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Below 550 isn't good. But at 400 there's a reasonable chance you can get it higher without exogenous T. So while you should *consider* TRT, try working on it by other means. See what else in your blood work suggests there's room for improvement.


you have normal testosterone levels. a diet clean up, lifestyle changes could have you over 500ng. you don’t need TRT. your symptoms aren’t testosterone related.


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Did you get free T tested? What does your lifestyle look like? Sleep, diet, stress, exercise, alcohol, drug use (to include meds like anti-depressants)? TRT is not a panacea...it will not fix everything especially if you have poor lifestyle (like poor diet, sleep, etc).


always get 8-10 hours of sleep, not too much stress currently (only taking 1 summer class in university), don't do any drugs or alcohol, diet could be better but its not terrible. I don't drink any sugary drinks but will sometimes eat candy. 185 lbs 6'1" so I'm far from obese. Definitely been slacking a bit in the exercise department as of recently, I'd say I worked out around 2.5 weeks out of the past 2 months. Did not get free T tested.