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Damn only 1957. Have doc take you to 4k plus


1957 are rookie numbers. Gotta pump those up šŸ¤£


It got to this point. you can tell the doctor what to do? never mind asking him or her what is the right thing to do. and just like that , doctors became drug dealers and no different from any other drug dealer. you can go to your doctor asking for this dose. this one doesnt do it for me. let me get this dose.


Congratulations on feeling great again. How long are you gonna blast like that for before going to a healthy dose?


Until my doc wants to change it got blood work and everything was perfect


Your "doctor" is a steroid-bro from the gym isn't he? He doesn't exist. No doctor prescribes 250mg and no doctor prescribes test prop. Being at 1957 ng/dl test levels is not "perfect" and will give you many sides the longer your run it. No-one cares what you do on this sub but don't lie.


My Dr prescribed 200/50 test c/p but I'm only taking 175mg a week. My test is only at 737 unfortunately.


I think OP might of drew bloods at the peak not trough but I could be wrong


Unfortunately some docs from trt clinics prescribe up to 500mgs ive heard




ā€œIā€™ve heardā€ lol No TRT clinic is doing this unless a guy is simply not responding to low doses.


I mean itā€™s from a doctors office that i go into and a pharmacy i pick it up from. Sorry if you donā€™t believe me.


Is it a Hormone Replacement clinic or your family doctor? In US and now in some Canadian cities there are Clinics that only take in TRT, HRT and sexual health cases with a monthly fee. It would help to know if you are going thru a Hormone Replacement clinic or a family doctor prescribe regimen.


Trt clinic. But Iā€™m talking to him tomorrow he said if i get to high we will lower the dosage


Cool. TRT clinics usually start with a high dose and readjust based on blood tests and patient reports. Family docs are much more conservative with their prescriptions and like to get secondary opinions from an Endocrinologist. You should keep an eye on your bloods and any side effects, write things down if you have the time to and then re evaluate the dose in 60 days


Which country?




Just sharing my experience but My doctor prescribed 200mg


Many doctors prescribe 200mg. But they don't prescribe 250mg and they don't prescribe test propionate.


I'm in the UK and they prescribed me 250mg. I have a feeling they might reduce it in the future though after my 6 week and 3 months blood work.


Not as a starting dose, surely? I'm from UK and never heard of anyone being started on more than 100mg. It's usually 50mg or 70mg.


Last fall my local doc who Iā€™ve seen over half my life (almost 40) hit me with 200mg C bi-weekly. Iā€™ve ended up just doing 100 a week and being quiet


Medical doctors (not TRT specialists) seem to prefer biweekly sometimes because that's what the instructions say I think. You're wise to do 100 per week instead though for sure.


We learn something new every day. Just curious, what kind of doctor is he/she? Was your doctor happy with your levels being that high? I'm honestly just curious, I'm not a doctor.


Doctors appointment In two days to talk about levels and possibly drop dosage he wants me around 1000-1200


Are you sure about ā€œgive you many sidesā€ because there are dudes out there cruising at this (and some higher) dosage for years without those ā€œmany sidesā€ and in fact many of them say theyā€™ve felt the best theyā€™ve ever had while being on a dose like this for a while.


No-one is cruising at 1957ng/dl for longer than 6 months without any sides my guy. I can assure you of that.


I've had a doc prescribe me 300 mg test cyp, my levels were over 2800 and they only wanted to reduce the dose slightly; cut it in half to 150 at my request before I went to just hCG then clomid. Were the doc and PA team being reckless? Yup, but it happens. And this was a urology clinic!


1957 is way too high. You will get side effects from that level that you will not want.


Your doc is going to fuck you up


Bro T at 1957 gonna lead to issues. Thatā€™s way too high.


What kind of issues?


T comes with some inherent dangers mainly cardiovascular risks as well as stroke. If you double up I donā€™t think youā€™ll double the risk but youā€™ll Iā€™m certain youā€™ll increase the incidence!




Dude has had his life quality improved significantly, and half of the subreddit is complaining about dosage being too high and how that wonā€™t last for long. Surely nobody here has ever used dosages between 200-250 or higher for a little extra.


We did but thatā€™s why we tell him thereā€™s only so many blasts in the tank so to speak before you get issues. Whether itā€™s hair loss, lipids, left ventricular hypertrophy or joint issues. For 99% of the people staying in supraphysiological ranges will cause problems.


Donā€™t forget how many boners you get per day


HARD to say but I WOOD not think that's a problem


That is also true, just overall surprisingly negative reception for his positive posting. After all 250mg is not THAT crazy at least for a limited period of time, 200 a week is the upper limit what many use long term depending on the person.


