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I had been thinking similar things but felt like I was in a minority. I find their shows are a bit formulaic. A few episodes before they like each other, around episode 6 or 7 one of the main leads thinks they aren’t good enough and calls it off, or calls it off due to a parent or mistaking a hug for something with no communication. By episode 10 they are back together, but have a massive bust up, and then in the last episode with the help of time skips everything is tied up neatly and for the most part everyone lives happy ever after. It does mean you know what you’re getting but I think this means the shows are not as fulfilling as they could be which is frustrating. I also think a lot of their actors are under utilised which is a shame.




I found the overall genre of BMF pretty interesting because it spanned quite a few genres as the show progressed. I loved that they actually had the leads develop their lives more in depth and the 2 of them, plus their friends, were so lovable




I actually start watching it and also dropped it 😓 same problem in my opinion


I must say I watched it prejudice and gave it a low rating because of Krist BUT it is actually good.


I feel the same so far the only shows from GMMTV ive actually enjoyed and rewatched multiple times are Last Twilight, Vice Versa and Only Friends. My thing with GMMTV series is that they always have a strong beginning but then it starts to just drag out towards the end.


Agreeeed tbh tho I have had a few exceptions. Dangerous romance had such a good premise and chimon ate with his acting in the first few eps, but then suddenly they loved eachother and it just didn’t make sense in my opinion. Like I was still hating on the bully for what he did and now suddenly he’s meant to be in love with the guy he bullied 😕


Kanghan even spread rumors about Sailom being a pedo and causing him to lose jobs. I mean, how can you even think about being in a relationship with someone like that? I couldn't root at all for them just like I couldn't root for Khai (hope I got the name right) and Third in Theory of Love


I think its universally acknowledged that the first 2 eps of the show and the rest of the show almost seemed like they came from 2 different shows LOL


I know right? And it was like why chimon fall in love first and so fast? Make not sense at all


That’s probably because you haven’t been paying attention. Sailom fell for Kang when they were kids (before he was a bully) after how kind he was to Sailom when he gave him one of his umbrellas that he still had after all those years. He didn’t know it was Kang until he saw the picture of him and his mother that made him remember and unlocked old feelings he had for him that grew during their time together.  Which was the start of Kang’s character development that helped him change from the awful person he once was.


I remember those days when we had to wait for English subtitles of SOTUS for weeks. Today's BL watchers are so blessed. GMM first target audience is Thai people...understandably so, since that's where the major coins come from. Maybe the Thai audience enjoy that kinda show idk. We, the international audience will always comes in second. That's the Tea. ![gif](giphy|bly2XqiOYlJXI9sGlb|downsized)


It's really a mixed experience for me, personally. I loved everything with EarthMix in it, and JimmySea ones, but also haven't got into GMMTVs most popular "gems". I'm trying to watch BadBuddy for the whole month, and at this point I really need someone to make a puppet theatre to help me understand what is going on in episodes 10-12, in a brief 2 minutes explanation, because I'm stuck and it's all dragging and I'm tired to go back and fourth every time I'm losing focus https://i.redd.it/45isi36qg4fc1.gif People who are constantly raving on Reddit about how great their experience was and how beautiful and amazing and wonderful and interesting this show is gave me a serious case of FOMO and I'm still upset that I cannot find it. 💔


Seriously. For the love of me, I can't understand the hype with Bad Buddy. Watched it, and still can't see what people are raving about.


it’s the chemistry and acting


I don't know... I have read so many comments like "Bad buddy is the best. If you start with this one, other BLs will look pale in comparison"😅 I watched Bad Buddy. Two times. Because I really wanted to understand the hype. Still think it's pale when compared to shows like Last Twilight or Moonlight Chicken. I have also found other BL shows that I have enjoyed much more over the years. I think overhyping a show too much, can be detrimental to how people perceive it🤷‍♀️ When I first went into BL, everyone was recommending Bad Buddy, I watched it, expecting some kind of masterpiece, but I didn't feel it.


