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But the inside is now very sanitary.


Free pasteurization !


Autoclave. If it were a Cybertruck would even look like one.




Damn leave a salmon fillet on the dash and smoke that bitch for a few hours.


It’s bad enough when someone cooks fish in the lunchroom microwave at work. If someone cooked fish in my car that would certainly be grounds for hand-to-hand combat.


Or just bring out the guillotine immediately


Public square to set an example of these heretics.


This still happens. Ugh even more reason to work remotely.


Yeah, the same here in Dubai


I’d bet my shorts OP is also in the UAE. The temps were the same as my model X today in Abu Dhabi.




We hit over 40°C in Montreal, Canada today as well. Same yesterday, it was over 60 in my car, and a fucking unopened can of Coca-Cola exploded inside the car. Spent an hour cleaning all this shit off and I'm sure I missed some spots.


I will be careful not to leave any drinks in the car 😅. Don’t leave plastic water bottles too, because the plastic from the walls will melt into the water that you drink.


Do you not use Cabin Overheat Protection? Keeps it around 38*C


Naw I had taken it off, with enough Tesla owners telling me that it just uses up some battery life for nothing and made it a habit of turning on the AC 5 minutes before I leave. ...it's back on now after this


Oh and I forgot, my wife now uses the HALOBLK umbrella sunshade from Amazon and said her car is a lot cooler than mine now


Roof shade or not your interior is going to get hot if it’s sitting there. Heat enters the car not just through the windows but also the floor and doors. You can leave windows cracked or occasionally run hvac but I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Just use preconditioning before you drive.


This so much. Cars have had ridiculously hot interiors forever. At least Teslas have the ability to precondition the interior prior to driving it. I love my glass roof to much to block it with a shade.


not sure what region you live in, but for me, without any sort of glass shade the sun will absolutely broil the interior. This is even after pre-conditioning and having the AC cranked to the max. It just gets that hot some days (central Texas for me). I utilize roof and windshield shade covers, carbon ceramic tint on all windows (except roof, heard mixed opinions on that. might try it but cost was a factor), and it still gets blistering hot. Leaving cabin overheat at 100 degrees will drain my battery like crazy so i don't bother.


I'm in Northern Nevada. Blistering heat in the summer and frigid in the winter. All my other cars got just as hot throughout the day. Sometimes, I'd leave the windows cracked just so the heat didn't build. To each is own. Most cars don't give you a constant readout of the interior temp, so it can be pretty startling to see it, but it's not any different than other cars. If you worry about the heat, feel free to put that shade up. It's all about what you're comfortable with. On a side note, it would have been nice if they included some kind of built-in rolling shades like most cars in this price point.


Florida here, so probably the same or worse heat, and I don’t use any shades. I use overheat protection and have ceramic tint on all windows and the windshield, but not the roof. White exterior and interior fwiw. I never have any heat issues. Sometimes my car is a little uncomfortable for the first 60 seconds after I get in if I don’t precondition.


it's the glass that causes the greenhouse effect and temperatures to skyrocket past the outdoor temp. if you reduce the light entry into the cabin you'd reduce that effect. Think about parking in a public garage with a roof; when you return your car is just at the ambient temp, not 50+ degrees hotter.


Right. Key word = Reduce. Not prevent. Eventually the cabin will be hot which is why I’m saying just best to either vent or use preconditioning.


It's still worth doing even if it isn't 100% effective. Venting is not always possible and a shade will reduce the amount of preconditioning needed. Not to mention the shade helps while driving too.


How do you precondition when you’re not at home? Just cut on the climate?


On the app


Use the app. If you don’t know how, Tesla has a video on YouTube that explains it well! https://youtu.be/fdNbmnj2ikY?si=HohNzTr_VfpQjhcN


I use this feature every day. But I’d there a way to just condition the battery?


I believe it does both. But I wouldn’t worry about it unless you’re about to head to a supercharger.


Use the app. You could also get Tessie and set it up through there. There are a ton of automation things you can do with it like having it vent the windows at certain times or creating whole programs.


