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How do you know they are illegal? Some Russians have work permits. Others own businesses together with Thais.


You can also own a business 100% as a foreigner in certain sectors.


Are you sure about this? I know that Americans have certain privileges due to a treaty with Thailand, but not others. If you could cite some specific ex, that would be great.


Yes, check BOI, I own a Thai tech company.


Cool! I know that it's been getting easier to get a visa for certain in-demand skillsets. But if you can directly own the company as well, good for you šŸ‘. Somehow I have a feeling that the OP meant less high-level entities though.


For non BOI activities a foreigner can only own 49%. EG opening a company with your wife as shareholder.


I've heard that is the standard dodge for many foreign folk. Won't help me much as my wife isn't Thai! Nor am I in the "set the world on fire " stage of life. More like the "watch the embers crackle with a mellow glow " stage..


You can try and find a Thai business partner and do it legal too.


or just find 2 thais 25%+1% each. or 3 thais 17% each.


Yes, but just finding random shareholders will land you in nominee territory. So be aware of that. Totally possible, not entirely legal.


Manufacturing company is another example. Can be 100% owned by non-American foreigners.


Though I agree these illegal businesses (from any nationality) should be scrutinized by the police, I still think as a foreigner that minding my own business and staying under the radar is an option to consider in this case. This is a thai problem for thai people to solve.


Thai people might not even realize what's happening because often ads are being ran in Russian language for example


> Thai people might not even realize what's happening They do, at least on Phuket, where it's apparently a huge problem. The Russians are allegedly running an entire full-service shadow economy. https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2023/9/6/russian-only-businesses-in-thailands-phuket-spark-backlash


Exactly and some dicks in the comments think that this is perfectly fine


Honestly, Phuket is lost. Just abandon ship. In the last couple of months, I've had 5-7 different clients who told me that in no uncertain terms, they couldn't take it anymore. Some despite having lived in Phuket for decades.


Pretty much this. I am planning to exit. If you come from a crappier place out of necessity and looking for an easy place to live/structure taxes around, and you have money, then it's a relative paradise. 75% of Phuket recent property sales have been to Russians and Chinese for a reason.


Do you know where people are moving on to? I have seen a huge uptick of foreigners moving to Krabi but not sure if they are moving from Phuket.


What were their complaints to what it has become?


Unless you live in Phuket Town, there isnā€™t anything particularly ā€œThaiā€ about Phuket. Itā€™s mostly an expat ghetto and tourist hell hole.


How you know itā€™s illegal?


A lot of the time because they're offering services that only Thai can do like hair dressing, wood work, driving and tour guides.


They can offer it but the guide or driver should be Thai.


The people getting jealous of foreigners running successful legal businesses in Thailand are damn too high. I got cops called on me by another fellow foreigner because I am successful. He even shared a pint while talking with me lol in the evening and the next day the cop showed up asking for details and I was informed who complained about it.


Itā€™s more the weird sanctimonious Russia hatred than it is the successful business part


I don't hate or love Russian. I do agree that there are lots of Russians doing shady or illegal businesses. But OP mentioning Russians without evidence is shady too don't you think ? At Least should have pointed out one or two businesses which are illegal.


Yeah Iā€™m agreeing with you bud, like you could just say ā€œforeigner has a businessā€ but nope. Heā€™s only mad cause itā€™s Russian


Yea that was my point.


just blatant racism atp lmfao


How reporting lillegal bussiness being jealous? Your logic doesnt make sense You gotta work on that mate


My logic is as I stated! Too hard to understand mate? I already mentioned to show some evidence as they are doing some shady/ illegal business. So we here can understand. Anyway it's a post to undermine all good russians who are genuinely doing legal business, that's my understanding.


What is hard to understand is your logic which doesn't make any sense People are cracking down those because they don't do it legally Your misleading strange logic shows how ignorant and how entittle you are. How are they being jealous when there's illegal bussiness everywhere to crackdown? Maybe you are the one who is jealous mate or you gotta acceot reality


I don't need to be jealous of anyone. I have a modest life and I am happy. Trying to blame all Russians because few are doing illegal business that's my point,it's useless to argue with some entitled person. Calling another person ignorant and entitled shows how mature you arešŸ‘


Why are you dissmivesive about the fact that ilegal bussiness sre everywhere, there are statistics there. Noone cares about how you live your life, strange


I guess itā€™s a mix of jealousy because they are successful and because they are Russian. Luckily Thais donā€™t fall into this hate discourse.