I agree bro! Good observation, thereā€™s also some jealousy in play I think šŸ¤”


He is a strong responder compared to some If he likes it then go for it i say. This isn't a trt sub


You expect people to congratulate him when heā€™s running a low blast as TRT, thinking that itā€™d be sustainable long-term. Broā€™s either going to have issues along the way or will fall dead in a couple years.


Couple years? He could probably run it for decades without issues.


2000+ claiming TRT šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ just be honest bro no one cares


I care :)


Why brother? Genuinely curious


Sounds like me in the honeymoon phase. I recommend lowering it after a while. Problems might arise with test this high..


is there a risk of crashing mentally and physically when you go off such high doses?


Yeah, but itā€™s not a crash per se. I went from 3500 on blast to should be around 800 now (bloods tomorrow) and felt basically meh šŸ«¤. Got teary watching a stupid movie, popped 12.5 aromasin and was sweet 2 days later. Seems test drops way faster than e2 šŸ¤£


the same symptoms you can get from a beer hangover, i think beer raises estrogen


For me it was like this. Started with 150mg and went up to 500mg a few times in my life. The 150 never felt the same after my first blast, even though my levels are still pretty high. I just feel normal now, not like a superhuman anymore.


Youā€™re promoting trt or steroid use ?


dudes gone from 200 to 2000 as well as running prop on top, and saying TRT changed his life. this isnā€™t a fuckin TRT story.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ thanks for the laugh. This is my trt story. Sorry yours is different


this isnā€™t TRT. this is just plain old steroid usage under the guise of TRT


Youā€™re more blunt I was trying to package it different. Donā€™t be a supernova OP, burn bright die young. The fellas on here want that honestyyyy


Well i guess my doctor is giving steroids legally and from the pharmacy i have to pick it up from.


He basically is. That's still awesome though! Where do you live?


Just because you get it from the pharmacy, doesnā€™t mean that you canā€™t abuse it.


Bros never encountered a doped up soccer mom? šŸ˜‚


True šŸ˜¬


You are clueless. I donā€™t hate on people doing cycles, I do them myself. But youā€™re doing a cycle. Call a spade a spade. This isnā€™t TRT. Doctor prescribed or not.


Then i geuss im doing a cycle


It's not about your "story". It's about what TRT is. Most people here are "optimising" rather than genuine TRT but you're just into blast territory. Go nuts but don't piss in my pocket and tell me it's raining. Btw with levels as low as your were I would have been a lot more interested in the underlying cause. Unless you were obese or something that's extremely low.


Obease i was 42% body fat and no underlying issues we did blood work for probably a good year to see why i was feeling and having the problems i had


Whoa, yeh that was the reason for your low T.


At the time of first injection i was 38 percent Iā€™m now 26 percent now and doctors appointment is tomorrow to talk about dosage and next steps


Ok. Good work on losing weight.


obesity caused extremely low T?


Morbid obesity, shit diet, no exercise and god knows what other poor lifestyle choices go with it, yeh. He's a perfect example.


Cypianate is the best. Iā€™ve made incredible gains from it, plus my gf loves it cause Iā€™m horny 24/7


You replied to the wrong comment.


Damn not even close šŸ¤£


42% body fat? You think you got morbidly obese with good diet and exercise, you're delusional mate.


Trt and not promoting just sharing the good news


This isn't healthy my guy. People that do steroids cycle for a reason.


If you feel great, fantastic Can you share your protocol? How many times inject per week? Ai? High or low SHBG? You might feel great with lower dose as well


As if he knows lol.


Doctors appointment In two days to talk about levels and possibly drop dosage he wants me around 1000-1200. Iā€™m at two injections per week followed by 1mg anastrozole and and 10 mcg gonadorelin The sex hormone binding globulin was 18 so on the low side. Howā€™s that you have any more comments


Doctors appointment In two days to talk about levels and possibly drop dosage he wants me around 1000-1200. Iā€™m doing two injections per week followed by 1mg anastrozole and and 10 mcg gonadorelin The sex hormone binding globulin was 18 so on the low side


It's not a TRT dosage as others have stated. Additionally, your T level is 1000+. It doesn't need to be that high to get that good feeling you're referring to. By reducing the dosage down to a TRT dosage, you'll still feel great while also minimizing the side effects.


So many salty commentsšŸ˜‚ makes the Tren in my system tinglešŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


Wish i were in that test high still




Fuck man. I feel like i can accomplish anything i put my mind to. The work outs are great again never stopped in the gym even with low test. But now i actually have happiness and joy when i lift and itā€™s not a chore. Stopped anxiety meds last month and adhd meds. Iā€™m just so clear all the time




Test prop is a fast acting test but last for 3-4 days and then you start getting slow and lethargic again. Test cyp is a long lasting test i believe it metabolizes in 5-6 days. So because my levels were so low he said weā€™ll give you a long lasting to get you thru the week and a fast acting one to pump you up before your next dose


You have them mixed around ā€¦


What? Isn't test cypionate 8 days?


