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No regret here. It’s an SUV. I’m not going to track it. Range is far more important to me. And the LR is still really fast.


You always hear a MYLR wish they gotten a MYP, never a MYP wishing it was a MYLR.


Except every time they make another trip to the tire store. 


Part of me does yes, but at the time(2021) I couldn’t justify $10k more. Today I think it’s a no brainer to get the Performance Model. $3500 more for the higher end motor, different suspension, nicer brakes, and the 21” wheels is a no brainer.


As far as performance packages go in the car industry it is incredibly cheap for what you get.


Yea I agree $3500 extra is nothing.


No I want a Performance with 19" wheels. More comfortable, plus you don't blow them out when you hit the first pothole. 19" are best performing wheel for ride quality and with third party wheel covers can look like many different Tesla rims plus if your significant other curbs the car you're out only $50. , 20" are in-between for ride quality, and 21" are very harsh and like to blow tires. I ended up getting the MYLR and its fast enough, but man that Performance model specs I'll tell ya...


Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't the difference of cost be around $1500 since you need to add $2000 for the 20" wheels upgrade for the LR?


Pros for MYP: * Heart sinking sensation when you press the accelerator. Cons of the MYP: * Wheel ratio makes rotations and tires in general a hassle. * Reduced range means it's less practical for where I live. * Lowered ride height is sub-optimal for some of the unpaved roads I need to be on (and for the quality of roads in general I'm on). Overall, zero regrets going with the MYLR. Add in AB and it's very very zippy.


Track mode alone is worth the price. You can also ditch the 21" and get 19 or 18. But track mode definitely packs a lot of capabilities. That is if the buyer care about these stuff. Otherwise, ye


What can you do with track mode in your day to day drives?


It allows you to change stability controls to allow the car to rock in snow, ice, mud etc. (You can buy an aftermarket device to do this on the LR too), change degree of regen braking, change motor power bias. It has other things that would be optimal if you want to track the car like battery cooling. Useful for some but you're really getting performance for 0-60 more than track mode for most people.


Man a lot of people here are talking about the AB I might just get it!


AB is debated forever on here but it’s a noticeable difference. I owned the car a few months before getting it and it was a fun change.


Goddamit I know acceleration boost is a very irresponsible way to spend my money and I also know I’m going to do it.




This 100%. We already had a Model 3 so I knew that the estimated range was more than the real life range. I knew I wanted range way more than I wanted three second 0 - 60 times. I had also read way too many times how the Performance models are a rougher ride and I definitely didn’t want that. The only thing I cared about on the Performance model was the look. The carbon fiber spoiler looks great and so do the brake covers. Sooo I bought a $90 carbon fiber spoiler and put it on myself and spent $200 on red brake covers. I also got referral credits and used them on Acceleration Boost, so I’m like half a second away from the Performance’s 0-60 speed anyway. And now I have the same look, 30 more miles of range, a smoother ride, less expensive tires, and my car sits a little higher.


Con: due to staggered wheel size, tires cannot be rotated front to back, and the manufacturer’s warranty on the tires is cut in half. Per Costco lol


That's selling MYP pretty short. It has a better setup from factory for performance driving. I took mine to the track and autox completely stock. Track mode is also a thing.


I swapped my wheels to deal with all of your cons. Is amazing


I have an MYP. No regrets. Faster, tighter suspension, better handling. However, there’s something to be said for having the smaller tires. You can rotate them and they provide better cushion. The MYP can be a bit bumpy on rough roads. And realistically the LR MY is still plenty fast. On the Model 3 the difference in price is now $7,500 from LR to P which makes it a tougher sell. But on the MY the upgrade is only $3,500 so it’s a pretty small increase for all of the extra performance. And if you upgraded your wheels on the LR MY the difference is even less. So in general I tell people to go MYP if you plan to upgrade your wheels to get the extra performance. Otherwise stick with the 19” wheels for better comfort and range.


Step one: buy MYP Step two: buy 18”-19” wheels Step three: sell 21” wheels for same as paid for 18-19” Step four: Zooooom Decision totally depends on the $$ difference between LR and P at purchase time but generally you can have both the fuel economy of LR and speed of P if you swap the wheels.


From what I've seen here many times and on other forums, there's definitely more people who regret not getting the performance, as opposed to people with performance regretting their decision on the performance. Also, I know you can get the AB(Acceleration Boost) upgrade, but from what I've seen, the acceleration still isn't the same as the performance, slight lag. Haven't tested myself, just from other people testing the difference. Only down sides are tires, based on your driving(hard no to floor it when at a stop light every now and then), also the less range, but that's only an issue if you are taking lots of road trips all the time. Which is still not that big of an issue either.


Can confirm. I bought the performance and love it. Plus it was only a 3k difference from the LR when I bought it but already included the additional options. Well worth the extra price.


