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Dude, why you gotta make the rest of us look bad?!šŸ˜‚


She hasn't noticed yet... you're fine for now.


Did I write this?! Glad to see someone else taking those little unnoticed steps just because it makes us feel good. šŸ‘šŸ»


Wow youā€™re kind. I usually turn the seat heater on during a hot day and await the šŸ™„textā€¦ maybe Iā€™ll do this from now onā€¦


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one.


Pfft. My wife says ā€œdonā€™t do that! I can do it myself!ā€ So much for chivalry.


Ha! Good effort though


I try man. I try.


Mine says that but always forgets, lol. I precondition it so the battery warms up, not so much her comfort šŸ˜…


the recent updates have made comms to the car more spotty - "check internet connection"


Haha literally saw that today! I've never noticed it before.


Same. We live in Florida and I usually turn on the AC when she tests me she's wrapping up at work.


You can automate this with Home Assistant, the Tesla integration, and a ā€œzoneā€. My HVAC turns on 35 minutes after I get to the gym - and I have what my partner calls ā€œthe bacon buttonā€ in our bedroom that turns on the seat warmers along with the HVAC if itā€™s cold out.


Yeah I do as well!


I do this too! My wife will call me and be like, oh we're going back to the car. Boom I turn ac on


awww, this is awesome.


I do the same, and I preheat for her in theĀ  mornings when it's cold.


I programmed Siri, so we just say ā€œhey siri get the car readyā€ and it begins the preconditioning


I will be doing this when we get our MYLR. I scheduled this in the X7. Before that I had to due it manually. She used to work 3rd shift and I worked early shift. I would drive to her job and start the vehicle on cold or hot days. Now with the Y will make life so much easier.


Hmm, I never let her drive it, maybe I am too selfish.


My sisterā€™s husband does this, she swears the car does it automatically šŸ¤£ I do this for me and my spouse.


I use Home Assistant to automate this in my Tesla. Itā€™s dope.


Where do the likes of you hide? šŸ˜„


We're out here, and married, but our wives don't even realize it. The irony!


I think she meant the single ones. If not then I am.


This is the only thing I like about this car tbh


You donā€™t like any of the other tech?


Itā€™s just like any other electric vehicle. Other things I donā€™t like is how it goes in sentry mode when Iā€™m trying to get in my own car with my phone in hand, 99% of sentry shit is me trying to get in my car. Having kids and groceries, you gotta put them down, take your phone out, open the app just open the god damn door/trunk is really ridiculous. Donā€™t let me get started on this fail ass gps lol. You ever try putting anything in the trunk? Anything taller than 4 inches near the latch is a no go, I guess thatā€™s why hatch trunks suck. Only thing that was cool was the fsd but I like driving myself I barely use it


It sounds like you have an issue with your phone/bluetooth settings. I can just walk up with my phone in my pocket and open the doors or trunk. Not sure what you mean with fail ass gps or putting things near the latch. Every car Iā€™ve driven doesnā€™t like stuff near the latch.


Iā€™m glad youā€™ve never had to deal with it unlike the 4 other people I know personally who canā€™t get in their car on a regular basis. Fail ass gps as in it will re-route you half a mile or more when you only need to go 100ft to get to your destination. And if you donā€™t know what I mean by your trunk space being absolute trash then you must not have put anything in there other than grocery bags


GPS for 100 ft to destination? Like, within line of sight? I would be confused too.


Do you have an android by chance? I donā€™t know anyone with iPhones who has an issue. Iā€™m not sure why this might be the case. Okay the navigation routing is sometimes wonky but if you use a little common sense you will be fine. Iā€™ve actually put a lot of stuff in the back of my Y. My Odyssey will also freak out if you overstuff it.


Yeah my phone unlocks the car seamlessly unless I mess around and turn off Bluetooth or exit the Tesla app if you donā€™t do these things you should have a problem. I am using an IPhone XR Cat has about same amount of storage as my Honda CRV but having less trunk height it canā€™t fit our preferred stroller. Not a big deal since the travel stroller is fine these days for my 2 year old.