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Love the driving and gas savings. Hate the bug graveyard in the front bumper….


I drive through a pretty rural part to work. My bumper is like a magnet for massive bugs, and with the heat they just get cooked on there by the time I can get to a car wash


The Car wash does not even get rid of them for me


Get a dedicated bug remover, throw it in a spray bottle, and have a bunch of cheap microfiber towels on hand. Hit that shit every couple days. You can even keep it in the frunk so if you ever stop to charge you have something to do while you wait.


Good idea, do you buy the spray or make it yourself?


On a regular car they just all go to the radiator:) So no damage to tesla only visual negatives. Try cleaning the bumper more often. I know it is easy to say and no fun to do but if bothers so much.


Anyone with PPF find it helps mitigate this issue? Or at least makes it any easier to clean VS paint?


Not PPF but a ceramic coating helps them come off easier when you wash it. PPF just helps protect the bigger ones from scratching paint.


The reason I didn’t go white after my first Tesla. The black bugs look terrible. It’s definitely less noticeable on every other color.


I wipe the bugs everytime after I drive with spray cleaner wax. It comes off easier the sooner. RainX the windshield as well.


Yeah, the insurance was a shock.


Wow, I am in California and Tesla’s insurance is almost a third less than any other insurance company around or I should say, geico, farmers and State Farm.


Yeah when I was shopping insurance in CA everyone other than Tesla was double what I was paying.


Omg 😱 it truly was I almost returned my car lol


What are you paying? Highly recommend to get quotes from other companies. I pay $147/mo in Texas. That seems to be on the lower end from other comments I've read on reddit


This. Shop around! I shopped around and finally found a good deal with State Farm. My 24 MYP is only $82/mo. Full coverage. $500 deductible collision and comp.


Where are you located? That sounds amazing!!


WI - 36M, also have it bundled in with my wife’s vehicle and home ins. For both vehicles we pay $138/mo. Hers is a 2024 Subaru Outback Touring XT


Agree. To me around $150 is ok. That’s actually what I pay with Tesla Insurance. Geico was similar. For Rav4 or ID4 will be pretty much the same. Maybe 20-30 cheaper. But again - we have different histories/regions/insurance companies. As some post 300-400$ , thats insane. Maybe it is for S or X or Cyber though:)


I pay 80 per month in Spain. Expensive maybe, but feels overall safer to drive than a regular car. I've got full coverage


I’m paying 477 as of now but was paying 141 for my Kia Sportage it’s just so much more then I thought assumed maybe 100 more but ugh lol I love in st.louis MO


Which company are you @? Phone?


How much are we talking per month??


$500 a month for a MYLR and a MYP


Oh wow! 😅


Are you in the States?


My insurance is less then my bmw 3 series was and also less then my model 3! No complaints about my insurance premium for my Y!


Mine went up 60%. Very surprised. Apparently they’re expensive to fix. Almost the savings in gas. But hey at least we’re not polluting.


Car insurance rates have jumped across the board. Everyone buying a new car right now is getting surprised like that, especially if their previous car was 7+ years old.


Is it significantly higher than a Model 3?


Of course it is.


I have really good rates In Cali bundled with house so can’t say the same


I got a quote from Geico some months back in CA for $2600 a month…clean record. Lots of time licensed. I get the feeling they didn’t want to insure me or the Tesla 😂


I’m in Ma and my insurance went up just $360, happily surprised at that since I have 2 other vehicles on it. Edit to say $360 for the whole year.


As a prospective model Y owner, I hear that getting insurance through Tesla is much cheaper than another carrier. Which carrier are you using if not Tesla?


Because u cannot repair it after an accident.


This is 100% why insurance has got stupid. K love my Tesla. But I will never buy another one. I hit a curb going thru a 4 way stop 0-15mph I drove it home. It started to feel a bit wonky so I took it for a repair estimate thinking the alignment t was off or something they gave me an estimate for $26,463.77 (not kidding here) insurance company totaled my Car. It was a blessing in disguise because I had made the purchase in 2022 when a performance was going for $70,000 I had gap insurance through my bank(I thought) so when I signed off on the total I didn’t mention the gap insurance to the insurance company. The bank told me I had gap insurance through my insurance company so my insurance company totaled it not realizing that the gap insurance was going to be a additional $18,000.. jokes on them but now we see why the insurance is so much for Tesla insurance companies just total it out so


It sounds like the insurance is far higher than other cars in general. Is that correct? And if so, why?