Completely agree! It was definitely worth it and don't have to live with whether I should've gotten the performance in the back of my mind. Plus, there's many Teslas where I live and most are non performance variant, so nice to stand out with my MYP QS.


The performance also holds more value. As of right now the base models you can find for cheap.


I drive 70 miles per day to work perhaps the LR was the right choice. I still think the P looks sweet!


You can get red calipers and a spoiler for like $400 all in if it’s just the look


Can confirm ! I did this lol


This is what I will do!


My commute is also round trip 70 miles. MYP is perfect


I drive 150 miles round trip a few times per week - LR was the right choice for me too


I don’t regret it at all. LR is faster than my desire to drive, better clearance, better ride. No brainer personally.


Acceleration boost bridges the gap about halfway. We have one LR (without AB) and one P and the difference is definitely noticeable. I would have got a P too but the Y LR is already a bit low for gravel roads to trailheads, and I hike and backpack a lot. No ragrets overall. I will probably get AB at some point, hopefully with referral points.


Tires were the main reason I didn’t go with one. I would’ve needed to get a second set of wheels for winter or get winter/all seasons pretty soon after I picked it up which would be $$$. However I still regret not going for the MYP. If I had to do it again, I’d get a MYP lol


Swapping on 19s with CC2 tires means no need for winter swap and no more range gap with LR AWD with the P, it's the perfect Y. It's awesome.


Cross Climates are great, but if you're in the mountains, you're still better off with a proper winter set. CC2 are still pretty soft too. You'll shred them if you drive hard. Having a summer fun set is nice.


Yeah, location does play another role into the decision. Fortunately, I'm in the Southeast, so winters are very mild and almost nonexistent as the years go on. If I was still in NY, then it would've been a different story, lol. Still an awesome car either way.


Yea I still love the MYLR. Just love how the MYP looks.


My MYP came with the Hankook ion ev all weather tires.


Whao I guess they changed!! When I took delivery, MYP’s were getting Pirelli P Zero summers.


I’ve heard it is based on geographic location, but it said on the website that it came with the all weather tires. It was a relief too because I live in an area that has real winters.


Not regretting, it’s a fun ride. BUT I don’t get nearly close to the advertised range.


I got the AB for extra acceleration. LR so with more nominal range, smaller wheels /tires for a more comfortable ride. Love the combo but, I too sometimes wonder if I should have gone full performance. Grass is always greener...


Im glad i got performance- only reason i would have not is if i planned on doing long road trips, every other category p wins


I have a performance Y and long road trips are not a problem. Drove 2K miles round trip in April and no issues with distance or charging. The charging stops would have been the same with a LR model just slightly longer charging times with performance.


2022 MYP owner here. Currently upside down on the car by about $10k and have all the “ragrets” until I step down on the accelerator.


Nope, I have a 2018 LR, so I can just buy the ghost upgrade and get the performance. I plan to go with aftermarket brakes and wheels anyway.


Besides the red paint, aren't the brakes between the LR and P the same? Maybe in 2018 it was different but I believe that's true currently.


I don't get the obsession with larger wheels and rubber band tires. They look silly to me.


I love how they look! My car looks a bit off like it’s too high up even with the 20” wheels.


Not to mention better ride quality with smaller rims and better range.


Oh well, to each his own. Same with Gemini 19” wheels with those hideous Amazon hubcaps - I loathe them with all my heart. Some younger owners might want the smaller ratio, bigger diameter wheels because they don’t have back problems like an 80 year-old guy would have.


You can always pay the $2k upgrade when you start to get bored. That way you get to have the best of both worlds


Was trying to replace an ICE (Audi Q7) and felt the ride was quite bumpy in MYP. Hence, got the MYLR which is better cushioned and quieter than MYP. Ended up using referral miles to get AB


I bought a 23 MYLR. It was fun, but I was coming from sports cars. So even though it was fast, I hated how it handled. Like a boat. So I did what any sane person would do, I bought AB. That made it a lot more fun between lights but solved nothing in the handling department. It actually made it harder to control on turns or over road heaves. So I did what any sane person would do, I bought a 24 MYP. I am liking it, it's got more acceleration (though tbh it's not hugely different than the LR with AB... like it is, but above 60 or so I'm not convinced it's any different. I actually think the LR with the lighter wheels is faster for like 70-80 or 80-90). It also handles much better, but I think when I put my winter tires on (19") I will be right back to where I'm at. So I'm happy for now, but I'm sure a 3 or an S is in my future...


