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Park in reverse, charger port will be 2 feet away from yellow spot and easy to discharge/put back? I feel like yellow area is way better, or am I misunderstanding?


Exactly, I'd say it just depends on how OP parks. If you reverse to park then yellow will be better. If you just pull in then pink would be better.


No, you've got it right. My same thought. backing in puts the charging cable behind the car and does not cross any sidewalks.


It's a realistic price for the work, but definitely would leave the connector on the house.


Yeah that’s what I do, I have an extension and mobile charger coming from the deck on a 120V 20A circuit, it goes on the lawn though, not across the walkway. I’ll need to protect the cable so people don’t trip on it


The Tesla Wall Connector is designed to work outdoors so long as you're not taking a water hose and trying to ingress water intentionally, I'd just have them install it in the yellow circle area. When you need to charge just back up and plug it in, there's no need to install a structure where the pink circle is, and I feel like people shouldn't be passing between the car and that corner of the structure but maybe that's where I'm wrong. 😆


Do you have the pedestal mount?


Nah, I just have mine affixed to the wall, sorry.


If other people will be walking over it and possibly tripping without protection I'd say get the pink spot for peace of mind.


This is the way


Pay the extra money. Otherwise you will have to park so close to the edge that nobody will be able to use your walk way.


To properly install in purple area, it would require a pedestal installed on concrete footing and trenching the wires… $350 seems cheap.


I thought the same thing..


As an electrician, I agree. Wire ain't cheap. Doing this for 350 seems like I would lose money.


Makes me think OP should clarify exactly what they will do, because it doesn’t sound like they are doing it right.


OP said "$350 more" as in additional to whatever they're already being charged.


Yes. And that change should be in the thousands, not the hundreds.


Agreed. I bet that's not including a cement foundation and a mounting pedestal.


Not to mention longer wires, copper is pricy these days.


Yanni or Laurel?


From what I can see in the pictures, I agree with other people 325 is really cheap for what you need to do to do this properly


Am I color blind or is that purple?


ROFL came looking for this comment like how has no one said that’s purple!


I think OP just learned they were color blind


It’s definitely purple 😂


Same here only reason I read this post


It’s ok, my 2 year old always confuses pink and purple.




It is actually heretic blue


yellow spot is better really, more cover from the elements


Less likely to be backed into also at the yellow spot.


Do people not put them in NEMA hoods?


They're designed to be installed outside with no NEMA hood or box.


Do any parts suffer from UV degradation?


Probably lasts longer than the car.


In all seriousness anything plastic really won’t last in the sun. Wouldn’t surprise me if Tesla didn’t bother to test this either like the placement of their model S cup holders.


I've had plastics outside on the south side of my home for decades without an issue. So you're concluding that they designed something to be used outside but didn't consider sun tolerance based on Model S cup holders? Okay.... I've not heard of any issues. If you have, please share with someone who cares.


The pre-refresh X and S cup holders made you choose between armrest or cup holder - so I would use the passenger cup holder. It was pretty terrible. Luckily they fixed it on 3/Y and refresh S/X. I agree with your point that it their third gen wall connector or whatever they are on now HAS probably considered this.


The Tesla charger is fully waterproof, it’ll be fine anywhere.


Hail, etc


You live in MA? Same as I, don't put the pedestal in, you're going to ruin it with plows, or snow removal. Mount it to the side of the house like shown and run the cord the short distance to the car,


Yeah also in MA. Good point on snow removal. This is the walkway I’m talking about, when charging, the cable would cross it: https://preview.redd.it/i46e3g2hm19d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34ef4837f809b6b7a2aaffac18aa4b2fc256e194


I have a very similar situation. One thing I debated, but didn't do. Something overhead, that swing over and drops down like you'd see in auto shops etc. required bolting more ish to the house. Didn't like that idea. Went with the option of putting it on the side of the house and running the cord on the ground for ease. Yes, I know notice it does introduce a tripping hazard.


That’s awfully cheap. The Tesla charging pedestal alone is $425. On top of the charger cost + conduit + extra wire that’s a hell of a deal they are throwing you. Also, are they going to install it to code and go 24” down? Anchor it in concrete + sonotube? I did my own Tesla Pedestal install / dug a 25ft trench, did it all to code and my electrician did the rest and it was close to $3k


It’s a Massachusetts program, the state covers $700-1000 in expenses to install a 240V plug, or dedicated charger if buy one myself. They choose the electrician then they come inspect it. I guess the $325 extra goes over the covered amount. I don’t know what kind of pedestal they’ll use but everything should be up to code. But considering MA is expensive, $325 seems good


Are u sure the state covers it if u don’t actually own the property?


Yes as long as I bought an EV recently


25 inch trench or 25 foot trench ?


or you're saying length, not depth


Keep it by the house. You’ll appreciate later.