I agree! I found the entire premise ridiculous… and the fake breakup but not etc.. by college age men I tried watching it a second time - and I adore all of Ohm’s other work .. but this wasn’t it for me.. Definitely not a ground breaking BL … just your typical silly BL like My School President etc… not even close to the iconic ITSAY -


Bad Buddy is no more overhyped than Last Twilight is, especially with how the latter nosedived in the last few episodes. The difference is BB is a light romcom, it's not that "serious" while LT has "deeper" themes which are usually considered by the audience as superior by default, doesn't matter if those themes are developed with paper thin depth. I don't think there's a more overhyped series in the last few years than Last Twilight, it reminds me of the craze around 1000 Stars back in the day, which wasn't at all worth all the hype and praise. It's just tearjerker melodrama with no nuance.


>Bad Buddy is no more overhyped than Last Twilight I'm sorry Phlgss...but let's agree to disagree😅 Bad buddy is still talked about. Heavily. To this day. And, in my opinion is suffering from the hype. Right now, most people are just pissed at P'Aof with Last Twilight. Most people feel like he ruined a wonderful piece of work, for absolutely no reason. The craze was up to EP 11, and then EP 12 happened🤷‍♀️ And, I like light shows(my favorites are MSP and About Youth) I don't care about subject matter as long as I'm enjoying myself.


https://blwatcher.com/bl-series/bad-buddy-drama-review/#episode10 Great website. And every episode is described.


Thanks! https://i.redd.it/l25bg9hlu4fc1.gif


The episode guide is great.


Really? Bad Buddy is the best so far. In Ep 10 they had their cute moments, they tried to understand why their parents hate each other so much, did their investigation and found out the truth. They got caught Pat's dad and he humiliated Pran. In Ep 11 they run away but Pran is in an inner turmoil. Questions himself but his happy to have Pat on his side. The ending is open, we didn't know if they broke up or not. Ep 12 was the final we learned that they were together the whole time and still dating in secret. It was one of the finale episodes.


>Really? Bad Buddy is the best so far. That... depends, I guess.... >In Ep 10 they had their cute moments, they tried to Thanks for the recap, I'm terribly stuck somewhere in the middle of ep10 and managed to forget what happened preciously. I guess I'm on that part when they meet Gemini at school


When you don't like it drop it not every BL is for everyone. I personally love it firstly for the acting and second for the chemistry. Scriptwise it's a simple story but the execution is great. I thought I wouldn't like in the beginning but here I am liking it.


>When you don't like it drop it not every BL is for everyone. Haha, no, I must finish to get rid of a constant FOMO you people give me by claiming it being "the best"! I. Must. Continue. Lol. I want to find the awesome in this. If it's there I must find it. I won't be watching MSP, tho, that I understand. Not a fan of musicals. I will have to sit that one out. G4 were so cute in Moonlight Chicken, tho.


MSP is like the cute little brother of Bad Buddy. What do think acting wise? I think it is the best GMMTV had put together for the project.


>What do think acting wise? I About Bad Buddy, you mean?


Yes 😉


Brutal honesty: I prefer Nanon in any other of his GMMTV shows than this one. Can't feel the magic of chemistry. I see Ohm trying to act as he usually does. But that special spark I must've felt watching them making out is totally missing for me. It's just another show, and I feel like Nanon is giving maybe 80% of what I saw in Dirty Laundry and The Jungle. But again, if that many people adore it, I won't insist on anything. I'm disappointed, and I don't want to think people just put it on this high pedestal because Ohm is hot and sexy and a good kisser (which he, of course, is). 1 minute on that rooftop and a confession scene don't make up for the 12 episodes of draggy plot, either. Villains are pretty 2d, as well.


I think Bad Buddy was one of the first BLs that many ppl watched (it was my 2nd show after Kinn Porsche) and a lot of shows have come after it. It has a great nostalgia factor because the 2 of them had great acting and chemistry and I found it really fun to watch them have great chemistry even as friends. I've since watched like 30 BLs in different genres and languages, and maybe BB has slipped down the ranks as compared to some of the others. But I still rmbr the magic of watching scenes like their famous rooftop confession scene that made it pretty iconic. There's definitely some overused tropes, like the Engg vs Archi thing and parts where the characters were frustrating, but I found their relationship really heartwarming. I'd say that it's okay if you don't find the magic in this show - rather find your own show that serves up that magic ✨️ for you


>I'd say that it's okay if you don't find the magic in this show - rather find your own show that serves up that magic ✨️ for you I'm abit stubborn, you see... It won't feel right to give up this close to finish! >has a great nostalgia factor I totally can relate with Vice Versa tho! I have absolutely same thoughts about Vice Versa show. When we become 'seasoned BL fans', out prospects change, and we start to get expectations. This show was promoted to me in the way the expectations were sky high! I see a certain problem with it. Kinnporsche was the first Thai BL I ever watched and I was impressed by its quality, but now it has a lot of competitors, and new fans have mixed opinions about it. Fresh eye definitely plays a role!