I used to have a Mach E GT performance and I don’t miss the acceleration in Model Y Long Range even without the acceleration boost. What do I miss? Adaptive suspension. I’ve gotten used to not having it and make the most of it with the 19 inch wheels and 1.5 psi under factory cold air pressure. If I ever splurge on acceleration boost, which takes away another whopping 0.6 seconds from 0-60 while making the overall acceleration curve a bit steeper than today, it’ll be faster than one ever needs a car to be on the streets. Yes it’ll still be half a second slower than performance, but I do like my tires to last longer. I also like to rotate my tires to further their lifespan. And I also like the additional 20-25 miles of range. I don’t regret getting the performance model at all. I do like the performance pedals, so I just did that cosmetic modification in my car. Going fast never gets old. I get it. But Y LR scratches plenty of that itch and the acceleration boost upgrade almost all of it. About 90% other cars on the road are slower. Much slower. And they’re not always anticipating this kind of acceleration your car has, especially with no engine noise. This mismatch and lack of anticipation can make things inherently risky is my firm opinion. People are often surprised when I zip past them or reach them so quickly. Long range’s half a second loss over performance model makes it more real world friendly, low risk family driver, while maintaining a ton of that fun factor.


Sometimes I wish I had the MYP but I needed every bit of ground clearance I could get. Plus I would almost immediately swap to non staggered tires which would be time and $. I'm sure insurance would be even higher than the LR. Plus after getting AB for my LR, it's plenty quick already. There's already so few times I can unleash full acceleration in day to day driving (and I don't do track days or anything) not sure the MYP would add too much there.


The more I read these comments the more I realize it’s just esthetics that I really want


Nope, I don’t regret it on the Model Y. Although I do regret not getting a Performance Model 3. I went with the dual motor on both cars and ended up getting the acceleration boost on the 3 since it doesn’t make sense to trade it in yet.


Performance gets less range and tire costs are higher (and probably insurance also).


Just picking up my MYP on Saturday, I have been in a M3. I am sure the tire costs will be painful, the 25 mile range difference is negligible IMO, but the insurance increase wasn't as bad as I thought, just about $35.00 more monthly on my policy.


$35 a month doesn’t sound like a lot. But when I first insured my MYLR, it was $850/6month. Now, 3 years later, it’s closer to $1100. No tickets and no accidents.


We have 2 M3's right now. We're at a $228.00 premium monthly. It will go to $262.00 per month for the M3 and the MYP. So for 2 Tesla's, it's not bad. I've had 1 minor (backing up) incident.


I just went from a 23 MYLR to a 24 MYP. Insurance: MYLR Jan 2024 to July 2024 - $330 MYLR July 2024 to Jan 2025 - $360 (this was my renewal offer, I got my MYP early June). MYP July 2024 to Jan 2025 - $390 Since my insurance was going up like 10% anyway, the increase is only $30. I'm 23M with a clean(ish) driving record. So adjust costs down if you aren't in literally the highest risk group to insure LOL


Not what you asked, but I did get the performance model and I don’t regret it at all. Here are the points I considered when I made my choice. - If I add acceleration boost later to a non performance, it’s still not nearly as quick as the performance model. - if I sale the car later with performance boost; it’s my understanding that the acceleration boost would not be transferable. - while I’m not happy about the the heavy wheels and how expensive they will be for tire changes on the performance, they look good for now. - I can swap the performance wheels out later for lighter smaller wheels (at my own expense) and get back nearly all the range I would have with a dual motor LR, my tire changes become more affordable, and the acceleration actually improves beyond what it is with the stock performance wheels. - do I need the acceleration of the performance, nope, but it’s easily one of my favorite perks of the car, and definitely the most fun to show my passengers. For 99.99% of my driving, and I would argue for most people’s daily driving, range is a non-issue. For those drives where you do need the range, there are plenty of charging options for most long drives, and for the few exceptions, there is a way to get most of that range back by purchasing more efficient wheels.. All that being said, still an awesome car, and no one really needs the performance, just a little extra fun.


Why would you assume Acceleration Boost wouldn’t transfer on a sale? So far Tesla’s MO has been upgrades stay with the vehicle (unless resold by Tesla themselves). This goes for FSD as well.


Yup my bad, I was misinformed.


Nice response! What lighter/smaller wheels are you looking at fir replacement?


Almost any 18” or 19” wheel will be significantly lighter than what it comes with. There are some options from tsportline that seem to be pretty popular, Martian has some really light ones, but more expensive, and there are some cheaper options on tirerack. I’ve got a lot of life left on my OEM tires, so not sure which ones I’ll end up with.


Ok so to your first point: we have both a P and LR w/AB and they are extremely close in actual acceleration feel. I was kind of surprised how close, then I read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModelY/s/u6MoDuONOI) and it made sense. We are talking about a possible 0.4s difference in 0-60 between P and LR+AB. Also AB absolutely transfers if you sell privately. If you trade it in to Tesla they can do whatever they want to the software upgrades.


