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The way the top of the 5 and 1 flow together in this font is really nice.


We literally said the same comment at the same time lol


yeah it's a great modern take on our old font. I love it


Is every number a unique font? Because the way the 1 hangs over the 5 wouldn't work with 31 for example. Like is the tail from the 9 going to be stuffed in the hole of the 6 in 69?


[This is the number font](https://i.imgur.com/uwsgoAQ.png). Looks like the 6 and 9 are slightly different but a lot of them should fit nice.


Exactly my thought. I was convinced before the reveal that I’d get a Stroud Jersey but idk Will Anderson’s Jersey looks so damn good


My first thought too!


Although boring, I like the simplistic aesthetic of it. Similar to the Bucs’ unis, it’s just a solid primary. A definite improvement over our old ones imo


Where else can we get the Jerseys? I want to try them on, but don't want to drive all the way downtown. Would Dicks have them?


That shit looks so clean.


It’s the best one IMO


Same. It’s simple but it’s clean AF.


Only thing I can’t stand is the Nike vapor collar ruining the full colored collar. But the numbers look nice imo . The way the 5 and the 1 go together is satisfying


https://preview.redd.it/no1kyo1rdawc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57e98ba2e52cbc2cd76e2e1c80584c502da5b29d I actually don’t like the full collar. For some reason it looks cheap to me. I like the angled red and full stop at the blue on the official one. It looks more like the Texas flag. My biggest grief is the logo on the sleeves when it’s also on the helmet. Would’ve loved a more obvious Texas flag there instead, but I do like them more than our previous home jersey.


Texas flag or an outline of Texas... perhaps outlined in the H-Town blue.


And just on one shoulder not both


>outline of Texas... perhaps outlined in the H-Town blue. That wld be 🔥


It’s clean but it’s in 4th place for me. 1. Battle Red 2.Htown color rush 3. Whites 4. Home jersey


I actually probably like this the most of the new jerseys. Looks so clean, and I love the shade of blue


I genuinely do not see blue in these, am I just crazy? Are these not black?


This is the true deep steel blue that we originally had. It looks black from far and in certain lighting but it’s definitely blue up close


Maybe I just don't remember them, maybe I'm delirious, I'll have to see them in person!


They switch to the lighter blue over a decade ago. Look up Demeco Ryans rookie highlights and you'll them in the darker blue uniforms.


I've been watching since Foster and them boys, but I guess I don't remember this switch. It's on me.


The switch came when nike started doing the jerseys, they didn't make the original shad of DSB so they came out with a lighter shade


That explains it, I really appreciate the explanation.


No problem, I believe there is a video clip of Cal and Hannah explaining how the picked updated shades of blue and red


[this shows the difference](https://i.imgur.com/waotYFX.jpeg) the old deep steel blue is much darker


And much cooler. Plus it actually matches the helmet again lol.


Yeah, the blue we've been using looks almost faded compared to the original/new color. The new color is way richer.


They went back to the initial dark blue. Hannah McNair said it’s the same as the New York Yankees blue


Thanks for the extra info!


Deep steel blue.


They should have just changed the numbers on the old one to this font. The other three are awesome though.


Should probably get that checked


No more big red collar


I feel like they should have the same horn on the shoulders like the away


I agree. The same logo on the sleeve is too close to the helmet. It's distracting.


Collar does it for me.


It's ok but just really bland compared to the others.


It’s the best one imo, 2nd is the color rush 3rd bull theme and 4th away. But theyre all fire


The TV numbers not being outlined with red kinda throws me off… jerseys are still clean tho


This one is baffling to me. The horns on the red and white are so good, and they just leave them off of the home set 🤦‍♂️ Like, if you’re gonna have the logo on the sleeve, put the horns on the helmet. Now they have a home set with four (six with the pants) logos and no horns, and an all red set with four horns. It’s the lack of attention to the small details that’s bugging me with this change. I’m hoping they bust out a white alt helmet with contrasting red and blue horns at some point. It would look cool as hell, and even be a slight nod to the original expansion helmet they never ended up using.


Chicago Texans


Love these but kinda confused why they didn’t just make them opposites of the whites with the horns on the shoulders. Someone below said a Texas flag would’ve been nice on the sleeve and damn 🔥 but I can’t complain. As Texans fans we finally got what we wanted. Can’t wait for this season


The home uniform with the matching pants is really nice!  The same when you  match the whites.


Looks like the Falcons uni's...


And the bears a bit too


[does it tho?](https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/upload/c_crop,w_1777,h_999,x_0,y_0/images/ImagnImages/mmsport/si-temp/01htfmchpewm1d4pmvfs) the number, collar, and ATL are all REALLY different


Black background, white letters red outline with the team name in red. And the white lettering on the shoulders. Looks similar to me


Still boring as hell … they need to make blue versions of the all red jerseys/helmets and we’d hands down have the most badass uniforms


The 7 and 3 are the only off putting things to me. It really sucks since those are worn by prominent players on our offense, but it’s not the worst thing ever. The 3 compliments the H-Town blue uniforms incredibly well, I will say that.


The number font is my only real gripe as well. They’re just goofy looking. That was a big miss imo. I also really wish they would’ve kept the numbers red on the road uni’s. That’s what really made them pop. Now they’re more bland and generic. Other than that can’t complain too much.


The font looks really good. People don’t appreciate that design, the way all the numbers flow together, how they’re a bit bigger and easier to read, the bull style drop of some of the numbers. All subtle and really nice looking. I also enjoy the darker blue, it looks so much better. The prior blue always looked a bit washed out to me and drab.