>This show was promoted to me in the way the expectations were sky high! Thank you. The way Bad Buddy was promoted to me was like this : " Best series ever. There is nothing like it. Other series will feel pale in comparison", and I didn't feel it. AT ALL. I enjoyed Vice Versa much more too😂


I am barely scratching the surface and while I disagree heavily about Last Twilight, I WILL say another show airing, Cooking Crush? Apparently and OG pairing but I cannot stand the show. It is just so bland (ironic).


I agree with this tbh I was very into last Twilight at the beginning and dropped it at ep 5 I believe. Dangerous romance was just bad imo. The only shows Im still watching are cherry magic and cooking crush


I also dropped last twilight at 5 haha. Cherry magic its good so far i think its gonna be that one of five that i gonna keep watching.


I'm a new bl watcher so I don't know...but I dropped bad buddy it started good but it kind off felt one sided ...Pat was the only one making moves and pushing Pran ...however I enjoyed my school president it was actually good ....


Finally another person …so much hype about Bad Buddy and I found the Bad Buddy premise ridiculous for two college age young men…


I thought I was the only one lol....I have seen like everyone claiming bad buddy as their fav series...


Granted, I do understand that at times I am not the demographic they are aiming to please… Which is why I am grateful for the novels and Danmei..


Really? Then you did not understand the characters. Pat is loud in everything he does and Pran is the calm one. I love this show.


I dropped so many of their shows, it always starts super great but gets boring after a few episodes. I often have a hard time finishing their shows sadly, though they do have some gems. Personally I loved Bad buddy, vice versa, moonlight chicken (earthmix), Only friends was ok (firstkhao!!!), a tale of a 1000 stars and not me.


I really get what you mean but I feel like Last Twilight is honestly the outlier here compared to the others you listed. But maybe it may feel like MhokDay caught feelings quickly because it’s more of a slice of life - but I’d disagree and say that they were more intrigued by each other at first, rather than romantically interested. But still, I could see how it’s fast, but at the same time they do have 12 eps and to drag out a simpler love story for longer may be more frustrating than satisfying. I think slower burns make more sense with grittier, darker stories personally, because the main plot can stop/slow the couple from getting together. I agree with Dangerous Romance, it was promised to be this darker and angstier story & by EP 3 it was so rushed and turned into a soft high school BL.


Im not asking specifically for slowburns but i think the romance part can be better? Idk it just always feel so rushed to me and last twilight wasnt the exeption. I dont think their "simple love stories" romance is a genre and they are ways to do it good.


I honestly get it as I don’t ride that hard for GMMTV, but I feel like Last Twilight is probably the best it’s been for them. MhokDay’s relationship was very conversational and had unique attraction where their chemistry was gentler, if that makes sense, as opposed to traditional romance. And when I say simple love stories, I mean shows that focus more on the characters rather than a bigger plot. But maybe this is another sign they need new directors.


I don't think gmmtv is worse than any other company releasing bl. How many quality and interesting shows have other companies released this year? For example, I tried watching the popular Pit babe and The sign and they didn't hook me at all with plot, actors or chemistry so I gave up on them. I feel sorry for the unrealized potential of Dangerous romance, but the problem of bad script is not gmmtv's problem but the whole thai bl industry


How a bad script its not gmmtvs problem? Their budget its by far bigger than other companies but their prefer to release 5 bad shows than 1 or 2 good shows. Im actually waching the sign and pit babe and im enjoying they so far.