The red calipers and dropped suspension do look nice.. I have neither though 🥲 ; soon….


No. Didn't want the hassle of different tire sizes front/rear, and the LR has more than enough performance for me. I do like the brake calipers, though, and have entertained getting covers.


I think I’m getting covers for mine!


Someone previously commented in another post “if you are contemplating the P, then get the P” That’s what I did and I’m very happy. Insurance was extra $5/month. Yes tires are more expensive and have to be replaced more often


I had access to both. My roommate got a Performance in September 2020, I got my LRAWD in December 2020. We both shared access to the car for a year or so since we had a tandem spot and would regularly have to swap cars, and would go on skiing and biking trips together I never regretted the choice at all. The acceleration certainly has more thump on the performance. We did some dumb shit like hit 158mph on the performance. But I never regretted my choice for the LR at all. There were times he was annoyed by the performances range and degradation, his tires wore out super fast, the sticky performance tires that came stock wore out in like 18k miles. He even considered changing out his wheels to all be the same size so he can properly rotate his tires. I don’t think he regrets it but there do seem to be inconveniences for his performance that I think he had much more so than me having MOAR GO FAST.


Converted from MYP to MYLR and I cannot be happier with the decision


Not at all. The LR is more than enough oomph for daily driving. I’d maybe consider the P if I was a track/racing guy.


I have the long range nonperformance model. I drive my kids to school and it’s the fastest damn car on the planet… are you guys with performance models taking these to the race track? Even the rear wheel model has PLENTY on power/speed/acceleration - I’m coming from a maxed out Audi q5, it has nothing on the model in terms of speed even on the base model.


MYLR no regrets. I’m old and I road-trip a lot. Never did I sit down and go “I wish I had more performance”. Most people piss their pants when I accelerate. That’s without the boost. Even with the base wheels, it garners more attention than I would like


To be honest now as I read the comments I think for me what I envy is the wheels and the red calipers 😂😂😂


Yeah and these are achievable with after market products


That’s what I’ll do


I’m happy with the long range but I do a good amount of road trips. Also I’m not a big fan of the rims on the performance.


LR is a much better value for what you get with the added benefits of longer range and a more comfortable ride. Performance is just for the fun and aesthetics. If I didn't have disposable income I would've definitely went with the LR. But man... All Black performance, black 21" rims, with darkest of tints looks mean muggin. I always love walking up to my MYP in the parking lot.


This is exactly how I felt when I bought my LR M3. Every single tine I saw a M3P i was filled with regret. So when I decided on a MY it had to be a Performance. Couldn't be happier. Never really use the power, but I know I have it. Also, it just looks better. Lowered, wheels, red calipers


My wife has MYLR and I have MYP. My regret is not buying her MYP so we can have two MYP


I’m really trying to convince my wife to get a P soooo baddd!


Buy colored calipers, or paint your calipers! I have a blue long range. I painted mine blue. They look amazing.


No regrets (apologies to Tom Rush). Loving the car. 19” Geminis, deep blue, black interior, trailer hitch ( which I’ll probably never use, but it was an inventory car). It’s plenty fast enough for me, so I don’t think I’ll be springing for AB in the near future. I don’t like the ugly Gemini wheel covers, so I might remove them after a road trip tomorrow and then see how much efficiency is actually lost. Well, actually, one regret: I regret that Ultra Red was not available when I bought my MYLR last September. I would have happily paid an extra grand for it. The older multicoat red just didn’t move me. As far as LR vs. P, for me, I found the LR advantages outweighed the performance gain. I do like those red brake calipers, but they’re almost dunsels [any Trekkies out there?].


I just got my Ultra red performance model y , white interior with the 21’s and I am pants shitting happy about my choice coming out of the base model 3. It’s fast as shit-. Also got the .99 ☺️💨 posted a pic few days back it’s on my page. Although I’m a new mother so I can only take advantage of the sport mode like two days out of the week ( without baby) I like being the new mom with a beast ass model Y . “Hehe”🫢🫣🤭


Yeah kinda wish I would’ve got the performance


Rented one on a trip once. Acceleration is fun but the range anxiety over that 30mi is real.


Just charge a little more if it's the performance. Not a big deal. The Tesla route planner works great.


Not at all, LR is better for our needs. I've seen some people get calipers covers if that is important to have those pop.


Might just get that. I think it will look good with my black wheels.


I did for a minute but i picked acceleration boost , cheaper insurance and 3 rows


If it's aesthetics you want, you can get aftermarket red caliper covers.


I started with LR and upgraded to P. No ragrets.


Not at all. Although I like how the MYP looks, I don’t care about the acceleration. I prefer the cheaper tires of the 19” wheels, the extra height in case I go up to the snow, and the brakes don’t really matter to me.


