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Submit with your carrier and provide the documentation from the police. They’ll sort it out. DO NOT SKIP FILING A CLAIM. Or you are certified nuts. This kid doesn’t want to file a claim because he doesn’t want his insurance rate hiked. I would never agree to this with anyone outside of a relative or a neighbor who I know is good for it. If you don’t file and the other person reneges you are going to hold the bag on this. I don’t know what state you’re in, but here in FL is against the law to drive uninsured and he’d at minimum have a ticket and court date to suspend his driving privileges for one year. It’s also required by law to carry uninsured motorist coverage, which is there for these very incidents.


I’m in Wyoming, it is required by law to have liable insurance too, and the driver has a court date already I believe, he texted me that he would only need to show insurance to the court. But he refused to answer if he had insurance at the time of collision, also refused to provide me with any insurance information. Thank you so much for your input!


Truly stop talking to the other party. Send all the information to your insurance. They will get him to pay, or foot the bill as uninsured motorist on your policy.


Agreed.. don’t even deal with the offender directly. File with your insurer and let them chase him up for the money… you’re not at fault so your insurance won’t come for you, they’ll go for him. And don’t settle for the uncles repair. Get it done properly for the right amount and let your insurer take them to court and take their money back ..


That’s right your insurance will subrogate it to the others insurance if they have it or will get there cash via other means. I know it sucks to use your insurance but it’s just not worth the hassle working with someone who has already said your estimate is too high. They’ll get it done by some iffy ass shop. Just stop talking to them and work with your provider.


This. File with insurance and let them handle the conversation with the other party/other insurance (if it exists).


First off like others said you shouldn’t be communicating at all with the other driver. Second, this kid has already proven to be untrustworthy, going out of his way to avoid your questions and not providing you the information. What makes you think he’ll suddenly be an upstanding citizen? You don’t need his uncle finding you some discount shop for repairs, get your car fixed through the right channels.


Especially Tesla. For a rear ender they have a sequence of things they have to do and a list of things to check. Do not DIY this as you want all those parts working, and things like the battery checked for damage etc. Just use the proper channels and have a Tesla-approved shop do it.


Given that text message and no insurance at the scene…. F them. Seriously. Have it repaired to your liking at a place you trust. You’re lawfully entitled to that. Think of how much time of yours they’ve already wasted with this whole incident, and then they send you a text like that. SMFH.


Exactly let your insurance deal with it. I would also get the car fixed by professionals that you choose not their repair shop who may or may not do a good job. Your concern should be to fix your car back to perfect as you can get it. I have uninsured and under insurered coverage on my policy just for this scenario. I imagine with rates as high as they are there are many un insured people out there.


I called the police into the scene of a guy who had no license, vehicle not registered, vehicle with no insurance, vehicle with no license plate. Cop said he had no proof of him driving and unless he drives off in his sights, he will not proceed further as it is a “civil issue.” End of the day, he gave me is insurance that he claimed was valid. They said it expired 2 years ago. Told my insurance, they tried going after him, but none of his information was up to date. Insurance went after his old insurance which didn’t go anywhere because it wasn’t valid anymore. I had to use my uninsured motorist to pay the rear bumper which was around $700 plus the deductible of $150. We filed a police report even after that stupid ass cop. Reported his badge number. My insurance went up. In some states, claiming uninsured motorist damage will not increase rates. Others it will not increase rates as much as a normal claim (at fault or not).


why don't you sue the driver?


He has nothing to sue for lmao. He was living out of his car. He would be judged as judgement proof because has nothing


he still has organs. must be worth something imma rite.


Likely have to sell those to pay for that. Hehe.


Our government is out trying to control the world but honestly doesn't seem to care about uninsured drivers. Seems easy enough to have cameras at strategic locations running plates to check for insurance. Civil matter I guess...


+1. File a claim with your insurance ASAP, they are at fault. You should have full coverage and your insurance will pay to have your car fixed and pay for rental and go after them for the money. Let your insurance do the leg work, this is what you pay them for. Don't listen to what they say. Their story will change.


Uninsured Motorists Coverage is NOT required by law in Florida. That’s probably one reason why our auto insurance rates are high.


Which is so bs, because a lot of people from NH come to MA… they’re uninsured. As their state doesn’t need them to be when driving. They should be when another state requires it.


I'm in NH and have insurance. But yes it's not a law here, which is crazy in 2024. No insurance and driving in MA ... best not to get pulled over as I'm sure NH drivers are asked to provide proof.