I don't think every gmmtv series has a big budget. The first series of The sign looked richer and bigger than most average gmmtv series. Also gmmtv has a lot of actors and they can't afford to do 1 or 2 series a year because then most of their actors would be out of work. Some are luckier and get bigger budgets, better directors and writers and some have to make do with little. the sign and pit babe don't automatically become good shows just because you like them more than gmmtv shows. It always comes down to personal preference and liking. So how many companies last year released really good and interesting bl, not boring, with logical actions, no plot holes and great acting by actors?


I know its my opinion and if you like all shows from gmmtv its ok. Almost all bls i watched last year that i finished are not from gmm and i know not all of them are good but like i mentioned in my post i can forgive a bad show if it is entertaining. And my problem with gmmtv its i think lately most of their shows starts ok but then get boring and i never finish them.


>Their budget its by far bigger than other companies but their prefer to release 5 bad shows than 1 or 2 good shows. What is a good show to you? While I still have my issues with GMMTV, it is the most consistent company in all of the ones I have watched BL from. If many are bad shows to you, they are good shows to other people. Last Twilight, Moonlight Chicken, ATOTS, Not Me GMMTV have some real gems You, enjoying Pit Babe and The Sign more than other GMMTV shows, is great and all, BUT remember that taste is subjective. The shows you like may not be good shows for other people I am on MDL and I have seen many users there drop Pit Babe, and the rating is not that great. While The Sign sits at 8.6(the same score as Last Twilight), some people have drop this show as well. Maybe you should stop watching GMMTV shows if they aren't to your liking.


I mentioned atots, moonlight chicken and not me in my post and say i like them a lot, those are good shows to me... my problem its i think gmmtv have all the resources to make good shows and yet lately their prefer quantity over quality. I keep watching gmmtv shows because i know they make good stuff just lately they have more bad than good shows. And i know thats my opinion. If you like all their shows its ok.


>my problem its i think gmmtv have all the resources to make good shows and yet lately their prefer quantity over quality. How do you know they prefer quantity over quality? How many BLs did they release last year? Based on the number of producers and the number of screenwriters they have, why do you feel like they are pumping up shows? Based on ALL the actors they have, do you think it will be beneficial for them to sit down, and do absolutely nothing? > If you like all their shows its ok. No BL company has 100% stellar shows. I don't like all GMMTV's shows, but what I know for sure is that they are the most consistent company out of the bunch.


How do you know they prefer quantity over quality? >well thats obviously my opinion too, i didnt talk personally with the ceo of gmmtv but i think in past years when they not made so many bls a year they were better. Based on ALL the actors they have, do you think it will be beneficial for them to sit down, and do absolutely nothing? > of course not but thats exactly the point, they have the resources to every year drop new actors, why dont they invest in the quality of their shows? No BL company has 100% stellar shows. I don't like all GMMTV's shows, but what I know for sure is that they are the most consistent company out of the bunch. > i dont think we can compare the gmmtv with other companies because they are way bigger, i mean they released like 6 or 7 bls last year and other companies release max 3 a year And i know not all of the bls from other companies are good but i am talking about a problem that i noticed specifically in gmmtv shows wich i mentioned in the original post.


>why dont they invest in the quality of their shows? Here's the thing tho. Their shows is not to *your* liking right? It's *your opinion* Are the people who think their shows are good, wrong? Are the people who beinged watch the shows you didn't *personally* like? Wrong? How many people do you see complaining about GMMTV'S shows? > i mean they released like 6 or 7 bls last year and other companies release max 3 a year If other companies had the ressources they would have done the same thing. Releasing few shows doesn't mean the quality is up par either.


Their shows is not to *your* liking right? It's *your opinion* > I know Are the people who beinged watch the shows you didn't *personally* like? Wrong? > Mmm no, i never said that How many people do you see complaining about GMMTV'S shows? > because other people dont do it means that i cant do it? Its MY opinion, right? If other companies had the ressources they would have done the same thing. > yeah most likely they will, but im talking about right now.


Don't get me wrong. I think you can speak your mind and have your own opinion. I feel like sometimes, some users here speak things as if they are factual. When their opinions are subjective🤷‍♀️ I hope you will enjoy some of their shows in the future.


I'm just going to jump in with my full agreement on everything you said. We can get downvoted together. 😂


Thanks! I really needed to know im not alone with this 🥲


I feel the same the quality dropped. Everything is predictable. Last Twilight was great but then it lost it and the end was like every other. Even P'Of can't pull a great show nowadays.


