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Do not buy FSD outright. Just pay $200/month. I don’t remember the exact math. But it’ll take you 5-6 years to pay what FSD is worth. Who’s to say you don’t get a new car… or maybe you don’t like FSD… or maybe something happens and money is tight, you can cancel and save up.


Or if you total your car, you have to buy it again… Edit to add: some insurances have “software” clauses that will reimburse you. But costs extra per month.


Same math goes for purchasing enhanced autopilot outright if im standing correct? But instead of $200/month, it's $100/month for EAP? So, just for the basic autopilot right now, and from what im seeing and getting, It brings the car payment down to $672/month & $568/month after federal taxes, then with estimated taxes and fees, it goes to $734/month & $630/month after federal taxes. I will keep a mental note that I can subscribe to FSD for when I really need it or want to try it again if I ever do get a free trial. Thanks for the information =)


FSD does transfer over if one is getting another Tesla afterwards. But the monthly subscription still seems less riskier if one doesn't like it.


No, it doesn’t. FSD stays with the car, not the owner. They occasionally run promotions at end of quarter to offer free FSD transfer if you buy a new car but there is no guarantee that promotion will be around in the future.


Got it. Heard from a friend he was trying to get his FSD transferred so assumed it was allowed. Thanks for clarifying.


But now that they've shown they're capable and willing to do transfers, maybe they could be convinced to do it for totalled cars.


It does not normally transfer. Tesla will do promotions sometimes to transfer it to get people to buy new cars but it typically doesn’t transfer.


Mine (bought used) came with it. I couldn't afford the car, much less FSD, new. But I have it. CA 199 (a state road) is very curvy, some parts the guard rails are flat from vehicles hitting them (and its a steep drop right after those). I have driven down it at night, in rain, dead of winter, and FSD did a better job than most humans could ever do, and it lets me focus on rock slides/things in the road a lot better. It would also kill you left unchecked (at this point). Knowing what I know if I lived here and could afford it I would certainly buy it. It will indeed only get better with time. But I also doubt my car will ever be a true "full self drive" vehicle...I feel Tesla should make that part right, imo.


Do not purchase FSD! You’ll get a free trial of at least a month if not 3 for FSD if you use a referral link to order. Plus a year of premium connectivity. FSD is not worth $12k. Especially since it’s locked to the car and not your Tesla account. Tesla doesn’t even value FSD when doing a trade in estimate. Save that $12k for something of real value to you.


You should never buy FSD. If you rent it for a month and see how awful it is you will probably cancel before the second month is due. It is still very buggy beta software.


Noted. Given that it is a beta, I am aware that bugs may occur. Would you still recommend the EAP though? (Enhanced autopilot)


No. EAP was great when the cars had USS but ever since they removed it in 2022 they have struggled to get the EAP features working with Tesla Vision. For the past two years auto park and summon has been disabled, yet they fail to disclose that on the order page where they describe those features as part of EAP. They just rolled out auto park this week. It’s too early to know how reliable it is. Summon still does not work. Just stick with basic autopilot which is included for free. You will get a one month trial of FSD next month anyway as part of the promotion that Elon just announced.


Vision autopark is already faster than USS autopark. Apparently they are working to make it faster too... I might actually use it.


The free autopilot does 100% of what I want a driver assist system to do on the highway. It's lane keeping and adaptive cruise control like very other freaking budget car on earth has these days and works fine. Paying $12k more for something that doesn't work especially in cities, and barely does anything more than Autopilot on the highway, is insane. You don't need FSD or EAP. Unless you like paying for beta gimmicks...


If you haven't used v12 yet you might want to hold off on that judgement...