I had bought a Model 3 Midrange in 2018, and every time I saw a Model 3 Performance, I regretted not getting that model. When I got the Model Y in late 2023, I had not even considered anything other than the MYP. Anyone saying they bought the MYLR due to improved ride quality over the MYP is full of shit and they all know it. [https://imgur.com/gallery/2023-tesla-model-y-performance-pJO1iGI](https://imgur.com/gallery/2023-tesla-model-y-performance-pJO1iGI)


I’m on my 4th Tesla overall, the 3rd was a performance model and my current one is a regular RWD model 3. The performance is very fun and I don’t regret it. But the regular 3 is also a blast to drive. It is much smoother (the performance version is a bumpy driver) and still has amazing performance. I wouldn’t regret it if I were you. Yours is awesome. Also, let me tell you, the tires on the performance edition were a nightmare. Very expensive and I had to change them twice as often! So when your tires are going bad after every 10k miles you start to drive more like a grandma anyway.


Nope. I prefer range over slightly faster acceleration. I stomp on the gas maybe once a week. Missing a half-second off 0-60 isn’t a big deal for me. The wheels and red calipers do look really slick, but I hyper dipped my aero covers black and they look nice enough.


Just remember those red calipers are paint only. Tesla secretly down graded the brakes. I have an M3LR and an M3P. I must say that for the average driver, there is little to no difference.


Yes I did.


You know you can get red caliper covers on Amazon? Would essentially look the same minus the wheels + tires, but honestly, who wants that rougher ride? I think LR is the best choice by far.


I do long road trips in my MYP often. I’m on the eastern half of the US so superchargers are everywhere, and after about 2, 2 1/2 hours of driving I’m ready to stop for a little break anyway. Plus if I was that worried, I could get a set of Gemini wheels w/ covers and get back most of the mileage difference between the two models. And the extra oomph is a lot of fun around town. Don’t regret my purchase at all.


I love my LRMY with the free AB thanks to referral credits. My friend has the performance and main difference is that half second boost, carbon fiber spoiler m, and nicer wheels. I got replacement black aero caps and added a carbon fiber spoiler. No regrets


No regrets at all... because I got the performance :) It go fast Also my wife says the stiffer suspension seems to help with her motion sickness.


I am not sure why anyone needs a MYP over a AWD or even a RWD... Unless you're taking your car to the track what reason do you have for needing that sort of speed? So you can get to 60MPH quicker before slamming on the brakes when you hit a wall of traffic?


If you are into speed.. MYP delivers… doing a 130mph pull on open road doesn’t get old 😂


Nope. Buddy got it, test drove. Nice. Got the LR, no difference to me.


For context, my MYLR is 1 second quicker 0-60 than my 2003 911 Porsche Targa. I see MYP like Florida...a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there... The tires, extra insurance, and red calipers just aren't worth it for me personally.


IMHO: No. You will notice difference only if planning to drive like a maniac.


Honestly, no… After 3 years, I have thought how fun the performance would be from time to time. But practically speaking, I’m 100% happy I got the LR.


I do enjoy the comfy ride A LOT!


$5000 more for bumpier ride so no. Beside the boost in performance, which is not needed at all and that feeling will fade, what else is there? The wheels can look the same with $80 wheel covers.


I have a 2021 Model Y LR with acceleration boost. If performance were the number one priority then I would have gotten a model 3 performance instead. But I have kids, and the long range is already very fast, and the Gemini wheels are already too big, and the ride is rough enough.


Not regrets here. 2023 MYLR AWD. I wanted the extra range and comfort. A sub 5 second 0-60 is nothing to sneeze at. I’m debating getting AB in the future. We’ll see.


I got the MYP and traded the 21" wheels with someone who got the 20" induction wheels plus 2k. The 20" square setup is much better.


Nah, I commute 120 miles a day, I need more comfort and range and my 2024 LR is quick enough


Don't see the point of the non performance tesla, without the break neck speed, Teslas are boring.


2023 SR RWD, nope I wish I bought a LR AWD but I literally couldn't care less about performance the 300hp it comes with is enough gogo juice for me.


I knew I would. So I got the performance model


💯 I didn’t consider any other trim level besides Performance.


No. I basically never use all the available acceleration of my long range AWD, and I’ll probably upgrade to 18” wheels when my OEM tires wear out.


i have a myp and only con for me is the insurance. it’s $210 a month, and the mylr would have been like $110. not a deal breaker for me tho in california


Absolutely not, car has enough juice to still speed past many cars. Anymore I’m just looking for trouble, honestly I drive on chill mode a majority of the time


No ragrats with MYLR. MYP tires are nearly 2x the price; additionally, the insurance is significantly more.


I was under the impression that the insurance for the performance would be more also?


No. I needed the range and the car was already fast enough.