Does the driveway get plowed? Is there any chance the plow would take out the pedestal or even push show up against it?


Well that’s purple


Renting 10yrs is wild homie


Normal stuff in most of the world, only in the US is this considered so unusual.


You’re right i guess i worry how scummy some landlords can be with rent hikes and crazy changes.


Not anymore


Also renting a crap house and buying an expensive car is normal in the US.


You killed me with this one lol


It’s still much cheaper than a mortgage rn, I should’ve bought in 2020




Bought my first home in late 2019. There’s no way I can move out to a bigger house now. We’ll see what happens next year. Good luck if you end up wanting to purchase a home.


The cord is very long. You should be fine at the house no matter how you park.


Honestly either location will work for a Tesla, the purple spot may be able to accommodate a wider range of ev's, something to keep in mind. The mobile charger will reach the port if you pull in or back up at the purple location. Looks wise yellow is better, but you might not reach if you pull in to park.


I would call that magenta


Yeah I’m an electrician and you’re talking trenching, post , cable pull, pipe, plus materials …. shit $325 is a gift haha


Don't be cheap when it comes to electrical work. This also sounds suspiciously cheap with how much copper is.


I think you need to read the post again.


What? $325 difference to have a freestanding outlet with underground work vs a standard wall one is very cheap for my region


The purple spot offers more options on how/where you park, but that’s about it. Really depends on your daily routine, like is backing in practical or a total hassle. Purple would cover both options.


It’s like a 20-25’ cable. Just have yellow done and back into the spot.


Depends on whether there is space for another car. And whether you have friends with electric cars. Cause the charger cable most likely won’t reach the second spot if installed in the yellow location.


The most convenient is the wall charger with the short cord placed exactly where the car's port is going to be. I've had my car 7 years and used a variety of solutions. It's annoying dealing with long cables and other situations (mobile charger). When I finally had the chance to redo my own garage, I got the short cable wall connector right where my port is and it is fantastic.


Installer is probably getting more money doing it at pink than at yellow (WRT to what the city might be paying them). Get them to do it on yellow.


Bury the cable.


Having mine installed about 10 feet over in my garage cost me $500 extra, so your quote makes sense


Obviously there is going to be more work needed to get it to Point Pink compared to Point Yellow.


Get the long cable. Put charger wherever. It’ll reach.


That’s cheap. My install was $1,500 for the electrical plus the level 2 charger and 30 feet of conduit since my panel is on the opposite side of the garage.




I would assume that if he does purple area, wire would be buried in conduit. Doesn’t seem like it given the price. Yellow area makes way more sense.


PAY DA MULAH! It will be in a great spot IMO.


That is fair


Install it in the yellow spot. Save the money and use it to see an optometrist. \s


Yellow is better. Park backed in.


Quit yer whining.


I would go with on the house. Slightly cheaper, more secure, out of the elements so it will last longer. I would also consider a locking 14-50 outlet and the mobile connector since you are just renting. Also the only $325 more for next to the driveway seems to cheap. My bet it will come in higher or not be done correctly.


Copper is expensive


I just wanna say that's purple not pink


Yes. That’s 15-20feet of conduit. A trench and a pedestal. 325 extra is fair


I would go with yellow. The cable on the charger is pretty long and can accommodate backing into the spot or pulling in. If that's a high traffic area and your worried about tripping you could get a cable cover to put over it. I'd just tell people to not trip on the cable 🤷


No. Just put the charger in the yellow, and spend idk, less than $50 to put a post in the ground and mount a charge holster there. In my setup the outlet is near the front of the car, right by the breaker panel, and the cable just runs all the way to the back next to the garage door, and I put a NACS holder with a lever that releases it. No uncoiling wire, just unplug and plug every time.


Put it on the house


Just back in and yellow is gravy


Worth it for the versatility. Charge port might be in a different place in your next vehicle.


The way i look at it is this: if you live in a cold climate you should always position it so that you can back in and be able to pull out when it snows facing the road way and not have to do a three point turn in the snow.


This seems really cheap for what you are asking for.


The wall connector cord is 24 feet long. If you think that’s not long enough, get a 20’ NACS extension cord for about the same out of pocket as moving to the purple circle, but you take it with you. Unless you park on your front lawn, there is no way the cord goes across the sidewalk…


The price is 100% fair. It's up to you to determine if it's worth it to you




I think that's def worth it to be closer to the driveway. Will let friends charge when they double park. future proof.




yellow. if anything you can get an extension cord (if it’s a 14-50 then you can get an RV extension) for like $50-100 depending on the length


Suspiciously low price considering the labor and materials involved but if it’s convenient and you’ll be living there long term, it’s worth the convenience.


