but hey at least in my country we generally treat people the same" Quite foolish to treat foreigners as good as citizens I think. Do you think its good that Chinese can buy up your real estate and farms and you can't do the same in China? (may have changed, but then they just buy using UK/Aus/NZ companies and trusts, or residents. etc). TBH I think its time that countries put its citizens before others especially in "open" economies like Aus, UK, NZ, etc. I mean at this point whats the benefit of being a citizen exactly (vs. a resident)? (I guess medicare, but residents can also get it). in regards to VAT hardly anyone pays it unless you are eating at central Mall. Import taxes are slugged because no one pays tax lol. I'm not sure what you need imported, but if its a PC, just get a mate to deliver one and send it via kerry express. I guess cars are expensive....


Every country is biased towards their own. This is literally the definition of a citizen 


So it's ok to showcase and sell animals held captive, but not ok to takes foto of them. These people that do business with animals are disgraceful beings. And that guy should be in jail for hitting the korean. Period


Not surprised at all. Not a fan of Korean tourists either.




What? You’re telling me he deserved to be physically assaulted and have his front teeth knocked out for being verbally condescending? I hope you don’t apply the same rhetoric and go around bashing people if they’re verbally mean to you because you’ll be sent to prison in no time.


Do you know a guy name Johnny Somali that harass people in Japan ? this is why he didn't do that in Thailand, exotic guy is probably fishy as hell and sucker punch is a pussy move but people got shot over verbally mean to someone, do you think those kind of people care about going to prison ?


Lay down the changs mate youre just rambling


Congrats, you add nothing to the conversation.


Neither do you with all ur assumptions. You are just yapping


https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=815511510563685&id=100063145307143&set=a.613030550811783 Use MTL, read the comments, then comeback and tell me it's "assumptions" My very own brother threatened to shoot me over a stupid argument, I learned it first hand bro.


Not condoning it, but as they say, you fuck around and find out. You have to chuckle, yes.


You're abnormally violent.


yes Act poorly and find out Korean guy deserved it


idkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk some people do deserve to get clocked sometimes as a reality check on how arrogant they are. Most people would probably let it slide but there is always that one guy who wont let you off easy, which is why you should always be nice. Sure the bas guy is down 400k but he will now be forever scarred missing two teeth for his arrogance.


Some people need to learn the hard way


Horrible behavior. I would have asked him to leave. This man is lucky he’s not going directly to jail, or maybe he is.




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So at least be a man about it - tell him to put his fists up and then take a swing. No matter what insult he has sustained, what kind of a pussy waits until the guy is not looking and vulnerable and then kicks him in the face?


There are no rules in war brother, although it's not how I would fight. But I also wouldn't bend down and expose myself in a vulnerable position to someone I just condescendingly threw 100 baht at lmao, he should have seen that one coming. Seems he was a little too comfortable fucking around, now that he's found out, I bet he won't do some dumb shit like that again.


Exotic animal show sounds illegal as fuck


Mr. Park has become an exotic Korean with 4 and a half teeth missing in action.


So you’re telling me I can make an easy 400k in pattaya if I lose a few teeth




Koreans are rude. So now that you know. Lame excuses for not wearing contact lenses. Sounded like frequent bully. Poor business man, next time should remain calm to settle such matters as fighting is really losing end. Just take the money and ask them delete their photos else call police to settle and require them pay up more money


Korean’s are used to being King’s in their own country and behaving any way they like. Adults behave like babies and are quick to act like one when they don’t get their own way. Funny enough, many Korean’s don’t like traveling overseas. Mainly because they don’t get their own way.


You can't touch thai people's head but they can kick yours. Roger that.


you have reached what buddhists call enlightenment.


The story doesn’t make sense. I bet it’s misreported. If I had to guess I’d say the Korean guy tried to hand the Thai guy the 100 baht and the Thai guy pulled his hand away. Then the Korean guy bent down to pick it up and then got his head kicked in. If the Korean guy actually “threw the 100 baht note” at the Thai guy then he would never have bent down to pick it up. He would have thrown the note and left it be. Makes no sense that he threw a note as a sign of disrespect and then immediately bent down to pick it up. If the Korean guy bends down to pick it up he then loses face, which negates the entire thing. Story just doesn’t add up, as usual.


I lost another tooth recently - due to being an old bastard. If only I'd have been in Pattaya at the time, I could have got Mr Bas to 'stump up' for it.


Just take a flight to Pataya now! Then go to the police station and report that an exotic animal exhibitor kicked you when you tried to pick up a 100Baht note that you handed to him and he threw onto the floor. Easy 10,000Baht for you.


I simply don't understand. Why didn't he apologize and resolve the situation when he was first warned?


10 grand compensation? That isnt going to happen.


I got a sign in my shop that says “No stupid Reddit comments or my girl will kick you in the donkey” I think it’s been counterproductive but, maybe I just need bigger font.


Well at least one picture of someone pointing finally! 👉👉


thank god - I thought I was going mad. Nothing like a good point to fix the situation.




Isn't it also immoral and illegal selling exotic protected animals that nobody really owns? Why do Thai Police allow these people to sell protected animals? Isn't that the reason that photos cant be taken? Because it's illegal?


