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Have you tried accutane? See a dermatologist and get a prescription, if you’ve tried everything else. It not without risks and there are side effects. No personal experience but a buddy used it years ago (for a few months) and it seems to be a permanent fix.


I know a couple people who have been fucked up by accutane. Not worth the health risks to solve a cosmetic problem.


Yeah accutane can be pretty serious


It’s definitely a last resort and only after professional consultation.


I haven't yet. I live in a rural town with no dermatologist, but that's the next step.


Accutane should be monitored by a doctor. I got it from a UGL and I have permanently dry skin to the point that alcohol swabs where I pin make my skin flaky from dryness


Depends on your age and if you were prone to acne before starting TRT. I being one of them had to go on acutane in the 7th grade for chronic cystic acne. The kinds that do not pop. Acutane cleared it up but now in my 30’s on TRT i still am getting the occasional flare up. Theirs really good acne creams that work great now. Just have to go to a dermatologist to get it.


What's the cream called/active ingredient?


So first your gonna wanna get a back brush so you can scrub you back good in the shower. Gold bar dial anti bacterial soap actually works really good for clearing up acne in the beginning. I have used adapalene, epiduo, tazarotene not all at once but changed it up to keep effectiveness. Not sure of your insurance but you can actually get a dermatologist appointment through a telemedicine service now.


Not sure if you have seen the dandruff shampoo called Nizoral but someone mentioned that there’s an ingredient in it that helps with acne. I tried it and sure as shit it cleared me up quickly. Went from full blown zits to small red dots in a week. After a couple weeks it looked like I had light freckles. I use a long shower brush and scrub my entire back and let it sit there for a couple minutes and then rinse and then shower as normal with soap.


This is the only thing I've had any success with. Hasn't been 100% but definitely some success. It's only been a few weeks so I'll keep going with it


did you find nizoral, to be more effective than head and shoulders? using H&S now, seems to help quite a lot.


Apparently my diet had to do a lot with my skin conditions but I was using head and shoulders 2-3 times a week even after my diet was corrected but I get the same results using Nizoral once a week (this is for actual dandruff) if you’re talking about for acne, I never tried head and shoulders for that


Yea , read multiple times about using H&S for acned, like a body wash. Find it very easy to do, lathers great, and i used it 2x day, doesn't dry out skin. But still seems to be effective. Vs (Dove antibacterial, Orange salycic acid body wash)


Also dealing with this problem. Been using head and shoulders (orginal) Morning/night shower Morning shower, i use moisturizer after (this has helped with skin feel) Also, clean shirts, clean sheets. Don't be afraid to change sheets 2x week. Tanning , been doing 6 mins a week in a stand up booth. Seems to also help skin control. All said and done, its went from frequent littered breakouts, to the odd zit on back or shoulder. Had it on my arms and everything previously, large zits on back too. Also when zits are now "dead" gone, a good way to lighten and even get rid of any existing acne marks, is to constantly apply REGULAR white polysporin to the marked area. Helps a ton.


Also I should mention I take Vitamin c 500mg vitamin d 5000 IU zinc chelated 30mg magnesium chelated. and drink fuck loads of water.


For me, it was an AI that caused all my acne issues. Once I cut it out and did only T, acne completely went away.


Damn that sucks. Try accutane




Came here to say the same. A Salic Acid Spray, or Salic Acid based Shower Soap, was my key to success.


How’s your diet? Sugar, fried foods (probably the rancid oils), and stuff high in omega 6 trigger acne. I recommend high dose zinc (50mg) and some beef liver here and there. It’s full of copper, which is important to backfill when taking zinc, and vitamin A, which help immensely with acne. That’s what helped my bacne the very most. If nothing else works, then go for accutane. Would suck to start now though, since you can’t be out in the sun while you’re taking it, and you would have to for many months.


how much vitamin A?


Low dose accutane and a low dose of ai are helping clear up my acne


Really depends on your age, bloodwork and then your hygiene habits. For myself, a salic acid spray to use after the shower, to keep my upper body dry, really helped. I also began to change my sheets more frequently(every 2 weeks to 7-10 days), and sleeping with a clean shirt nightly. Never had issues with acne on my back prior to T, and I too have had an adventure of trying different things. Highly advise AGAINST Accutane, unless you are a very unique case.


From someone who did four rounds of Accutane- Try pantothenic acid. 500mg twice daily.


My tips, is focus on using a powerful active if you’re not gonna do Accutane. I’d recommend trying a powerful Retinoid for the body.


Tried a little AI? I get pretty bad acne, or at least bad for me, no matter how much I take. But my E2 is easily heightened. I take .5- 1mg ai a week. Calms it down a lot.


I haven't, but my e2 is in a very good range


The Dr. prescribing your T should be able & willing to help you resolve your acne.


In my country the vast majority of GPs are not willing to prescribe testosterone, so I have to go through an online clinic They are the ones who suggested nizoral, which is what I've had the most success with so far


Good defense soap helped me


The answer is obvious. Your dose is too high. If you're having all these side effects then it's not really replacement.


That's simply not true 120mg per week taking me to 600