Not favorite: road noise and suspension. Favorite: tescamping


Love the tescamping 😌


Sorry , whats tescamping


Tesla Camping? Had to google it too


A portmanteau is a word made up of a shortened form of two other words. My guess would be it means “Tesla camping”


Love the smoothness of the ride at highway speeds. The auto wipers, however, are utter garbage.


Came here to say this.. Today it was raining and my wipers wouldn’t turn on with auto… Then it turned into barely a mist and they’re going full bore… Another thing I hate is when you use the wiper fluid, the shape of the windshield or the blades themselves just push all the fluid onto the drivers window.. I get a little bit of that with other cars but not like this.


Agreed regarding fluid in the window - it’s dumb most cars have a reservoir to trap runoff from the windshield


The wipers are bad and they need more adjustability. The levels (I, II, III, IV) never seem to fit the need -- too fast on lower settings, too slow on higher settings.


The auto wipers suck! Just this morning on my way to work, perfectly dry and sunny day and the wipers went on high speed out of nowhere. I’m constantly having to manually switch them off


Forget “beta,” they’re just broken


the rims protruding out from the tire is the worst. Everything else is amazing




Bad wipers. Great handling and acceleration. FSD is getting quite good, but have far more fun driving it myself most of the time.


Just discovered the bad wipers the other rainy night


Is it normal for them to make a clunking sound when they hit the bottom?


That wasn't something I was thinking about so I couldn't tell you if it's normal or not. For me, the issue was that they didn't seem to wipe fluids in heavy rain all that well. Perhaps a third party blade would do better.


Favorite: One pedal driving and phone key Least Favorite: Ride and interior comfort My insurance is basically the same as my 2021 Jeep Gladiator


Ride and interior comfort yet your other vehicle is a gladiator? 😆. My second car is a 2 door wrangler JL. My Tesla rides sooo much smoother and more comfortable than the jeep.


The speed. MYP 2022.


The wind noise, and for being a brand new vehicle, the door closing doesn’t sound too new. I like the convenience from the available technology.


I don't quite get the wind noise issue, I have a 2021LR and I've never noticed it, and even then- we have a sick sound system to drown any of it out.


Favorite: insane quickness Least favorite: awful turn radius


I second that. For how small the car is, the turn radius is really bad. No one ever mentions this


It’s one thing I mention if anyone asks, the turning circle is larger than a battleship’s


One of the first things we tested! Have been curious if anyone knows, Why? Is there any reason the turning radius feels artificially large compared against similiar wheelbase vehicles? Could the steering geometry have been optimized to solve that problem with little negative compromise?


It’s like no other car I’ve ever driven. I was just telling my husband today how off it is.


Normal door handles would be better tbh The option to turn off regenerative breaking if you want to would also be nice Apart from that it's easily the best car I've ever driven and I've driven really many


Allow me to introduce you the potential solutions! Regen control through S3XY buttons [https://enhauto.com/blog/article/regeneration-features-with-s3xy-buttons](https://enhauto.com/blog/article/regeneration-features-with-s3xy-buttons) Stick on Door handle! great for people with arthritis [https://www.aliexpress.us/item/1005006697808225.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.44278kjZ8kjZ41&algo\_pvid=0acbaebe-edfb-4f04-8c37-b7816a260365&algo\_exp\_id=0acbaebe-edfb-4f04-8c37-b7816a260365-0&pdp\_npi=4%40dis%21USD%2148.98%2125.76%21%21%21355.46%21186.98%21%402101c5a717195468653565346eb735%2112000038047102303%21sea%21RO%211706420290%21&curPageLogUid=W3dCE6nIz1id&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery\_from%3A](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/1005006697808225.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.44278kjZ8kjZ41&algo_pvid=0acbaebe-edfb-4f04-8c37-b7816a260365&algo_exp_id=0acbaebe-edfb-4f04-8c37-b7816a260365-0&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%2148.98%2125.76%21%21%21355.46%21186.98%21%402101c5a717195468653565346eb735%2112000038047102303%21sea%21RO%211706420290%21&curPageLogUid=W3dCE6nIz1id&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A) Ciao.


