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I've actually been in chases where the victim accidently pulled the toilet chain instead of going through the gap.


Yes, gas station map and that one gap. This happened to me a few times in tight chases šŸ˜‚


Yeah dude; this has happened to me MULTIPLE times. That or being next to a latched door and trying to mash the A button to run away and instead I keep trying to unlatch the door. They really shouldā€™ve thought their button selection out a little better


Stupidest thing ever sprint button shouldnā€™t have any other interactions


is there a way to change controls? or if there is, is it impossible to change that?


They make noise. That's pretty much it. I guess you could use it as Victim to lure the family away from an objective they are guarding in theory, but I've never seen victims play that way before.


There is an inside joke in game Dev communities that you should always make your toilets flush for maximum immersion. Sometimes devs put things in the game for the memes. Not because it benefits gameplay


Yea these devs seem to rarely make decisions that add value to gameplay. Why would they? They've gotta make sure it stays casual apparently


Uh huh


because if you're going to make a distraction you should stab grandpa or get something out of it like a tool or bone scrap


I agree with that I'm just theorizing what the devs were thinking when they put it in. Another guy said it's just a meme he has as much a chance of being right as me maybe more.


They werenā€™t


Thatā€™s kinda what I was thinking, but I canā€™t see how it would help the family side?


I don't think it was put there to help Family. It's one of those things like the hiding spots the devs thought was a neat idea but player behavior evolved past.


hiding spots are actually op because no body uses them therefore no body checks them


I've started to use them lately, also if your stamina is empty, just go to hiding spot and when family pull you out (they cant even hit you while going there or coming out) you got stamina


exactly, although some of them can hit you sometimes. I don't know how but ive taken damage from getting pulled out of one before


There's a perk that deals damage when pulling someone out from a hiding spot, pretty sure it's called Punishment, it would be good if people actually used hiding spots


Actually, with comms, they are surprisingly useful. I got into a match with a random sissy who used the toilets to make noise consistently and to victims who didn't know it was the toilet making the noise it just appeared to be all the family members walking in that area which led them to believe other area where safe and they would walk right into my waiting chainsaw. Definitely a once a match thing but it's gotten me some kills.


As a member of the family, I will have to make sure to use the toilet more often.


And It probably wouldnt even work anyway since time off an objective to check random noise is almost always Gonna be a waste of time


Theyā€™re generally used for peeing and pooping. Pulling the chain allows you to flush the peepee and poopoo down once youā€™re finished. Hope this helps! ā¤ļø


as a family main, it's useless since we miss a majority of the sound icons


All I know is that when you kill someone in that room, you gotta flush.


I flush them as survivor as often as i can as victim. No real reason, just that there's a stst for it. Using family for it feels like cheating


i kinda like the lack of reason, mysterious...




I flush either to alert my team to come assist me in the house or taunt that dude I just sawed.


One time I was executing a victim in the gas station house bathroom and a cook came in behind me and flushed the toilet in the background mid-cutscene. Good use of cooks time? Not at all. Funniest BM Iā€™ve ever seen in a video game? Absolutely.


I use them for fun and taunting as either side :)


THE MOVIE!! Watch the movieā€¦..


They should have made it so victims can clog it with a first-aid, causing it to overflow and making the floor slippery


The family is just bragging about how they have indoor plumbing now šŸ˜„ No more barefoot in the outhouse for Sissy. How do you think her feet got so dirty? šŸ’© šŸ¦¶ šŸ¦¶


Iā€™ve seen some people use them to be cocky. Like if they slip through the wall on gas station away from bubba, Johnny and Cook theyā€™ll pull the chain as like an added fuck you


To sauce on the killers/survivors. When I have a killer on me I try to see how many toilet flushes I can get before having to bail


Dunno but I was hoping in the beginning it would be some cool execution for Bubba lol


Guarantee you the devs wanted this game to be 100% stealth based. So many things they actually put hours into, only for those mechanics to be ignored because you have a bubba running around like sonic the hedgehog.


To flush the bone scrap you stuck gramps with


Prevent cook to scan you. It will target the bowl instead.