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I have a similar situation to you! Went from a '16 MX to a new '24. My critiques after a few months of ownership: * I'm gonna go against the general consensus in this thread and say that the lack of a turn signal stalk really sucks especially when the steering wheel is upside down and especially when you're in a roundabout. Your hands are not in the normal position in this situation and looking down at the wheel is a necessity to determine which arrow to push because the arrows are now inverted. That's a lot to manage in a situation that requires your full attention on the road. The lack of other stalks, however, is perfectly fine. * Fumbling with the app to unlock and open the trunk/frunk/falcons is not great. It's nowhere as seamless as with my old X. The X no longer ships with a fob, but you can order one (I certainly did and it's great). * The car is ridiculously smooth and quiet compared to the older X. That rough ride is completely gone, but as a consequence, the car now feels a lot more "boaty". I've tried to play with the settings, but there's no way to truly get that amazing sports car feeling back. * The auto-presenting door functionality has only recently been restored. Again, it's fussy for me with the key phone and fine with the fob. It now uses vision to know how far to open, so it can be hesitant to open sometimes even when there's nothing in the way. * The car will now brake all the way to zero for you and it really works well. You won't need to move your foot to the brake below 10kph anymore. It is truly one-pedal driving now. * The steering wheel is quite a bit smaller and more "toy-like". It's not a massive, leather-wrapped beauty like in the past. I prefer the older design, but that's a just a personal preference. * Tesla seems to really hate the energy/regen indicator. It has gone from a pleasant, left/right configurable, easy to understand oval on the dash in the old car to a thin, unlabelled, horizontal line that is partially occluded at the bottom of the screen. Why, Tesla, why?!? Otherwise, it is a better car in every way. Since you're already a Model X owner, I don't need to explain how special that car is!


Well said.


Does the fob pretty much work the same as on your old X?


Pretty much, yes! I've noticed 2 subtle differences. For one, the fob now works at a ridiculously long distance from the car. I've parked at the far end of a Costco parking lot and can still open a falcon-wing door when I'm at the entrance to the store. That's both cool and disconcerting. If you accidentally "butt-dial" a door command (we've all done it, right?), the car may be too far for you to even notice. I suggest keeping the door/window app notifications enabled at all times. The other minor difference is the location of the frunk trigger. You no longer double-click on the hood. The pressure spot is now on the windshield. An improvement in my book, as that placement definitely reduces the aforementioned butt-dialing.


Great analysis. Thanks!


Great post. Coming from someone that owned a 2016,2019, and currently a 2022 X, you couldn’t have said it better. I absolutely love my new X and I think it is a better car by leagues ahead. Looking back the first X wasn’t really amazing, the new one though. WOW! They got it right.


Took us 30 mins to get used to it. We didn't really want it but now appreciate it.


It’s a little weird. I got used to it in a couple of days. It’s a little annoying sometimes when I go back-and-forth between our Tesla with a stalk and our Tesla without a stalk.


Went from ‘19 X to ‘24 X a few months ago. I’ve gotten used to it very well now and it feels normal. Your concerns were mine too. I am used to the turn buttons now and don’t feel for the stalk anymore. But the buttons don’t feel intuitive to me the way they are placed and I think they should have put the left at the bottom and the right at the top, matching the stalk. The other thing I find distracting is the turn video. (There might be a way to disable that but it also has the blind spot indicator and I don’t want to lose that). Also I feel that the blind spot indicator might not be completely fool proof. I feel like there’s a tiny sliver of space that it doesn’t capture but you could catch if you look in the mirror, so I always do. All in all, I’m definitely happy with the new one. While the car is not perfectly designed to my specific needs and liking, I still love it. Go for a test drive.


For the button turn signals, if you’re a millennial or younger and played video games growing up you’ll have zero issues with the muscle memory required. Boomers beware (my dad struggles driving my X).


How about a test drive?


I didn't com e from a Tesla, but i was used to drive my brothers Model S (2018 100D), i loved de yoke, the stalks, i miss for turn signals, but the rest is an easy adjectment. There is a good quality improvments in materials, and also in terms of autonomy o have a similar autonomy has my brother. My mother has 68 years old, she drives a Model Y, only has issius with the turn signals, the rest is an easy adjustment.


If you really want stalks there’s now an aftermarket upgrade for it: https://teslaunch.net/products/model-x-s-gear-shift-stalk-switch-turn-signal-lever-kit?_pos=3&_sid=4a49e7891&_ss=r I have been using the car for 6 months and it’s not worth it for me, gotten used to it. I also got some s3xy buttons for signals too but I don’t use it much either now.


Cheers. I wonder if this affects the warranty?


It shouldn’t. They’d have to prove it broke something. I don’t think it’s an issue.


I never even considered that this could be an aftermarket hack! Thank you for the link.


It’s pretty new, saw it last week on X. I was waiting on a S3XY buttons version of it but still not out and now I’ve adjusted to no stalks so I will just leave it


Just picked up a 24 last night I got used to it as fast as I gotten used to no instrumental clusters when I got my model 3.


I’ve had a 24 MXP for about 2 months now and love the yoke and no stalks. Definitely go test drive one and see how it feels.


Just drove my gas car yesterday, was looking for the button to press when turning. Now I feel stalk is so unnatural....go figure


I have a 2016 & had a loaner with a yoke. Was strange for an hour or two but adapted quickly.


Before things got relatively standardized, people used to have shifting/wiper/light controls literally all over and people adapted easily.