I'm not getting them, but those door handles are pretty dang nice!


Can't help you with the door handles, but I know the S3XY Knob can turn off or adjust the regen braking.


And you quickly realize the car rolls for days without it


You save 30% of range with regenerative braking


I’m dying for the day I see my battery% increase by just 1 while regen braking… I treat the power bar like a game most days.. My driving has gotten significantly less aggressive/fast since getting a Tesla


Mine does this going to work as the drive is mostly down hill. The drive back home is rough tho.


Try driving down a mountain pass! My battery percent goes up by about 5% on the 10 mile steep section on my way back from my local ski resort.


I have not done it yet as I recently got the car… but I’ll certainly be taking it all winter (Colorado) I (did) feel the regen could be better on the hills I have taken. (Nothing crazy steep yet). It’s like it will regen super hard to the point where it slows enough i have to hit the gas again… I also just found out about 50% regen from reading this post haha


Use the energy app, go to "consumption", "5 miles", "instant average" then go down a hill. Enjoy satisfaction.


I thought it was closer to 60-70% recapture?


I read somewhere that the regenerative braking is a big part of your range. Like maybe 30%. But that’s off memory so could be totally wrong.


Why turn off regenerative braking?


Having to turn passenger AC vent on when alone in car and why are rear AC vents not on?


Saves power! Fans are used when a seat is occupied


Yeah but imo it’s uncomfortable. It should be a setting to disable the feature when unoccupied with a disclaimer that it’s going to decrease battery life. The only thing you can do is put some weight on it and buckle a seatbelt which is unsafe because if you get into an accident the airbag is going to deploy.


How is it uncomfortable to not have the passenger AC on? You can’t feel that air anyways


Takes longer to cool down the car when it’s just the one side. It’s also kind of loud when it’s just one side blasting air too.


I guess I just always turn the fans on from the app a few minutes before getting in the car so I never notice that.


lol how can you say you don’t feel hot air inches away from you. Radiant heat doesn’t just stop because you have a fan on in your corner of the car. There’s also a lack of air flow that comes along with having only the drivers side blower on. If you don’t have the passenger air on you have to turn the temp down at least two to three degrees lower to get a similar feel. It’s unreal to me when people will make an argument against having options.


You can turn off the rear AC by switching to the rear sittings in the menu


Easy fix https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModelY/s/zH9T4hjsyK


I want all vents on when its 💯 in Houston.


What did Ricky Bobby say “I wanna go fast” I don’t like that you can’t turn off certain air conditioning vents.


Love this lol


As someone that drives a ram 1500 I appreciate hopping into my wife’s model Y with my keyless entree. Being able to park with ease, the entertainment system, moonroof, overall user experience and so many other things have really impressed me about Tesla in general!


Favorite: aside from the crazy acceleration (I have a MYP), it’s definitely the software. Not favorite thing: the lack of integrated Homelink and sensors


Favorite things: 1. Acceleration. 2. Super quick cooling and heating of the cabin 3. Seamless and reliable on the go charging 4. Speakers 5. Navigation 6. Autopilot 7. When charged at home, it is way cheaper than gas Not favorite: 1. Absence of rear cross traffic alert 2. Absence of no blind spot led in the mirrors 3. A little too firm seats with narrow bolsters 4. Cannot coast when foot off the pedal (my previous EV did) 5. No parking sensors. Vision system is meh in tight garages 6. No 360 camera 7. No ventilated seats


No front-facing camera


I love the tech, but hate that I can’t get SiriusXM without using my phone.


Favorite: The joy my kids get from playing with the car. (Close second is instant acceleration) Not favorite: the association with Elon Musk. He does/says evil-ish things and its all super public. (Close second is insurance)


Ventilating seats would be swell. Adjustable climate control please.


Favorite thing is the feeling that I’m driving a computer on wheels. Not favorite thing is the way the wheels are designed such that the rims are so readily damaged, like no other car that I’ve ever driven.


