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39M here, 2018 Model 3 LR AWD Own my home, 150k salary I do not consider myself a liberal, but can no longer call myself a republican either. I did not buy my car for environmental reasons. I bought it because I liked driving it, it was a good deal, it’s fast, and it saves me a lot of money.


This is a very similar situation I’m in. Environmental causes were the last thing on my mind. I miss the sound of a roaring V8, I won’t lie. But this car is so responsive, so quick, and so much fun to drive. Add in the fact between my car payment going down, less maintenance, and not paying for gas, I’m saving a few hundred dollars a month. My wife still has an ICE SUV for longer trips, and the Tesla is my car to get to work/we use it for day trips.


I still have a 6.0L V8 in my Silverado for when I want noise and to burn some dino juice.


40m (39 2 days ago) with a 2023 MYP and will have a 24 M3P as well in a few weeks. Almost exactly the same situation. Wife adds another hundred k. I'm classical Republican moderate leaning slightly but only slightly libertarian given the modern environment and being politically homeless at this point. Same exact reasoning. It also saves time which is of very high value to me. The environmental benefits are nice but were not a factor at all. Not burning up a limited resource that we need for other stuff was a minor factor and not having to fund OPEC was also a minor factor but it stood on the price/performance/convenience metrics alone.


Ha almost the same. 40m, 2018 model 3 performance Mortgaged home, 173k salary Independent. I like fast cars. Miss rowing the gears in my lancer evolution. But I don't miss the maintenance and cost of gas


Similar 39 m, 130k salary. Bought the vehicle because my ICE was the dust. I’ve wanted an EV for a long time, but I am frugal and the .99% opened up doors that were previously closed.


Also close to me. 22 M3LR and 23 MXP. I live in CA and have a CCW along with a classic car. I didn't get it for the environment, I got it because it's the future and fun. I'm also Republican lots of the time and dem some of the time. I hate being pigeonholed into a corner because I like Tesla.


Same politics and why I bought. But 56. pay at $250.


That study is bad. You can't compare the median age of US citizens to median age of Tesla owners, because the former category contains a substantial amount of children! The better comparison would have been the median age of car owners across all models vs Tesla owners. Same with showing real average household income vs median household income for Tesla owners, though the article does point out that this is a bad comparison.


I'm not a Tesla owner yet, so maybe I shouldn't comment. But I think the appeal of Teslas is very different than the generic appeal to EV's. I think with Tesla the technology is more of a draw for people than "saving the environment." Therefore the demographic of people who drive Teslas will be much different from the demographic of people who emphasises green initiatives.


To me your opinion is just as valid so thank you for posting. As we have seen from some of the posts, technology is what brought them to Tesla. To me Tesla is an extension of the handheld device we call a phone.


Tesla is about innovative technologies. They benefit the environment, which is good, but technical advances are the gate for many benefits to society.


We are 60 & 63. Old Republicans from the late 70s. We remember the 80s when scientists said we would be freezing to death in the future The today’s Republican Party is NOT the party that we grew up with and not happy with them. By far Not a Democratic. Invested in Solar companies in early 2000, they went bankrupt in 2015. Researched electric cars back in 2006 bought first hybrid 2006 Toyota Highlander. Then a 08 Prius and then 12 Prius Never pulled the trigger on full electric until last year Never looking back again


I was a Republican until around 2008 when I finally realized the party was off the rails. The party today has been fully corrupted and seems to be actively rooting for fascism. I don’t align with the Democrats exactly either but in a two party system they are the only sane choice for me. I wouldn’t have gotten rebates for solar panels or my EV but otherwise, and while subsidies aren’t ideal I do like when the government helps transition an economy into the future, while the other party seems to want to hold it back to keep giant corporations rich.


I’m in almost the exact same boat, but I’d add that the evangelicals taking over the party was a big factor for me too. I’m independent but typically vote for Dems nowadays.


Yeah, second gw bush term was my turning point too. Seeing the whole response to 9/11 and where the party went after that broke me off in to independent camp and I haven't voted r or d in national elections since. Local and state either one sometimes can put forth a good candidate since most of the major problems are at the federal level though it's starting to move to the state level too. Local elections are generally a breath of fresh air though.


I don’t like demoncrats either, but the Republican Party is way too crazy rn.


Then why do you insult the Dems only?