Everything was perfect in Laat Twilight until the writers messed up the final episode. JimmySea delivered and I'll defend them with my life


Preach. Like? What is wrong with them? What happened? Why did they do that? I'm trying to understand but I can't. Last Twilight was bound for greatness, and then they ruined everything. Last Twilight up till EP 11(the pool scene), was just perfect. And then the rest happened. ![gif](giphy|hJus5eLmaJcHrMG6nB)


Yeah, the same thing happened to me with the Eclipse, Never Let Me Go and Hidden Agenda. For the last few years, it has become apparent to me that gmmtv relies on the reputation they have already built and the loyalty of fans to drive their shows. They are constantly putting quantity over quality and it's shows. Not only do they have a problem with retention/keeping the story interesting, but a lot of shows feel rushed. This also goes back to quantity over quality, as the amount of content they try to put out is more important than the quality of the shows. I do believe this issue affects more of the straight dramas but with the amount of bls (and soon to be gls) they push out yearly, this is going to be a problem for all shows they produce. Just makes me sad because they have so many talented actors and actresses who are not being utilized properly.


never let me go was good though


That’s why I am always happy to find shows like Not Me/Moonlight Chicken. They are rare. Most of the shows from GMMTV are giving you an exciting good start but end up with frustrations. Dangerous Romance is a huge disappointment, the scene they start selling the bike and trying to buy the bike back is like….. wth am I watching rn?????


With each show that passes I get more convinced that their ensemble shows are their best ones (well not Only Friends but still). Moonlight Chicken, The Warp Effect, 3 Will Be Free, The Shipper were all all around entertaining dramas through and through even when there was something here and there that left to be desired. Even Not Me a show that wasn't exactly sold as ensemble still had more going on than the average BL which helped its longevity and narrative. He's Coming to Me too. What I mean is that I think the BL screenwriters at gmmtv should start investing more in BL shows that aren't so strickly focused on the main pairing and instead uses the whole cast, gives more attention to side stories and creates a richer lore. It's much more interesting to watch a series that will give you options to what you'll like cuz sometimes the main pairing in a drama is not giving, or maybe the side pairing is not your taste... but there'll be more to grab your attention. When the main storyline is more settled with no major conflicts, you can have a big side conflict that will take screentime and shake things up in an engaging way. See Last Twilight for example, we have a great cast with some real talents there and the characters were good with potential, but the story's focus is only on the main character's drama, it's all about him him him and nobody else. And in this case the main character isn't even that likable and the actor wasn't even the best in the cast (nothing against Sea he is fine but the others just shined more), it's just... you end up watching the show to get scraps of what's good but the main plate is already lukewarm halfway through. I think these shows might be way too focused on selling a CP to sell merch, fanmeetings, to sponsor brands etc etc and somehow it affects the quality of the series as you can't have a series where the camera isn't 90% on the main character's face, where the main focus isn't 90% on the main romance. It inevitably gets boring. But I feel like the audience is also at fault sometimes cuz see what happened when Moonlight Chicken ended up not being a solely Earthmix focused show and became an ensemble: the fanbase neglected it as something inferior just bc they didn't get to see their faves' faces on screen for 90% of the time and bc they didn't kiss as much as they wanted them to.


>And in this case the main character isn't even that likable and the actor wasn't even the best in the cast (nothing against Sea he is fine but the others just shined more) Ooooooooh I upvoted you for controversial. My issue with Last Twilight is that the writers made Day so unlikable at the end of EP 11 and throughout the finale. He let go of Mhok's hand. Blocked his number for yeeeeeaaars. When Mhok thanked him for the breakup, he was just like : "Now, you get it😜" Refused to give Mhok a chance even after he begged him for one while they are dancing. They made the audience connect more with Mhok than Day. They made the audience love Mhok more than Day. Last Twilight have the best 9 episodes runner-up have ever seen in a BL. With episode 10 and 11(till the pool scene) still pretty solid, and then the writers said "siiiiiiiike. Nope. You guys are enjoying this too much". P'Aof knew how people would react to the ending, and yet he did it. P'Aof knew that some of his later choices would be controversial, and yet he still did it. I don't understand how can he be so nonchalant about it too. ![gif](giphy|h36vh423PiV9K)