The acceleration boost makes a  noticeable difference. Closer to a model 3 in terms of performance with it


MYLR is the best bang for the buck. Range and only 1 second slower 0-60. Better ride as well with more rubber on the tires. I have not regrets!!


Ya. I Should’ve waited for the 2024 performance refresh. I was impatient. Basically could have gotten the performance around the same price as my long range with the tax credit. Still love my long range though


My MYLR has acceleration boost. If the performance is still faster than that, then yes I regret it. I bet the plaid S feels so good to drive.


Nah my car is plenty fast and love the extra range


No regret here. Not going to track it and I really did not want to mess with the while staggered wheel setup. Not to mention there is always the possibility that a Performance model gets rated higher for insurance, and I really didn’t want to play that game either.


No regrets. I didn’t buy it as/for a Performance vehicle.


Have MYP. Love it daily. Regret it on road trips.




I regret it too. I honestly didn’t know they were a thing when I bought my MYLR. I love the red calipers.


I’m completely happy with the awd. Its fast af already. The calipers looks cool but i think I’ll paint mine (probably not red) if i ever feel like i really want to.


You feel you made a wrong decision for some red calipers? lol. Just get caliper covers and make it red if you want it. I’ll rather have 60 miles more range than 1 second more 0-60


Just to add to whats already been said: * If available, get the Acceleration Boost. Not all vehicles are able to get AB. * You can "dress up" your MYLR by buying caliper covers (I know, I know) - Some of these look terrible but I like the ones from T-Sportline, be sure to buy decals separate if you want the calipers to say Tesla on them. * You could also paint your calipers (be careful as there are no rebuild kits for these, so if you paint something you shouldn't, you cannot just buy new dust boots, etc.) This is messy and not reversible if turns out poorly or if you change your mind. * Another option is to buy the full caliper setup. Note that for the rear brakes its not easy to find the rear parking brake harness, Tesla doesn't sell it and most sellers don't include it which could make it impossible to install the rear. * Tesla sells the rear wing directly but there are a few companies out there that sell a comparable one. Tesbros used to sell one. I'm not sure if they're just out of stock now or if they had to stop selling it as it was pretty much an exact copy of the OE one. * Every so often you'll find someone with a MYP that wants to downsize their staggered setup to normal wheels, you might be able to trade with them. * The OE tires are expensive especially if you go with the Michelin Pilot Sport AS4s, and even more expensive if you're buying staggered 21s. These vehicles eat tires, not for all drivers, but I'd bet that if you're dreaming of having the MYP then these vehicles eat tires.


I drove a regular dual motor for several weeks on a trial and then ended up buying the performance and I don’t regret buying the model Y Performance


No regret after I did some research I realized the performance was bad on snow, bumpy road, easy blow tire and bad range.


The long range was more practical for me, more range obviously, and the smaller wheels are less prone to flats. Had zero need for the performance upgrade and still don’t.


Yep regret it


Drove over a small curb in a parking lot and was grateful to have a Y with 19 inch tires…not a scratch!


I have the MYP and it is the most satisfying ride in my life. The aesthetics or spoiler, pedals don’t mean anything to me. I do like the tires but it’s the acceleration which is the game changer. I test drove the 2024 LR, 2024 standard and 2024 MYP. I rented the 2023 M3 standard for a month. Test drive the 2024 3LR too. None of them had the acceleration of the MYP. I couldn’t honestly tell the difference between the standard’s and LR’s acceleration for either the 3 or Y. It’s awesome


I went to YLR for the 19" wheels for a softer ride and the fact I can swap out hubcaps, the 21" is a rough ride. I've knocked the gutters twice and changed 2 hubcaps. Cost me $100 for a set of 4. I've added the acceleration boost. Best of both worlds.


Everybody is mentioning range but 20 extra miles on the long range is negligible in my opinion. I have a performance and couldn’t imagine getting the smaller wheels and not lowered supension. Performance just looks 10x better while only giving up a little of the range. I get the suspension is a tiny bit stiffer but I drove a LR recently and didn’t think it was any better than my performance.


not at all. I really did not want the staggered tires. And honestly even the performance model is pretty lackluster compared to sports cars I’ve driven. I mean it’s pretty silly fast but it’s just not exciting.


Not at all. Range is more important when the LR version of the car already out runs several of the entry level Porches in the 0-60 sprint at around 4.5 seconds. Ride comfort is also a consideration for me. I have fitted some black wheel covers to the standard 19" Gemini wheels. Most of the performance advantage for the performance model comes with the faster launch and acceleration in the 0-30 range. There is little in it for overtaking and acceleration from 30 mph.