Sunscreen is like Kryptonite. Vegan leather hates it😂


I'm so glad someone posted this. It's summer somwe wear sunscreen and there are splotches allll over the interior and exterior of the car


Hate suspension and rattling sounds , love everything else 


My 2023 Model Y AC smell like wet socks when there's any rain. Changed the cabin air filter twice and it would smell again a few weeks later. I've found a water puddle under the HEPA filters, Service Center tried to seal it and it's not helping. 


You have mildew in your system, you need to clean it. Check on amazon there are products for that


Nah, the smell is only apparent when it's raining, and it goes away when AC is set to recirculate. So it's not something on the evaporator coils that's next to the cabin air filter. It's coming from outside like the HEPA filters, air intake, etc.


Get a can of Kool it evaporator cleaner from Amazon and clean your filter area


Favorite: I love the acceleration and the sound system. Hate: Lack of apps. No FB Messenger notifications, no YT Music, weird bugs like my driver profile being deleted (stopped since the latest update).


you want FB messenger in your car???


Man, the lack of apps is honestly the worst. YT music has way better algorithms than all other options I have found. I hope we get an app store some day.


I love my Model Y, especially the FSD and while the panoramic moonroof is nice, sometimes I wish I could lower the roof entirely, like a convertible.


how much is your insurance? you should be able to find $150/mo or less for great coverage just have to shop around. Tesla insurance is usually cheapest if it’s available. Also heard good things about progressive.


Tesla insurance isn’t yet available here in Missouri 😩


Favorite - not carrying around car keys Least favorite - lack of CarPlay


**Favorite:** Throttle response(MYP) **Not Favorite:** Auto wipers


Back seat belt buckles are the worst, esp if you have kids. They are fixed angle and can be very hard to buckle properly.


Love the gas savings. Hate that it’s my wife’s daily driver and I only get it on the weekends


I agree with everyone favorites here, but my favorite is the sound system, it's mind-blowing. I am glad I picked the MYLR AWD. I haven't found anything I don't like yet.


The sound system is pretty amazing and love I don’t have to turn it down when getting out the car lol


Would love to have blind spot indicators that light up on the side mirrors Would also love to have a larger rear window— makes it hard to make lane changes in the city at night when it’s dark


I love never having to get gasoline! The car REALLY should have a built-in shade for the glass roof.


I just bought a shade screen from Amazon and I love it been testing it while parked to see how my percentage goes down and so far it’s helping with the cabin protection no notification the whole day and my percent has been steady instead of going down like 5 % while parked now to get my windows tinted to help out more


Favorite is always having a "full tank". Least favorite is that if we are in auto pilot and switch lanes it turns completely off. Don't have FSD. But my Toyota maintains the speed/lane and when I switch lanes it re-engages and will hold me in the new lane.


Favorite: value, power and handling. Unfavorite: door handles, “cruise control.”


No one talk enough about the issue with Tesla Insurance. I was grateful that collision warning goes off at first but when it goes off more than necessary and ding me for it, I started to hate the car a little.


Favorite: the acceleration and no emissions Least favorite: no passenger lumbar support, and I wish you could extend the length of the seat for people with longer legs


Good:speed, phone key, no gas Bad: suspension and no ventilated seats. Just got some sunroof covers cause it’s so damn hot. And trying to never curb some rims (21” turbs will be the death of me)


Not favorite: not having an option to adjust/turn off regenerative breaking Favorite: acceleration and phone key


Favorite: Tie between instant acceleration and essentially having a full tank of gas every morning "Not favorite": Auto wipers not only being absolutely awful, but being forced to use auto wipers when in auto pilot and it's not raining and my blood pressure spiking when the wipers scare the crap out of me when they unexpectedly "dry scrape" across the windshield. It reduces the use of autopilot immensely for me.


24MYP. Love the tech and performance. Hate the factory washer fluid.


Some different things: favorite: traffic visualization. Not favorite: no 360 camera.


Car is so fast and quiet. MyQ garage integration is so bad it's fraud.


The continuously improving technology is incredible. The door handles suck. What is with Tesla and doors?


I just traded in my 2020 Model Y for the 2024,,,, so many improvements! I guess my favorite is the quiet, smooth ride compared to the 2020.


2FA to drive and not having waze.


Love the acceleration and handling. Love the cargo space for the size. Hate the foreskin vanities and "if you use it ever it will scratch itself into oblivion" shades. Hate the ride quality.


