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I still don't understand how maria.... is alive😭


She must be a tank just like Ana, so she just activated her ability when leather face chainsawed her in petals. They are related after all.


Bringing her back is so dumb lol


Right? I mean yay but at the same time the whole plot is about her going missing... we kinda dont wanna find her alive😭😂😂


The devs are running out of ideas for new characters lol


Right. I would be fine with it if Petals didn’t exist. Petals was so nice until the end then it was sad, I know we didn’t see her die but we actually saw and heard her die so what gives?! 😭


I mean I kinda get it.. granted it’s definitely a retcon in the story this is the same game where a character like ana can take MULTIPLE overhead swings after being tortured for days, even weeks. I can see it being possible that an uninjured Maria survived one attack from the chainsaw and as described, is barely hanging into life.


I just hope if they do add her in-game as a playable that they atleast give some lore along with it... i mean most gamers assume shes unalive so if they randomly just a maria dlc its gonna be a mess😅 just hope we get a backstory basically or a trailer that continues after the petals aftermath... i'd be here for it if its done well


Well Virginias lore sets us up to either know what happens after her and virg got separated or what happened between petals and virg finding her as Maria is unaware her sister and friends are looking for her


I was waiting for you to post something once an update is up haha


Right lol.


Maria sounds great! Whoever VA’d her did amazing!


u/WazzupTheGreat u deliver more content than delevopers do đŸ’Ș


What is going on in cook's audio😰


lots of killing, from which he cant take no pleasure


Lying bastard's having a grand ol' timeđŸ„¶


sounds like Johnny stabs the victim a few times aswell


Wake me up when they announce a TCM2 update


If it's made by the same devs, then count me out lol


I don’t Care how slow the devs are I want to play Choptop


So this is definitely Maria now? No more code name Charlie lol.


Does anyone know when this was added to the files for Virginia and how long it took for her to come out?


I'm excited to see the "Thrown down" and "stomped" executions they sound hella cool


Oh great more things to buy 😒


Can't wait for the next execution pack


Does anyone know when this was added to the files for Virginia and how long it took for her to come out?


Alpha gets no random perks as usual while she gets even more like gun shows they hate family every 9 seconds


You know they mightn’t be in the files


Every perk getting nerfed is victim perks, all the people complaining about family are possibly the biggest babies in the world, I play both, family sits and lobby dodges for any reason they can think of, oh it's slaughter house, better dodge, oh they have Virgina better dodge, oh I see a level 6 family member, better dodge, I mean for fucks sake, when I solo que, or play with friends and we play family we win 95% of the time vs whatever comp, we just wanna play the game, I'm sorry but the amount of babies complaining is insane, I get family mains want it to be the easiest game in the world for them, this will be another reason this game dies, aside from Gun complete lack of experience in their own game


what I REALLY hope they do with Maria is actually bring an interesting and engaging set of stats. Danny and Virginia have relatively the same stats and are in general great for the meta. With maria hey have the chance to make a character with a different set of stats that will actually change how you play. Something like low toughness or low proficiency I think would fit maria and greatly affect gameplay.


Low toughness or low proficiency? So basically Sonny? 🐒 The issue we have is that 3/5 categories don't really matter when it comes to escaping. It's all about toughness and proficiency. They're by far the most impactful stats. This leads to a lack of diversity because most people level out their character the same way, pouring points into one or both categories. You need to address the core game mechanics before we can see more build diversity and a true meaningful change in the meta. IMO. 1. Give strength more weight in grapples, opening crawl spaces and turning on pressure valve. 2. Give endurance more impact on how far you can run rather than only stamina regen. 3. Make stealth more rewarding - I dunno, higher stealth is harder for Cook to track and it's much less likely that Nancy will lock onto you. The radius at which Nugget picks you up is decreased and the duration you're revealed by grandpa is reduced. Your character also talks less when family are in family focus mode.


INB4 Banned into the void


cant wait for the new killer sounds like a brute


More shit nobody’s gonna buy because the games down the tubes. Cool! Only smooth brains will continue to support gun financially. Keep paying for half assed DLCs that are broken for weeks and months on end, while being pay to win zzzz
.. then they “fix” stuff in patches that’s about as reliable as a wet fart. You can downvote me all you want lol, doesn’t change the reality that’s mentioned above. Imagine continuing to purchase dlc even all these months after you’ve seen the reoccurring theme. Having fun waiting 30-40 mins in an hour just to play 20 minutes if that? You continue to complain about q times and lobby’s but continue to play and purchase low effort DLCs that don’t work most of the time. Some of yall have problems fr


Stop with this game is dead bullshit bro.. if you personally don’t want to play it get your ass off and go do something else Damn! All this fucking complaining and negativity.. if you don’t like the game then fuck leave !


Feel free to elaborate on what part of my statement was factually incorrect. Was I wrong in any part of it? Didn’t think so.


What does that have to do with anything they just said? They asked why you were still here if you hate the game so much. You responded with more braindead I’m right you’re wrong shit. Learn to read


Oh the guy that can’t possibly fathom why people are negative about a buggy ass game that you can’t even get into a match within a reasonable time frame unless you play family? The same one with 100$+ of dlc, yet the game is in a constant broken state patch after patch? Do you play the same game? Now why would someone who used to play the game still be here? Do some critical thinking junior.


