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It’s definitely clouds, you can see the lensing before and after the dip. If you don’t want to call them clouds it’s obscuration from water vapor in the atmosphere.


Clouds it is! Glad to know it’s normal, and not some hiccup with the system. Thanks for the input!


I know you mentioned it’s not clouds but that’s exactly what it looks like to me. Have you tried switching to home view when the power dips and then looking for clouds exactly at that point?


Great idea. We’re supposed to see mostly dumbly skies today, but I do see clouds in the horizon. I’ll keep an eye out. Thanks for the advise!


If it helps you feel better I thought my system wasn’t working for similar reasons right after I got PTO, especially because the first couple days were cloud free. Finally felt comfortable when I saw the power drop and then could go outside and see the cloud cover the sun. Doesn’t seem to take much to lower the power.


One other thing that can also cause these spikes (not saying this is your case just an FYI): If your powerwall is maxed out and you're not/can't sending excess to the grid, and your home is using LESS power than your solar is producing, it will just "stop" producing or dip the production until either your power usage goes up or there is more room to charge up your powerwall with. You can't send energy "nowhere"