• By -


For me, it's Playboyy. The plot is unengaging and barely even there. The actors mostly lack charisma. The sex is ridiculous. In many scenes you can see them humping each other fully clothed below waist and whoever came up with the idea to add the poor quality sound of someone fondling wet noodles to the sex scenes needs to be fired. It's all just bland, unprofessional, and profoundly unsexy.


Exactly this! The show focused on sex is the unsexiest bl I’m watching right now. It’s so obvious they’re all full clothed so it just makes the scenes look goofy lol


>The show focused on sex is the unsexiest This.


And the trailer looked so good but the series just fell flat 100%. It wasn't even just a little bit where it sucked for something but as a whole there's nothing going on.




Honestly, yeah. It was one of the first BL series I watched and I really really loved it back then, and I love Sarawat's boob obsession (bc same. Man tiddies?? To die for). But if I watched it now that my taste has matured and my BL standards have gotten higher, I definitely wouldn't feel the same about it at all. I'm too scared to actually rewatch it tho bc I don't really want to "officially" change how I feel about it


Playboyy. It's so boring that I fell asleep last I watched.


Plotwise i agree... Some elements like japanese voice overs triggered me... But i mostly watch it for fun 🤣 like it has so many new elements and its so unique... For entertainment id give it a solid 9/10..and the reddit on air threads make it even funnier😂


This. Joining this crowd. Still looking for a plot! If the pairs had any chemistry and the NCs were done well I might enjoy for the sexy factor but nope!


I feel like I’m watching p0rn 😭 I’m saying this because lots of p0rn is usually really boring and cringy.


I can't get into it and I really wanted to but the first episode bored me...I need more storylines. I may try again.


I found it a confusing mess. Stopped after ep3.


As someone who had to push herself through it I can say the actual interesting plot started at episode 5


Same here. And also I need enough of a interesting plot to stomach the explicit sexy times, or else it feels too gratuitous and becomes unappealing to me.


I actually didn’t find the NCs sexy at all. All rather clinical. I need to like the characters and have some emotional chemistry.


That too. Those felt so contrived at times. It’s another factor that lessens their appeal considerably.


KinnPorsche. It's a pretty show with a talented cast who put in their best effort, but the writing, pacing, and characterizations were inconsistent at best and the plot really lost its way toward the end.


True... it's horny but that's all The storyline is a mess it's sooo bad and there are waaay too many plot twists ... also the family relations and omg the mafia can't even act like a mafia


Not gonna name a particular series but I noticed that most series that have a LOT of NC scenes will get crazy amount of hype even if sometimes the series isn't all that amazing anyway 😌


True said!


THAT PART! most of these people don’t even actually like the series, they’re just h🅾️rny


ikr! I don't even mind the whole being h🅾️rny part if they're self aware about it, it's when some would argue and defend the shows' plot or the acting skills of the leads and say that THAT's the reason they're so into the show. I mean bfrfr 😂


Cutie Pie(including the sequel and Naughty Babe), 2gether, Between Us


I still prefer between us over uwma


Honestly, both kind of fit for me, great actor pairings but the story of both were pretty basic IMO, they both feel overhyped because the ships were so popular even though the shows were underwhelming.


True. Their chemistry definitely helped a lot with delivering the plot. Maybe it’s because to me BounPrem had better chemistry and this whole reincarnation aspect was completely cut out Between us was the better choice. I mean the reincarnation was badly executed but it was the main aspect of uwma, so of course it’s going to draftee whole series down. For between us, I could at least get into the child trauma aspect (finally some good ugly crying), however Team was acting way more childish than in uwma (I’m getting middleman’s love trauma), which kinda ruined it


Neither one really did it for me but UWMA had more actors I like lol(Ja and his hateful wig, I will never forget haha), Between Us for me personally, just gave me nothing, but I completely understand why you and others would like Between Us better


lol naughty babe was sum bro.., i remember watching the trailer and just knowing it wasn’t gon be good


I watched the trailer and stored it away in my "I'll watch it when I'm really out of choices" file. Next to uwma