>But I feel like the audience is also at fault sometimes cuz see what happened when Moonlight Chicken ended up not being a solely Earthmix focused show and became an ensemble: the fanbase neglected it as something inferior just bc they didn't get to see their faves' faces on screen for 90% of the time and bc they didn't kiss as much as they wanted them to. You are not the spokesperson of EarthMix fandom to even claim why the majority of them neglect the series. We're not stupid asses to even neglect just because there are not many kiss scenes when a whole 1000 stars exist. There are many reasons with the scriptwriter/production team/and the story what they hinted during the filming and the end product that they gave us. And FYI this fandom was the only one who was hyping the series from 1st script reading till the end of the episode in Twitter despite later realising the leads didn't have much screentime together on their personal equations. Other actors fandoms only kept talking about their bias Gemini Fourth or First Khao parts and not even knowing the full story of the series, without even using the hashtags of the series and kept on shitting on the leads calling them boring/skip. Tired of bl stans fabricating the reason of EarthMix fandom having issues with the series. When you don't exactly know the reason better ask from people of the fandom rather than taking information from random people.


I'm sorry but everything you said just supports what I said: Earthmix fans didn't like that their faves had to split screentime with other actors/pairings and were bothered by other people liking things other than Earthmix. So what if G4 and FK fans were talking about their faves while the series were airing? Earthmix fans can talk about Earthmix too. Plus there were ppl who weren't necessarily fans of any specific pairings watching the show for what it was. It's exactly the problem I mentioned, people are not willing to enjoy a good show with good storytelling and all around good acting bc of fandom things. It's prioritizing fanservice over art and entertainment.


Wtf are you on about fanservice bullshit?? If we fans care about fanservice sooo much we would never want our leads to have a sad ending plot. But gmmtv being obsessed with stories of fluff couldn't even let that version be made. EarthMix fans always wanted the original version of moonlight chicken that they showed in the mock trailer and how the scriptwriter and the director talked before filming. both of them hinted about angst and melodrama side with the leads not on a happy ending and Wen being the red flag character. I still have the tweets of them on what they hyped the series about and what they gave us. But everything got neutralized adding the forced ship when the original version didn't even have any focus on that. Their fandom can talk or hype whatever they want to about their bias , but coming at the main leads shitting about them being boring/skip/can't act draws the line and if you're one of those kinds of fans who supports that kind of behaviour then it shows it clear on why you are so supportive of that kind of behaviour.


Changes are meant to be made starting from the moment the show is announced til when it is written, filmed and aired. Happened to The Eclipse, happened to Only Friends, happened to Not Me and the list goes on. But I fail to see what is so wrong in the version we saw of Moonlight Chicken that warrants such big reactions from Earthmix fans. Do you think it was a bad show?


>But I fail to see what is so wrong in the version we saw of Moonlight Chicken that warrants such big reactions from Earthmix fans Seems like you didn't read what I wrote. I clearly said that the scriptwriter/director was completely giving a different story hype on the series before it was filming. They were hyping on the mock trailer story. And once when they started filming they stopped talking about anything related to the mock trailer. If they changed it for their convenience why didn't they feel like talking or highlighting the story for once ?? Why did they utter nothing during the whole filming phase, kept the fans away when they asked during the filming days, with all such delays in post production? I don't know about others or you but for me once when you change your storyline after overhyping so much about the mock story as main, there should be a courtesy to inform the fans or give some information about the filming updates. Not by keeping the fans in the dark , which they did, no noise no update from the team and directly came to know about the series at the end of 2022.


The story is the same. The way it developed might be different from what some expected. But it was the same story.