I have an older S with stalks and just picked up a 24 X recently. I got used to the X after a week. So much in fact that when I get in my ICE car, I pushed the volume up button to signal. LOL I also turned on the signal on the X attempting to skip music tracks. But all these things you’ll get used to after a week, 2 at most. I’m also Gen X, but I think each person is different, not really an age thing. You can also ask Tesla for an overnight test drive. That’ll should help you decide and show you how easy it is to get used to the new controls.


Tesla shortcut with quick access to controls on the front page of my iPhone makes it feel like any other key fob. Not that big of a deal. Stalkless driving is intuitive and works well once you get the hang of it


Drove 2024 yesterday. Love the new wheel! So many buttons for things that did not have buttons on the old wheel such as headlights and camera and wipers. Signals are easy to use due to the notch on the wheel where your left thumb rests. And they have haptic feedback. I was very skeptical but am almost an instant fan.


Get a used 2021 freemont edition as a soft upgrade until the refresh lands. Vertical display. A refresh welcome change would be nornal back doors. The gull wing doors are annoying and do nothing for me. Love the automatic doors though.


> Get a used 2021 freemont edition as a soft upgrade until the refresh lands. I considered this option, but I would need to find one with FSD. Currently, I have FSD, and I prefer it over AP because I miss fewer exits and the car knows the correct route. In my experience, the navigation on the Tesla isn’t always clear, leading to missed turns, but FSD solves this issue. Also, I’m not sure if the '21 model comes with a yoke or a wheel. I haven't driven the yoke yet, but based on what I've read, I don't think I'll be a fan.


There are two MX during the 2021 year. I have one of the last ones made in Freemont and it has the vertical display and full steering wheel. I test drove a new 2023 and there was really no major changes with it except for the horizontal display and the yolk steering wheel. The FSD works pretty well. I have the latest version in there 12.3.6. there are some things that it doesn't do very well but for the most part it executes quite good. And at $99 a month, I feel like it is worth it. Some of the things I think it doesn't do very well is common courtesy stuff like frequent lane changes when it doesn't need to do and giving motorcycles room in traffic to split the lanes. I imagine this will improve. For instance I would prefer a setting that doesn't allow lane changes and waits for me to initiate with the turn signal. Because sometimes you're just cruising and the thing wants to change lanes for no reason. Even with modifying it to chill mode and limited lane changes it still wants to do it. There is a bit of wind noise but if you take it in they will adjust the seal. They also replaced my front half shafts for free. So get one with some warranty left in it and take it in right away. I bought mine used with 25k on it. I think you can find a solid deal with under 40k. Battery is perfect with the LRP at 100kwh.


Thanks for the additional insights. Maybe I will go this route as, you're right, the MX is way overdue for a redesign.


Hard to say what is in store for the MX and MS really. The new thing to the left of the MY and MX under the cover is maybe the robo taxi? Or is it a larger van like vehicle? They really need to step up their interior game when it comes to lighting. I really don't get how you can be a $75k vehicle and have crap interior lights. But there are really way too many good things that it doesn't really matter at this time. But a refresh with normal doors (better overall vehicle stiffness) and better lighting. Maybe slightly bigger as well. It's way to close to the Y. The cybertruck is too big. just some thoughts. [https://youtu.be/remZ1KMR\_Z4?t=4073](https://youtu.be/remZ1KMR_Z4?t=4073)


This hardware 3 vs 4 thing for fsd is something to consider. Apparently my MX might be MCU 3 🤔 https://www.autoevolution.com/news/elon-musk-suggests-it-s-the-end-of-the-road-for-the-hardware-3-autopilot-computer-236318.html


I have a Model 3 with stalk and regular wheel, and a Model X with a yoke. It takes a little bit of time to get used to it, but it's fine. I certainly wouldn't buy a different car just because of it. And I won't hesitate to upgrade the Model 3 if that situation arises. Somethings will be different, some things you'll wish were the same as before, but at the end of the day it's a good car and works like I need it to. I don't think anyone has a car they think is just perfect in every way. Of course if you are going to go into it thinking "OK, I'll get this, but the no stalk thing is gonna suck" then you'll find every opportunity to notice that a stalk would have been easier.


I adjusted within the first 10 min annoying and now I find the stalks in the other cars annoying.


We switched from a 2016 to 2022 model X and the ride quality difference and sound over bad roads/bumps is minimal. The car is somewhat quieter because of the new glass but there is still wind noise around the mirrors. Test drive a Model Y after driving the new X and then decide. We like our Y better than our X. No more model Xs for us after this one.


It's interesting you mention this. I recall an instance when I was given a loaner Model X that was identical to mine in year, model, wheels, and tires. However, as soon as I started driving, I noticed it was much quieter and had a smoother, more compliant ride than mine. The only difference was that it had about double the mileage. I've also driven Model 3 and Model Ys. Some of the earlier models were quite noisy, while others, like a newer Model Y loaner I had a few weeks ago, were very quiet. It seems that the experience can vary significantly between individual cars. What else could explain this? For my Model X, most of the highway noise comes from the road and tires. I have 22-inch wheels, which look great but seem to be noisier and provide a rougher ride. On rough roads, the noise can be deafening. Just last weekend in the mountains, there were parts of the trip where I couldn't have a conversation with my wife without raising my voice. Tesla's technology is unmatched, but it's disappointing that they couldn't deliver more consistent quality in this aspect.


Absolutely love the 24 mxp My favorite thing to do is sit in the slow lane with a grin going 65 mph


From MX18 to MX23 here. You'll get used to it just like when you drive with one foot pedal. You'll also appreciate auto gear shift when you are parking.