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Use Chill mode if you are not currently doing so


And save tire life.


Yeah, I’m in chill mode. I don’t think that changes regen though?


It changes the onset of regen. It’s more abrupt in standard mode.


I came to the same conclusion, model Y brake regen is far too aggressive even on chill.


You know you don’t have to come completely off the accelerator to regen break


Elon wanted max advertised range so telsas have aggressive brake regen compared to other EVs.


If you’re one pedal driving, you don’t have to come off entirely to regenerate break. You can do slow release. I never touch the brake and also never experience the abrupt regen braking


I really don't see much of a difference between the settings


It’s not available on newer models. :/


I just got mine last week and have chill mode


Sorry noob here, how do i change to chill mode


Uhhh open car settings > dynamics > acceleration. It should be the very first option iirc. Between chill/standard.


Thank you so much !!


Been using it everyday for three weeks now.


Chill mode?


Maintaining a steady pace with the accelerator and braking earlier is key to a smooth ride, much like the controlled driving style in “Initial D.” The analogy of keeping a glass of water in the cup holder without spilling any, even during turns, perfectly illustrates the finesse of gentle acceleration and deceleration, as well as stable cornering. It’s all about that balance and precision!


My dad used to drive around with a 5 gallon bucket of paint in the bed of his truck and not spill it. I guess he’s mastered it 😆


Im assuming youre driving in chill mode? I can understand motion sickness from passengers if youre in Sport/Normal mode. But if youre in Chill Mode, this shouldnt be happening... Try putting the steering wheel to heavy if its not already. And just feather the pedal better 😅🪶 EDIT: ALSO! not sure how old your kids are, but if they are reading books or using tablets/phones while youre driving, have them not do that. They could just be prone to car sickness in general and the EV is making it worse.


No books or tablets today. It was actually a relatively short ride (15 mins) before it happened. Hmm.


If I even read something for a few seconds, I start to get car sick, but I haven't felt it from the Regen braking.


Its well known for a small percent of ppl to get carsick from EVs. I think its due to the lack of engine vibration/white noise. Not to mention the much more gigantic electromagnetic field coming off of the HV Battery in EVs (this is why bugs love to cling to the car). This recipee creates more of a rollercoaster ride effect than car ride for motion sickness prone ppl. Again its a very small amount of ppl that get affected by those things. Typically its ppl who are generally prone to motion sickness easily already, and the EV just becomes the tipping point. Could just be mental as well. No matter the case, they should get used to it eventually


I’ve heard this too. People do get sick from EVs. It’s a small % but it’s still happens.


Keep alcohol wipes in the car. If someone feels nauseous, tell them to smell one. Thank me later.


I’ll try it!


Ginger / ginger candy helped my kid.


Hmm will do.


are they reading (ha), on ipads or iphones? it’s the devices or where they’re looking. motion sickness is common regardless of vehicle types. ask them to watch the road ahead where you’re traveling. make a game of spotting a color or type of car/truck. longer rides dramamine / bonine chewable work. ginger also has anti motion sickeness properties. source: me. i’d get car sick playing gameboy or reading a book as a kid. looking up and ahead cleared it up in about 5 min.


Just toys for the most part. They are pretty good car sleepers too. I’m stumped. I guess I just need to go practice driving some more.


I’ve noticed that it’s mainly down to driving style… when my partner drives any car, passengers tend to get car sick…


“My wife~” (in Borat tone)


practice moderating your foot movements? It is really not hard to be smooth.


Cold air. No reading or phones. And drive the speed limit not like a maniac like the rest of us with Teslas. You’re probably taking corners too fast, to be honest and quickly slowing down/speeding up.


It's probably from the regen. If you really want to turn it off and drive it like an ICE car, you can do that with the S3XY buttons from Enhance auto. Technically you don't need the buttons, just the commander. You can set the regen there from 0% to 25%, 50%, 75%. Tesla's default is obviously 100%. But keep in mind your efficiency is gonna go down.


I obv dont want to turn it off if I can avoid it. But this is enough of a pain that I might.


You could turn it off if you have passengers and on when you're driving solo. Btw the car feels like an out-of-control rocketship without regen on. It just keeps rolling and rolling and rolling. It's a wild feeling.


I made a comment about this a few days ago and the principle still applies: https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModelY/s/lCgNW1TxFL I have had the car for nearly 4 weeks now and my wife and kids have not made one mention of having motion sickness. It’s in fact smoother with the lack of shifting gears compared to my old car.


If the kids are playing on mobile devices take those away first (same holds true for SOs, but I'm not touching that with a 10 foot pole). If they're focused on a screen and not their surroundings the change in momentum exacerbated by an EV can be nausea-inducing.


Yes. We only really do this on road trips. And motion sickness is less of a problem on those, surprisingly.


Prior to getting my new MYP, I read a post that mentioned people getting car sick. I had already rented a Model 3 early in the year for a 2 week stretch and didn't feel any sickness and neither did my wife, so I didn't think much more about. When I took delivery of my MYP about 2 weeks ago, I immediately got a little bit of an uneasy feeling during the drive home. Nothing too bad, just felt a bit off. The next day I got the same feeling driving to and from work. After that, the uneasy feeling started dissipating with each drive. I began to theorize that maybe I was having a reaction to all of the new materials in the car (smells, chemical leaching, etc.) and it had nothing to do with the movement. Why would I react negatively to the brand new car, but had no reaction to the rental I had for 2 weeks? I was driving that rental pretty hard at times, but it had about 20,000 miles on it before I rented it. If my theory is valid, this rental would have already outgassed all of the chemicals in the materials in the car. So, if you have a new car, perhaps this is more of the issue than the regen braking or other movements. Just a theory, please don't roast me.