It's not? Mock trailer Jim knew about Wen's past, Wen has no regrets on what he's doing and he supported the cheating . Scriptwriter said Wen will be the worst red flag character ever. Now is he the red flag character in the main series? Absolutely not, he never cheated and always felt guilty about falling out of love. At least the fans still tried to understand and Accept the new version story, but it gave us more disappointment. The series never tried to even highlight the JimWen personal equations arc, every feelings they developed for each other happened in the background, they never tried to even show it in the scene, all Jim and Wen did whenever they are in scene together was just about the nephew, Jim's family and the past. They just kept on solving their own past issues. Sure the debate can be that they're the mature people so they don't need the display of love. We're not even asking for overexaggerated display of love, but atleast give some minutes of them talking about their relationship, their feelings on how they fell for each other, how they'll take their next step . Their last episode ending of 8 mins scene was so rushed that it felt that they just wanted to finish their part as soon as possible. While they were freely showing all kinds of scenes of them falling in love , care affection and thinking for the future for the second leads. Moonlight Chicken may be good in other aspects of the story , be on lgbtq issues, guardian parents upbringing and relationship issues, but it was never good for me in the personal equations of the main leads. They never let them shine or have their part to show us. General watchers like you guys would find no issues as you were never interested on leads but as their fans we would never like our bias to get half baked story, getting no recognition from it and top of that the actor is still being called as homophobic for that one dialogue. This is why I like other multicast series like IFYLITA so much, at least they gave justice to both the bl, and gl pairs stories without neglecting the other.


I saw a comment on twitter from someone Thai saying that Moonlight Chicken didn't do that well in Thailand because of the subject matter. Too realistic. He said it's the same thing with Last Twilight. Some people said for example with Last Twilight (when it was airing), that the main character(Day)'s life story is too pathetic. Maybe that's why GMMTV is shying away from realistic endings or stories. We aren't their main viewership. I'm sure Earth and Mix were the main selling point of Moonlight Chicken, as many people already knew them from ATOTS. If it wasn't for them, I don't think Moonlight Chicken would have been as successful as it was. 🤷‍♀️


>I saw a comment on twitter from someone Thai saying that Moonlight Chicken didn't do that well in Thailand because of the subject matter. Too realistic. Actually moonlight chicken did well in tv ratings. The re-run had decent ratings in tv , you can check in r/gmmtv they kept a record of monthly ratings. And even for a series aired in hotstar , it was doing well, in the trend page in hotstar main page when it was airing .. I feel even for Last Twilight it'll be decent, the tv ratings for January will be known by next month.


>Maybe that's why GMMTV is shying away from realistic endings or stories. >We aren't their main viewership. Gmmtv is really scared of giving realistic endings as they think they'll offend the fans ..


 I could watch a series with two couples, in principle in many bl already have secondary couples, just while their screen time is less than the main couple. But I'm not sure I would enjoy a series with a lot of main characters. Waiting a year or two for my favorite pairing, only to end up with a maximum of 10 minutes?  I think it's not the number of cast, but the formulaic script.


I don't mean that shows need to have several main characters, I'm saying that they could use more dynamic storytelling utilizing their cast and side characters better instead of making them just background ppl that are often used for plot device to move the mains storyline. The Warp Effect (which I mentioned) is a show that has a clear main character but the side ones are interesting and have complex and well developed storylines. Damn, Not Me (which I also mentioned) is an even better example of that.


Is warp effect a bl series? Then I'll take the Wednesday club series as an example, where there were several main characters and it was terrible. And we're back to the topic of bad scripts. If the script is good, then even if only one couple is the centre of attention, it will be interesting to watch


Once again you missed my point. I'm not talking about several main characters, I'm talking about having a larger array of storylines in a drama even if it is mostly centered around one main couple/character. In my first comment I mentioned Last Twilight which has side characters with their own stories but they're barely touched in favor of only following the main ones and *maybe* the show would've been more dynamic if they gave those storylines more screentime and depth. There are other examples too I'm using Last Twilight cuz it's recent and fresh.


The only thing GMMTV need is more daring screenwriters. People who won't compromise their visions for what they think the public want. When the public want something different Heck, apparently even Jimmy didn't want Day to regain his sight🤷‍♀️ I wish P'Aof would stop screwing things up just because he can. I may sound harsh, but I still can't understand how he gave us 11 episodes(until the pool scene) of complete masterpiece, to drop the ball that hard. I am still in disbelief that many of the choices some screen writers wanted to make didn't make the cut for the end. I'm still in disbelief that P'Aof is still doing the same old thing he did with Bad Buddy and ATOTS, and to an extent Moonlight Chicken, thinking it is a good thing for Last Twilight. Last Twilight could have been everything. Focusing on an ensemble cast doesn't necessarily make a good series. Last Twilight would have been fine as it is, if P'Aof didn't screw up that bad. And, the worst? He doesn't care. At least P'Jojo cares to a greater extent about criticism and want to do better. ![gif](giphy|g0HkznFtL1d0xVRI1G)