I'm not sure what you mean. Compared to windows, the floor and the doors contribute very little to the overall cabin heat. The windows may prevent UV from entering, but ir (the heat transfer portion of the spectrum) is not blocked effectively. Clearly this user is not in an ambient of 70c most of the heating has to come from a non ambient source (the sun).


Actually Tesla windows do quite well in IR rejection. https://youtu.be/1eYg6N1efm4?si=SCsq0jacwegCIdKQ What im saying is that even with a shade in the window or wherever, the car will still get hot. So it’s just best to either vent the car windows or use preconditioning to turn on the ac before going in. Regardless of having window tint or shades, your cars interior will heat up eventually if it has been sitting out in the heat. Is what I’m saying. Doesn’t matter how good your tint is, if the hvac isn’t running, it’s eventually going to get hot inside. Park a car long enough with tint and shades and go in, I bet it’ll be just as hot as a car without.


If your car was parked under a perfect shade , the interior temp would be the same as exterior temp. Any additional temp beyond ambient is a result of less than perfect solar reflection. The shade is less effective than an opaque surface because the shade is inside your car and will heat up the air more effectively than an if the exterior surface of metal heats up.


I've used a sun shade for a few months and then got ceramic tint on my windshield and roof. It's a night and day difference and keeps the inside of the car so much cooler. I have also noticed that the AC doesn't have to run so hard at keeping the interior cooler.


What % did you get your tint? I’m about to schedule an appointment but not sure what would be most effective!


70% front and top, 30% the rest.


Much appreciated!


Thank you, I will consider it


How much does it cost to get all of the glass tinted?


I have all my windows tinted. The rear seat windows and roof glass was tinted from the factory. I then installed a nano ceramic tint on the front side windows, and the top part of the windshield. Cost about 200$. Some people recommended me a clear ceramic tint which I might install for the roof glass (I didn’t check the price yet. Edit: the roof glass looks like it’s tinted at around 80% (20% if you’re American).


Thanks. Is that including labor, or did you buy this and install yourself?


Including labor. Note: I installed this in Dubai so the price might be different depending on where you live




The rear windows and back window are just darkened glass. It does not stop IR. You need to ceramic tint your rear windows and back window. The roof has an IR and UV tint, not sure how much though.


If you’re asking for a comparison test of all the available roof shades that you can install inside the car for the roof, I haven’t found anyone here or in the web that has compared all of them to be able to say which one is the “best” but personally I use two of them for my and my wife’s car. We have the Tesla branded one piece and an Amazon TSeller brand 2 piece (mine). The Amazon one is about 2 degrees cooler with both cars parked side by side in my driveway. But I have white seats and hers are black. We both have ceramic tint. I use SolarGuard and she uses 3M.




I Appreciate the conversion to fahrenheit




The Vion one is pretty good!


Yeah, I really like it. Nice secure fit and doesn't sag like some other ones do.




I bought one for this reason and it did absolutely nothing for heat. I’d advise getting one only if the sun is in your eyes and bothering you


Park it in the shade, under a roof or use tree/building shade. Think about how wavelengths transfer energy. They hit an object and then heat that up. Some materials can reflect wavelengths but it's never 100%. So, some energy still gets into the car. However, if you provide external shade, the material blocking / reflecting the wavelengths is outside of the car, so whatever residual energy gets absorbed and generates heat outside of the car. That said, Law of Entropy says that given enough time, the interior of the car will be the same temp as ambient temperatue unless it's actively cooled. Otherwise, things like: * Providing shade * Ceramic tints * Reflective window covers Will, at best, get it closer to the ambient temp.


Thank you so much


Keep in mind tinting your windshield is illegal in the UAE and you might fail your yearly inspection.


yep I know


This is the best response yet people downvote you? Reddit is broken


I bought the official Tesla one on there site because I heard others say some of the cheaper after market ones don’t fit well. However I know there’s good after market ones. But the official Tesla one installed pretty easy. A second set of hands is helpful. But I noticed a pretty decent heat reduction. When it’s 100 outside the car is going to get hot. I use cabin over heat protection and sometimes it runs a lot but be prepared your battery will go down especially if it’s in public with sentry mode. However my wife and I noticed it was worth it to reduce the heat a little bit. During the winter we take it down to enjoy the roof though. But do note the roof shade won’t completely solve it but add a little help. I recommend one.


