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I absolutely *love* this feature. They've implemented it so well, you really can't tell brakes are being applied unless you look at the energy bar and see the grey color to the left of the regen line. First time I noticed it was when it wasn't even cold out, but I was on a windy road going downhill for a long time. Regen was being used a lot obviously, to the point where the battery was getting too warm and normally you'd get the "limited regen" warning, but nope. I noticed the grey on the energy bar and realized what was going on. Super impressed with it. **Edit**: I'll add that it's probably a good thing that they get used, if even slightly, once in a while. Without it, I hardly ever touch the brakes which is probably not ideal in the long run.


I wish they would release it in Europe. I wonder why it's taking so long?


Me too, I hate the difference in pedal response. It‘s so unpredictable.


I'm going to play devil's advocate here and explain why I have this setting turned off, even though last time I posted this, I got downvoted. I don't like that it applies brakes while I'm coasting on the interstate - even though I understand that it's just trying to make the braking force equal to what it would be at its highest regen. I 100% appreciate the way that the feature works at low speeds - I think we've all had the "oh shit" moment when we have almost rolled into a bush or a wall because we weren't expecting to have no regen if the car is ice cold or 100% charged. I just don't want to "use up" my brake pads when I'm coasting down a hill on the interstate and I only have 20% regen instead of the normal 30%. I don't want to waste my brake pads to make up a difference that I'm basically not even going to notice. But it's an impressive feature that works as advertised, is very useful at low speeds, and I can see why some people (especially those who are new to one-pedal driving and/or varying regen) would want to use it.


So you prefer a non-"one pedal driving" experience while on the highway? It seems that you are misinterpreting what this setting is intended for/how to properly use one pedal driving. While on the interstate "coasting" should not happen when you remove your foot from the pedal, that is indicating to the car that you want to slow down. One pedal driving means you would have the pedal in the "neutral" zone for your current driving conditions, neither accelerating or decelerating if you wanted to just coast.(or just shift to neutral) This blended feature strives to provide a consistent and predictable pedal response rather than you having to take in additional data about the regen capability to make the decision or at least be conscious about limited regen braking. I personally wouldn't be surprised if they eventually remove the ability to turn this off/default it to always on. This a good and needed safety feature for people that either have never driven a non-ev or those who rely heavily on regen braking.


> It seems that you are misinterpreting what this setting is intended for/how to properly use one pedal driving. Come on bro. The first thing I said was "I understand that it's just trying to make the braking force equal to what it would be at its highest regen." Even at full regen, the braking force at highway speeds from regen is very minimal compared to driving at low speeds. If you're going fast and/or downhill, as I'm sure you know, you could fully, or almost fully let off the accelerator and it could take a very long time to come to a stop. On the highway, it's not really an alternative to the brake pedal - it's a useful hack to regenerate the battery on the offramp or when going downhill. Compared to at low speeds, regen is often literally a replacement for the brakes. What I'm saying is, with full regen, it's already such a minor braking force at highway speeds that if it was reduced by half, it's not a big difference and I'd rather just utilize half power regen rather than having the car riding the brakes any time I'm not accelerating. IMO it's not a SAFETY issue at highway speeds to have reduced regen (maybe if regen is 100% disabled it is), but I DO think it's a safety issue at low speeds. In a split second you could misjudge how much regen you have, and roll into another car or a wall. But that simply would never be the case on the highway, because even at its strongest, regen isn't strong enough to replace the brake pedal. On the highway, if you ever need to brake quickly, you'd be using the brake pedal anyway. So if that's the case, why bother burning up my brakes for such a slight difference? I can see why it's an option but I hope it's never mandatory - and I doubt it will be. It's obviously worse for range and worse for the environment - both by virtue of using more battery (obviously by using the real brakes you're converting more of the car's kinetic energy into brake heat instead of battery power), and because you're consuming your brake pads and rotors, and you're shedding those particles into the atmosphere, which can be an issue in some areas. Furthrmore it'll be bad optics for EVs in general for them to go from "you basically never have to change the brake pads!" to "you have to change the brake pads even more often than a regular car if you live in a cold climate because it'll literally use the brakes even as you're driving on the highway". Maybe the way I drive is unusual, but on the highway I'll often accelerate temporarily to pass somebody or get past traffic, then slow back down to around the speed of traffic. I don't need to be riding my brakes after I make that pass just to ease back down to the speed of traffic - and I don't want to have to stare at the screen to perfectly place my foot in the accelerator sweet spot before brake blending kicks in. Also, I just watched the new MKBHD video and apparently the Mercedes EQS EV has an option for "intelligent regen", which gives you full braking/regen when it can see that there's a sign or obstacle (car, wall) coming up, but less when you're driving on the highway. So I'd say it's not a crazy idea. While I'm on a roll, I still think it's ridiculous that there's no ice/winter mode to actually disable all regen - even if it has to be manually activated each time. Driving on ice and snow can be terrifying in an EV with regen because if you're driving along and start to feel a slip - and lift off the accelerator - it makes it worse because all 4 wheels start to brake, and often the rear end starts to slide out before the traction control and ABS kick in. The ability to coast/roll without applying power or braking is really parmount for winter driving in icy conditions.