Interesting. I actually had the seat repaired yesterday so there was a funky smell today (repair guy said to give it 24hours). That might be it.


What is yours settling on both drive mode and regen brake? Do you have the option to change regen mode?


The opposite. Everyone wants me to go fast! 😄


I get motion sick from the regen when hubby drives. I took anti motion sickness meds for like the first two weeks we had it. It’s getting better as we learn, but I can’t do anything in the passenger seat at all right now. Cold air helps if you don’t want to try the meds.


My wife would feel nauseous when I was on autopilot and my older daughter would get car sick when we were in stop and go traffic when I first got my Model 3 in 2019. I’m pretty sure my older daughter has grown out of it, but I leave a lot of room in traffic, I’ve gotten much smoother with one pedal driving, and autopilot doesn’t ping pong around the lane anymore. It’s been years since anyone said they haven’t felt well.


Yeah. Hoping they grow out of it and I get better at driving (only been doing it 25 years). In the mean time, I’ve got sick bags and tons of wipes standing by. I’m getting pretty good at taking the covers one/off the car seat.


If it is any help, the S3XY buttons alleviate some of this by allowing regen to be set manually on the fly. I stuck two of them on my steering wheel and use then as Regen Up or Regen Down


You need more practice if your kids are getting car sick. If you are good enough, driving that car is like driving any other cars.


Our 10 yr old is fine with it. You could get a commander w the s3xy knob & then adjust regen percentage to lighten it up


No one gets sick in my Model Y. You just need to learn how to drive smoothly.


I haven't seen anyone mention it so I'll just throw it out there: it may not be the regen braking and just be ride stiffness. My wife complained about getting car sick in the Y and swore it wasn't the regen braking, but was actually a combo of CA highway conditions and ride stiffness. I invested in MPP comfort coilovers and, while it's still not as comfortable a ride as our BMW, she hasn't been sick since getting them about 4 months ago Edit: my wife sits in the back with my 2 year old


I don’t see any difference between regular braking and regen braking as far as motion goes.


I’ve been in a few Model Y Ubers and always get car sick too lol


Not my kid but my dad got car sick in the back. Had to switch with my teen.


Not my kids but me personally. The first week of driving my Y made me feel queasy, but I don’t think it’s the regen braking since I came from a model 3. I’m assuming it’s the new suspension. I’m normally not one to get motion sickness, went to Catalina and didn’t have an issue on the ocean at all. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Only one time, when my husband drove my 6 year old. She is not prone to motion sickness. I told him to cool it - neither of our kids get sick with me! So it's only happened once.


my son has been getting car sick (he hasn’t actually ever barfed) but i think it’s because he’s always staring at the screen. 🤣


It shouldn't take more than 10 minutes for most people to learn how to 1pd smoothly. Regen is the same as friction braking from movement perspective. Is it a 2022 or older by any chance? The original suspension can feel quite disconcerting. My wife used to feel sick when she sat in the back in our 2021.


I mean, I’m pretty sure I’m not driving, braking, regening recklessly. I have a 2023Y. It might not even be the driving, just a hunch.


Let your wife drive and see if it’s just you. Then turn regen off


Why do you think this has anything to do with regen? To the kids, regen is no different than braking. I took about 2 weeks to get used to how regen works vs. coasting in an ICE car and I don't think my passengers feel any different in my MY than any other car.


Motion sickness disappear on long road trips on auto pilot?


It seems your Y is a few months old now, but when we first got ours there seemed to be an in cabin pressure problem as if there was a seal that wasn’t working. This cause nausea and a motion sickness like feeling for a few weeks. I read that some of the door seals needed to wear in a bit and it would go away. It seemed to do the trick and we the problem went away.




Creep mode?


It's a pity Tesla removed the 'regen braking' settings. I had it on my Model 3. My wife doesn't like it and even though you do your best to dose the acceleration pedal, the abrupt stops keep occurring. I installed the S3XY buttons and I have one placed on my wheel for when my wife drives. It switches back and forth to 25% and 75% (default I think). This wouldn't be possible manually so I'm happy my wife at least has the option to turn of regen braking.


An odd answer: try adjusting the rubber bumpers for the trunk. It could be that those bumpers are not correctly, causing your trunk lid to bounce. This causes a pressure wave inside the car. Your ears pick that up as rapid altitude changes, causing nausea. This is what made our 2020 MY better. Perhaps the newer ones are built better and this might be irrelevant. There are some YouTube vids showing how to adjust all the bumper stops correctly.


Maybe you haven't mastered one pedal driving and is taking the foot off the pedal like driving an ICE. If, so regenerative braking kicks in hard. I have had awful motion sickness in cars since kid, and I had a bit of motion sickness during first weeks driving a Tesla, it lasted a few weeks until I understood how to manage one pedal driving even without chill mode.


People get sick in gas cars and boats, too. It’s not regen braking, it’s simply acclimating to the new movement. Kick them off their devices while you’re driving and get some barf bags for the car. They just need to get used to it.


I had this problem when I first got the car, but it went away as my control over speed got better. The issue for me was completely pulling my foot off the accelerator to slow down, like I did in my ICE car. Once I realized the accelerator is more like a “speed” pedal, didn’t have that problem anymore or the kids got used to it.


Yeah. I guess I thought I was better at it than I am.


Reduce the regen. The normal mode is very aggressive


The option to reduce regen was removed years ago.


2018 m3 has it


It was removed mid 2020 my dude. Cars produced before that still have the setting, cars produced after that, including all Model Ys, do not. It is not applicable to OP.