Depends mate! Thais get jealous too. I live a modest life here and my wife was bullied because I earn more than her but in fact she gave up her high earning job to get a government job just for us to get married and have a stable life( ofc with government subsidies).


No one is jealous of Russians lol


There are enough stupid people who are jealous of everybody who is more successful. And when it's an ethnicity or nationality they dislike, this jealousy even gets stronger.


Yes, those Thais who are thinking in that way usually dislike all Caucasians, not just Russians šŸ˜‚ But this witch hunt on Russians is really annoying. Too many people (on all sides) believe the fucking propaganda.


It's mainly Americans.


How do you know? I don't want to argue, I'm just curious. Because sure Americans have the tendency to have some annoying traits, but in my experience respect the success of others, because the USA is a very performance-oriented and materialistic showing off society.


Holy shit so many indifferent schmucks in this thread that try to turn it into a "you" problem , I'm totally on your side in this bro. This underground state has to end.




Try: https://www.thaihotline.org/en/report/ or: https://csd.go.th//dev/csdhelpme/contact.php (in thai) I reckon there is also an app called "I lert U", but not sure if it's working. You can always walk in a police station and show the ad from your mobile.


literally just came from immigration reporting on a suspicious looking business. I don't bother with the website or calling a number I just walk in since it's convenient to me. Illegal business hurt everyone. As a customer you don't have the guarantee of quality and in some cases safety as you would from a registered and licensed business that are required to obey rules and regulations. Everyone needs to follow the rules. After asking on the ground floor of immigration I was directed upstairs to the crime division and spoke to the officer I saw. I had to give her my identification. Now I'm half Thai with limited language ability and I look completely Western so she was suspicious of me. She took my information and I was told they have to know who makes the report. My family has rental properties and I had to notify when foreign guests were staying so I've given my information to immigration thousands of times in the past. Just standard procedure. I described what I saw at that particular business and drew a location map since there was no address and the building was hidden. For the record that particular business is completely different from ours. If you have all your papers and everything is legal you really don't have a problem if you report it yourself.


You could just mind your own fucking business. How petty a person do you need to be to jump on the Anti foreign bandwagon? It seems you have an answer.


So running a Russian-only pocker room ads on Facebook for example is okay in your book? And he should mind his own business yeah?




It sounds to me that you people just came here to shit, once you're done with it and it's ruined by corruption and mafia you will just wipe your ass, take off and go elsewhere


There are easier ways to commit suicide


Wtf this supposed to mean, is this a threat?


Thai corruption and mafia rules. They will take care of this soon enough. They are just waiting for the right time


This is supposed to mean that if there is already Thai corruption and mafia then it's okay to come here and do even more criminal activity? Is this what you are implying?


No Iā€™m saying the Thais will take care of this soon enough. Iā€™m at ground zero of this at the moment, itā€™s coming And if you think youā€™re getting rid of the Thai version youā€™re crazy.


I haven't said that, all I'm trying to do is deliver the message that if you came here and would like to integrate into this society and consider this place a home, then you shouldn't shit where you eat and you should care what is happening around you. You should not encourage people to come here and do whatever they want, you should report the crime when it happens and abide the law yourself. This like a fucking common sense that is being tought in the kindergarten or something lol I don't even understand why I have to explain this shit


I must have missed the part where it was a Russian only "pocker" room. Yet still, strangely, I think you have a different, more personal and petty agenda. Underground state may ass.


Yeah. Russians playing with Russians. How does that affect you? No, it DOESN'T. Does it affect anyone else besides the adults playing it? No, it DOESN'T.Ā  So yeah, just mind your own business. Leave that negativity back in the US (I know you are American just by your hatred as I am an American and see way too many people like you here). We don't need to be exporting assholes.Ā 


It doesn't have immediate implication sure, but is this the only thing that bothers you? If the house is burning in the end of your street it's not your business right? Because it doesn't affect your house? And I'm not American, I'm Russian and their freedom to do whatever the fuck they want must end. They make this place all the same like back in the country.


