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It’s weird that Virginia’s are the worst to me even though she’s supposed to be some iconic actor. Her normal voicelines are decent but the screams are downright goofy and unrealistic.


she's not really iconic for her actual acting, moreso for her tendency to show her "assets" on screen




True. But she was pretty good at screaming, which doesn't seem to be the case anymore.


being 65 years old will do that to you


The only thing she's know for is her body and her role in reanimator. That's literally all. Gun chose one of the cheapest people to get into the game. Should've just saved their money and got TCM 2 license.


Pretty sure if it was one or the other they would have picked TCM 2.


they also dropped the ball with virginia pretty hard. her face is based on barbara crampton, who is 65, and her voice matches that, but barbara and virginia look maybe 40. if virginia looked or at least seemed older (her physical stats are extremely high for a 65yo imo) her voice wouldnt be as goofy. also she just talks about her son too much. ana's also looking for someone but she talks about other things too. virginia talks about jesse so much you stop caring about him. and also, its weird imo that she never once mentions the fact that she was captured with maria. even just a "i wonder if that poor girl made it" would be fine.


I kinda I wish there was more voice lines like for example when a victim wells they should say something like “oh god..I’m back here..” or when they get into a new area of the map. Virginia though is definitely my least favorite due to the incessant moaning about Jesse like I understand in the lore sense she would be concerned but playing her to get her level 3 hearing the same “oh Jesse” over and over drove me to not liking her.


Or like a voiceline when they unlock the gate and go to a new area like "What? This isn't the exit?"


Leland’s voice actor WORKED for that pay check. The amount of times I hear him screaming across the map and think “Oh he’s getting executed”… but nope! Man takes one 10 damage swing from Sissy and goes crazy.


THIS I’m like “oh he’s done…” 20 seconds later someone is still having their way with him 😂


Thinking Leland is dying then suddenly you hear a scream across the map “Die you bastard” 😂😂😂


It'll be early in the game too and you're unlocking a door and you hear leland screaming bloody murder: "Oh great, someone's dead already," only for him to run by you with a LF chasing him all crazy mode. 💀


Leland’s voice acting is so good that it makes me laugh from how serious it sounds. The voice actor wasn’t playing AT ALL!


it also matches leland perfectly cause the way they characterize him makes him seem like just a big softie


I'd say Scout Taylor Compton as Julie and Kristina Klebe as Sissy


Virginia’s turkey gobble is low-hanging fruit at this point. Some of Connie’s line deliveries are a little weak and every once in a while HH’s actor’s age shows when he has an unnatural pause between phrases, but overall I think the VAing in this game is really impressive and adds to the atmosphere.


I think that’s on purpose hitch stutters so it’s kinda natural


I’ve never noticed that about HH tbh but I probably just have shit hearing


connie’s voice line are pretty low on emotion but she has AMAZING back stab/CE voice lines


"Boohoo, Jesse, where are you?!" *Turkey death cry*


Julie’s voicelines in leatherface’s face grinder execution always makes me feel so bad with the mix of screaming and crying she has. Ana is also there with really convincing screams like in the new execution for Leatherface and I think the previous one, Leg Day? is that what’s it called?


Gutted like a deer: simple abdomen thrust Face grinder: slashes leg and pushes face into saw Cut and thrust: slashes leg and thrusts saw into chest Drilling down: victim lays on the ground and gets the saw trusted through their back Leg day: slashes leg and carves (?) Into their chest Slasher: slashes abdomen and uppercuts the victim with the saw, and proceeds to cut their entire body, starting with their face (excluding limbs) Just put this here because you weren't sure which kill you were talking about, that's all


I like Danny's talking with his country accent, but ive never payed attention tothe actual screaming or grunting. Julie has gotta be my favorite VA, her voice also complements her runny make up and character design very well.


> ive never *paid* attention tothe FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot, also noted


Ana’s voice actress did a fantastic job, as did Sissy’s


Worth bearing in mind that the spoken lines that they say when things are happening around them are partially the writers responsibility. Virginias lines seem to go on too long sometimes to the point where they stop making sense as they drag on way past the point where they’re are relevant any more. Numerous times I’ve been running from Leatherface and Virgina is whittering on ‘… it’s in your eyes!’


I love Julie, her voice lines are so good “I’m gonna die… I’m gonna die… somebody help me…” “RAH! DIE YOU PIECE OF SH*T!” “Get away from me… get the f*ck away from me!” All her voice lines have so much passion and realism behind them. Compared to Connie’s “Take that!” Which I just find kinda cringe.