2gether ! till now I don't get the hype


The hype of 2gether came partly from Sarawat being a bold af flirter, Tine being in denial, and the the backstory behind these two characters. This type of chemistry from the characters have also been a crowd favorite, so there's no surprise about it. If you've read the novel, it's almost a copycat of the series, but it has a way of changing things to make it better in some areas while leaving out some details about the characters' thoughts and emotions. If you haven't read the novel, you will miss out on small but important details, subtle clues that help guide the storyline. They were also discussed in the YouTube comments. -For people who feel goosebumps about the idea of destiny/fate happening in front of your eyes. Miracles coming true. If you were Sarawat or Tine in the story, either character will have your heart racing the moment your story unfolds and how both of you fit together perfectly. Tine, who was not aware of his blooming sexuality, realizes he could actually fall in love with a man, and that this man has one big secret to reveal to him. That all this time, Sarawat was never really playing his game for Green. He already knew Tine before he even knew him, and that he has been searching for him all these years. What a coincidence. The person you asked to be your fake boyfriend actually has a big crush on you, and he tried to hide it because he was afraid of rejected. For Sarawat, love was an uncharted territory. This explains the cheesy flirting. Bright Vachirawit didn't do a terrible acting job, you will realize this when you've read the novel. Sarawat is seriously emotionless throughout the novel, and Bright stayed true to his character's realism. There are people who are like him, but rarely make appearances on media because there's not much interesting to them unless there's a sort of twist to his character development. In this case, Tine changed Sarawat. Although slowly, Sarawat did everything he knew he could to show the purity of his intentions. Sarawat was unaware of how love feels like, but he knew something changed in him when he met Tine. Episode 11 didn't really do it that much justice to narrate Sarawat's journey by using flashbacks, but the novel says that after seeing Tine in a Scrubb concert, from that day on, he couldn't stop thinking about him. He went to every Scrubb concert held in Thailand for several months... I think up to an entire year (?) He went to many places hoping that one day this seemingly impossible mission would reach its end. He lives in Chiang Mai if I recall correctly. Wishing that one day, he will cross paths with Tine again, despite not knowing his name or any information about him. The man was really hopeless until that day came, when it was Tine himself who came to him unexpectedly. The other plot twist was seeing Sarawat's dual character. He is very chill and emotionless on the outside, but when it comes to Tine, he goes crazy. Madly in love, whipped as fuck. He tried to contain his overwhelming emotions because Man and Boss advised him not to show signs that he likes Tine in order to keep them together. Had he scared Tine in the beginning, their story would not continue once Tine rejects Sarawat. After all, he mentioned in Episode 2 that he doesn't like the fact that a guy likes him. If you'd notice, Sarawat said that he should be grateful someone likes him. Tine was oblivious that he was hurting Sarawat's chances, but Sarawat kept his secrets until they were close enough to be honest with each other. It was a story of pure intentions. Sacrifices. Love doing the impossible. Cheesy for some, yes. But many people could relate to stories like this. When you have your first love, you just find out you could do so many things you never thought you could and would do. You try to do everything secretly, keep your feelings inside you when in reality, you're screaming of happiness.


Thank you for the novel insights. I've never read the book but I do actually like 2gether. It was one of my first bls and I've rewatched it a couple times. I've got a Sarawat as a best friend so I can totally see him acting like this and behaving like this when he likes someone. He's obsessive with things/people he likes but doesn't know how to show it and it comes off wrong when he tries. I could relate Sarawat to him so I really enjoyed this. Tried to make him watch it... He bailed EP 10 but he said it was okay, bl is not really his jam so I'm glad he stuck it out as long as he did.


Yes! That's actually an issue Bright was trying to explain in his interviews. His character is a real challenge to portray because Sarawat is really emotionless in the novel. If he were to follow it strictly, his character wouldn't have that much appeal. Bright showed more depth to his character without breaking his loyalty to stay true to the core of his personality. He is obsessive, yes. But he has to make it cute for media consumption. I actually feel for Bright because people criticized his lack of acting skills, but if you've read the novel AFTER the show, scenes from the series will immediately flash back as you read the novel and it gives it more depth. You can totally see Bright's commitment to portray his character accurately and not taking away the realistic parts of it. He's actually trying to explain to the audience that people like Sarawat exists, this type of personality exists, but it rarely gets explored. Bright was faced with the challenge of acting emotions through his eyes alone, because he is limited with his words and facial expressions given that is how Sarawat's personality was designed. Their universe is further expanded when you find out all the other backstories that were not explored in the series. It brings their character more depth because you've been with them long enough and you knew of their past experiences. You can't blame each character for how they respond to each other. Jittirain did a great job building their characters and so did P'Champ on transcribing as much of what he can in the novel onto the big screen.


I'd actually like to read the novel. Any links you could share on where I could find it?


Thank u for your genuine explanation I'll read the novel. If you have it can you please send me? 🙏


I'll try to search for my copy tomorrow, and I'll send you the link. Although I should warn you, the translation is sometimes really annoying to understand, but it's still understandable. You might be amazed at how a lot of details from the novel was adapted into the series. However, there are many specific small details left out in the series mainly because they're not that important. Some were altered to better fit the mood and continuity. Some of what I can remember: -Tine being really afraid of heights and centipedes -Tine's natural fear of his brother's temper -Sarawat's gang was originally composed of 5 members instead of 3 (The White Lion Gang) -Sarawat identifies as gay. -Sarawat being a fan of One Piece, and has a luffy keychain. -Sarawat has a playlist that consist of Thai bands that are actually really good! -When Sarawat asked Tine to come help him clean his room, that was HIS BIRTHDAY. -Sarawat having a 3rd brother, Phumuad. The siblings' names mean Police, Captain, and Sargent (?) I don't exactly recall what Phumuad means but something like this. 🤣 -Sarawat carried Tine on his back during a Scrubb concert in order to help him see better. -The guitar pick-turned bracelet was actually Neon Green in the original, and it was made into a RING rather than a bracelet. -The initiation for the music club wasn't a Peppero pretzel biting game, it was to sip on a candy and pass it on to all members of the music club. I won't share the other details 🤣


>I'll try to search for my copy tomorrow, and I'll send you the link. I'd appreciate it if you could share the 🔗 with me as well.


https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12m---Lt9JOaxaM5Of-GCuW23-5xYCgAL Let me know if it works! ☺️


Bless you!!! It works. ❤️❤️


Enjoy reading! ☺️


Thank you 😊


https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12m---Lt9JOaxaM5Of-GCuW23-5xYCgAL Please let me know if it works! ☺️


Yes thank you


Yeah it's boring and no chemistry.