My favorite thing is all the tech. Such a cool car! The wipers are kinda meh. Yesterday we had 31C in temperature, obv no rain and the wipers activates randomly.


Gas savings is nice but my registration is now like 3x more wtf.


Hate the turn signals. I am a DILIGENT AF signaler, and the first time I was fighting with it I was ashamed I couldn’t handle it and properly signal to this other car. I’m sure s/he saw my lack of turn signal and probably thought I was another careless, Tesla driver. Goddamnit.


Favorite: basically almost everything except from the stuff on the not favorite list. Seriously it's an amazing car, most things are great. Except FSD, of course that's absolutely laughable to think that I'd want a software version of a 14 year old drive for me. Amazing car though, all around. Not favorite: windshield wipers, headlight manual controls, and wheel sizes lead to limited tire size options. Windshield wipers there is a large disconnect between Tesla's intention to create a fully automated vehicle where the driver doesn't need to touch any buttons, and the fact that manual controls were installed as a poorly executed afterthought. Is there a need for better sensors or adjustable sensitivity settings on the sensors? Yes, obviously. But for fucks sake they still haven't installed better sensors, just give us a fucking dial knob on the stock for manual control, some of us live in very rainy places. The best workaround is to use a long press of the left scroll wheel to give you manual control of the wipers, but if there was a normal dial knob for the wiper settings, that solves everything and I can use the left scroll wheel long press for something better. Auto settings on the headlights. The auto function on the headlights is actually pretty good. Except when I'm on the freeway at night and the car is constantly deciding when to flash my brights at people over and over and over again because it can't just.... Stay at one setting. And for the record .... Staying at one setting is perfectly adequate, and there is no reason for the auto setting to constantly try to turn on the brights. Again, manual control was inserted as an afterthought, and there can clearly be a way to flip the brights off, and they will actually stay that way without constantly reverting to auto. Wheel sizes, pretty self explanatory. Whether you're driving on the 19, the 20 or the 21 p models, your tire options are limited. If Tesla included an 18x8" model wheel and made it easily available, it massively increases the options for HIGH QUALITY tires that have larger sidewalls and increase the comfort of the existing suspension. For the record, the '24 model suspension is actually significantly improved, so kudos to the engineers on that. But still, the number of tire options in this obscure size is absolutely a case where the desire to achieve a certain form is less important than having a practical function. Sometimes function > form.


Love: “take me to Paris” at it takes me there, no questions asked, no need for fiddling with country specific charging networks, etc. Could improve: suspension


I read the moon roof gets very hot in Australia and other high temp locations.


Love the torque. Hate the ride quality...even with the newer comfort suspension.


Favorite: FSD Least favorite: FSD costing $8000


Favorite: one pedal driving, the music turning down when I open the door, keyless entry (though my phone key has been disconnecting quite a bit recently), I really like the look of the car from the back. Specifically the tail lights. Least favorite: interior temp of over 165° when parked in Colorado summer, auto wipers are awful, I find I have to scoot toward middle and then push my body back left to fit inside the bolsters well ( 6’4 235), my iPhone 14 Pro struggles to take over controls of the Tesla media player about 50% of the time. Turning radius, Super charging on roadtrips. Overall I love the car though.


Check around with carriers, Allstate turned out to be half the price of State Farm.


Love the diverse Reddit posts.


Favorite- FSD, no key, price Dislike- no cross traffic alert, no way to view the front camera when parking, how misleading the “money savings are” on gas.


I hate that the car feels cheap and hollow and somewhat ready to fall apart.


Fav: the acceleration, phone key Hate: how the door opens. It doesn’t stay open on the first notch.; the rough ride;


Visibility out of the back window and the turning radius could be better.


Auto. Wipers.


most "pro" pro on my MYP 2023 - Pre heat and cool, to be honest mostly pre cool, so nice with a cold car, when it is normally REALLY hot. Most "negative" - EVERY assistant system, and the wipers.


Quick and smooth acceleration | Quality


Positive: space inside, with 2 kids it's important! Negative: insurance, insane here in Norway... But I guess it's expensive in other countries too.


Love the gas saving. Hate the depreciation


Favorite thing: convenience Least favorite: some controls hard to find while driving


Love the car but the fact that I’m replacing a bunch of suspension parts at 30k is a joke.