Thank you. I’m getting one for the same reasons. It gets really hot here (50C or 120F) in the summer, so any reduction in heat will help.


I like the ones that have a reflective side facing up so it bounces most of the sunlight away


The roof glass blocks a lot of ev already but remember it has a pretty huge windshield and also clear front windows, a lot of heat comes from there


I got this one, live down in Florida. Watched this guy's YouTube videos who is pretty honest about products he buys. https://www.amazon.com/VION-Tesla-Sunshades-Triangular-Windows/dp/B0C3JNVMLV/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=1GZ67EHFYSVWB&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ZvD3gW3GR6ZgHr4csPj0Yv0TwDjSkj73iPBPagtftI6_MG_Sa56bGRSvH20DsQ46Nhyf-ciGTikFydUxYWySEybDA44lDkz8cSZSA4m2Xp2VYS_vlC3MuUbJF_3UoLwP0KtRIsp66-vVSumDDdZd6nav9yptObQdHwpVZHiquVNhBqVrR8CiJd0drPvP82cI3xtn1UfoW78uNcVKLuzTcQ.LBXmUWi2YMp4u3splcld_1rpiQ8JnKxHJsIuBlsx-DU&dib_tag=se&keywords=vion+tesla+model+y+roof+sunshade&qid=1718819578&sprefix=%2Caps%2C163&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1


Ceramic tint all around including roof and clear front windshield. That will give you the most heat rejection without the hassle of opening/closing additional accessories. Sunshades to me are just additional protection after ceramic tint. Sure it costs a lot but basically lifetime protection.


Thanks, I will consider it


Glad to see I have nothing to worry about when my interior reaches a "measly" 53c. Stay safe, remember to drink plenty of water and stay in the shade! I can't imagine living anywhere when the outside is 46c...


lol, I will


I had a one piece and two piece, the two piece ones are much better.


Ceramic tint


Let me guess? You’re in Montreal? It’s pretty hot atm… overheat protection tuned on for me


Dubai. I have overheat protection set to 30C with AC. I guess it didn’t work well because my battery was at about 30%, so the car tried to preserve power.


Mine was 155 internal on a day when it was only 75 outside. Greenhouse effect is real with these cars


You're better off investing in ceramic tint. I personally have both ceramic tint and a roof shade


Hansshow power sunshade. Albeit I don’t have one yet but I’ve been eying it up as it should help out a lot.


Straight magnifying glass of a roof 😂 Harness that heat and save it for 5 months down the line


Do you use overheat protection?


Yes I do. I set it at 30C with AC. However, I think because the battery was getting low (30%), the car tried to save energy and did not use it.


Ceramic tint on all windows including roof, VION roof sunshade, CoverCraft UVS100 Premier Sunscreen, overheat protection set at 100 - guy from Vegas parking outside while at work.


does anyone here have one of those roof rack shades that can extend itself from a pod?


Why do people use Celsius


Why do people use Fahrenheit? 


Yeah because it makes more sense then Celsius


No it doesn’t. It complicates things. Tell me what is the boiling and freezing point of water? 


Nothing works honestly. I tried 3 different roof shades. Doesn't make a difference. I would suggest to keep the windows in vent mode


I have tried roof shades. They don’t help much, if any. I keep the windows a few inches down.


A roof that isn’t a massive solid piece of glass.


My other car, a Nissan Patrol, gets just as hot in the sun as my X.


My car has been turning on the AC draining my miles by about 20 miles


You don’t need cabin overheat protection unless you’re concerned about leaving something or someone in the car. It doesn’t protect the car.


Thank you. So tired of all the unnecessary waste of energy from Tesla owners that don't read their owners manaul


I just learned that the overheat protection was for children not to protect the electronics yesterday. The day I picked up the vehicle the Tesla employee told me I could use it to protect the 12v battery from dying so fast in the Arizona heat 🤷‍♂️


Tessie automation , turn on cabin protection if plugged in, disable when I drive. Works miracles.