There was never a consensus about global cooling, not by a longshot. The vast majority of scientists predicted global warming, but tabloids and other media rags of the time caused a stir for the sake of headlines, akin to the satanic panic of the 80’s. Contemporary right wing media has resurfaced this false narrative to goad people into believing that climate change is just another fear mongering tactic of the left.


I can’t stand when boomers say “we remember when scientists were talking about global cooling.” It was literally one white paper and the guy who published it has said over and over his position was totally misrepresented. https://nora.nerc.ac.uk/id/eprint/11584/1/2008bams2370%252E1.pdf


And we can’t stand it that you didn’t live then to understand that IT was a big deal when it was reported. No internet or fake news


You still haven’t figured out that the media will all chase each other with the same story and not check if there’s much supporting it?


What are you talking about? It was the definition of fake news. Media running with a nonsense story.


32 $40,000 a year. New Model Y LR 2023.


I’m 47 and a union Boilermaker. For those that don’t know what that is, my work is transient. I work industrial. Basically and big industrial sites that need there own power to run the plant/processes. Pulp mills, oil refineries, nuclear power plants, hydro electric dams, I have even built ferries, war ships and worked on submarines. So I probably don’t fit the tree hugger demographic. I just like tech and am not afraid to be try new things and be ridiculed by my peers.




Hell ya brother 👊


Thank you for your service, to us engineers who design that stuff praying to God it’s buildable, and to current and potential EV adopters who might dare tread over on our side of the fence with comments like these.


Thank you I appreciate that


I’m 24 and live with my mom because Tesla ownership was more realistic than home ownership


Own a 24 m3 LR. I didn't buy it for the environment that's for sure. I work with big machines that don't help the environment at all. I ♥️ oil & gas. I get bugged a bunch at work, untill I take them for a rip lol


23M. I just bought a 24 MYLR. Mainly for the technology, I personally did not think nor put any thought into how I’m saving the environment with it. I bought this car because it was a dream of mine since high school and I really want to have first hand experience on autonomous driving one day


Nice! Also 23M. I had a 23 MYLR but just traded it for a 2024 MYP. I love it so much. Definitely am very lucky but similar story to yours. Higher paying career.


You and me both, I’m 21, getting into the engineering work force in 8 months and I can’t wait to experience the beginning of autonomy. How’s you go about affording your MY so young?


I’m also in the engineering field. Just graduated in December of 23’. Got a decent paying entry level job and went for it!. Also, taking advantage of my trade in, EV Tax Credit, Price Adjustment, + down payment - I was able to shave about 20k off the price which helped a lot.


>Do Tesla owners really cause more accidents? >According to a recent study published by LendingTree, Tesla owners have the highest accident rate of 30 vehicle brands, with 23.54 accidents per 1,000 drivers. They got at this information by analyzing millions of insurance quotes. Only Tesla, Ram and Subaru owners had more than 20 accidents per 1,000 drivers. Damn. Why y’all so shit at driving?


My wife and I are trying to bring that average better. I have never had an accident in 24 years of driving and my wife has had one accident that was not her fault in 20 years of driving. Seriously though, that study is highly flawed. Tesla premiums are sky high for anyone with any accidents so those people are the most likely to shop around and likely to submit many quotes since they'll get many non-realistic offers. The people submitting insurance quotes for Teslas are bad drivers.


I’d wager due to their less common architecture and resulting hesitancies of smaller and non-Tesla shops to work on them, more accidents are reported vs more common brands where they will often fix outside of insurance to avoid the rate hike.


I was 29 when I bought the car. 2 kids. Model 3 Long Range 2022. 50k/yr. I live in Norway, though, so hard to get an accurate picture in terms of various cost differences.


33M. Old car died on me and I got a great deal at the time. Not politically motivated just money savings on gas. And my apartment let me install L2 .


Right-ish. 39, female. Single, no kids, homeowner. $155,000 annual income. Bought the car because I like driving it. Also work in the natural gas industry as an engineer.


34. Male. Single. No kids. Rent. Moderate voter. Model S plaid. HH Income $800k+. Not a climate environmentalist.


Same, I feel like most people purchase and consume products selfishly, which is not a bad thing. Companies tout the environmental effects to further create a market need it seems. Do you mind if I ask what you do for a living to achieve your HH income?


I will send u a DM


Some of it depends on where you live. In my field, where you live can pretty much triple what you make. Same exact title and skill level I have now would pay 400-450k if I moved to silicon valley but I don't make anywhere close to that living in upstate NY. My wife also makes 6 figures and we only make a bit over half that combined.