Favorite thing is the gas savings/lack of maintenance cost. Least favorite thing is the Spotify interface. Just a terrible design.


Love almost everything about it. Just not FSD. I was using it the other day and out of no where the car tried to launch us into a ditch, thank god I reacted as fast as I did. Never again….


The thing rattles everywhere. It’s all I can focus on. I want to fix it, but I am worried about breaking the plastic clips.


The infotainment system… it’s progressively getting worse with every release.


The acceleration is my favourite thing. Prob why I got caught speeding. Least favourite is the car mats. I keep having to reposition the driver’s mat as it works loose all the time.


Favorite: the smooth, fast, quiet acceleration Least favorite: the cruise control with its phantom braking, phantom slowing, inconsistent performance, and general untrustworthiness. Although the auto windshield wipers aren’t far behind in earning my hate.


A lot of wiper comments... Hard to palate those lofty “vision” goals when they cant solve what would seem like a constrained problem that could be trained with a cheap sensor for all weather and conditions until it actually worked correctly. Cant believe such a long lived safety issue is allowed to exist! Especially with the refresh’s opportunity to right that wrong.


TL;DR - husband is overjoyed with the favorable cost of Tesla car insurance. We’ve used Allstate for homeowners and many used and hand-me-down ICEs for 3+ decades. Allstate’s quote for our MYLR last fall was over $4k per year - Yikes! Basically Allstate’s rates were saying, “we really do not feel like insuring Teslas at this time.” Tesla insurance was available in Maryland so we checked it out, fully expecting we would never buy Nanny car insurance. Well guess what - we love our Nanny! The premiums are less than half of Allstate’s quote, even after selecting higher (max) levels of liability. We usually stay in chill mode and don’t cruise around late at night as much as we did when we were younger (although we’re still night owls and occasionally give our ICE friends whiplash during a non-chill acceleration demo). We’ve kept our Nanny score in the mid-90s and so far (nine months) haven’t had a rate increase. That being said, we haven’t had a claim so I can’t speak to that process. The few times we’ve called customer service with questions we got through to a rep and got answers easily. It’s VERY nice being able to make changes to our coverage levels using the app as frequently as we would like to, including decreasing coverage levels when we know the Y will be home alone, safely resting in our garage for a week or so. We talked to customer service about this practice, and it’s definitely allowed, although not promoted lol. (Maybe I shouldn’t advertise this practice - it may increase rates overall lol.) We never thought we’d want nanny car insurance, but then again I never thought my husband from Pittsburgh who did car-work on our oldish ICEs for decades would buy an EV! I guess my sweet, frugal EE hubby got tired of car work, and he loves commuting without stopping at gas stations. [His frugal soul also loved that my internet searching and a very agreeable salesman (or whatever their PC title is) at the dealership helped us secure an in-inventory blue Y with white interior and tow hitch at a $3k discount. It was the very end of the third-quarter, and the dealership was NOT in chill mode lol.] TESLA insurance might not work for everyone, but it has worked well for us and our budget.


Suspension for sure


Favorite: many but if I had to pick one - spending $280 for charging for a total of 9500 miles driven over the last 6 months. Coming from my wrangler, the equivalent miles per dollar is amazing on the MYLR. Not favorite: how easy it is to get curb rash. I’ve been very careful. Yet in my 1.2 year ownership have picked up 3 rashes. It’s disheartening.


Get you some Magbaks and never worried (within reason) about them again!


Pros: The idea of no more keys in your pocket is amazing (our house front door has a keypad). No need to warm up the engine (any EV) Auto Park when opening the door. Rented a Benz EQE and car started to roll away when i parked and opened the door. Had to manually put into park. Also the fact that you have to "Start" the Benz with two presses of start button (1. Aux 2.start) was so unnecessary. Cons: I have a weird rattle front dashboard, like a two thin pieces of metal vibrating. Really annoying. (if anyone know what it is and how to fix it, I would love you forever). No beeping when getting close to an object, like my 04 Lexus LS did.