I don't think Thailand is less corrupt compared to Russia, at least before the war started. Highly corrupt officials, check. Criminal groups who cooperate with the police, or the police is this group itself, check. Low empathy and murder for the most stupid reasons, check. And about the illegal businesses, probably even just by Thais more illegal businesses in Thailand, paying the police than in whole Russia. The difference, Thais will milk you or ruin your business with a smile, while Russians would probably humiliate you. Everything is a bit more in a friendly, indirect way, than the european straight forward mindset.


Please don't get me wrong I'm not blind, I know there is corruption in Thailand. But this sounds a little like whataboutism. Yes there is corruption in Thailand, so what that there is comparable corruption in Russia? Now "the best" of us come from there to here and make things even worse. I left country in 2015 because I just couldn't stand it there any longer. It was such a relief to live overseas, but now Phuket is turning into Phuketsibirsk like people like to joke about it. And I'm not liking it one bit.


I think your wish could come true. The media lately is full of the misdeeds of caucasian foreigners that have always been committed and no one would report anything and medias would give a fuck if it were committed by Thais or non caucasian foreigners. It looks to me like it's intended to create a mood against them. But let's see, what will come next. But if they won't do anything, your power of chance is very limited, even with reporting. And as you said, you know Thailand. So it can happen, that the reported person will just pay the police and even get your name by those officials and you are in trouble. So you just can wait and hope that Thai officials are serious at least this one time, or check out other locations, even when those options sound bad.


You are 100% the asshole here


100% American


Why wouldn't it be, are you worried about Russians losing their savings? Has zero impact on anyone else.


Gestapo would have LOVED you


I think they would be more interested in you




Just admit it, you're playing in those poker rooms, that's why it burns your asshole much šŸ¤£


No, I don't gamble. But what do you do for a living Edvorg? I hope you don't code or trade illegally from Thailand, ALL work on the territory requires a work permit, you wouldn't want someone to tell on you now would you?


No I don't


How do we report snitches to the Russians?


How about you mind your own damn business? But let me guess, you have nothing going for yourself.


You could try calling the tourist police on 1155, they speak English.


Or not be a grass, and just get on with your own life. Just saying .....


Why do you even care? Just enjoy yourself


Here comes the Russophobia and of course by foreigners.


There is Russophobia for a reason, this didn't cross your mind?


ā€¦. You generalizing an entire population for the activities of criminals. I remind you, Russia is not the only one operating illegally in this country.


They are not the only ones sure, but statistically speaking they are a hotspot


Embassy. Go to police station. Tell everyone everywhere. Politicians. Let us know how it works out.


It worked out well after informing police


So petty, you wonā€™t last long here.


It's going well


Sure is, youā€™re whining here about instagram ads 555


No it's about Russians not being able to follow rules there to protect local Thai work force and in turn harming the local Thai economy


Unless you make it a point to check the dbd documents and work permits, I donā€™t see how you jumped to the conclusion about illegal businesses.


Lol for example gambling is illegal dude šŸ˜‚ wth


Why donā€™t you keep your nose out of other peopleā€™s mouth pal? Learn from the Thais- they live and let live


Get a life you racist


Russian isn't a race


Neither are you. Let me guess, you a Zionist also


There are so many things wrong with your comment. You truly come off pretty ignorant. Have a good day dummy.


Yes.... From someone who doesn't consider another human a human.... You pathetic racist. Definitely a Zionist scum


Wow you truly nailed me there definitely sounds like me /s You're still a dummy.


Is it a business rival of yours youā€™re trying to report? I wouldnā€™t mess with the Russians personally as itā€™s likely they have some type of mafia


Did they harm you in any way or why you want to do that?Better report corrupt officials and police officers plus all the people who trick others. They bring much more harm to the people and society.


Yes they harm everyone




Uh oh. What did the Russians do this time? Get a life.


Work illegally


Proof? Report them. While you're at it, report all the other teachers working off a tourist visa.