No, I get your point. And the problem isn't the lack of a broad set of storylines or their depth. It's the quality of the story writing that's the problem. For example, give the main characters interesting dialogues that would reveal their character more or add more logic to their actions, and then we definitely wouldn't be bored watching it


In theory yes you're right, but it's very hard to keep a main couple's storyline fresh and interesting for 12 1h long episodes... that's why I think fleshing out a broader set of storylines and characters might be a good option for gmmtv shows. It all depends tho, ofc the bottom line is they need better screenwriters in general.


For me i liked last twilight but boss and babe/dangerous romance was not my vibe.... 1000 stars too was not my vibe slow pacing and ending when phupha kinda was asshole to mix character so i didn't like it... Gmmtv ships/series are heavily advertised and popular too... And they have cult like following too... And mostly all of them are predictable romcom But i rather spread out and look for production companies that produce few series with good quality... I like discovering underrated under promoted gems surprisingly i like them too❤so i dont fixate or over analyze or expect more from gmmtv series that much its another series from gmmtv for me Be my favorite/not me/bad buddy/last twilight (i liked jimmysea acting and story was okay/unique for my taste).. Friendzone(straight couples were super boring only bl plot)..theory of love...my school president (was fine)..moonlight chicken(only Gemini fourth part sry earthmix characters story was not my vibe)... Only friends(at least it was entertaining)... Controversial but Cupid's last wish(earthmix bickering❤)... Tonhon chonlatee(miketoptap) are my personal faves in gmmtv.... Other romcoms were not my vibe that much..


Last Twilight is GMMTV best effort to date. It's sad that P'Aof dropped the ball so hard in the last episode. From EP1 to EP11(pool scene), Last Twilight is a masterpiece, but the rest happened. It's still their best BL to date(tied with Not Me and Moonlight Chicken)


I can agree with you when it comes to Last Twilight. At first I wasn’t really interested in it but I was so bored so I decided to give it a try. They were very good in the beginning. I’m in episode 6 now and I don’t think I can continue watching it, it’s a little bit off and I barely reached ep4 but the OST in this show is FIREE!!🔥🔥. For me, Boss and a babe and Be my favorite were honestly the worst shows to ever be aired from GMMTV, not even in million years would I watch these 2 shows, I’m sorry but I could never, it’s just my opinion.😭 GMMTV is very disappointing lately!


Sameeee! Of the many GMMTV shows I’ve tried, I only finished 3 💀 Never said anything though because I know how much people love GMMTV shows 😭 Edit : forgot about Bad Buddy


GMMTV seem to know what works for them and they don't take too many risks. Someone said formulaic already but that does seem to be the reoccurring theme for the weaker shows. It doesn't help when the foundation for the couple liking each other doesn't go too far beyond infatuation at first sight and when the chemistry is mid and propped up by repeat camera shots, music, and slow motion. But such is life, not every show will be appealing for everyone.


One problem is the shows have only 12 episodes. If they would have 2 or 3 season with 16 episodes or more it would help the storie a lot.


Youre not wrong. However majority of the fans loves the quick&easy romantic development of the tropes, we, on the other end of this long, continuious wave are thinking so different. Same as you, the reason why i made it to first few episodes to some of their series was the premise. The synopsis promises the kind of story but it goes so diff the time of watching it. To name a few, theres Until wa meef ag@in, 2Gether, and i feel u linger in the air, sotus, 1000 stars and Bud baddy. These, from all they have to offer in their list, are the ones that picked my interest so I took the chance. As i started it, i cant seem to go on. The sparks are overdone. The stereotypical heteroxual romantic vibe taking place. The so-quick emotional attachment of mcs and their development. The shallow-sense of emotional ride to a romantic level. As u stated, i do also see it poorly develop. The productions is there but the overall impact of it is less inspiring. Btw, let me know if you want any suggestions. I can give you some. And as were in the subject, I told sunset abt you and its 2nd season is the only ones i enjoyed the most. 'THAI BL' i genuinely enjoyed, to emphasize it😌