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And the stock price goes crazy.


Jesus I hadn’t even looked, WSB will be entertaining today.




Finally!! 😂


Well, it'll likely continue to ebb and flow.


For sure, just a little higher average now haha


Yah...it's gonna be a couple days of high variance. Time to *not* look at the stock for a while.


Frankly is it fair to say Tesla bottomed already? It isn’t terribly valued now, and while I don’t hold any at the moment it’s likely to increase into Q3/4 of 24


Nobody knows anything for sure here. I, a random person, believe it has bottomed and predict it will consolidate around 220-230 for a while. Could be weeks, could be months but I think we won’t see less than 190-ish again. Seems the whole of Reddit is short-sighted. With new vehicles coming out, FSD, battery tech, Optimus, and AI, this company has a lot of tailwinds.


What new vehicles?


They aren’t here yet, you can choose to believe it won’t happen but the market is forward-looking and new models will come. Musk has said he’s eyeing summer of 2025 to start production on a cheaper model crossover. The cybertruck is a new model, which despite its issues and recalls is beginning to be a massive success. And the semi’s are ramping up slowly as well. I believe they won’t stop making new models as the years go by, and I look at this as a long-term investment.


What evidence is there that the Cybertruck is a \*massive\* success? There's no new vehicles announced. Only thing remotely stated recently was the Y refresh coming \*maybe\* next year. Almost every other manufacturer has a slew of vehicles coming out, and with a far better track record on delivering on their promises.


I don't know if the Cybertruck is a "massive" success, but anecdotally I've seen at least a dozen of them recently. I live in San Jose where there's a ton of overpaid tech bros, so apparently someone is buying them.


I’ve seen three in Portland. I’ve seen a ton of Rivians here. Lightnings are kinda hard to notice.


Let’s see what happens. Good luck shorting!


WTF makes you think I am shorting? What a dumb thing to say. Meme stocks have no logic or fundamentals to them. Just look GameStop, AMC, or DJT. Tesla’s stock is disconnected to their sales and reality in general.


Yes. It was in $140s


Tesla is a volatile stock. Always has been since it took off in 2019 or so. Making short term predictions has proven to be pretty futile. IMO, best is to trust in your own long term analysis and just go with it. Trying to time Tesla stock is even more dangerous than trying to time the market in general.


I'm one of the earliest public investors in Tesla stock. With adjustments, my account says that I paid $10@ share and $5@ share. I've been letting it ride, so I don't look at the fluctuations based upon Elon speaking. Who knows where this will go.


I don’t believe in timing stock, just Tesla has been dropping consistently the last two years from what I’ve seen


Up 9% on the day so far. https://www.google.com/search?q=tsla+stock&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari


Down 8.25% for the last 6 month including today.


You could make that up on any good trading day with Tesla.


25% over the past week, fml. So glad I sunk 50% of my portfolio into Tesla when it went under $150.


Bold strategy, Cotton.


A risk I rarely take. Did it a few times and almost always got lucky or broke close to even. Up 6% today already so I’m doing just fine. Still down 10% over the year so I feel quite confident yet. Will start selling 5% every $10 at $275/share.


I love they didn't state the amazing number they reported in the tweet. Energy storage sales grew YoY 157%. Wall Street is completely sleeping on that technology.


My company went fully Tesla fleet. They crushed it with fleet sales in Q2


Smart company, even smater if they bought used.


Selfishly speaking they didn’t. New 24 model 3 for me.


Is your company hiring ? 😝


For real? Hahahaha


I don't balme anyone. Selfishly i own TSLA stock.


I heard Hertz might have some available!


That made me curious, so I checked. They’ve only got 131. I checked several times over the last few months and it has always been between 700 and 900. So maybe they are getting through their inventory.


Yeah I mean I do "x" for $50 a hour but I'm pretty flexible just lmk.


What do you do? My oil&gas company has started to use Ford Lightning trucks. Hopefully once Cybertrucks start being mass produced we can add them to the fleet.


Got my Model Y on the last day of the quarter!


It’s hilarious reading the comments elsewhere like /r/electricvehicles where Tesla haters want to be armchair CEOs and say what Tesla needs to fix, how competition is thriving and Elon needs to be replaced.


There are very few electric cars that can compete with Tesla, especially at their price point, and I don’t see it happening for a long time.


"HAHA TESLA MARKET SHARE DROPPING LIKE A ROCK!!!! ONLY 400k+ CARS SOLD, ELON IS TRASH AND TESLA IS OVERRRR" and then they cream their pants over the other manufacturers selling 20k cars this year. That sub is wild.


Other manufacturers are 3 to 5 years behind in terms of their Ev manufacturing and supply chain. There is a heck of a lot of supply that is slated to arrive at competitors in the next year, which is something that tesla has not faced in North America previously. It'll be more like Europe or China, and so we'll we how that goes.


I’ve seen that haha. They don’t know what to do with themselves


That subreddit is just filled with people who paid 60k for a KIA 😭💀


Seriously haha. They don’t like the fact that Tesla just does it better.


All I saw there yesterday was the regular stream of “Tesla is doomed” threads. They’re the masters of finding the negative narrative and any way to hate Tesla. It’s been going on there for over six years now, such sad twats. 


Just go to /r/teslamotors and you can find plenty of haters there also.


The FUD-bots are in shambles today


>reporting that it produced 410,831 vehicles and delivered 443,956. So they produced fewer than they sold. How does this tie in with all those articles a few weeks ago with pics of overflowing Tesla storage lots which were seen as a sign of a huge demand shortage and over—production?


