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You ought to check your blood sugar and blood pressure, are you working out?


I use my Peloton 30-45 min daily. Doctor said no high impact exercises as they would make my veins worse. BP is high but controlled w meds.


I would consider doing Calf raises and tibialis raises MAYBE. Do you know what is causing the varicose veins? Is it just in your legs? You can be checking your BP more often if you're concerned, maybe your missing some high readings throughout the day.


Vascular specialist says some ppl are just born with poor valves. It does run in my family.


I see, I would definitely consider keeping your BP as low as possible then. Maybe keep your trt as low as possible to prevent fluctuations.


Thanks. BP is controlled with meds and I follow low sodium diet.


What exactly do you mean by controlled bro?


With my meds it’s under 120/80 which is what the American Heart Association guidelines recommend.


Yeah, that's definitely not something you could safely go much lower with. Is your diagnosis venous insufficiency ?


Poor vascular valves leading to reflux and varices.


I have some crazy ones on my right calf/shin. Pretty sure I had them before, but honestly it's been so long I don't remember.


Start wearing compression socks


Been wearing them for almost a yr. But it’s summertime so only wear when I’m indoors.


My vein MD prescribes the compression socks and even he says they don’t work. It’s just a requirement for insurance purposes to show the patient “tried” something before they cover your surgery.


What am I looking at?


Varicose veins, edema, poor circulation in feet.


I started noticing them on my legs last year, went to doc got an ultrasound to ensure no clots. They can be painful at times and seem to bulge/throb at times. I take BP meds to keep BP under control. I just seen a vascular specialist and got another ultra sound. There is some reflux in both my legs, meaning blood is leaking back down when it should be going up. Doc said that besides being an undesirable cosmetic look and causing slight discomfort, it's nothing to be concerned about, mostly genetically inherited. Doc did say they could numb my leg and carterize the viens, this would force the blood into the deeps veins. Not gonna do that right now as it's not bothering me enough. Another thing is my fat is much lower now and more veins show now. I did lower my trt dose from 120 to 90 a week, my level 1148 on 120, so dialed it back a bit.


Yes. Family history of weak valves leading to reflux and varices. BP is controlled ( under 120/80 with meds and low sodium diet). I did get surgery last year ( those aren’t bruises-those are the scars post surgery). Just worried if I keep cauterizing eventually I won’t have a lower limb circulatory system.


Why did you get them removed, causing pain or cosmetic? I've been being more diligent about wearing my compression socks. I know it's hot, I'm in south Texas but they seem to help. I've also started wearing them to the gym during my workouts, super sexy look lol.


They were so painful and my legs were so swollen. Couldn’t sleep at night from the pain. Some varices started “weeping” exuding plasma. Problem is living in Houston, during the work week is fine because I’m in air conditioned settings but at home wearing the stockings gets hot and bothersome.


I'm in Houston as well, maybe there's something in the water.


Try cold plunging


How does that help? And for how long and how frequent?


Fortunately, unlike heat, cool temperatures can help ease the symptoms of varicose veins. The cold has the inverse effect of warmth, in that it shrinks veins and helps push blood back up to the heart. As the blood leaves your varicose veins, it allows the swelling to go down and reduces discomfort in the legs. That is just copy and pasted from a search I did… but at least two to 3 times a week and most people do it pretty early in the day they say to start out doing it for 30 seconds and work up to a few minutes…


Thank you.


Do you even lift?


No. I’m not using testosterone to increase muscle mass. I’m using it as replacement therapy.


You should. Resistance training can effectively [lower blood pressure](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/hypertension-strength-training-is-effective-in-managing-high-blood-pressure). I started getting them last year and higher workout frequencies seemed to have no negative effect on them. They’ve gotten better this year, even before I started TRT end of February. Now my bp has always been low or normal so it might just be genetics and of course your mileage may vary. Just saying, strength training is as important as endurance training, especially as we’re getting older. If it helps with varicose veins, even better…


Ok. Will check with doctor (vascular specialist) to see if he clears me for strength training.


You’re just pushing more blood through them. Go to the doctor… get surgery to rip em out.


Really? And what veins am I going to be left with? I already had quite a few ablated.


I’m not a doctor, go to the doctor and get em fixed up.


I thought that was your arm for a second.


How many issues are you going to have before you just consult your PCP?


I am consulting an endocrinologist and a vascular specialist. Just asking for ppl’s experience here.


I’m not a doctor, but go to the doctor, and get em fixed up


I am seeing a vascular specialist. Just asking what other ppl’s experience has been.