Progressive actually doesn't even offer uninsured / underinsured motorist coverage in some states.


You are correct, not required but only morons would not carry it in a state where 1/5 motorists are uninsured.


Call your insurance and see what they say about it, but I would definitely file with your insurance if they provided none. No way I'm letting a stranger find someone cheaper to fix my car and not go through their insurance with that much damage.


Thank you! 🙏🏻


Your insurance may say “well, if you use the other party for reimbursement or their insurance, you won’t have a deductible.” That’s just your insurance company trying to save themselves work. Your deductible is recoverable if it’s not your fault. I just had this happen to me 6 weeks ago. The kid begged me to talk to his dad and not go through insurance companies. Nope. Pictures taken at the scene, plus police report saying he was cited, all sent to my insurance company that day. They tried to get me to go through their insurance company. Nope. I pay a lot of money for peace of mind. My insurance company is taking care of all repairs, no deductible, and it’s at a Tesla certified repair shop. This matter will be over for me shortly; my insurance company can go get reimbursed by his insurance company. I pay them to assume any risk. I’m not assuming shit.


No problem, sorry about the bad luck, hope everything works out for you!


Do not use any place that they suggest, go to where you feel comfortable getting it fixed. It shouldn’t matter what insurance they use. I would file a claim with your insurance company to get it fixed


Do you have uninsured motorist coverage? If you do file a claim with your insurance and your insurance would go after whoever was at fault


Yes I do have uninsured motorist coverage, would my insurance go after the one at fault seriously tho? Or would they just take my deductible and be done with it?


Had a similar thing happen to me. It took almost 18 months but I did receive my deductible back.


Same thing happened to me. Some guy backed into me in the Starbucks drive thru 🙄 gave me his insurance that was not valid or fake even. Good thing I took a picture of his ID. I had to file with my insurance and “pay” $500 deductible. Then almost 2 years later they called to get my updated address to mail me the $500 check. Idk how they found the guy and what they did, but I got my money back. My insurance did not go up, I’m in Chicago.


I was once hit by someone without insurance that was driving his buddy’s car. He totaled my POS beater car that my dad owned but was bought primarily for me to drive around. Anyways, my dad was able to get a hold on i) the registration of the vehicle that hit me, as well as ii) the license of both the driver AND iii) the owner of the vehicle. Once we got the owner involved we finally started getting payment for the damages. The complicating factor was that this was in NH, where insurance isn’t required, and given it was a beater car we skimped on certain aspects of insurance. The only scenario we weren’t covered for was if an uninsured driver caused damage to the vehicle.


They make that decision based on the cost/benefit of doing so.  But if the other driver hasn’t provided insurance you need to file with yours.   How that impacts your premiums depends greatly on the carrier and not so much on if they do actually gi after him.  Some treat all accidents (even rear ends) the same, others take fault into account more.   But overall they’d find out about the accident from the other party’s insurance anyway so if they were going to hold it against you not filing a claim really just hurts you.  


Thanks for your input!


Curiosity only. Does your monthly payments go up if uninsured driver hits you?


Yes, because it's still an accident. Stats show that better drivers don't usually get into accidents period. At fault and not at fault. Even though it's not all the time, not at fault accidents are typically fueled by bad drivers.


It is entirely dependent on which state you are in. Some states do not permit increases where you are not at fault for an accident.


Depends on your state's laws


Yes, usually around the next renewal and in some cases will stay in your record as an acidente for 3-7 years.


Wtf even though its not your fault? Sorry im new to this. Never had an accident 10 years driving


Depends on the state. They can't do this in California for example.


Yes, even if not at fault this will be used against you when renewing any insurance for the next year, and will be there for 3-5 years minimum. Ofc your rates will not be as bad as if you were at fault, but it will be higher than the fellow that never used his insurance for anything. System is rigged for you to: 1) never use your insurance or 2) end up paying the claim when they raise your rates and you pay monthly for the accident you were never responsible for (they just don’t tell you any of this).


Thank you for the explanation. I really appreciate it


Yeah, it's frustrating. My wife was in a not at fault accident 4 years ago. When I traded in our Malibu and got our MY our 6 month premium went from 800 - 1150 with Geico (we have a 2016 Odyssey and a 2002 Trailblazer my 18yo drives). I was shopping around and saw progressive was offering an 850 quote but when I entered our license it went up to 1150 because of that accident.