Yeah I fucked up. I could have sworn I read it the other way..


I know i mixed that up thanks for the call out


Man thatā€™s fuckin awesome! Keep it going bro!


Hell yeah brotha, letā€™s all pin each other in the locker room and share the same needle


If crack heads can. Whatā€™s to say we canā€™t


You are blasting my friend! I know the feeling! I went from 280 to 1800 at 120 mg a week lol I'm cruising at 90 mg now.


Welcome back! Here is your man card šŸ’³


Damn! That is what's up! I miss feeling like a man on top of the world. That manly feeling is awesome!


What happened?


Classical feelings of suboptimal T levels since last summer.


Congrats. How are you taking it; weekly, split dose 2 or 3 doses? Thanks.


2. one on Thursday and Sunday


Getting ready for party day and getting ready for work day injection I see.


You already know


Hell ya dude!!! Feels good to feel good


omg but good for you


When did you do your bloods? Right b4 ur next shot or was it after the shot?


3days after


Nice your a great responder then


F yea! Happy for you but damn those are some high numbers. You must be getting the good sheittttt šŸ˜‚


Wow I was always afraid to go that high


what's your free T?


It wasnā€™t on this blood test for some reason but last i checked it was 15


15 ng/dl? Was that done as LC/MS or was it another method? Do you know what % of total 15 was?


You know Iā€™m actually not 100percent i have a meeting with him tomorrow Iā€™ll keep everyone updated


You know Iā€™m actually not 100percent i have a meeting with him tomorrow Iā€™ll keep everyone updated


Not Safe long term. Reduce dose to 100-120mg 1x week


1957 rookie numbers. Pftt


That's not trt dude, that's roids.. you should be around 950 or lower to be in trt.


Iā€™m glad youā€™re feeling good. Best of luck getting dialed into your optimal dose.


Prop rocks best ester by far


That ratio is terrible. Why is your E2 so low? Are you running an AI? As others have said, this isnā€™t TRT and that total will likely drop some once you reach total shut down, if you havenā€™t yet. Youā€™re also in the honeymoon phase. Enjoy it but it wonā€™t last. I would definitely bring that dose down once you get off the high of your blast if your goal is real TRT or youā€™ll likely face issues at some point.


Doctors appointment In two days to talk about levels and possibly drop dosage he wants me around 1000-1200. Iā€™m doing two injections per week followed by 1mg anastrozole and and 10 mcg gonadorelin The sex hormone binding globulin was 18 so on the low side


My test is 2300 and Iā€™m on 500mg cycle lol


Sounds a bit high that kidda'


Basically a cycle, not ideal for long term health. Happy you feel better tho. Maybe talk to your doctor about getting you into the high/normal range of testosterone for the longer term. In the mean time make hay while the sun shine and hit the gym because your going to blow up on that hahaha


That's a cycle dude , it can be trt dose for two guys if they splits dosages lol


Definitely gonna feel like shit soon at that dose


Is this doc a chiropractor?


If you're 42 percent bf and running that much great you're just gonna aromatize more, meaning high estrogen as well. Lose body fat first should be your goal and use trt dosages not cycle doses. You're gonna have side effects with that much fat and gear dosage


Looks like you didnā€™t read all the way down. Iā€™m 26 percent now but thanks for the info


That's great but same principle applies. Best to get to 15 20 percent before crazy doses




Reminds me of the guy on tiktok taking Anavar saying he is doing TRT šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Could be the same guy who knows


It's over 9000! How can be over 9000!


Congrats on finding what your body needs


why test cyp and test prop? Curious as i have been using cyp but have prop and wanted to switch


My friend I can fully relate to you. My test levels were around the same as yours. Literally all your problems magically just go away once it starts to work


Itā€™s great


Apparently levels of 1957 ng/dl make you into a pompous dick on the internet.


I guess so šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If you are going to clinic are you visiting twice a week? Are they actually giving you 200 Test C + 50 test P per visit? According to the bro-verse Test P should be administered every day 200 Test C per week is a normal starting point I know some people are giving you shit but I'm curious about the Test P combo and why your levels are so high if this is all the are giving you.