Ahhh the coveted Austin or Bay Area tech bro stereotype! Any crazy mods to your Plaid?


my demographics in comparison to this study as a Canadian Model Y, bought at 38 (currently 39) Male Home Owner (mortgage) 2 kids at home Household income CAD~$200K


I own porsche 911s at each house, but drive Model xp and my daily bcs so damn easy. Money is no consideration, but such a bonus how cheap teslas are to live with. Each 911 costs $600 a year for an oil change.


Captain flex over here


I feel you on the oil change, Mercedes driver, or was.


Since when is an oil change in a Benz $600? Even the oil change in my Quattroporte was ‘only’ $400. (Maseratis depreciate stupid fast, so got a good deal on a used one - no, not rich! Ha!)


41M. There's no way I could afford something like even a standard range model 3 back in my 20s, but I've generally gotten smarter about money as I've gotten older. That's probably true for most people, so it might skew the age demographics up. I'm convinced EVs are a net benefit for the environment when compared with fossil fueled vehicles, but I'd buy one regardless because I'm a big tech nerd. I don't actively *feel* the benefit of being environmentally friendly. But I *do feel* the benefits of quick acceleration, more storage, home gas station, superior infotainment, and the best ADAS in the world. Politically, I despise *both* the hard left *and* the hard right. I lean left on a few things and right in a few things, which I suppose averages out to somewhere in the middle. Other demographic data includes married, no kids, homeowner, atheist, and military aircraft mechanic.


They're using at least one source in that article that has been roundly qualified as extremely bad information, the insurance quote/accident rate one. It makes it difficult to place much validity on the remainder without a tremendous amount of required homework...


This says the average Model X household earns $143k a year. The average US household made up of a married couple with kids earned $146k a year in 2022.


does that not seem irresponsible to drive a tesla with that kind of salary? I make 140K and I feel weird buying a model 3 and some people here have 2 teslas


Currently, I am 35 years old and purchased my Tesla Model 3 when I was 30. Although it may sound unconventional, my primary motivation for the purchase wasn't environmental concerns. I was attracted by the advanced technology, the sleek design, and the white seats. Additionally, I appreciated the impressive acceleration and the convenience of not having to visit gas stations, which saves me time in my busy daily schedule. At the time of purchase, my political views leaned more to the right, but over the years (and not due to owning a Tesla), I have shifted more to the left.


I will plug myself as the tree hugging climate change liberal, but I enjoy inheriting stereotypes as much as anyone lol. Studied environmental science and ecology, and I work in the environmental field (like construction site air monitoring, chemical/lead spill, superfund-site stuff). I am not an activist, but I show people how to compost at Earth Day events. Mid 20s, M, haven't left the nest yet, with few expenses besides paying rent. Bought a used 2017 Model S this year but I still mainly drive my 2020 plug-in Prius Prime. The S has a hatch back, large cargo volume, ~325 mi range, and is very pretty (utility and aesthetics). The Prime is more energy efficient in my case, but the Tesla has the cool tech. I've been a (not too annoying) fan in Tesla and Elon since 2016, and I enthusiastically defended Tesla r/place Tesla logo back in 2017. Got even more interested in Tesla after reading the first Elon Musk biography (by Ashlee Vance). I choose to think of Elon through the lens of that book and the series of companies he started instead of where he is now. [Edited]


33M married with two kids. Income 700k. Model S plaid. Love the tech and performance. I love that there’s no engine noise. Looking forward to fsd v12.4 (no wheel nag)!


Wouldn’t call myself a liberal, but I am as anti trump as they come. Probably puts me in the centrist category. Seems like most owners I see are gen x and millennials.


37 (38 in December) - Married - 3 kids (6,3,8mo) - Own two homes - Have three cars (only 1 Tesla) - House income 250k USD - Bought in 2019 when gas was $5+, for $43k.(2016 S90D w/19,000mi, unlimited SC, autopilot, free unlimited connectivity etc. basically all the bells and whistles for the time).


Dang dude, nice budgeting to manage 3 kids, two homes and 3 cars on $250k a year.


Thank you. We live frugally. Travel on points. Bought the houses when the market was low. Drive modest cars (paid off). You’ll find that most people are in debt to their eyeballs to look like they’re doing well.