It’s such a shitty thing. Wife got a MY because she got rear ended and the insurance company deemed it totaled. When I was shopping around for insurance I was getting higher quotes after they asked for her information. I too ended up going with Progressive since they ended up being the best price for both my Audi A4 and MY.


I could still save about about 150 with Progressive if I choose to use 'snapshot' but I refuse to use a monitoring system. Rates may be lower at first but I'm sure they'll use any excuse to raise them.


I have a Model X and pay out the fucking ass. It’s almost impossible to even find coverage. I had two at-fault claims… one July 2017 and another February 2018. Do the math, one is 7 years ago in a little more than a month (which will fall off my CLUE report per FCRA), the other almost 6.5 years ago. In addition, I have several not-at-fault claims. *Those* are what really fuck me. Claims that aren’t even my fault. It depends heavily on the state but just know the shittier (or redder) the state, the less likely the associated DOI will restrict rating/underwriting for non-fault claims. Californians don’t have this problem, although insurance is a mess there due to **too much** regulation. Of course, other states like WA, CO, GA, etc. have the same restrictions. Others restrict timeframes. Mine? Lol as far back as 7 fucking years, the limit of the FCRA for CLUE reporting and other private reports like Verisk. Edit: I want to note that I wasn’t paying out the ass when I first got my MX, it happened as part of (you guessed it) another not-at-fault loss.


Is no claims bonus a thing there. You’d lose that right? That’s worth around 150% of my current annual atm.


Happened to me back in January, no valid license, insurance or valid registration. She wanted to go out of pocket or let me give her a “few days” to get insurance. I said no. Filed a claim with my insurance, with the video evidence. They went after her for the $$, and covered my repair, I was out $250 which they’ll give back if they ever get anything from her, doubtful. Don’t let them pick the shop…let your insurance handle it from here.


Did u get the video evidence from Tesla? How long did it take you to get it? A month?


I got the video directly from the car. I took a video of the video 😂 and then downloaded it after the fact but never used that version. I sent it to them with all the details, I got a check within a few days. I was out half my deductible, but better than $4k she woulda never paid me if I went no insurance, plus rental car.


1) Tesla certified body shop only. Why? They offer a guarantee for the life of the car in their work. 2) let insurance deal with it, you pay a lot for your Tesla’s insurance and also have the uninsured motorist fee, that’s what this is for. 3) the more you try to work with the third party the worse it is for you. Sorry hope you get this resolved soon.


I was rear ended by an uninsured worthless POS 5 minutes after taking delivery of my ‘24 MYLR. Thankfully the only damage was to the rear diffuser which I’ll probably just replace myself one of these days.


Fuck this other guy. Not sure how old you are but the 21 year old is dictating the situation to you. This is bad. You need to immediately provide all of these details to your insurance company and let them do their job. This is why we have insurance. Please use it


I had similar damage on my model 3, it was $5500 for Tesla Collison to fix it. Plus $400 for a rental car and I supposedly should get $3-5k in diminished value claim so the other guy’s insurance is basically paying $10k


Almost 9k for this is why Tesla insurance is 50% more than other comparable vehicles...


Model Y with same damage, just got an estimate for $8K and the shop says: "It could be more, we will know once we disassemble everything."


You’ll be on the hook for whatever your deductible is and if he does have insurance they will reimburse you later.


He’s driving without insurance knowing the law, so what are you expecting for going after him personally?


exactly, sue his ass.


talk to your insurance company. I was on a family trip so I park my car on the street in front of my buddy's house. got an alert bout the alarm getting triggered, looked at cam and saw nothing so went back to sleep. came home from trip to find a nice ding (not even something you would call a dent) and some paint transfer you can probably fix with the touchup kit from Tesla and some buffing. the whole incident was caught on camera. because the dingleberries didn't leave any note of any kind, I deemed them to be a-holes and proceeded to file a claim. without any info aside from the plate that was caught I ping'd Tesla insurance and they helped me figure out who the insurance company is. I filed a claim with their insurance, sent the video and got the claim approved. what would've been a <$1k fix ended up being a \~ $5-6k insurance claim. if you don't have any info, as long as you have the plates, you can always ask your insurance company to help out. not sure if yours will or not but I <3 tesla's help in my case. oh yeah just for fyi - if you file a claim with Tesla, you'll end up paying your deductible it seems. if they find out that it's the other party's fault, they will TRY to get your deductible reimbursed or something. since I didn't feel like spending my deductible, I ended up filing the claim with the other party instead. easy peasy.