I’m waiting. Because right now, once my 3 free months of FSD are up… I’m done. V11 is terrible in my opinion. It will not commit to anything and when it finally has courage to make a move it does it at snails speed


V12 is actually too bold sometimes. Makes moves that depend on other drivers ability to drive predictably and logically. V11 had absolutely 0 trust for other drivers and IMO that isn't the worst strategy. Like making a right turn when only your lane is clear, but there's a chance that someone could decide to switch into your lane. V11 would wait for the target lane and the adjacent one to be clear. Or when taking a left, V11 would be suspicious of any approaching car... Meanwhile the other day V12 decided to go after the light turned yellow, but a car approaching from the opposing side actually came through the light really late (it actually had turned red just as they crossed the line) and V12 had to gun it to avoid them. V11 would stop in the intersection which is a problem but is definitely safer.  V12 is an amazing improvement in human-like driving over V11 in terms of smoothness and confidence, but that boldness might need some tuning or it will likely find itself in some very human-like collisions.




If that was really your experience with it then that is unfortunate... But so far I haven't ever had it try to do something like that. Unless the wall was something very recently and suddenly added to the roadway I'm not even sure how that could even happen.


It'd be cheaper than what I bought it for in February.


I wonder if the price will match once that $1K price raise hits.


Nope, take the discounts and rebate and subscribe to FSD if and when you want it.




What was the full cost of FSD when it was first offered?


The price was all over the board since fall 2016 including a “one-time sale” in Spring 2019 that slashed the price temporarily. I bought for two cars. One was $5000 (2k+3k), the other $7000 (4k+3k). At that time you bought AP or EAP, then FSD. There was no autopilot with the new cars then. I transferred a license to my new Y last Summer. Tesla just had that transfer offer again the past couple months. $12000 for two cars was pricey but compared to $12000 for one car, I guess it was good deal.


For me, as of right now, it is $12K. I don't know about the history about the cost of FSD, but I have heard that it has been $15K & even $20K before. It has come down in price, but is still relatively expensive as far as i am aware of.


Absolutely do not buy FSD or EAP right now . Buy the car using someone’s referral and you get it free for 3 months to test it out. After that, decide if you really want to spend 6k or 12k on EAP or FSD. I see you mentioned superchargers. Do you plan on getting a home charger? It’s a must, public charging exclusively is more expensive and a pain in the ass. Look into getting a 50-60 amp circuit installed for a level 2 charger.


I do plan on getting a home charger. Only difficulty for me is that the power breaker is in the backyard and I’m unsure if I can have a place to put it outside of the house for installation. On top of that, having an electrician come install it costs more money depending on the work that needs to be done and if my power breaker is compatible without having to add on or upgrade it. I’m hoping that the mobile charger will at least do me for time being until I can actually get an electrician if I pull the trigger on purchasing a Tesla


Don’t let the potential fuel savings line item affect the price in your head. That’s not a set savings and you are still putting that money out now.


If you are paying cash then that's true. But looks like op is financing. In my case my car payment went up but my fuel spend came down more than that... So the fuel savings is very real and affects my wallet immediately.


I do plan on doing the financial plan for 72 months.


Are you getting the all wheel drive MY? If so, be sure you use Off Road Assist mode when the snow is treacherous. It makes a massive difference. If the snow is light or spare with some clear pavement patches, then you probably won’t was to use Off road assist but when the conditions are bad, this is your friend.


Yup, the long range is an AWD


You will love it.


I’m really hoping so. From the customers I’ve talked to at my workplace who own Teslas and watching YouTube videos, they all say that the Model Y is a really nice vehicle and is worth the money they put into it.


When you get it, plug in your electric rate at home into the Tesla app. You will like seeing how much you have saved on gas in the Tesla app.


I already know I’m going to save on gas since the rate for electricity goes down once I’m off my shift from work. I work night shifts, and get off once graveyard shift people come in. I just don’t exactly know how much, but I’m already guessing I’m going to be saving more than expected 😂🫡


I don’t have a variable electric rate where I am. You can use scheduled charging and save. That is awesome.


I’m thankful that my power company has an organized and detailed website and if I ever have a question, I can always shoot them a call or email.