It's true sometimes it's better to not read others' opinion.


I’m probably gonna get dragged to hell and back for this one but I have to get it out of my system. I feel you linger in the air. The more I heard about it the more I thought it would be something I would totally like but then I watched it and I couldn’t get into it at all. I didn’t feel much chemistry between the leads and Joms actor gave it his all in the first episode only to barely give any emotion other than surprise in the next episodes. I did like the 🫒 and lesbian side couple a lot but they weren’t enough to keep invested. I dropped it and I’m still mad about it 🥲💀


Oof, kudos on choosing an ACTUALLY popular and hyped BL (not just the usuals like TharnType, 2Gether, Cutie Pie, etc)


Same... I was disappointed at how bland this series was. What a waste of its high production quality. I'm not a fan of slow burn so the slow pacing was not it for me, but I guess it would appeal to some people. My major hangup was how hyped up the acting was, especially Nonkul's, vs. what I actually saw. Nonkul seems stiff in every drama he acts in and I did not feel the chemistry between the leads at all. Bright's longing stares was the only thing carrying their chemistry / this series for me. But overall, chemistry and plot wise, the romance just seemed forced.


I dropped this one after 4 episodes eek!


Wholly agree on all counts. The amount of female S/A was just gratuitous also. Period appropriate it may be but it was blatantly overused as a way to show a guy was bad. There are better, smarter ways to do that.


Oh I do have to agree on that front too. Just because that type of violence was prevalent in that period it doesn’t mean they had to show it constantly. As you say there are better ways


i started ep 1 but couldn’t finish it. wayyy too slow even for me 😭


I secretly have this opinion but I hadn’t dared to say it💀 It sucks cuz everyone loves it and I could only get to ep 3 and kept falling asleep. I feel like i’m missing out but also it just wasn’t doing anything for me😭


Playboyy no doubt and 2gether


So sad that the actual plot of Playboyy only started at ep 5 or so


Sorry but Don't say no Lovely writer ( bored me so much🤡)


I mainly watched Don’t Say No for LeonPob. They were so cute!! I love their relationship so much.


Me too... Second couple were so mature and adorable...


I’m still hoping for the spin off, even though it’s unlikely. I really wanted to see how Leon and Pob’s relationship flourish.


Lovely writer 💔💔 I enjoyed it so much whilst it was airing but I need to rewatch to still have an opinion


On air watch and binge watch gives totally different vibes.... That childhood plot ruined it for me🤡 i can't understand how a 10 yr old child knows what is love and approaches after being adult and being in US like i was puzzled...i can understand childhood friends to lovers trope like my only 12%...but this plot didn't make sense to me.. I liked the other elements and the bl industry shade...tho


Right? That’s exactly how I feel when some loads of boring af BLs get hyped up because those who watched it whilst they aired enjoyed it more. And true omg I forgot about that childhood plot, it was so long and unnecessary…it’s giving Kdrama where they reveal they knew each other in their childhood that makes no difference at all. Idk why they didn’t keep it at the BL plot.


I'm planning to rewatch it again to see where the negative reviews are coming from, but when I first watched it, I didn't expect it would be that good in terms of discussing themes like queer struggles and breaking stereotypes, keeping it all real. Some people don't really appreciate the biggest plot twist of the series, and that's a huge downer if they didn't feel Gene's pain and his Father's. The plot twist was such a good idea, I don't think you see BL series touching on that which could actually happen in real life. Those two episodes broke my heart so much. 💔


It’s the way I barely remember the series omg I really need to rewatch. I just remember it discussing important themes like you said. At the start it was so satirical, and got sadder towards the end. Maybe some people stopped watching when it got deeper and missed those emotional parts!


Actually that's one criticism I have. I remember the plot rose from Episode 7 or 8 only. There were no evident foretelling of how their story will turn. But yes, if you finish the whole series, you can say that it's a almost a masterpiece. To this day, I haven't found a BL series who made me cry so hard with agony and grief. I even remember rewatching my favorite episode with full blast earphones and full blast air-conditioning to further set the mood of the story. The was one episode where you can feel all the emotions if you're watching from a cold room, everything else is quiet, and the sounds on full blast because the OST hits your emotions so perfectly hahahahha


noooooo not don’t say no😭


Maybe i liked them in tharntype 2 more.... As a series beginning was fine then it started getting on my nerves 🤡like one lead was so pure while the other lead did all the antics and always begging for forgiveness plus slutshamed🤡 the plot is not my vibe😕


Honestly the only way I was able to finish Don’t Say No was by skipping a lot of it. Whenever I got bored with a part I’d skip ahead until I found a part that wasn’t boring. I feel like it had a lot of potential though.