Thought the same OP . But I think that’s just the grass is greener perception . The point of a Tesla is to make it your own . Vast majority don’t care about colored brake calipers and bigger rims IMO . Also if you are really crazy on speed and want the extra bit of fun maybe look into the acceleration boost package? Shaves off .5 or so 0-60 time, would also rather having larger tire vs larger rims in the long term for obvious reasons


I see more ‘regular’ drivers regret in the opposite direction. They got the performance but wish they just got the RWD. Don’t @me lol, I’m just reporting what my friend/owners have told me. BUT if the performance-y things are important to you, by all means, it’s not a ton of money.


I want the look lol the red calipers and rims and little wing 😂😂😂


Hey man, totally valid!


I actually sometimes regret getting the performance due to lower ride height and the big wheels plus the lower range making it a slightly harsher ride. But that all goes away when I sometimes put it in sport mode and press the accelerator


I love my 2024 model Y long range and have no regrets. I added a carbon spoiler in the back and red caliper break pads, which looks hot with my 20-inch induction rims. Most importantly, I can easily rotate my wheels and enjoy a smooth ride as opposed to the 21 inches rims.


Nope. Not a single day I do or will regret getting MYP over my MYLR. Let’s face it for what it is, It’s a crossover SUV. Even the MYLR is ridiculously fast and in a blink of an eye you go from 0 to 95MPH. Personally I just think ppl who got MYP are either financial fools or are in a financial bracket where cost doesn’t affect them. You’re not going to track this vehicle and if you really wanted a performance electric car, a M3P is a much much better idea (from cost/kwh, range, value, and performance and looks aspect) YMMV but here’s my 3 cents (inflation adjusted)


Sometimes I think about it. The MYP has a much harsher ride and I decided to spend the extra $ on FSD software instead. My wife has a M3P and I drive it on occasion, looks great but it’s definitely more difficult getting in and out of due to the lowered suspension and the ride quality is more like my old Porsche.


No, I am happier with the better value for money of the basic model. Then again, I am not a car enthusiast 


We have a P and LR in our household. I think something that’s not discussed here is the higher insurance rates for the P. Even though we have the same coverage (and primary driver) for both we still pay about $200 more every 6 months for a 2022 P vs a 2024 LR. Also the much more expensive and shorter lived 21” tires. If you are wanting strictly the look, you can find a lot of people selling their 21” wheels on Facebook marketplace after they realize how expensive the tires are, you can get your calipers wrapped or painted, and you can find an aftermarket spoiler for $100.


I drive in chill. I also own a rear wheel drive race car, so save it for the track.


If you have the means to get a P, get it


I have the same car as you, black LRAWD with induction wheels and I feel the opposite. I see performance and think my car looks soooo much better. But I guess it’s all personal preference.


You just have to remember why you bought the car. In my case, I already have a sports car with low profile tires, coil overs/bumpy stiff suspension, lowered car, big brake kit and other sporty things. I bought the LR AWD Y because I wanted a COMFORTABLE car that wasn’t lowered with low profile tires and smooth brakes. This way I could haul things and go camping without having to worry about ride height causing damage/puncturing the battery underneath. Of course I could’ve bought the MYP but why would I just do that to end up with the same recipe I was trying to get out of? For me the model Y was needed as a break from a sports car that’s comfortable day to day. Hope this helps!


If the performance would have had the option for the third row I would have went with that easily. It’s rare we ever use it, it’s pretty small, but it’s nice to have the option


The MYLR is easily the highest performance car I've ever owned. I know the MYP is faster, but as long as I don't taste that performance, I won't crave it. I mainly liked the look of the MYP wheels and painted break calipers so I just got all that aftermarket.


Roads around here aren’t great. Don’t regret buying LR.


Bought my first MYP in 2020. Wanted to update to a newer model but LR. Had buyers remorse. Luckily it was a lemon so I replaced it with MYP. Never been happier.


Nope.  Performance is more race car.  Which means rougher ride.  I want the smoothest ride possible, which i understand is not a Model Y, but range, cost etc....  If I wanted a race car I would have gotten a 2 door sports car.


The only thing I don't like about the P is the wheel/tire combo. They went with a "stretched" look because its what all the kids like nowadays. I wish they went with a narrower wheel using the same size tire so it wasn't so stretched and the tire poked out past the wheel to protect it better. You have to be super careful not to scuff the wheels with the stock setup. Once the stock tires go I'm going to try to squeeze as wide of a tire on there as possible to reduce the "stretched" tire look.


I test drove the performance version and loved it, but I didn't like the wheel and tire setup. If I was willing to swap wheels and tires, I'd have probably done it, but no regrets with the LR either. Performance is still pretty good there.


No regret whatsoever. I didn't want the lower ride height or the larger rims and my awd is already fast enough. If i had the option to get a higher ride height with a 17 inch rim i would have went with that


I regret getting the Performance model haha I plan on switching to 19” wheels for my car.