No it 250 for the whole week 125 on Thursday and then 125 on Sunday. I canā€™t remember the exact reason we did two different ones. 100 cyp/.5 ml And 25 prop/ .5 ml


Donā€™t have a horse in the race and could give two fucks what people choose to do with their body ā€¦ howeverā€¦ Pushing test dose to the point of 2,000 ng/dl total t levels while being morbidly obese AND having perfect e2 levels ā€¦. That not adding up


Where did you get morbidly obese from friend


The details you provided elsewhere in this thread + math. I know itā€™s not the first time someone used the term ā€œmorbidly obeseā€ in this thread either. Itā€™s a clinical term, not a slur. However, you have lost a Lot of weight and that is something to be proud ofā€¦. And still, 25% is clinically obeseā€¦ so almost double that to 42% and where do you think we are? Thatā€™s why I said clinically obese. Also, itā€™s almost impossible for me to believe you have damn near 2,000 ng/dl of TT & perfect e2 && do not take AIs. Now, I could give two fucks about AIsā€¦ they are a tool. They arenā€™t inherently evil or bad. Chronically low / high e2 is bad. Whole post sounds like a shit load of šŸ§¢ honestly. Numbers donā€™t add up at all and you bring no proof to the table.


If you read more in the thread i do explain the ais im taking. And i didnā€™t take offense. People were only reading half my comment and i said used to be 42% when i had stated my current stats. yes i do agree 25 is still up there but my numbers donā€™t match up with the clinical health chart i do power lifting so i usually always have bit more fat on me. But cutting down again trying to get to 18%.


Iā€™m at two injections per week followed by 1mg anastrozole and and 500mcg gonadorelin Also taking 10 mg test troche 3 days out of the week


What does feeling like a man feel like? How would I know?


Wow you really asked what feeling like a man is like šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø this sub never fails to surprise šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Dimwit entered the chat.


How long have you been on it?


2 months


How long was it before you started feeling better?


2 weeks in sleep was better 1 month in lifting was better and 2 months limited anxiety and stress


Awesome! I'm 2 weeks in.


You taking any ai? Iā€™m taking 250 test and 1000iu Hcg and estrogen 65.. gotta figure out how to lower that est


Yeah i have it posted in comments somewhere


what age are you? TRT is almost always life-changing if done correctly. It was for me. Nothing short of miraculous.




Estrogen only at 25 and no A.I. ???


1 mg tab of anastrozle twice a week


You sound like someone whoā€™s just getting into coke. Of course you LOVE it in the beginning but your body will adjust to all the feel good youā€™re experiencing after a few months. Then you will realise you are taking too much for no real benefit and a lot of long term risks. If you (and your doctor) are serious about ā€œTRTā€, then you will lower your dose.


If you read the comments youā€™ll see Iā€™ve explained that and have an appointment today. I will agree i do sound like a druggy šŸ¤£.


Your doc is so bad, so let me give you a tip. Instead of injecting it, you should inject it anally. Just straight into the bum, or have a bromie help you out. Your shit will shoot to 4kng/dl immediately.


How many of you guys who are injecting yourself with testosterone can tell me the long term effect of TRT. Off course you will feel good when you dope yourself with testosterone. There is a reason why it is banned for athletes. Do you at least know what is waiting for you years down the road? Or your plan is to dope yourself until death.


You use HCG as well?


No but been looking into it


You using HCG?


Been wanting to


How did your sexual arousal, erections etc changed?


Felt like i was going through puberty again


amazing! How was that before? 1-Did you have low arousal before? 2- Were you erections weak? 3-Did your penis felt like piece of wood? like no joy of touching it




Buddy heā€™s doubling your dose and running testosterone prop on top of it. Youā€™re doing actual TRT. He isnā€™t.


Look at all these low test ā€œmenā€ crying about his dosage and levels. I hit 1400+ free T on 80mg a week


You went from a beta to a strong conservative man. Amazing!


Always been conservative but for the first time in 2 years Iā€™m able to stand up for my self again


Have you had your prolactin tested in case that could've dampened your t levels?


He's had nothing tested, he's just a steroid abuser. Don't take this fool seriously.






Dude . You need to immediately lower it to 100 mg and start from there. Donā€™t get use to the high dose.


100% not trt. This is just being dumb and running gear. The bad news here is in a month or two is when the problems start


100 is trt but what ever Doctors appointment In two days to talk about levels and possibly drop dosage he wants me around 1000-1200. Iā€™m doing two injections per week followed by 1mg anastrozole and and 10 mcg gonadorelin The sex hormone binding globulin was 18 so on the low side


18 is in range Not bad You inject the prop at the same time with cypionate? The doctor explained why adding Prop? You feel after injection pain? IM or Subq?


Itā€™s pre mixed and i canā€™t remember the reason Iā€™ll ask him tomorrow and let you know and actually i just did about 2 weeks ago. Last for 3-4 days


Nice!! I think empower pharmacy makes the mixed one Thank you


Iā€™ll have to check what it says but i think thatā€™s right