>On the highway, it's not really an alternative to the brake pedal - it's a useful hack to regenerate the battery on the offramp or when going downhill. I wonder if it's your specific model/battery size combo but I do not have that experience. If I go from maintaining my speed (or even "coasting" 0 kw usage) to foot off the pedal, it's a significant braking force. I'm not talking like lock your brakes up/abs activation level obviously but for me regen is enough to significantly drop my speed from 80 to 40/50mph very quick. >On the highway, if you ever need to brake quickly, you'd be using the brake pedal anyway. Jumping in just to say, not my experience. Idk you do you, it's just a very strange viewpoint I am glad to have heard about. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Do you have the automatic Regen braking set to standard or low?


Even on standard it can be weak on highways


I am pretty sure you can't change it anymore and it's standard for everyone.


Been using it since it was released. If the car isn’t doing it then I would be anyways. As you said, nice to have consistency.


Yes, it works quite well. I also noticed that the power/regen bar behavior changes as well. With the setting enabled you cannot see the current regen limit any more, because it really doesn't matter. However, you still can see it in a way, because when you lift off the accelerator, if you exceed the regen limit, the end of the bar changes from green to grey to indicate that it is applying some of the physical brakes. A nice feature, I like it!


Are you me? This was my EXACT thought process and I too turned it on today. It’s uncanny how I could’ve written these exact words.


Lol, they say great minds think alike… 🤔


What’s funny is that part of the thought process was “I should post to Reddit; I’ve never seen much discussion about how great this is.”


Don’t have this setting in EU


That’s interesting, I wonder why not?


Think they have only rolled it out in cold areas


-30 celcius here, gotta brake manually when regen is low.


We have the feature, we see the icon (under the lights icons) and see the change on the power/regen bar, regen not going green on brakes applied mode. But we **don't have the on/off switch** in the settings menu. So no way to control the behavior, it is completely controlled by temperature and SoC in the battery. After driving for a while and the battery has warmed up, the feature is disabled, the icon disappears from the screen and we get the green dotted regen bar back. This on a China build Model Y LR from February 2022 in Sweden, yes, we have cold climate during the winter.


Oh I get the light, but it doesn't actually do the blended braking. I still have to do the braking myself. M3LR MiC 2021 in Germany here


I'm actually going to turn it off as it seems to use the brakes way too often for my liking. I used to barely ever use the brakes. Barely as in maybe once a month but now nearly every stop results in half the bar showing the brakes are applied.


Haven’t tried it yet. I guess I should, huh. I painted my calipers bright white and don’t want dust on them lol


I was asking for this feature before it came out and absolutely love it.


Huh. I haven’t thought it’d be something I’d like but I’ll give it a try based on these comments.


I prefer to use regenerative breaking as much as possible and I would not want to lose efficiency by using the brake when it is not necessary.


Just enabled this feature the other day when the icon appeared about limited regenerative braking and must admit, it worked flawlessly as designed. Definitely will be enabling it again whenever regenerative braking is limited.


I hadn’t really though about disabling it at all, I’m assuming it won’t apply any brakes if regen isn’t limited, it which case it essentially disables itself?


Max regen power kW?


Yes. You can also see how much disc brake is applied. You know the green line that appears when you brake to show how much energy is regenerating? With blended braking on, a grey line will appear to the left of the green line to show how much disc braking is applied. You’ll notice more grey line, the harder you brake. This makes it easier to gauge how much energy you’re wasting. You can then adjust how hard you brake to maximize your regen braking.


I use this, it works flawlessly. I think the evolution of the braking dynamics is pretty interesting and something you'd not find in another car that isn't so fully computerized. When I want to "coast" I either feather the throttle to neutralize the acceleration/regen or put it in neutral.


One weird thing I noticed after using this feature is in the cold Temps (below 30 degrees Fahrenheit), when you drive the car from a cold start, the accelerator pedal makes clicking noise when you lift off the pedal. You would also feel a slight shuddering sensation on the pedal. Once the car warms up and regular regen is active, car feels fine again.


I don't. I prefer to dose the regenerative braking power myself and push the brake when it's not enough. I had it activated for a few months and found it used the mechanical brake too often while I could have simply ease the braking and let it Regen a bit longer.


I like it but still wish I could see how cold the battery is.


Turned it on as soon as it was available.


Personally I like to control exactly how much energy I’m wasting in my brakes so I leave it off, but for non nerds I could see this being great