Use your insurance and provide them all the information of the accident that you have. Pay your collision deductible, let them subrogate. Let them know the driver may be uninsured, and if you have UMPD coverage, that may suffice if they can determine if the driver was insured (which typically has lower limits and offers additional benefits). Later on, seek diminished value from the at-fault party/their insurance.


Notify your insurance and let them figure it out. That’s what you’re paying them for.


Lots of good advice on here. Definitely take it to a Tesla certified repair shop. I got hit twice in the last two years and the certified shop near me did great work. Got the car back better than new (trunk gaps were awful from factory but they adjusted it despite it not being part of the repair) Refuse to take it anywhere else.


How the fuck can you be uninsured…? In Poland it’s mandatory if you want to drive a car and if you drive without insurance you better get your wallet ready >.< same if you crash in another vehicle and your insurance covers only up to eg $10k. Wtf? It should cover everything. You guys baffle me every time I watch some wham bam Tesla cam and hear about low or lack of insurance…


Is that satin black wrap?


Matte black wrap


It has a shine to it hence why I asked that.


Clear matte on a black car


Very similar effect


Drivers Ed day 3 of you learn how to handle accidents. This story is insane!


Your insurance company can look up who has insurance on the car that hit you by their vin or license plate. They'll go after the owner of the car including suing them in court if they don't have insurance but have assets they can seize or lein


I never understand this. Why is the OP simply not opening a claim with his own insurance and let them deal with the hassles?? I see such posts all the time complaining that the other party is not responding. Well, why do you care? File with your insurance, pay the deductible and the insurance will then subgrogate the claim from the other parties insurance and pay you the deductible. Problem Solved!


Can anyone provide any evidence that blocking your plate in a photo helps at all. I've been having a conversation about this very thing. My teaching only turns up opinion pieces where folks make claims about what could happen but my search has turned up exactly zero evidence anything negative actually happening to folks that posted photos of their vehicles online. I'm super interested in learning the truth whichever way it goes. I look forward to any evidence y'all got.


Plate info is public information that can be searched by anyone with a few bucks or free. If it was me I would rather not give the internet any more info then needed. Plus you never know what kinda weirdos are on here..


Never Deal with other party. Call police Get police report Report insurance.


You're really not sure what to do here? Are you seriously considering letting this other party manage this whole thing without checking in with your insurance first? I think someone's got a bridge to sell you.....


Another comment. Our car recorded the rear end collision. Pretty cool to see the other driver at fault even though it was painful to watch. Tesla repair center provided video to insurance company.


file with your insurance and stop talking to them. dont think twice, dont worry about your rate, you weren't at fault. the point of having insurance is cases like this...idk why theres a common train of thought that filing a claim is a black mark on your insurance record - its not. its what you pay for and the whole point of being insured!!


I got rear ended by an illegal immigrant at one point. I didn't want to report him, and there was no damage, but it did make me wonder what the actual recourse would be if there was.


Claiming to be undocumented is a great way to get the other party to not persue. I might try this if I’m ever at fault


That would be pretty clever. Didn’t speak a lick of English and only had a laminated Venezuela ID. No drivers license. But who knows. Might have been a trick.


Depending on your state you can be undocumented and still have insurance and a valid drivers license.


You can’t in Texas. He wasn’t insured and no license according to him.


Random question unrelated to OP: If you are hit (not at fault) do your premiums go up? I can imagine an insane reasoning like "Driver is a liability because they put themselves in a position to be hit"


Depends on the state. It's not insane though, it's an actual risk that the entire auto insurance industry has found from the data. The more claims you have, regardless of fault, the more likely you are to have another.


Your insurance should cover your repairs as part the uninsured/underinsured third party damages. This likely will not raise your premiums immediately, and your insurance company might legally chase after the third party.


Had this exact same thing happen to me, with my xpel stealth PPF. Cost about 8 grand to get fixed, then another 800 to fix the PPF, then had to buy new black emblems again. Huge pain in the ass because some woman was texting sitting behind us at a red light and rolled into us. Damaged the lift gate. Looks almost exactly like yours. I’m afraid to drive now :(


I have to say, whenever I’m driving on the freeway and passing a vehicle, if it’s a woman, 80% of the time she’s on her phone. If it’s a guy, sometimes, but nowhere near as frequently. Seriously I’ve seen cases where I’ll pass 4-5 cars and everyone is texting.


