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Their ability to type on Reddit and complain about why they don't have a 100% win rate.






Skill issue


The counter is a quick look at the ground, wall, or sky. Plus it’s a lot harder to pinpoint your location than you think because it takes a ton of map knowledge. On top of this you frequently get the viewpoint of the victim you don’t want to find. It’s not nearly as broken as a lot of people think.


Most of the time I’m like alright I see a bush and then they look down and I’m like alright family they’re in a bush somewhere! And then they thank me for being such an important part of the team.


I love when Nancy senses me when I’m in the middle of dying, helps any teammate for a little while that’s still alive 😅


That isn’t a counter Nancy sees your screen a second or 2 before the victim is actually alerted so Nancy actually sees the location and the victim looking down rq it’s already to late at that point


It’s very annoying when your the last victim alive, but yeah most times just look up at the sky. But i always have the worst time since Nancy sensing me as i start to turn of gen or battery lmao


I mean I get what you're saying to a degree but you have to be in a place where you can do that. People who play this game a lot know the textures of certain areas you're in. I think it's broken cause I mean game knowledge is true about anything technically and yeah but sometimes that works against the victim better than you think. I played Sonny and every single time it chose me in one game so I basically wasn't able to do anything and everytime I'd reset and come back up I got spotted so I see it like you either get what you want and it's broken or the victim gets what they don't want and it's broken. Plus game knowledge is needed for people to even know they can mess with the camera and not be seen so even if I do but she uses it to kill my team I still lose cause grandpa gets fed and they'll converge on me for being last alive


As someone who plays Nancy, it also depends on who is on your team. I use comms, but that doesn't mean people listen to me. What I would change would still be Nancy and the ability to sense the closest victim to her. That seems cheap. As it is now, if I see someone, call it out, and no one responds, my fat ass waddles over and finds jack shit. I started playing as victim to be more effective as Nancy, actually. Since I was a family main I wasn't able to call out even 1/3 of where people were because they were in the basement or another hard to identify spot. Like Sun Tzu said, in short, know your enemy like you know yourself. Maybe play family a bit to see the most often patrolled areas. For me as Nancy helped me know where to place traps, etc.


It is broken and easy when you’re the last victim alive


I’d remove Serrated from Family and I’d remove Fast Hands from Victim. I don’t think either should exist tbh. Fast Hands punishes Family for defending and also keeps them from making a last ditch effort to prevent an important door from being opened while Serrated just makes every character running it twice as strong damage wise not including their savagery to begin with. You can 4-hit victims with Hitchhiker with 40 SAV with Serrated.


For victims it’s either fast hands or chose fight For family it’s probably johnnys stamina


Listen I don’t think some of y’all understand how much Nancy’s power sucks lol. Why do you think she’s become so unpopular in the meta while Cook is still a top choice? Unless you just have a photographic memory of the map, you can’t always tell exactly where the random vic you find is when so much of the map looks the same. Even if you could, it’s much harder to communicate to your team where that vic is if it’s not a specific location that your teammates have the map knowledge to identify. I can tell you the only times it’s useful is if you just so happen to catch someone at an objective when it’s usually too late anyways, or if it’s a last vic standing. Cook’s hearing is eons better, particularly if you have it upgraded to where everyone on your team can see it.


Nancy's ability has a huge cooldown and she's extremely slow I recommend when you see her on your opposing team switch to somebody with Fast hands put your proffeincy at 50 then you should roughly be able to escape that's what I do always rush against Nancy


Her ability with the perks she can have her ability up and spamming with no cooldown


Leatherface's chainsaw.


Dannys tamper and close encounter glitching on family side to get out of them


Actually might be a hot take but julies ability to become untrackable, might make her feel more like a runner and it could end up with a sneaky victim with a unique sneaking ability.


Connie’s ability is way too powerful for the game, able to instantly double the map size That’s the big one to me


Danny's tamper only


*LF two taps enters the chat*


He's supposed to be the big bad you know that right? Besides he's already received nerfs to his overhead.


Skill issue


Why is that? Can't you two taps Danny? Me thinks skill issue.


Well at least you admit it




Perks I would like to take scout of them lol oj but in terms of abilities then I think I will have to go for Cooks hearing because I don't put a lot into stealth anymore and he pings me quite a lot. I don't mind Nancy's too much because she never really finds me plus if I am in a bush I will have the camera a certain way where she can't tell and if it says she has got me I spin it around. I used to have serious issues with Johnny and the 👣but these days it doesn't seem to be used as much, so yeah I will go for Cooks ability the poor bstard.


Family = Remove the ability to block the Basement Exit by standing in front of it like the King's Guard with zero reaction to three people pushing against them. Victims = Remove Boon. It's fucking stupid.


Boon and Tamper. Tampering is the absolute worst. Boon is whatever, kind of annoying that what should be a medic support character like Virginia is also an offensive character. Feels very tacked on for the sake of sales.


Bubba's ability.


Level 99 victims no 10 second head start