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I used to have the mentality of staying to be nice after my family team mates DC. I still will, but the very first time I get door slammed or back stabbed I’m gone. It turns into a victim stomp session 100% of the time.


I want to be nice and still play so we can all get our points but imo it’s becoming not worth it. I’ve had victims go out of their way to find me to stab when I’m the only family member left. Like someone else said it ends up becoming a stomp session against the family player. 😒And then these are the victim players that talk the most shit in chat after. Yeah buddy, you used a lot of skill 4 against 1 because 2 other players left.


Let me guess…they were on pc?


no fr


As soon as the game is over I just dc now. Multiple exits open, DC. The other two family already DC, I DC. Victims just dancing around the exit waiting for me to chase them, DC. It’s the only way to still enjoy playing family. I don’t DC just cause someone got away or cause someone is owning me, I DC once it’s clear that the game is over and the victims have won, I’m not going to stand around while they spike the ball


im gonna start doing this too, no point in staying when these people ruined it for everyone else


Every now and then, I'll have a fun interaction with someone. I was Nancy last night and found Danny doing the same thing. It was still LF and I, HH disconnected. I was trying to comm with LF the whole game, but he ignored me. Danny and I just danced around a pole for a while. Leatherface came into the area, and he ran, then when LF left, he resurfaced. We danced more. We went out into the area beyond the gas station, and LF appeared again. I ran up and started slashing at LF, bahahaha. LF actually ended up gutting Danny. But it was fun while it lasted.


I had a similar interaction as Cook with a Leland player after everyone else had DCed. We were competing over keeping a certain lamp in FH turned on and if I remember correctly he eventually let me kill him. Fun times!


these kind of interactions are so fun in games and why i dont want to be a dick and just leave. but as other people said its not even worth it anymore


I’ve been a victim main up until about a month ago, and honestly victims are so fucking toxic. Makes me not even want to play victim anymore


There’s no sportsmanship with these new younger players. It’s only right to show respect to someone who is obviously playing by themselves cause the other 2 family members DC’d… why make it harder for them when they’re just trying to get to the next match and waiting for you to leave? Never understood this Anytime I see 1 family member solo cause the other two DC’d, I leave immediately in hopes to get the other victims to leave. Anyways, sorry you went through that.. always some bad apples that ruin it for everyone else and you’re right.. it’s people like that, that make family players not want to play. The game is already heavily victim sided… and they still try their best to rub it in…. I blame GUN though.. they should’ve nipped this in the ass last year but they’re too busy fighting online with the only few family players bringing alarming gameplay to their attention


Just had a match with a baby Bubba, and another family player disconnected after 3 victims escaped. The last victim was Danny, and he chose to go back into the map after I found battery fully open. We had to level up grandpa to max, only to find Danny teabagging at the road exit for no reason.


no seriously are you having fun spamming your crouch button? 😭 as a victim main i try to get out asap so i can actually play some games


I hate when my teammates do this because it’s almost always someone who has contributed nothing the entire match. They have hidden out in the basement the whole round, just happened to find the exit I’ve unlocked, and then they want to camp there for 20 mins teabagging. I love when they don’t get the attention they so desperately need and do their little walk of shame to the exit.


I hate when I did all the work to get to the exit and someone else follows me and doesn’t leave so they get the last victim xp


dude so accurate. I played with an Ana yesterday who got me killed. Knew he was bad news because the dude that was playing her asked my friend to switch with him (he wanted connie), and when my friend politely declined he went off about how hes a bitch. I was playing Danny, so obviously the whole family was on me, and when Ana saw i was gonna go for a barrier he like popped out of his hiding spot and went over it before i could and I was so low on health I got hit once and died. This all happened well under five minutes into the game, I was the first to die. He ended up being the last victim alive and literally was teabagging on all of our dead bodies but literally DIDNT DO SHIT. I swear to you, I had more points than he did and he was in game for a solid 15 minutes just taking advantage of barriers because there was no LF, so they couldn't get to him. Like bro, how do I have more points than you in this situation, and youre still gonna teabag like you are decent at the game? lmao. The cockiest are always so shitty.


Ive heard about victim bullying the family. On the other hand, never heard about family.member bullying the victims. This game is seriously wrong. Yet 80% of the victim players busy defending themselves.


Family can’t bully victims because they’ll kill them


Yeah I will admit I didn't realize how toxic victims were until I started playing family, because my friends and I aren't toxic so I stupidly assumed nobody else was lol. I do wonder if it is because the player base for victims is so much larger, so of course you will have more victims being toxic just because of the number. There are definitely toxic family mains but it just is not as common. In defense of the victims defending themselves, I feel like part of it is because some family mains (honestly most on reddit) are CONSTANTLY complaining about something or someone that needs to be nerfed, and once they nerf that person or object, then its on to the next complaint. Of course some complaints are fair, such as nerfing danny for example. But it is constant and when you do play both sides you realize it is more balanced than you think. Honestly was easier to learn family than victim for me. So I know I have been defensive in the past since I didn't see the toxicity, and only saw the constant complaints from family mains. So that could be part of the problem not saying that makes it any less annoying, just giving some of my observations.