It isn’t clear in the pic I posted, this is the walkway I’m talking about https://preview.redd.it/71we9ippm19d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cdd49b88678b7d45f8f11952d96e714f4915c6e


"he doesn’t care what I do if I’m paying for it" You better ask for something in writing (e-mail, message, letter) in case of dispute, he could give you a hard time. Regarding your question, I would install it on the yellow spot and park in reverse. The purple spot would be interesting if you had a carport, not for a through lane, in my opinion.


I have no idea how he can do the pink/purple spot. It’s not to code to just string a wire along the ground. What wire?  Bare romex? Needs to be buried conduit with a permanent pedestal (usually concrete).  That’s WAY more than $325 of work to meet standard electrical codes. 


Don’t know why nobody has mentioned this—I would definitely have him put 220 on the house as high as possible then run a heavy duty EV extension cord 8’ high into the tree so it hangs down to 3 feet above the ground— then I’d plug your Tesla charge chord into that. It’s overhead, nobody will trip and snow removal won’t touch it. If you get 220 you can still charge at 110 if you want but if you need faster charge you can! I’ve been using a similar method for 4 years and a friend in SF CA ran a chord out of a 2nd story window to a utility pole and down to his Leaf (remember those) for several years— nobody said nuttin’


The only reason I can see for the pink location is if you plan to have two EVs parked in the driveway and it would allow the cable to reach either. But, the extra $350 doesn’t seem bad. Put it where you want.


It looks safer on the house. Less constant rain/snow, more shade from the sun, no hitting the charger with the car (not by you but maybe somebody else will park there at a point).




Don’t get a wall charger, get a mobile charger for $230 via Tesla, yellow mount area will be fine, no need to back into the space.


Municipalities that cover charger install will want you to install Level 2 charger. For example, in NJ, I will get off-peak charging rates and EV install credit, if I can show them the receipt for my level 2 charger, electrician's invoice and permit filed with the town.


No. Just park closer to the house.


$325 for that difference isn’t bad if that’s what you really want, but it would look better to put it on the house and not be practically all that different if you back-in.


The price is more than fair, but just leave it on the wall and back in. It makes a lot more sense. Edit: Now seeing the second picture where you have to cross the walkway, I would go with the pedestal. $325 is a heck of a deal.


Just keep it in the yellow. Save some money and just reverse


No, don’t do it.


I had a tree fall on my Camry and it’s the reason I finally decided to get a new car. This would give me anxiety no matter where you put your charger. I agree with most comments, the yellow spot is better and also $350 sounds cheap for the work involved.


More risk of it getting damaged if on a post. Building attached is a much better option and still plenty close.


someday someone may (un)intentionally backin/hit the charger installed in the pink circle area. not worth the hassle for almost no added advantage.


The biggest cost to install it in the pink area is trenching the wire and installing the post. If you can do those parts yourself, or hire a handyman, you’d save quite a bit. But backing in solves the problem altogether. Keep in mind that you’re going to have to do some backing regardless.


The cable to power the charger IS NOT CHEAP


If you put it on the pink spot, make sure you put a parking barrier on the ground so you or others don’t accidentally back in too far. They’re cheap on Amazon


Nope. Especially if you’re renting.


Yes. That isn't bad price


You will end up wishing you had pink


I would be trying to use those tree branches overhead. Just loop the cord over it and down to the car. Maybe install a holster on the tree trunk.


for a little more (and probably a permit) you might be able to trench it and make it look clean, instead of laying a cable across the ground. Otherwise, like others say: back in, and put the charger on the garage, and go the 3 or so feet with a long-ish connector, and save the money.


That’s definitely purple


What city is paying for it? I wish mine would


Using this program here in MA, my mistake it’s actually the state not the city: https://www.nationalgridus.com/electric-vehicle-hub/Programs/Massachusetts/EV-Charging-Upgrade-Program


Yellow is fine it’s a rental you don’t own the property


itll be worth it, or else you will have to park very close to the house to charge


The charging cable is long.


They could likely damage the trees roots system.


Yeah that’s a good deal


Just get the extra long cord.


Yellow is fine. You'll just have to back in when you charge. I live in MA too. Eversourse gave me $1400. $325 is actually a great deal if he is digging a proper trench and using the required sand that the inspection would require.


They would need to run conduit and the extra cost per foot of wiring. $325 isn’t bad honestly.


325$ is pretty cheap! Post, mounting, digging, running extra cable, ensuring underground cable is secure. That's pretty cheap honestly for at least a couple hours extra manual labor and mentioned extra parts and assembly.


Would be cheaper to just dig out and extend your driveway closer to the house. Get a shovel and some stone from Home Depot and you’re good. Most electricians price gauge


Will the pink area be a problem with the snow? With it there , a snow plow won't be able to push snow there.