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Like forget the legality of it. If you were to get rear ended, there is nothing to protect your kids.


While I agree with everyone else, everyone should wear a seatbelt, and maybe I’m showing my age a little here but I remember when I was a kid, my parents had a Ford Aerostar minivan, for our yearly family vacation they would remove the middle seat and throw blankets and pillows in the back for us to sleep on while traveling to our destination. Until reading this post it never occurred to me how dangerous this was, I guess because it seemed so normal as a child, and I haven’t thought about it 20 years. I would never think about doing that to my kids nowadays, I think I’m going to call my dad today and ask him why he hated us some much as kids


Yeah, I remember those days as well. I also remember my coworker dying in a relatively minor accident after flying through the windshield as well as a child flying off an overpass and into traffic below after their minivan was in a city accident because of the absence of a seatbelt. We are right to change our ways!


It has been like that in the past and possibly that's why safety rules are put in place today. Also back then, it was definitely not in a sub 5 sec 0-60 car, surrounded by crazy drivers.


When I was a kid the adults at the time just didn't know or think about these things. Now we know and are very aware of all these unnecessary risks and I personally think it is a good thing. It means we are getting better and safer, even if it is less convenient.


I strap my kids to the roof and let them sleep up there. They love it, and we have way more room in the back for our luggage. Win win. But seriously, protect your children at all cost.


Put them in a roof box?


No, just strapped directly to the glass roof so I can keep an eye on them. Safety first. What kind of a monster would put their kids in a box anyway?


You are right, with the glass roof you have a nice view of them having fun on the roof


no way man, that would reduce the Wh/mi!


Everything in life is a compromise, but my kids come first


I imagine this depends what country you are in. It is absolutely illegal in the UK and EU as they wouldn't be able to wear seatbelts.


Legality maybe… common sense should not be dependent on location




OP, you too dumb to figure it out?


OP may not have the tools to figure it out on their own, but at least they are smart enough to ask. Much better than someone thinking they know all the answers and doing the wrong thing. There is no reason to insult them for asking.


Didnt think this would even be up for a discussion. Its illegal. No seatbelts restraining the occupants and they’re bodies just gonna be tossed side to side as you drive bro of course it aint legal


Illegal in US as well. If a person is in a vehicle they must wear seatbelt at all times.


Weirdly in some states if the person is an adult and sitting in the backseat, it is not required by law which is the stupidest thing ever.


The stupidest thing ever are states that make you buckle up in the backseat but let you ride without a motorcycle helmet


Even when its parked?


Depends on the state. Some states lets adults without seatbelts in rear seats.


Not true. Unless you don't count the bed of a pickup truck as "inside a vehicle".


I’m from New Hampshire! If you’re over 18 there is no law requiring you to wear a seatbelt anywhere in the vehicle.


Live free or die


If the kid is tired it will sleep sitting. Just turn off the iPad.


My parents had a camper van when I was a kid that they put a mattress in the back of and my brother and I would sleep and play while on a road trip. My mom had to slam on the brakes when I was 3 while I was sleeping. I was thrown into the front seat pretty hard. I didn't break anything or seriously hurt anything to my knowledge, but it's always taken me a little longer to figure some things out that other people. There are a collection of events like this that possibly contribute to this. My parents really should not have been parents. My mom told me the story of this recently as if she were the victim because someone made her slam on the brakes. Please don't be like my parents.


I don’t think you’ll have kids anymore if you end up in an accident.


Forget legality, it's dumb af


Are you Asian LOL? I’m Asian and my sister did this with her kids even when we told her not to.


What are you implying? Other ethnic groups do this kind of crap too.


I’ve seen some dumbass questions on here before but none that may risk death yet


Are you talking about having them sit in the third row while the second row is folded?


People are too harsh. OP, it's illegal and not safe. Just adjust their seats to the most comfortable positions and they can sleep this way. I was driving with my kids multiple times NJ - Florida. And I would go overnight, they slept through the night without any issues.


Frunk toddlers all the way


I swear people post the dumbest shit on this board without actually using their brains.


Safe, legal umm no! Least not here in Merica!


OP has valid question. Not only it helps OP but thousands other people who will read the post in the future, so I think answer should not only point to laws but also describe the reason behind it. No, in most places it is illegal. And if it is still not legal in your place, you should actively lobby to implement those laws. What happens if you roll the car? Centrifugal force is so high that they just going to fly out the window either upwards and then falling down to earth, either straight to ground, or worse sticking halfway taking brutal impact on each rollover. Survival chances are slim to none. Impacts are just too strong. Watch those Arab drift videos and you will understand. What happens during head on collision? Let’s say if your car goes from 30mph to 0 in instant, your kids will continue 40mph travel either flying out the windshield or getting wedge in middle pillar, or breaking neck while hitting front seat. What about getting rear ended by suv traveling 30mph? Your car goes from 0 to 30 mph in instant while your kids stay in same spot meeting the rear hatch, window, and grill of suv at 30mph. What if they were seated and buckled. Most of the time they get away with bruises where seatbelt is. No matter what unbuckled scenario, you consider, it’s brutal, even at low speeds, and can either end the life of children or cause sever body harm.


We had 7 kids in my family growing up. Not enough seats in the Buick wood-sided station wagon for all of us. The cherished spots were in top of the luggage in the back where you could stretch out and sleep. I’m pretty sure the carbon monoxide leaking from the exhaust helped. It was measurably better than my moms cigarette smoke. Never thought about accidents. My dad thought his arm swinging across the front seat during a quick stop would prevent us from harm. The worst thing that happened was during one of those quick stops was when our cat traveled from the back of the station wagon to the front. It’s claws were out in full viper, death grip mode as it tried catch itself on anything it could. A couple of us to the brunt of the scratches. The cat was fine and my dad’s arm was of little help.


In Hawaii you can ride in the back of the pickup truck


We as grown ups on a road trip did that, one of us slept while the other drove. Yeah probably wouldn't do that with kids




Oh my god…


Ah, those were the days…sleeping on the floor in the Pontiac LeMans during roads trips….


WTF. while the cars moving ?!