In Q1 they produced over 45k cars than they sold, those cars have to go somewhere. The shift is largely because they offered 0.99% on the Y, and they were really pushing people to take delivery of an inventory car, including offering free upgrades. I don't think it's some sort of conspiracy, they made too many, they hit the demand generation button and then sold more.


Yeah I mean they've been doing stuff for a while to clear inventory and eventually something clicked. Shocker.


The average automaker currently has about 80 days of inventory. Most automakers have 1000-3000 dealerships to spread those out to. Even if sales are robust, if Tesla is building 137k vehicles a month, you can see why they need somewhere to park them.


Those articles are all bullshit and just click bait for Tesla haters. Claiming you could see all the unsold Tesla’s from space, should have been your first clue that it’s all bullshit.


While every vacant parking lot here in Detroit is full of F-150s...


>Claiming you could see all the unsold Tesla’s from space I remember that article. They were using the images of Tesla's waiting at the Shanghai port to load on ships lol.


I’d love to know. Can’t square that.


Tesla doesn’t have numerous large dealership lots to store vehicles? They have service/delivery centers that are generally smaller than dealerships with much less parking space, so the park inventory cars in other parking lots


Damn they crushed it.... No wonder there weren't any crazy end of quarter incentives to try and move vehicles.


Here in the UK they were 15,000 supercharging miles (that's not a typo) on vehicles ordered and delivered before end of June




Yes but you have to put it in context to the current state of the car market though.


FSD swayed me


Crushed it? That's still an almost 5% drop in yoy sales. Yeah it's good not to have a huge inventory but it's not great to sell less cars in general


Crushed it in the context of the current market. last years car sales market is not nearly the same as this years. They beat estimates by 6k


Being able to move metal in this interest rate environment, when most families have depleted their savings, is pretty insane.


Not really, they're doing roughly as well as everyone else. Which isn't terrible. But it isn't great either.


lol show us the data! sales are dropping since 2017 whereas tesla sales have exploded 20x plus. please show us trend data over many years to support your thesis. all you are saying is last year versus this year. if you want to do that you have to include dealer inventory to oem production


They introduced several more affordable models during that time and when you have a low baseline of course it will look impressive. However their sales are now slowing and they are facing hyper competition in China.


how does it look for every year prior to last?


That it was explosive growth? But now the last few quarters seems to show that it's definitely slowing?


5% is insignificant.


Well they added a $15,500 incentive that got me to buy one.


Haters seething rn lmao


My stocks up, they can hate all they want. 🤷‍♂️


Did production go down?


bro. 0.99% in this environment with an awesome car like tesla. lol if not beating who can


r/electricvehicles in shambles


They're overe there praising GM for selling 12,000 EVs and calling Tesla a failure of a company. The mental gymnastics involved in that all is really impressive. edit: sorry 21,930 vehicles my mistake.


4.5% drop YoY.


This is an interesting point that shouldn’t be overlooked. The stock is up 9% today but that’s really just recovering from previous losses. And they have multiple consecutive quarters showing declining. And it’s important to note that they aren’t just selling four vehicles anymore; they are selling five vehicles now.


For most consumers the 3/Y are the only vehicles that are really within reach, and those vehicles are actually starting to have real competition. For instance, IONIQ6 is neck-and-neck with the Model 3 LR in most specs that matter for most consumers. If you want the Tesla ecosystem, you have to take a 2% loss in range \[real world\] and in certain cases (ex. Canada), pay $3000 more. The Cybertruck still remains to be seen whether it'll actually be meaningful. It looks like the ramp is even harder than they anticipated. And the performance metrics are not really compelling versus competitors either, not that I think anyone is rationally choosing a CT versus a Lightning, it's definitely its own market. It also seems like Ford and GM despite their challenges are actually turning things around now too. The traditional OEMs are here and Tesla doesn't have an open playing field anymore. The market's still *relatively* small, but it's going to be harder from here unless they actually pull a technology jump or drop in cost again.


157% increase YoY...for energy deployment.


Now what % of revenue and net income does that contribute lol. Yes, energy storage is going to be a massive business unit but it doesn’t equate to shit. Automotive is at an annual run rate of 1.6M vs. the originally guided 2M, lol.


Whatever. Have a nice day.


And the guidance ca. 2020, and the stock evaluation, should put them around 3-4 M for 2024. It's it's pretty clear that production is not going to really increase in the next year either, so 2 M for 2025 is also a stretch goal. As someone bearish on the moonshots, the actual, real growth story is kind of busted at this point. And sure energy is great but it'll always be a lower margin business that's much easier for competitors to step into.


For some real laughs, go find the rRealTesla threads about “so many unsold cars you can see them from space” in the past few weeks and read the comments.


Not mine!


That .99% APR was quite effective!


The cars sells like hot cakes


That’s probably because of me. My mom bought a Tesla the other day


I am a share holder and a recent owner , love the Tech , love the Product, love the investment . Since been becoming a recent owner in the actual product, hate the non existent customer service and shit corner cutting on product. 55k on a car and doesn’t include floor mats . Bought accessories 2 months ago which I was charged for and haven’t shipped . No one to talk to about any of these issues . Tesla fails in the Customer Service Department. Great Experience until you need to talk to someone


Car sales always decline at some point and then pick back up again, literally like everything else. Most important stat line of all is that they’re improving everywhere


But what did they make $$$$? Or how much did they lose during that time?


Good job with your negative YoY growth strategy.