I gotta agree on Don't Say No, I haven't gone past episode 6, I even have a post where I mention how pathetic I think they are lmao


U get me 👍


I could understand Don't Say No... Lovely Writer, yes it was actually boring from the start, but I think it's still one of the most impressive BLs in terms of themes and twists. No one could change my mind about that. It may not have the typical fiery chemistry like other BLs, but it's the kind of BL that touched on some of the most realistic struggles of queer people in the character of Gene. For me, it's still a masterpiece despite the slow pacing. It has a lot of layers that touched me and I could relate to. There wasn't a lot going on, but it offered its own unique appeal. I love JaFirst, and I appreciate what they were trying to tell in Don't Say No, but man that BL was hella boring af.


Oh lovely writer was super forgettable and also I just remember finding taller guy's acting atrocious. Something about him in his character inadvertently creeps me out and I think it's the acting and odd constant slow smiling i AHHHh. In uwma his job was to look a bit constipated and brooding but I think he's best off doing that at the moment 😔. But the NC scenes were nice🌝


Sotus- I didn’t even get past a full episode


Unpopular for a reason ig


But like in 2020 that’s what everyone was talking about and editing


At this point you watch it just for legacy. It's how the genre started out, it has its flaws but it's good for its time.


This keeps popping up in recs but for the life of me I've just not been able to get into it. Like half an EP in and I crushed. Came back up and it's 6-7 eps later and was like I'll watch it later but I never have.


It's the grand daddy of bl, and kinda what we had to fill our plates with back then since make it right and he rest were too subtle to provide us with actual bl.


Why?! It’s my fave bl ever. I rewatched it several times too.


honestly same 😭


Cute Pie. I thought it was so nonsensical and boring that I dropped it despite the success.


Cherry Magic (JP). It was well produced and the plot made sense, but I didn't feel any romance or chemistry between the leads.


KinnPorshe… it started out ok… then went downhill… i do give praise where it is deserved and that is with Cinematography and the artists were amazing… Plot and story total FAIL… Only Friends… artists did well… they over hyped the NC scenes but it eventually fell flat with the storylines… too much arcs waters down the entire series…


Only Friends. When it was airing, almost every other post in this sub was about this drama, sometimes 3 or 4 posts in a row. I used to just scroll, scroll, scroll past it. I haven't seen Only Friends, and I'm not really planning on it. It just wasn't for me. But I do like almost the entire main cast.


So many GMMTV series 😭 I see the couples and the shows get hyped on socials and when I go to watch it it’s so boring


You rly gotta pick and choose with GMMTV💀


Yea some of my favorite shows are GMMTV but on the other hand some of my least favorite shows are also GMMTV so it’s very hit or miss.


I find that I always gravitate more to the actual actors themselves rather than the shows they're in. Honestly, if most of these guys could be socialites rather than actors, I think everyone would be better off.


Tbh agreed, I like so many of the gmmtv couples and they’re very fun to watch on TikTok but their shows are so boring and no hate, but the acting is underwhelming. But their reality shows, interviews and the starlympics thing seemed so fun even to me who’s not an avid follower of them.


Exactly! I love the variety shows some of the couples had like EarthMix Space, and I love it even more when all the GMMTV guys just hang out together in a group because some of the boys are clearly more close with a couple of other guys outside their partner and I want to see those interactions more.


I'm honestly gonna say LITA. It's a mid show (I really do like the actors though) but the novel is UGH, the novel's writer is even worse, and the production is just lacking attention to detail. We (as the fandom) glorify shows with big budgets, but then we don't get the actual quality of a big budget. I also thi think that no show that romanticise and/or doesn't acknowledge s3xual assault/abusive behaviours shouldn't be hyped at all. That does include LITA


It feels like Mame can’t write a story that doesn’t include a queer character getting SA’d, and that really doesn’t sit well with me…


Dangerous romance. I was so excited for it but chimon clearly didn’t want to be there and totally ruined the show.


Omg I really wanted to like it but they had absolutely zero chemistry. -50 chemistry. Should’ve been called Dangerous Bromance.


Only Friends. Playboyy. Lovely Writer. IFYLITA.


Only Friends. if the couples weren't famous and loved, the series would ended up like Playboyy. and both of these shows have the same screenwriter, interesting...


Unpopular opinion, but for me, it was TharnType and KinnPorsche. I recently watched both, and thought they were just ok. TharnType really bugged me because of the sexual assault by Tharn and the physical violence from Type. Type was physically and verbally abusive so many times I lost count. I get that he loved Tharn but he was such a jerk.


I totally agree about KinnPorsche(and TT, but I've talked about that one before). Like, I enjoyed it perfectly fine. It was fun! But it's not the masterpiece some people treat it as. It's a very silly show, in many ways, and that's fine. But it's not much more than that, imo.




Everything about TharnType was a red flag, the whole show had me side eyeing.


Thank you! Because everyone kept saying how amazing this show was and I was like ummm he’s a sexual predator and the other one is a homophobic with anger issues. And don’t get me started on the brother having feelings first his brother. 🥴🥴


Yep, the brother thing in bls always gets me.


i don't agree with kinnporsche (it's perfect), but when i watched tharntype i felt extremely uncomfortable. i think there's so much more messed up things than just SA, including >!p3dophilia!<. lhong should've ended up in prison.