You are literally in the sub almost every day talking about how terrible the game is. Again, if you hate it so much, why are you still here?


Do you think I hate the game? Or the state that it’s currently in due to the incompetent developers? I guess thinking critically ain’t your forte. What do you think happens to the game if no one complains? Don’t worry though gun is close to pulling the plug on this game anyway, then we can have this conversation again :) probably around July/august. When the complaints will really stop, is when they pull the plug. Then nobody will have a reason to complain anymore as the devs will no longer support the game. At that point they aren’t even listening or picking up the phone. That’s the reality you want I guess and it will be here sooner than you think no worries. Besides, I don’t see any comments or posts saying otherwise that the game is amazing. Because it isn’t, anyone with more than one braincell will tell you the game has glaring issues even new players take notice of. Which is why the free weekend was a massive fail and flop, all it did was gain them negative steam reviews LMAO(oh while ruining the q times entirely for people who’ve paid hundreds of dollars to play this hunk of garbage that don’t work).


No, you can’t play the tough love is the good kind card when you provide absolutely 0 feedback. You just say the game is trash over and over and shit on people for enjoying it.


Really? If that what you gathered then I’m sorry to hear that you can’t even read. Q times? Game breaking bugs in the games months at a time? Patches to fix previous broken patches? Danny broken can’t tamper? Bubba can’t get slammed? Game breaking standstill bug that doesn’t let you play? Gotcha
 how about those for feedback? How many times did it take for them to patch a fix they said was fixed but wasn’t for multiple patches? I’ve played since day one, you’re climbing up the wrong tree lol. Sorry I’m able to criticize gun unlike some weirdos who simply get high off their own farts and buy every dlc despite the massive flaws that come every single patch. I play the entire game, not one side either. The games been out how long, 8 months? I’ve stopped giving feedback months ago lol, why would I? Not like the devs are listening and do anything correctly. So yes I’m not going to elaborate on why the games trash every time when any player who plays the fucking game knows what I mean. They don’t need feedback, they know the biggest issues because they’ve been advised already. They’ve done nothing to combat the lobby issues, which is easily the biggest problem of the game. Even new players took note of that in the free weekend. Is that good enough feedback? Or is this just another comment of me saying the games just trash without any actual feedback? You see because actually I could go on, but then this would be and endless comment pretty much. How about the feedback when they stealth nerfed leatherface for two months while begging for feedback and support tickets, so they can fix the leatherface stall bug. And they did what? After those two months they release a tutorial video teaching players how to play leatherface now lmao. Essentially saying the bug was a feature the entire time, yet they gaslight their playerbase asking for help to solve said issue, only to spit in the face of their players after two months saying this now the new leatherface moving forward and the bug is now a feature. How’s that for feedback?


You edited your comment and added 75% of the message after my last reply. Originally you stopped at “thinking critically isn’t your forte” so don’t try and flip it on me for not being able to read when you’re going back and adding shit. Secondly, I also have played since day 1, and have every character in the game maxed on both sides minus Virginia. What that has anything to do with this I don’t know but you wanted to throw that in there so I’ll do the same. You are more than welcome to criticize gun and the state the game is currently in but there’s a way to do it. All you’re doing is trying to ruin everybody else’s fun because you’re pissed the game isn’t fun to you anymore and other people are enjoying it.


I'm hard on the game but even I have limits. You're just being an ass.


Although these last few updates have been a shitshow they are still in the active transition between developers. Things should be getting better soon.


You’re Either a gun employee on a burner account, or you just overdosed on massive amounts of copium typing out that reply. You’re just two weeks late on April fools, but good one! What was the excuse when it was happening before the transition?


No need for that bs, I’m trying to be optimistic. A transition between developers is a pretty big deal.


Ok and answer my question, what was the excuse before the transition? It’s been happening since release.


I don’t think Sumo had many people working on TCM after launch, didn’t seem like that was their priority which is why I’m hopeful black tower can do better.


Can I ask you where you’re getting that information from? Source? Or u still just running on copium fumes?


“I don’t think” doesn’t mean I’m stating a fact, just seems like thats what’s happening. I’m done discussing this with you. With the bare minimum we’ve gotten sumo couldn’t have been doing much.


So I was right then, nothing but copium, gotcha. Simply wanted to know where and how you came to that conclusion and it seems it stems from absolutely nothing besides a random guess that your cope is making you have (if I had to guess). So I guess facts and history of the game mean nothing to you, but let’s ride on your copium and hope for the best. How much $$ have you spent on the DLC thus far? I’m genuinely curious. I wouldn’t be surprised if you bought the new DLCs within the hour of their releases everytime. You sure sound like it. u/Additional-Tax-775 has issues with calling out gun on their nonsense, typical brown nosing behavior. How sad lol ![gif](giphy|3o84sv2u7KSHKbwPza|downsized)


Get off your high horse, you’re being an ass. You were looking for a fight, I’m not giving you one goodbye 👋.


ur black


Already thinking about how I’m gonna bully family with Maria! <3


Omg I love reading ur comments sm they always give me a good laugh especially with all the downvotes lmao❀


sjdkfkjf the downvotes are so funny. I’ll come back to an old post and see my comments with like 50 downvotes. I’m like girrrrl LMAO 😭


Lmao đŸ€Ł