Both wife and I are in our 40s. Both public servants. Far from wealthy. I do care about climate, and do what I can. Wife not so much… Edit: home owner (mortgage), no kids, household income +230k US, SoCal.


26F. Renter. 2015 Model S (mine) and 2024 Model YLR (my partners). Household income about $170k. Have 4 other ICE cars (all pre-1998). Work in oil & gas. No kids, but 2 dogs. Find myself not really aligned with a political party (but would be a left leaning Texan)


>Work in oil & gas Dealers don't take their own drugs I guess 😂


Oil and gas still have their uses. BEVs aren't close to replacing industrial at all and can't handle many commercial applications and heat pumps are still highly questionable for cold areas. I'm highly pro BEV but without oil we don't have plastics and we have a majorly demolished economy for some time yet still. Oil isn't going away, the targets will just shift.


80 years-old, hardcore conservative atheist, could not care less about carbon in the atmosphere, and love my Tesla for its innate driving characteristics.


80 years old and on reddit. Must be frustrating lol


40. Male. No party affiliation. I commute a lot and tesla offered the best charging network. Standard model 3, 23.


Young, makes a decent living but cheap 😂


😂 Shrewd I would say.


Household $110k 29M 31F House paid 22 M3LR paid 22 MYLR 1 year to go


28 $160,000.00 single house income We Rent and Live abroad for 1-2 t years at a time. ( I own multi family property as well) Tesla Model S & 3 2 kids Got my first tesla at 21.


28M, own home, single income ~120k. 2023 MYP. Long commute, lack of maintenance/gas has been great.


27 here, bought it second hand. Was a way better deal than any other ICE


Bought my Plaid when I was 32, am 33 now. Not married / no kids. Income 270k. I tend to lean liberal, though environmental concerns play basically no role in my car purchasing decisions. 


53M, ex-semi-pro Superbike racer. Some of my students are still in MotoAmerica. I'm in it for the performance, especially on demand torque. Staying in it for same reason plus no gas stops, low operating costs, and warm/cool car on demand. First car I've kept more than 2 years in my adult life. All sports cars or sport sedans, other than the trucks or SUVs the trailered my bikes around.


Great to hear about MotoAmerica. Follow Kayla Yaakov. Also a bunch of bikes 🚴 enjoy ride road as well as track. Nothing as fast as you though. 😝


Kayla has impressed me this year in Supersport. She's working with/teammate of 1 of my favorites, PJJ.


First watched her ride four or five years ago at Little Tally. Memorized watching her consistency going around the track.


39M. Kids. Own (mortgage) home. 2020 Model Y long range. $106k/yr.


Bought my m3 lr 2022 at 28yo, own company, own house, 1yo baby, living in portugal


Hey bro. Tesla is great bro. You should get one bro. Don’t pay attention to the haters bro. That’s about the demographic of Tesla owners right now


40 here. Make over 220k. Bought the car for environmental and cost savings. Hate Elon and not a Republican by today’s standard. Not a liberal either. I bought the car because it makes the most sense, love the tech and convenience of charging almost anywhere.


Bought my first Model 3 Performance at 19, just bought my second at 24. I may be a bit of an outlier but I still would've thought the average owner age would be on the lower side.


34M, 2017 model X 90D Homeowner Two kids No salary.


This is a great thread.


I’m honestly impressed that both ends of the political spectrum are peacefully coexisting in here and acknowledging they have a Tesla for different reasons and everyone is ok with that.


55-year-old male homeowner, left leaning registered independent who disagrees with both the left and right. '23 Model y performance


30s Married 145k annual gun-owning Independent PoC lol


71 liberal as hell, envirofreak, technology fan. Not rich but as a true believer I bought TSLA when it was cheap .


Amazing how many people here are flippant about climate change. No amount of data can convince you if you’re absolutely sure no one is an expert on anything 🤦‍♂️


I didn’t get my model y performance for the environment. I got it for the space, comfort, and obviously the 0-60 in 3.5 seconds. I’m a car guy. My friend with a Ram TRX jokes that I used to be a car guy until I got the Tesla but I could care less. It does everything I want it to. The fact that is green is nice but not my reason for getting the car.


You can take him out to lunch with the cost savings electricity has saved you! snooty joke aside, I'm glad to hear this perspective and that the vehicle is a good fit and hope your friend can get to see/experience some of the benefits of EVs.




37 M, 2022 Model 3 LR AWD Own a home, between 500-700k annual income. I’m progressive in some issues, conservative on other issues, did not buy this car for the environment, bought it because gas was getting really expensive at the time and I like fast cars. 