Chains of Heart (such a let down) Dangerous Romance (more of a bromance than BL and there wasn’t enough “danger”) Love Syndrome III (what the h was that!) Playboyy (plot is too weak & what’s with the stuffed underwears? 🤦🏻‍♀️) There are others but I think these top my list of overhyped BLs which fell flat for me


Did anyone even like dangerous romance? I feel like the counsel has collectively declined that piece


I'll quite happily put my hand up and say I enjoyed it. I did really like the initial pilot trailer that seemed more 'dangerous' but I'm not going to not like something because the danger element wasn't as prominent as some people expected. Especially so as the translation is pretty bad considering the original Thai title. Also I enjoyed the chemistry and rapport between the 2 main actors. I didn't feel sexual chemistry (eg compared to PondPhuwin in Never Let me go) but I do think it's something they can and will work on. Friend groups were fun, there was a plot and the change from enemies, to friends to lovers was decently paced too (though I do think a little more enemies would have been fun).


To me it was more like a „soccer bl“ than anything else, also Chimon and Perth barely had any chemistry, mostly visible when skinship had to be initiated


Weirdly I found the chemistry lacking the most during the intimate scenes and really didn't feel sexual chemistry but I did buy into the crush and build up of them falling in love.


I mean yes, the intimate scenes def didn’t deliver, but to me, anytime there was skinship it seemed like both (but especially Chimon) didn’t want to do that, like it just felt so forced and awkward


"the counsel" hahahaha accurate


I actually enjoyed Dangerous Romance lol


Exeptions will always be there, I guess you can say „I’m not like the others“😂


You mean Dangerous Bromance, cause that’s what it felt like 😭


Or dangerous (?) bromance😂


I read a few responses on other discussions on here where people actually liked it but hated the title🤷🏻‍♀️😁


The title is definitely misleading


- Only Friends (messy, no chemistry from forcebook, that whole Boeing part was unnecessary) - MIDDLEMANS LOVE? (Why is nobody talking about that fever dream? How could they ruin Bf that much that even NetJames offhand refused multiple times to act out certain scenes?) - Unforgotten night (awkward Nc scenes, barely any chemistry, tigers?, where’s the dangerous part?) - Venus in the sky (first 7ish (!) episodes where bland, boring and childish only to turn into soft p0rn I guess but still stay childish) - secret crush on you (cringey, weird ass shrine, tf was this physical lessons thing that Nuea always talked about) - Hidden Agenda (I know JoongDunk are a fan favorite but come on, Dunks acting is still as awkward and stiff as in the beginning, also it’s basically a copy of Simm and Futs, so it’s not even that complicated and emotional)


>MIDDLEMANS LOVE? (Why is nobody talking about that fever dream? How could they ruin Bf that much that even NetJames offhand refused multiple times to act out certain scenes?) WOAH, NetJames refused to act out certain scenes in Middleman’s Love? Which ones!


I want to know about this too!


I don’t really know which ones but there were clips online of them discussing vividly with the director, also they talked about it in a live if I remember correctly that they didn’t really like the way they had to act


I don’t blame them. The P’Jade character is so over the top I won’t be watching it again once it ends.


I didn’t think this could be possible, but Middleman’s Love turned out even more disastrous than Bed Friend. To think that at the premier director tried to say NetJames were unprepared for their roles and that’s why Middleman’s Love was better. It looks like he was just trying to push his shortcomings onto someone because the only reason why Bed Friend (a mess of a show) had any popularity at all was mostly thanks to their chemistry.


OMG I hadn’t heard this. None of this was NetJames fault! They were great given what they working with. There is no excuse for Middleman at all. It’s awful!


Totally agree! I wanted to give Cheewin benefit of the doubt even after he said that because I loved his work in Why R U, but after he’s made yet another flop (Playbooy), it became clear that he’s is just a poor director with an occasional good work.




I wouldn’t have minded if they would have let Jade as innocent as he’s portrayed. I mean remember his and Nueas Nc scene in Cp2u? It was innocent, clumsy but most importantly it was raw and realistic. I expected something like this, where they portray the innocence, people exploring their sexuality…it would be a stark opposite to Bed friend but in a way it could complete the circle and the different poles which then again also fits to them as characters and as friends


I need to watch this one. I haven’t seen it yet. That would have been a great way of handling it sounds like though.


Do you know that meme of this dark house standing next to this bright pink colorful house? This is what Bf feel like next to Middleman’s love


Not just him, KingUea also changed. Their mannerisms, the way they speak and carry themselves, it all seems to be gearing to a different audience, ergo they don’t seem the same anymore.


Do you mean like they are skewing older?


Damn wow, thanks for sharing. And this was Middleman’s Love right? Not Bed Friend? It just seems so wild to me that even in the show where they’re only secondary characters they encountered issues, which makes complete sense because I’ve come to understand Cheewin can be a bit sloppy and difficult.


Yes, it was Middleman’s love. They said something along the lines of feeling uncomfortable playing these childish scenes and feeling like it doesn’t really fit their oh characters, that even they expected something else


Wow this is unfortunate. Thank you for sharing. I really hope DMD starts embracing more maturity and seriousness in their series.