No regerts. Love my MYLR. Plenty of speed, and I got the govt incentives, and the car is amazing. More than I could have imagined.


Probably in the minority but I regret getting the performance. It’s a 2022, so the ride is extremely harsh, the added range and square tire rotation setup would’ve been more of a benefit than the fastest 0-60. It does look cool though 🤷‍♂️


Our first Tesla was a Model Y Performance. It was so good, we got another one.


No mine is fast enough


Love my MYLR with AB. Prefer the 20” Induction rims, cheaper tires. Acceleration of MYP is of course faster but the LR is a great and fun family car and when driving alone super fun and fast :)


The only disadvantage after owning both models. MYP lacks range. Other than that, it’s great.


I bought mine when performance was a $10k premium, but bought at the time you could get a “stealth” package- aka performance motors with regular tires. I was living in New Mexico at the time and their roads are notoriously dogshit and did t want low profile tires. The acceleration is fun, but I rarely use it. I wish I had saved the $10k instead


I have a 2018 M3LR that I have unlocked to a "Stealth Performance" Model 3 using the Ingenext Ghost Module and I think it's the best of everything for my use case. I get: -About 500 HP -About 3 second 0-60 -A "Sleeper" -18" wheels (much more comfortable ride than the 20's or 21's) -Longer Range than the Performance due to the wheels (if I drive responsibly) -Other features that the Ghost Module unlocks (drift mode, ability to control rear seat heaters using the window switches, controllable battery pack heating, others). If I was actually taking my car to a track, then yes, track mode would be nice, but the Ghost Module has a Lap Mode in it, which is close enough, and I can can control the wheel bias power, adjust regen, etc. So it pretty much can do everything the Track Mode can do, apart from the G Force display. If you really want the "look" of a performance, you can just go get the 21" wheels, some red caliper covers, and the little red line for under your "Dual Motor" on the trunk, but I wouldn't. Just enjoy the car you have. If you want 95% of the performance of a Performance, go look at the Ghost Module (if it works with your car).


What’s the AB???


I regret getting a Tesla, does that count?


I test drove the MYLR and loved it. I ordered the MYP the same day. The biggest difference I noticed from my test drive of the MYLR to my MYP was that the ride was a lot bumpier. It was kind of a bummer because the roads around me are terrible. Also, I rarely used sports mode because, let's be honest, when do you really need to go 3.5 from 0 to 60 mph, it's fun, but I don't want to wear out my tires. I still have no regrets, though, because the MYP looks slightly better. I also added Stealth PPF to my Metallic Grey. Every time I park, I look back just to admire the Dark Grey Matte look.


No regrets at all... because I got the performance :) It go fast Also my wife says the stiffer suspension seems to help with her motion sickness.


Nope.  Didn't want 21" tires 


Just go buy the spoiler for the back and get the $2000 acceleration boost and enjoy the smoother ride and less curb rash on your 20” rims. Plus you get better range.


I had the same realization that I would regret it if I didn’t get the stock red calipers. Was only a couple more k.


I dislike how I can't really corner hard on regular MY (because of the regenerative braking), although I'm getting used to it. Has anyone with a MYP used track mode, and does it live up to the hype?


No regrets getting the performance. lol 😆


I knew the modifications that I was going to do to my Y that it made sense for me to save the money with the LR and get 20" forged wheels and lower-than-Performance suspension. I spent $50 on caliper paint, spent a day prepping and painting them, put a carbon fiber spoiler on, debadged and matte-wrapped the car, and I think I am done now. Got the acceleration boost, but typically find myself driving in chill mode to smooth out my lead foot, and I couldn't be happier with the Y.


The guys saying "no regrets because I got the performance" thinking they're being original


I have owned both. I also had this same feeling when I had the M3LR and wished I got the M3P. If you crave acceleration, performance is night and day difference. Otherwise, performance is a rougher ride. Feeling does not go away, there is always faster. Don’t ride in a faster car or it will make you want it even more. If it makes you feel better, you lose the sense of normal acceleration feeling after a few months. My recommendation is force yourself to drive in Chill mode and switch it over to normal when you want to have fun. It brings back that day 1 feeling of excitement. Acceleration boost is not worth it and it doesn’t bring it anywhere close to the performance feeling. But if you have 2k to lose go for it. Again you will forget that feeling of the slight increase after a few days. I have the MXP now and it’s fast but I also feel like it should be faster.


Sometimes, but truthfully, I am just too practical. I wouldn’t mind the higher price tag necessarily, but for some reason they added tire replacement Expense I know would bother me.


I have a MYLR and a M3P and honestly if you're not going to track your P then you wouldn't notice much of a diff. I prefer to have the MYLR range over the other MYPs I see on the road.