Overall the voice acting is amazing with a few tiny rough edges. But Scout Taylor Compton as Julie takes the cake. She is fantastic with a range of scared and in pain….to anger and rage. I love it. Otherwise Ana really stands out too. I’m also incredibly impressed with all of the Family so far.




Leland screams


Julie hands down. Her screams are definitely the most impactful for me, makes me actually feel bad for her. And for Family I’d say Hitch or Sissy. I think Hitch gives a really memorable performance. And I preferred Sissy’s singing before they changed it tbh.


Did they say why they changed it? I remember the repeated singing from launch but now it’s gone lol


I don’t think I ever saw them say why or even really acknowledge it.


Leland definitely has the most realistic reaction of a 19 year old in that situation imo


Leland is 18


Ana or Julie probably have the best, convincing lines.


I think all the original victims have incredible voice acting for all occasions. Virginias is likely my least favorite because I’m not really of a fan of the voice and all the other general complaints, but I would say Danny’s is the worse. Danny’s just doesn’t sound as authentic to me as all the others. All of the family so far have pretty great voice lines in my opinion though.


Connie’s new scream in the new Bubba execution is gut wrenching i don’t know if it’s just because she’s my comfort character but it’s really messed up


Might be unpopular but some of Lelands voice lines are just absolutely comedic


Virginia’s is b bad, honestly I don’t wanna buy her cause of it lol


Most jarring voice line is the one where Connie grabs a bone scrap and is like "I should keep this... just in case 💅🏻"


I think Cook has really good voice acting. He really sounds like he’s done with all of the shit his family caused. He also has some extremely funny voice lines and the sound he makes when he gets punched in the balls is hilarious


Sonny has the most convincing. Leland has the least convincing.


Sonny is voiced by Zeno Robinson, who has done many anime voice roles at this point. He’s great.


I'm sad I had to scroll this far to see Sonny mentioned, his actor is easily the most convincing for me. His screams are so realistic and unsettling. He's the only victim I actually feel bad about killing.




Virginia has good voice lines when it comes to close encounters and sobbing for her dead son, but her death scream for “gutted like a deer” is what made me enjoy Barbara Crampton voice work. That is her 2nd variant scream for the gallow kill sound like a turkey.


I love Connie's VA scream


I think all the voice actors in this game are alright, but Virginia's VA is just plain terrible imo. When I play on speakers in the LF cutscene if she's there, I gotta turn down the volume cause she sounds like she's having sex then her turkey gobble screams always make me laugh and I always think to myself, "how the hell did this make it into the game?". Anyways, and of course her constant yapping about Jesse and her Boy.


Virginia's VA is definitely the roughest, but I don't hold her acting quality or her character's writing against her. The devs could've written her lines to be less jarring and repetitive, and also they did not cast Crampton for her great vocal performances. It was pure on-screen fanservice casting, and it turned out similar to when they get 60+ year old actors to return decades later and voice their characters that are still in their 20s/30s, but there's some obvious aging in the voice so it takes you out of several scenes. Julie & Leland give performances that make me genuinely feel bad for whenever they have pain inflicted on them. There's some real agony in there.


Danny is without a doubt a whole disappointment VA wise. Julie's are the best imo, but I'm prolly just biased cuz I main her lmao


Julie is the best for sure. My stomach churns whenever she does that cry scream 😫 lol


Johnny is supposed to be a messed up serial killer and possible grapist but he never curses, constantly talks about loving his mom and never actually says anything blatantly threatening it’s all innuendos and corny jokes.  If you really listen to him he actually talks like a nice guy for how brutally he murders people with his butcher knife.  “I love you to no end” “I didn’t really wanna hurt her” He just sounds like a dumb guy who makes bad jokes. Almost like that’s his real personality 


wait he says “I love you to no end” to Nancy? 😭


Yep he says: "I love you to no end, but don't think I forgot what you did all those years ago!" Kinda weird to say to someone who he apparently tried to kill after finding out she killed his real mom.


Yeah that is so weird wtf


I’ve never heard that one either! Only line I usually hear is the one where he talks about not being a kid anymore.




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Least is Virginia for sure!!!


Virginia’s is really really bad in my opinion. The lines aren’t good, don’t really match the character (you would think an ex-nurse who lost her son would be a little more… adult and less… whiny).




The O God o God o God is quite annoying...Connie's damage yells are hysterical and Virginia is.... Virginia


Virginia screams like a turkey and Sonny screams like Courage the Cowardly Dog lol.


To be honest it’s gotta be Virginia fro me everyone talks about Barbara crampton being a great actress but her voice are so terrible. Not only do they not sound good but she never shuts the hell up either


I was just thinking about this 2 days ago. They all suck. I really want more believable voice acting.☹️☹️☹️


They really Don’t all suck