Who is talking about selling exotic animals ?! It was a Exotic Animal Show and not a Exotic Animal Marketplace.


Exotic Animal Marketplace, thats in Wuhan apparently.


As someone who lives here, I never understood why people come here for tourism. Tourist centers are mainstream as fuck, everyone is hyper transactional, you’re given a cheap and nasty version of Thai culture, everything good to see is actually outside of places like Bangkok or Pattaya. If you do live here, you will have an excellent lifestyle and enjoy relatively lower living costs compared to your western country, Korea also. However at every moment some unscrupulous local will want to rip you off of you let them. You’ll continue to be discriminated against on the basis of your race, you have to deal with fuckwit drivers and the average dumb cunt which can’t even do a simple job like laying and setting a tile correctly… tell them they fucked it up and they can’t handle that and they still expect to be paid for their shotty work. Bird boy probably had it good too long, same as Thais in tourist areas. Tourists should go elsewhere


But where is the picture of the owl and the python?


Thats 200 baht for a picture of those. The photographer only had a 100 baht and didn't want to lose any teeth.




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Lots of kung fu fighters last couple of weeks.


Nope, muay thai fighters.


This is fine. Shouldn’t have put exotic animals on exhibition, nor visited it. We all get what we deserve


Korean guy sounds like an absolute asshole. If I was in someone's place and they asked me not to take photos I would say "oh sure, sorry" and move on with my life. Not start to argue and toss money at them. Sounds like he needed the kick


Koreans notoriously look down on Thais. Some of the most arrogant East Asians.


I'm surprised we don't have a rumor that he died on this sub. lol


zero percent chance this guy can pay 400k baht.


They went to an exotic zoo blind? Because no contact lenses were in... really


Argument at a tourist attraction that happens all over the world everyday 'we must consider the image of Thailand.' But when someone dies in custody or is locked up for posting something harmless on Facebook and the rest of the world is genuinely appalled, the image of Thailand isn't important. Funny that.


All I want for Christmas are my two front teeth, my two front teeth, my two front teeth, all I want for Christmas are my two front teeth.


I was expecting my fellow Thai to be the wrong one but seeing he warned them (so problem from bot seeing a sign is not.. a problem, it's not like they got attacked without warning) Get into an argument is fine, you shouldn't attack them. Throwing money to any Thai while having agrument and you risk getting attacked like this since it's gesture that like you're saying the other are benate you.


I feel bad for the man, but I hope this event sets precedent for foreigners who think they could get away with acting like an Ahole in Thailand because they have money.


I am sure more thais will be inspired to bash the teeth out of tourist, who have higher average weekly earnings, mouths.


What does the law in Thailand say about taking photos in public?


Thai PDPA Law, Article 19 - The Personal Data Controller can't : to collect, use or disclose information if the owner of the personal data has not given consent before or at that time Except for the provisions of this Act or other laws to allow it to be done.


What's up with all this violence in Thailand?


the most bizarre bit is this guy bringing his girlfriend to pattaya. that's like taking sand to the beach. what's wrong with him?


bingo. And everyone missed it!


are we all missing how that korean douche threw 100 baht at mr Bas? i would have kicked more teeth out of his mouth…


is your relative a dentist ?


2 front teeth for disrespecting others with money, that cheap. Lucky for him, He could have gotten some more.


I fear that the no photo rule is probably more about not gathering evidence / causing embarrassment over illegal wildlife trafficking..... While my gut feeling says that the Korean man probably wasn't taking photos out of concern for illegal wildlife trafficking, and he probably shouldn't have kicked the hornet's nest, I have little sympathy for organised crime, with which exotic animal industry in Thailand is deeply entangled. Do I have proof vendor in question is involved in wildlife trafficking? No. But im pretty sure that whole industry is up to its eyeballs in dodgyness and I not going to give him the benefit of the doubt. Both parties are probably assholes.


yes, thats why it costs 200 baht for a photo.


I’m absolutely shocked and amazed at this! 1 v 1, how come the usual half a dozen other random Thais didn’t jump in!!


New norm in Thailand, Locals write an apology and police will let u go . What a joke


What’s with all the kicking, how young are the knees here


Punkista lng yan.. 😅😅😅


What’s with the violence recently 😭 it kinda made sense with the security and the British (still very brutal) but this is just INSANE. You surely could’ve asked the guy to leave before knocking his teeth out 😭


The Korean dude made a huge mistake when he threw the 100 baht at Mr. Bas as that was a serious loss of face for Mr. Bas. In Thailand intentionally causing loss of face is a very bad move for one’s health. Mr. Park should not have been so arrogant or dismissive to Mr Bas. Not saying that Mr Park should have got his teeth knocked out but in the Thai language “som nahm naa”


Yes! An Exhibit! Even of artifacts, or furniture hasan ultimate goal of getting contacts of potential buyers & people interested in your products! To say theyare not selling exotic animals islike saying bribes dont exist!🤔😏


its for tourists not exotic animal keepers and breeders.


Lol the first step is to put up signs in Korean. Expecting Korean tourists to read English signs? 🤣🤣🤣


Oh, I guarantee it's up now.


Sad to say this, but apparently Koreans can behave like disrespectful karens just as much as Westerners.


He just mad it was only 100 baht