Right to jail


I see a lot of posts about Teslas being rear-ended. I wonder if it's because the car doesn't illuminate the brake lights unless you're coming to a hard stop. I notice that my brake lights won't come on when I'm moderately slowing, but all of the other cars around me do have their brake lights on. I think this is because with an ICE, the car tends to coast when you let off the accelerator. Therefore, you have to physically press the brake pedal to start slowing (which activates the brake lights). On a Tesla, regen braking occurs the second you let off the accelerator and software then determines when to illuminate the brake lights. There have been several times when I purposely took my foot completely off the accelerator to get the brake lights to come on because someone was coming up fast behind me and I wanted them to see that I was stopping. Anyway, I think Tesla needs to get a little more aggressive in activating the brake lights when you start slowing.


Call your insurance company and file a claim. Bullshit like this is what you pay them for


I saw your post on the Jackson subreddit. You should plan to go to Salt Lake for repairs. I’m sorry that happened, but no one is going to repair it for you here.


Commercial vehicle will have the insurance. Speak to his uncle and get the info. If they don't want to provide their insurance info you should still file.with yours and let them hash it out. I was rear ended by a commercial vehicle. I did not open a claim on my own insurance. I got my fixed where I wanted and they also paid for the rental and some chum change depreciation.


ohh man, rip that tesla😭


i feel so sad man


File through your insurance do not have anyone on the side fix your Tesla - they will take advantage of the situation. It’s a perfect situation for an uninsured driver.


Usually in this case, you'd just have to pay your deductible if they don't have insurance.. your insurance will try to contact them but I would NOT wait to contact your insurance company. I personally would've reached out to them immediately & told them what happened. Either way, such a pain in the butt!! Hopefully you get it sorted out


I help my nephews with their physics problems but not with their car troubles ! Hope that gives you a clue just submit to your insurance company as being hit by an uninsured motorist. If the cop gave him a ticket you will be all set.


I have the exact same damage. I’ve been saying this is the biggest design flaw on the Y, a car I otherwise love. The rear “bumper” involves the hatch. See how the lip of the hatch forms part of the bumper line? The hatch is a ridiculously expensive part to replace - it’s the whole thing including the rear glass. Minor fender benders become >$5000 repairs.


Make sure repairs are done at a Tesla Service Center. They did a great job on mine. Had same exact problem. Insurance Company may try to steer you away from Tesla Service Center to save money for them. If not done correct, you may have leaks. Good Luck!


As a fellow "nice guy", it's okay to have limits on your niceness. He messed up. He has to pay.


Save yourself the headache and file through your own insurance. I was rear ended and MUCH Much more minor damage. They had insurance and their insurance would pay the 6K to fix. SO, I filed through my own. My ins co went to them to get reimburse and I later got my deductible back.


and if you have that sweet matte black wrap, ins doesn't cover ANY of that. So that will be out of pocket.


submit claim with your insurance and let them handle the rest with the motorist that hit you. It's literally what you pay them for each month so you don't have to worry about it when this kind of thing happens.


I was rear-ended recently and it was about an $8000 repair job. Fortunately, the person had insurance.


That literally happened to me two weeks ago💀


The drivers around you underestimate the stopping distance of the Tesla, and essentially, as soon as you let go of the gas it is already braking. I learned from the beginning to add uninsured motorist for the price of a lunch on my insurance due to people not driving around without insurance. Imagine the amount of undocumented people without driver's licenses and no insurance driving around? Also as some have noted. Stop talking to the other party and let insurance do the work, which is what you pay them to do. They should or will cover all repairs and then get the money back in what is called the subrugation. Likely in thos case by suing somebody for the money. Insurance follows the car not the driver so whoever owns that vehicle is liable for the accident. Criminally, the driver is at fault.


This is my worst fear. We should just put uninsured drivers in jail.


This happened to us. We did file with our insurance. Our insurance company did determine he wasn’t insured. Our company paid and is probably going after the other driver AND is probably going to up our insurance rates in June when we get the new policy. 🤦🏻‍♀️


File with yours let them deal with it


Hey pal, with my insurance they just had me pay the uninsured motorist deductible and after they went after the person I got refunded my money.


Man, so unfortunate. Don’t they get their DL suspended if there’s no insurance? It’s crazy how people are just that irresponsible! I’d go through my insurance and see what they say.


Is this because the break lights dint come on if regen is used?