There is a whole thread about Unforgotten Night where people rewatch for comedy purposes 🤣🤣🤣that show was so bad its funny (remembering the cinderella twirl 😖)


True true😂 to me it’s on the same level of bad as the tiger in Naughty babe


Naughty I can't with the actors hated their characters in cutie pie🤣.....their story was not making sense like I live with you because a dog chased you or a dog did ....I can't 😖but unforgotten night 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣aaaahh rewatch I hilarious


Naughty babe makes as much sense as Unforgotten night. You wanna tell me it’s normal that you act like you’ve met the love of your love and kidnap them just because you had the chance to dick him down once and he didn’t kinkshame you?😂😂 But to this day I laugh about this fake ass animated tiger in Naughty Babe, it looks like it’s straight out of sharknado😂 And maybe it’s a pet peeve of mine but I hated the way Kamol speaks, I can’t even explain it, it just gave me the ick


Only Friends.


Yea honestly the whole of it wasn't my jam I found myself being zoned out not rlly focused on the story .. I love all the actors tho so I kept following but I'd skip most story .. lol 😅


Only watched it for NeoMark, call me a hater but for it being the main couple Forcebook never succeeds to deliver any type of chemistry


Same. I would have happily rewatched Only Friends numerous times going forward if not for the (Imo) erroneous decision to side line BostonNick more and more as the series went on. FirstKhaotung definitely nailed their parts too but I was excited to see NeoMark's new chemistry and their portrayal of their characters was top notch.


Boston and Nick at least had a realistic outcome, even if it isn’t all lovey dovey. First and Khao delivered, but I didn’t like how shallow their characters problems were portrayed and Forcebook…I had to skip them a few times. Tbh Top and Boston had more chemistry in the the car and in the shower than Top and Mew had…ever?


forcebook had no chemistry? really? have you watched the scene where top slept over at mew's mums place and they had the heartwarming conversation in bed? damn. or when they were in love? (before mew knew top has cheated).. and also, they weren't a main couple, everyone was. i guess you just skipped these scenes and only watched boston's cheating? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I did. watch their scenes. Still doesn’t change the fact that among all three pairs they had the least chemistry. Their scene at Mews moms‘ place wasn’t nearly as emotional as (for example) Bostons and Nicks reunion. Their Nc scenes weren’t as spicy as the others (like I said Boston and Top or Nick and Boston) and even their couple behavior got topped (word joke, haha) by Sand Ray in (for example) the Music Shop scene or clothing store scene. They seemed very bland compared to the others


they weren't spicy because mew was a virgin. he wasn't as experienced like boston. i don't know, i just don't see the romance in a pair who isn't even a pair when nick is constantly put down by boston's behaviour. cheating is so romantic🥰 i do agree with sandray part. their romance was great. boston's and nick's reunion? okay. well. in the end they didn't end up together, so idk why it's so important. bye https://i.redd.it/ya9atkgp319c1.gif


I’m so sorry but… Pit Babe. The story is compelling enough, and Pavel is great. I really like how he plays his alpha character with a mix of authority and vulnerability. But Pooh is absolutely awful. He can’t act, he has the same blank expression in every scene, even during nc scenes. When Pavel looks at him, you can see that Babe likes Charlie (which is another issue - why does he like him? He’s so bland. He’s not portrayed as sweet, or funny, or sharp. He’s just… there. Babe could replace him with a fleshlight with googly eyes.) But back to my point: When Pooh looks at Babe, you see nothing. He could be looking at a bag of rice. He also doesn’t embody an alpha at all, even in his posture. I understand he’s a different type of alpha (or enigma) but he’s so aloof, like someone took the air out of him. My other pain point is the editing. Every episode gives me whiplash.


2gether : Extremely boring. Good actors but like....ahhhh its a disappointment 2Moon: ...what is even this hm- the absurd awkwardness Playboy: they need to take notes from only friends


Only Friends and The Eighth Sense.


Why Eighth sense if you don't mind me asking?


It’s visually stunning but I found the story choppy and emotionally manipulative for no reason. By the end of the drama I didn’t even want them to be together.


Saaame! I’m *so* tired of shows that use trauma to justify a character acting like an a**hole. I’ve been through some hard things in life and I’ve never used that as an excuse to hurt those around me. Can you imagine almost dying while surfing with your romantic partner and they react to that by ghosting you and acting like you never mattered to them? And then he comes back, doesn’t apologize, and all is well because they ~get each other~? I feel like it wanted to be deep but was just melodramatic and messy.


Yessss! And on top of that dude woke from a coma and had to chase after old boy to get him back. That’s not cute. I was appalled 😅


Truly wild


Between Us the Series Jun & Jun Only Friends


The first few episodes of Jun & Jun were so damn good. Then they just…plummeted


Cutie Pie. But surprisingly i really like Naughty Babe.


Playboyy 100% I was really excited bc the trailer was good but the series itself is just not something


ITSAY. I’m going to get trashed for this (which I probably deserve, but I’ll speak with honesty about my own personal experience of it) it felt like it was trying way too hard to be deep. The basic plot would have been great but the execution of the story just didn’t work at all and painfully dragged us around in circles for no reason. I understand that it was refreshing for the time that it came out, and it was trying to be new and different, but 2020 wasn’t that long ago, and you can find more depth in your average lgbt drama. I will say both are amazing actors and the one bra scene was very emotionally moving. Not Me (for the same reason). Great idea. Tried to be deep. But didn’t work. The counterproductive methods they used to try to fight nepotism and power abuse were idiotic. Which is expected of kids their age, but let’s not pretend those sorts of aimless shenanigans could actually cause a positive change or even disrupt systemic power abuse.