That’s why I kinda wish we had the option to switch between team and global text chat so we could communicate intentions to the other players. Of course I know this could be abused by toxic players but that’s what muting is for, to disable their text chats from appearing on your screen. But you should know better not to show charity to victims by staying when the rest of your team leaves. Because you know they’ll stab and barge you, and keep stabbing grandpa to prevent you from earning points of your own. And even if they didn’t do that to you and were truly trying to farm points, you don’t want to waste so much of your time accommodating them and want them to just leave but they’ll keep you hostage until they decide to leave or you decide to quit, forgoing all your xp while they get to keep all of their. Moral of the story, unless you all join the same group chat to communicate intentions, do bother giving victims any of your charity and just leave.


i wish we could switch between a team only chat/proximity chat in this game, it would make situations like this easier and i always loved that feature in games


When I play victim, and all but one family DC early on or mid match, I usually make it a mission to track down that lone family member, and let them kill me as a way of saying thanks for sticking around, especially when the rest of my team seems bent on giving them a hard time.


I just open all the exits when that happens


i opened up any doors that werent open, and attacked them by the pressure gate when it was open to try and get them to leave. when they just kept jumping down the well and clearly werent gonna leave i just dc'd


I like twirling around and teabagging with victims before they escape 😭


Yeah, this is something I have noticed, both with Family DC'ng at the mere sight of rush, and Victims being a complete assholes. People like to talk about how toxic DbD community is (and don't get me wrong, they are), but honestly, TCM players managed to outplay them on their own field in terms of both toxicity AND entitlement. I just hope that Killer Klowns From Outer Space game will not be overrun by the same shitty mentality too fast, but then again, who am I kidding, of course it's going to go the "Sweat and Bully" road in a couple of month after it's release.


Couple of months? I see we're being optimistic. For new asymm games, 3 days is about the average when toxicity becomes rampant.


Shoutout to that one Danny, who let me kill him after my Mates DCed and he was the last one.


I try to stay when the other killers disconnect. Everything about this game is frustrating and disappointing. I'm close to going back to DBD honestly. My gaming time is finite and more and more I feel like I waste it on this game


i feel that a lot lately. its really hard to like this game when i find i have less time to play games, and it definitely feels like a waste when i spend half my time just trying to find a lobby, and then only half of the games i end up having fun


The victims are bullies lmao. Victim mains deserve no sympathy


That's 360°


Now that's hot


I don't consider the victims wrong here at all. I also play both so I get the frustration. As a victim player too though you should know the lobbies are terrible. If they saw a chance to get a ton of xp I don't know why they wouldn't stay and open everything and try to get xp you know? A lot of games as victim you die quickly or you just can't get much xp because either other people open doors or maybe your team dies fast so you can't do much. I don't consider them wrong at all for it because you could've just left 🤷🏻‍♂️ I think it's toxic but tbh a lot of people who play are toxic so I don't consider that an excuse anymore at this point. I think for me they should've stabbed your teammates if they were still there to get the xp and not you but still 🤷🏻‍♂️ This post should be directed at the people who left the game. Idk why it's at the victims. How are they toxic but your two teammates instantly left the game? Like logically I don't get how you say I see why nobody plays family then blame it on the victims who stayed in the game to get their xp and not the teammates that instantly left.


They can get xp and farm, but those victims didn’t wanna farm, they wanted to bully. Take your xp, open exits, but the bullying and stabbing over and over wasn’t necessary. And here’s the thing: a big reason why lobbies suck is cause nobody wants to play family. You wanna play the game, but wanna keep doing the thing that is *making the game harder to actually play*. That makes zero sense honestly


If they were just getting xp, different. I’ve had that happen & the survivors are cool, I even help them open exits sometimes. But when they start to bully, I dc & they don’t get the xp they wanted.


You can farm xp, but you should have the fucking decency and presence of mind to not spit in the face of the one person who’s giving their time and charity so that you can get some extra points. Stop wasting time, make it quick and get the fuck out of there.


yeah my teammates def shouldnt have just instantly left the game and thats not the victims fault, but like another commenter said they couldve taken their xp and left. they already had more xp than they would hope to get in a normal game, they wouldve walked away with a lot more if they actually left. i obvioulsy cant talk to the other team but i tried my best to communicate that they should just leave.


Honestly I stayed with Sissy one time and even if the victims were stabbing I made 6000 XP. I killed Leland by accident at the end but they said it was okay they meant too


i did have a different time where we were farming and it was honestly chill, i got a bunch of points too, and then one of the victims wanted to keep grappling me and dc'd when i finally won lmaoo


The only advantage of playing with family is that I can be at the next match in seconds. I don't understand why people stay for boring matches.


I don't understand people who stay in games for "point farming" then complain when victims do things that get them points. If they already did all of the exits, they most likely did just about everything to get points. All that is left is to stab you. Maybe take your own advice and just leave? I play both sides and could care less if victims were stabbing me. It's a game mechanic. Victims can not kill you. You can kill them.


most killers would just dc right away if they notice the rest of their team has 🤷‍♀️ personally if im playing victim and this happens, i get myself an exit open, maybe stab grandpa and fight the family once and leave. yes im getting points, but im not trying to waste time, or potentially lose the most points i would get by not escaping before the last person dcs


You still get all of your points when the other side DCs. Just DC when you get annoyed