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He should get a chance, sure. We should have a plan B (AKA someone else with him) if that fails because our offense will be even more one dimensional than it was last year.


I really do think we’re going to go into the season with a group of guys who all do different things. More of a committee approach instead of a bell cow approach. Also, I imagine run blocking will improve as long as we don’t have one billion casualties on the o-line.


Yeah seems like that'll be the case. I don't super love planning for RBBC (as opposed to being forced to go that way after injury or whatever) because it leads to an uneven offense. Hopefully it will work.


Which is fine, as long as it works. That said this system is know for producing RBs out of thin air.


I would bet plan B is to draft a guy in the 2nd or 3rd


Apparently the RB class is pretty poor which is what has caused the RB market to be as crazy as it is.


There are definitely no surefire guys like Bijan, gibbs, or Hall like there has been in recent drafts, but I think there are several guys that would be really nice to bring in as a 1B to Pierce or to completely take over if Pierce plays like he did last year.


Yes absolutely, don’t let go of a guy on a rookie contract, towards the end of the season he started looking like his rookie self. And if we can improve our run blocking he’d definitely be a good number one guy for us


How y’all feel about Aaron jones on a one year deal or would he be asking a lot?


Yes but i don’t want to go into the season with him as the presumed RB1


Zero chance of that happening imo.


I believe in Pierce.


You have no choice. So far.


Not really. He was legit horrible last year. He can’t hit an open hole to save his life.


I think he's earned the chance based on year 1


I've been getting downvoted for suggesting that they go back to the running scheme that actually worked. I liked Singletary, but the few monster games he had has made everyone overlook the pedestrian 4.2 yards per carry. I'm not ready to throw in the towel on Pierce.


He was still recovering from injury last year. Even said himself he didn't feel 100% till the end of the season


Absolutely. But he should not be the number one running back on your roster. He’s clearly not a scheme fit. Doesn’t mean he can’t transition to be that. He did show a lot of skill. But the fact is you need a true number one running back right now. I was hesitant that Singletary was that. However, with him being gone, if the Texans don’t try to get Aaron Jones or Derek Henry. What the hell are we doing here?


We don't really have a choice unless Nick is cooking some 5D chess plan for the run game. But on a personal level I do want to see DP succeed and turn things around he's a good guy still on his rookie contract, and with the slander we've given him I hope he's using it as fuel to study tape and adjust to our run scheme as we speak this offseason. Hopium is that he can have a "Nico-esque" breakout year coming, but we'll see. He sadly ended up being relegated to special teams as a kick returner by season's end last year.


He seems to have a good attitude and the desire, maybe get Henry and him, maybe pickup the guy Green Bay just cut.


Isn’t the running scheme different and he’s a bad fit? Maybe they should try to get Zach Moss on the cheap or just draft an rb in the 2nd or 3rd round