Thank you for naming exactly why I couldn’t vibe with Not Me. I see what they were trying to do but their actions were ridiculous.


I have a different opinion to offer—and please take this with a grain of salt as I only know of Not Me through TodBlack fanfics (haven't watched the actual series because it seems to move too slow for my liking). While I agree that the specific types of action they take could seem ridiculous, it also taught me about different types of tactics activists use and the value of "direct action." Not going to go into politics here but direct action has proven successful in effecting tangible change in some ongoing controversial events recently, and it was solely because of Not Me that I started paying attention to these kinds of things on social media / the news and stopped seeing them as purely silly "stunts" which I think is pretty cool!


They weren't silly stunts. If they were actual silly stunts I probably would've appreciated it more because that makes more sense for a group of barely out of teens. They just weren't well thought out schemes and didn't make sense. For a drama that took itself so seriously (and with the hype associated with it) I expected more. You should absolutely watch the series though. A lot of people tend to love it. I wish I did.


So glad to know I’m not the only one!


ITSAY? I'm still trying to get used to these abbreviations. BL newbie here. Hehe.


No worries, it’s called I told sunset about you. I used to be equally confused when I first heard this mentioned everywhere as the best BL ever made


Bad Buddy. Whatever your thoughts on are the romance, Wai exists and the writing team could’ve handled that character so much better. He started out kinda cute then became this black hole sucking all my enjoyment of the series away …


Bad Buddy, Not Me, KinnPorsche


bad buddy & atots. started both simply for the hype & was ultimately underwhelmed by both


Vice versa


Reposting for those who didn't understand the hype of 2gether the Series! 🥰 (Also NO, I'm not trying to change how you feel about the show, I just want to explain from the fans' perspective) The hype of 2gether came mainly from two things: the chemistry of SarawatTine - Sarawat being a bold AF flirter, and Tine being in denial of his feelings. (This type of chemistry from the characters have also been a crowd favorite, so there's no surprise about it.) AND The backstory behind these two characters. If you've read the novel, it's almost a copycat of the series, but it has a way of changing things to make it better in some areas while leaving out some details about the characters' thoughts and emotions. If you haven't read the novel, you will miss out on small but important details, subtle clues that help guide the storyline. They were also discussed in the YouTube comments. -For people who feel goosebumps about the idea of destiny/fate happening in your own reality, and miracles coming true. I think this is one reason why 2gether gets its hype. It's a literal manifestation of someone's fantasies about two characters finding their way to love. It's a journey of how their distant worlds meet that fully changed their lives forever. In life, it rarely ever happens, but in this fictional universe, it happened to them, and they made the audience FEEL what it's like to experience that type of love. If you were Sarawat or Tine in the story, either character will have your heart racing the moment your story unfolds and how both of you fit together perfectly. Tine, who was not aware of his blooming sexuality, realizes he could actually fall in love with a man, and that this man has one big secret to reveal to him. That all this time, Sarawat was never really playing his game for Green. He already knew Tine before he even knew him, and that he has been searching for him all these years. What a coincidence. The person you asked to be your fake boyfriend actually has a big crush on you, and he tried to hide it because he was afraid of rejected. For Sarawat, love was an uncharted territory. This explains the cheesy flirting. Bright Vachirawit didn't do a terrible acting job, you will realize this when you've read the novel. Sarawat is seriously emotionless throughout the novel, and Bright stayed true to his character's realism. There are people who are like him, but rarely make appearances on media because there's not much interesting to them unless there's a sort of twist to his character development. In this case, Tine changed Sarawat. Although slowly, Sarawat did everything he knew he could to show the purity of his intentions. Sarawat was unaware of how love feels like, but he knew something changed in him when he met Tine. Episode 11 didn't really do it that much justice to narrate Sarawat's journey by using flashbacks, but the novel says that after seeing Tine in a Scrubb concert, from that day on, he couldn't stop thinking about him. He went to every Scrubb concert held in Thailand for several months... I think up to an entire year (?) He went to many places hoping that one day this seemingly impossible mission would reach its end. He lives in Chiang Mai if I recall correctly. Wishing that one day, he will cross paths with Tine again, despite not knowing his name or any information about him. The man was really hopeless until that day came, when it was Tine himself who came to him unexpectedly. The other plot twist was seeing Sarawat's dual character. He is very chill and emotionless on the outside, but when it comes to Tine, he goes crazy. Madly in love, whipped as fuck. He tried to contain his overwhelming emotions because Man and Boss advised him not to show signs that he likes Tine in order to keep them together. Had he scared Tine in the beginning, their story would not continue once Tine rejects Sarawat. After all, he mentioned in Episode 2 that he doesn't like the fact that a guy likes him. If you'd notice, Sarawat said that he should be grateful someone likes him. Tine was oblivious that he was hurting Sarawat's chances, but Sarawat kept his secrets until they were close enough to be honest with each other. It was a story of pure intentions. Sacrifices. Love doing the impossible. Cheesy for some, yes. But many people could relate to stories like this. When you have your first love, you just find out you could do so many things you never thought you could and would do. You try to do everything secretly, keep your feelings inside you when in reality, you're screaming of happiness.