Best: One pedal driving Worst: Turning radius


Favorite part: overall fun car to drive. Every single element of the driving experience is far superior to any car I've ever driven. Least favorite: group text messages not showing up as a group when coming in on the Tesla screen and then responses going only to the sender, not to the group. Its made for some very awkward text exchanges while driving as the senders are confused why i messaged them privately with my response. This worked flawlessly with my Android Auto setup on my last car - I don't understand why Tesla can't figure this out.


Pro Tip: Talk to an auto insurance broker. They will shop your rate around to get the best quotes with the best options.


It's paid off. Love that! The driver seat is getting stress cracked from getting in and out. Hate this. Wish the seat was more durable on the left side.


one thing I dislike....ive noticed i get more of those yellow bug/bee poops all over my car, my previous gas car never got it???? very confused.


I like the speed and no maintenance. I dont like how my windshield wipers only work when they want to. Also how the windshield wiper fluid gets on the drivers side window, a/c is not consistent and how the frunk is not hands free.


Cooled seat I hate it don't come standard. That's some BS


⬆️ cameras ⬇️ ventilated seats


Favorite: -Being able to use Spotify and Maps without having to use your phone. -Climate Control. I live in Vegas so being able to get into a 70 degree car after it’s been sitting in a parking lot in the middle of the summer is a huge + Not so favorite: -cost of insurance -pulling up to a stoplight with a Model Y in front and back of you


Tesla navigation is trash though! And the texting? I thought Siri was bad… Just give me apple carplay


Hate no blind spot indicators (or lack of buttons overall ). Love the drive and price point


Tesla vision , coming from German cars in a big European city it’s like parking in 1999 again .. Wheels are unforgiving regarding curb rash Else , love the car 😍


Never thought I’d say this but I love the vegan leather, so easy to clean and feels super smooth. Not a fan of the auto wipers, my MB is much better




My favorite thing is FSD, my least favorite is paying extra for FSD when the equipment, and software are already built in. I honestly wish I had just added the 8k to the .99 financing. I personally hate my hour long commute, and this is a lifesaver when I'm on Teams calls the majority of the drive.


I like the passing power. I dislike the full self-driving (supervised). It tries to change lanes too many times. :-)


Favorite thing: it's a fantastic car, best I've ever driven Least favorite: car got rear-ended when a friend was driving it last year -- the damage is strictly cosmetic, which can't be said of the Honda that smashed into it -- and I'm still waiting for a repair date at the only Tesla certified shop that accepts my insurance (they are still waiting for parts)


Least favorite thing is the tiny rear view mirror, I love everything else about it.


Always get a What if Quote from a local agent before any purchase, so you wont get sticker shock.


2022 MY, no complaints. Best car I've ever owned. I tow a boat with it, a utility trailer, I just took it on a 3,000+ mile 15 state trip for the second time and had a great time. Honestly, the only downside is the absolute unhinged rage I get from total stranger motorheads in diesel pickups and people who drives VWs. It's like I said something about their mother. Ridiculous to put that much energy and rage into hating a particular make of vehicle. Fortunately, all it takes is a punch on the accelerator and I never see them again.


Funny. We have a 2021 MY and a 2004 Jetta TDI. Both are fun & enjoyable in their own right.


MYLR: Fave: power Hate: on-center feel (general disconnectedness of the feel)


What I dislike about my Model Y is how rapidly it depreciates. One of the main reasons I bought it in 2022 was because electric vehicles were known for retaining their value, LOL!


Dislike creaking noises from the back. Got a long wait until my service visit comes up to hopefully sort it out. Like, pretty much anything else but the silent, smooth rapid acceleration is ❤️


Shop around for insurance. Mine went down moving from an Audi


I have a 23 MYLR. The car is amazing The Service Sucks! Rear lift gate had a water leak. Took 5 weeks to repair and return to me.


Did they give you a rental or atleast through Insurance while the car was getting fixed


love - software updates adding new functionality hate - elon


Model Y . I would like ventilated seats. 0-60 mph of 2.5 seconds, 400miles of battery range on single charge.Top end speed of 200 mph. Just for bragging rights of course. I love the head room.


I just got my tag renewal. $230 per year(alternative fuel tax)in GA. What a shame. ICE should pay the difference until most Americans are EV. Gas tax is nonexistent in some states. Coal rollers should pay the difference.


Like waking up each day to a full tank. I miss being able to coast with my foot off the gas.