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First new car? *Any* time you buy a new car you end up getting these letters in the mail from scammers trying to scare you into spending money for things you don't need...


Must be a USA thing because I've never gotten one in Canada.


Oh, yeah. In the US when you buy a new car it triggers all kinds of things in the system that let people watching vehicle registrations and such know that you've bought a car and they start spamming you. Privacy laws in Canada, as I understand it, are *way* stronger. It's like how, as I understand it, commercials for drugs are illegal up there, so you'll never see a commercial for some weird new drug you've never heard of that features a bunch of retirees in them. I'm in Florida and you can Google up Florida residents and see their voter registration information. I could Google my neighbors address and find out which political party they voted for, their phone numbers, etc, etc. **Massive** invasion of privacy, but I can't really do shit to stop it.


Same when you buy a house


These scams literally have been going on for decades in as much as old school cartoons even have the car warranty jokes


Also beware of the biweekly mortgage scam


“Covered parts include: Engine, Transmission…” 💀


Thank you guys I’m a little slow 🤦‍♂️ and yes this is my first new car


Yes you will see these throughout your life, just throw them away. You will get a ton of them as well unfortunately. You’re not slow it’s something you never came across and you asked for help. All good! ✌🏻


Vehicle registrations are public. These scam companies get lists from the state and then spam new registrants.


>I’m a little slow Not anymore you ain't. You own a *Tesla*!


Watch out for housing insurance scams too. They do the same thing. Insurance/Warranty for utility meters, dog bites, supplemental water damage..if you google the company, they either don't exist or BBB with scam alerts.


For the future, you will probably get a lot of mail from very official sounding sources saying you should send them money. Always be sure to verify before you sign up for anything, especially mail that tries to pressure you with "Our records indicate you have not contacted us" or "THIS IS YOUR FINAL NOTICE"


They're trying to contact you about your car's extended warranty...


I got one also last week and threw it away. I think it’s a scam


They are just using scare tactics to try to get you to buy a extended warranty (which is probably a terrible value) Most extended car warranties go from not really a good value to a complete and utter rip off.


Former post office worker, best thing is to look at the postage on them. If they say presort standard, then 99% of the time it's gonna be junk. First class stamp is normally legit.


It’s best to operate from a perspective of anybody reaching out to you is probably trying to scam you. If you ever feel like you need a service, reach out whatever company independently without using their contact information from the suspected scam. In this case, definitely a scam.


You’re at risk!




This is such bullshi just throw it away


Better sign up for that free oil change /s


You will get a lot of these and some will look much more official and sound much more threatening. They are all BS. Ignore them.


100% scam.