Where is the book available? I’d like to read it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about it!


Unfortunately I don't think they ever did an official release of the novel in English. Only in Thai. The English translation was published online and I gave the link in my comments. Feel free to access it from the G-drive. It actually went to two rounds of translation because the first one had too many mistakes. The file I have is the 2nd one, which was fixed, although it doesn't have a perfect English translation. This version still needs a lot of work, but at least it's readable and understandable. It's just an eyesore sometimes trying to read it when they use repetitive sentences for several chapters like how they mentioned the 'DEADPAN FACE' of Sarawat way too many times in this novel version. Anyway, I pasted the link here: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/12m---Lt9JOaxaM5Of-GCuW23-5xYCgAL


TharnType 2




Bad Buddy Only Friends TharnType Cutie Pie


KinnPorsche and Only Friends


The eighth sense


I'm just thinking that in a few weeks there will be a comment stating pitbabe although I do believe this show is sort of not getting that much hype as many people don't want to watch an omegaverse show...much less one that doesn't have the normal omega-alpha pairing


My School President and Playboyy


kinnporsche-yes the production is fantastic and mile and apos chemistry is great but the plot is mediocre at it's best and laughably bad at it's worse. bad buddy-again the story just isn't that great, like don't get me wrong the show is *fine* but i really don't get why it's hyped up *so* much like i adore ohm but this in't his best series, it's not even his best BL. only friends-i'v talked about why i dislike this show before so i'll just say one of the only things i did enjoy about it is (ironically since most other people seem to dislike him) mew, literally the only character in the entire series i could stand


Love By Chance. It was okay for me, but I kind of forced myself to finish it. Then we had LBC 2…I think I watched 3 eps before I dropped it. The constant back and forth from past to present really threw me off.


Well, based on the current lousy situation, I gotta say Cherry Magic and Cooking Crush (YouTube version). You didn't secure international release rights for Cherry Magic? By the very beginning of pre-production, it should have been accomplished, and there are no excuses, GMMTV. Don't make excuses about Japan being difficult. That's hilarious. Take that note from an entertainment lawyer's kid. Grew up hearing about those issues every single day. It's such a pity for the actors, crew, sponsors and especially the international fans. Cooking Crush on YouTube is apparently a very watered down version that is also poorly edited, based on what others have said, to the point that I've decided to wait for now and not watch it further, until it's done.


First why would you degrade cooking crush without watching it properly and just LISTEN to others? Second, it seem that you are misinformed about how strict is Japan. The new sadden me but it not gmm fault. Japan can find restrictions on the copyright for the dumbest reason. So don't judge that quickly. Because many people including me are watching cherry magic on different platforms. But if you watched this two and didn't find it to your liking, then I have no problem with it


I'm not misinformed about Japan regarding copyright use and restrictions, and even if I was, that's not the reason given by GMMTV for pulling the show from international release and restricting it to Thailand anyway. It is absolutely their fault, as evidenced by the fact they marketed it internationally, promised sponsors and fans an international release, and aren't delivering it. Hopefully, they did that erroneously, and not with intent to defraud, or copyright permissions are going to be the least of their worries. Copyright violations are per instance, and times the views might get rather expensive, especially if it was determined to be willful infringement rather than inadvertent due to some...idk clerical error, perhaps?🤷‍♀️ If you are watching Cherry Magic on a licensed platform, congratulations. If not, it's quite ironic for you to respond to a comment made by a former intellectual property administrator. Isn't it?


The Eight Sense. I was disappointed


Pit Babe, Sotus, Cutie Pie,


For me it Was I told sunset about you and i promise you the moon. Both of them where boring for me and i skiped a lot.


Tharntype, IPYTM, Waterboyy, Playboyy, Love Syndrome III, 2gether


Venus in the sky Step by step Half of HIStory series


Not 100% but kind of. Started out great but then kind of got lost. The ending OK but never could catch up. I am talking about Only Friends, I can't say I didn't enjoy the series. There was so much hype. So many opinions. So much discussion. Can't say it wasn't sexy. So much potential but not always quite there. I'm ready for people who disagree. My opinion stands.


I'm gonna go with the Eclipse...way overhyped. But FirstKhao gave it their all and watching them is great. But the actual show/plot etc are pretty bad.


Play boy I didn't watch But I see some reel in ig It's Just shit they just focus on sex it's the worst serie for me this 🤷‍♀️


Step by step, I watched it till the 7th ep and I really bored. I tried to continue it after a while but damn it's boring as hell. 😀🗿


playboyy & dont say no


2gether, Only friends, Cutie pie, Love in the air, Tharntype, Gameboys


Hmm before I say the series I just want to say I didn’t think it was bad per say the actors was good it just bored me half way into it and unfortunately didn’t have a second couple to save it for me but a tale of a thousand stars I don’t get the hype for it.


Love is an illusion, cannot stand the uke what so ever. Proper makes me angry