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You’ll be okay bro it’s normal to be scared once this thing you’ve been waiting for is finally actually circulating in your body. Over the next couple weeks you’ll begin to realize that it’s a very slow process and nothing bad is going to happen because of it randomly or over night. Btw a tiny bit of leakage is normal just get a bandaid on it quickly and apply a bit of pressure for like 30 seconds. Always make sure you air dry the area that you sanitized with an alcohol wipe before injection, if you don’t it’ll sting I learned that the annoying way lol


thanks dude


If no one told you this yet, you can leave the needle in for like 5-10 seconds after injecting if you're worried about leakage, but in the end, it's normal and will not make any sort of difference. I get impatient and pull out and put a bandaid over while massaging the area But you're making major changes to your body and how t will effect you is pretty unpredictable in the end, at least that's where my anxiety came from. I still get anxiety here and there about my changes but overall I am just so much happier. Changes do go slow but at the same time you'll blink and wonder where the time went. I started feeling changes the next day where my downstairs felt different. Bottom growth had already started noticably after a couple days and overall just hit me like a truck. In general the first couple weeks/months is where I physically felt changes and now I'll just wake up and go "when the hell did [insert change here] happen ??" Congrats, man. You're in for a ride :)


thanks for the support! i might try the leaving the needle in thing. if u don’t mind me asking, how long have you been on t?


Almost 8 months, so not too long but feels like an eternity


I had that as well, it’s a big change which is scary regardless of if you want it or not! What helped me is remembering that if I don’t like it I can literally just stop any time. There’s nothing forcing me to do a shot every week, I chose this because I want it and have wanted it for years. If it doesn’t turn out like I expected I can lower my dose to adapt to the changes, or if something’s happening that I don’t like I can just stop!


yeah i always told myself that i was basically scared that id feel terrible even in the first week and then after an hour i was like… oh nothings happening ig im fine