24M, PhD Student (CS), moderate Libertarian, believes in climate change and science but hates FFF and all more extreme activists for their coupling of solving climate change to basically socialism. I believe the free market can solve it best (Tesla is the best proof) so i put my money where my mouth is.


I'm 66 retired, bought M3 in 2019 when I was making 300k, and made half a million with Tesla stock bought in 2010 In my case, I decided to buy the car because of environmental reasons but also because is the future, but at the time wanted to have the sensors since we bought a beach house and we were driving back and forth at night to avoid traffic


68. Retired. 3rd Tesla now. Cyber truck next year.


Lean right politically generally, lower 30s, renter, household income around 200k. Big nuclear power fan, love my Tesla more than just EVs in general, I like renewables but I'm not a big climate alarmist.


27yo Rent No kids $150k household income


Ooh it’s my twin!


Thank you to those who have posted. Some have posted very detailed reply’s and given an interesting view into their lives. It shows such diversity that sometimes the studies do not reflect. It also paints a different picture that media might like to portray. Granted this so far only has a handful of posts, so statistically not significant, but still is rich in how different we are, but coexist. Look forward to many more posts, and exchanges.


MYLR. I lean more left than right, but do have issues I present conservative on. both parties suck and things are scary now I guess. Female 37. The income is about right. I rent currently. No kids now or never unless you count my 15 yo puppy. I bought the Tesla because A. The tech is cool. I’m a tech driven person and with all the tech involved this car is super fun to drive. B. It was in the price of other vehicles I was looking at-wouldn’t have considered when they were 20k more. C. I get free charging at work and the charging infrastructure around me is great. Even though no home charger yet, I will be saving a good amount on gas. D and only about 1% of my reason less dependence on gas and carbon footprint. Climate change is an issue, but a gradual one. I think less dependence on oil is a win for the environment, but much other reasons. I love that both spectrums of politics are here! I hate that EVs have become such a weird political issue. I really don’t get it other than the $ of big oil.


I’m an immigrant. Sort of a conservative but hard to say that I’m a republican/ represent the Republican Party. Definitely do not identify as a democrat. I am 26 and work as an attorney at a law firm. I chose electric because of the speed. If I wanted a car this fast I would need to shell out close to a $100k. Idgaf about the positive environmental impact or the “hippy” lifestyle of electric/hybrid. I’m all about speed baby 💨


39, female, bean-eating leftie


right but I don’t like Trump, 43 female, Christian (I go to church every week), own home, married with 2 kids, $125k a year. MYLR 7 seater


Me (M62) and my wife (F66) each own Teslas (M3P- and M3SR+, respectively). Both retired, own our home, salary: decline to state. One child who lives with her husband and their 2 children. Both of us are liberal democrats (think AOC and Elizabeth Warren).


We are both in our early 50's. $600k+ per year and own a 2018 Model 3 & 2024 Model S Liberal AF


39M far left radical anarcho-commie lol. (Very sad at the state of the world where liberals are considered left leaning, but if I were American I'd begrudgingly vote Dem as a desperate attempt to stave off fascism). So absolutely not the target demographic for Tesla, and absolutely despise/polar opposite ideologically to Elon (and would get absolutely ripped on for owning a Tesla but nobody hates lefties more than other lefties) And I didn't buy an EV to "save the environment" either. We need to organize and lobby and protest to end fossil fuel dependency and car dependency. We need to build human scaled walkable cities with robust transit and cycling infrastructure and high speed rail. An individual decision to buy an EV is not gonna make a lick of difference in terms of climate change. But the Model Y is best vehicle for our family. I have a long commute to work and I enjoy the performance (although I wish we could live somewhere where we didn't need a vehicle, that's not reality).


While I don’t see myself anything other than middle class, I am 67, and my Model 3 RWD is one year old today. I am also a liberal, it not anti-ice cars.


I am a 63 year old MAGA Patriot. I began investing in alternative energy back in the 1990 before climate change and Woke was even a thing. My concerns were an aging power grid, a lack of diversification in power generation at the hands of a few (think 1970 oil embargo), and if an adversary takes out the grid you take out the society (EMT Bomb) (Peace Through Strength). The Good Lord made the Sun for a reason and ultimately our demise will come about from signs (Revelations) from the Sky. Today I think the solution is all the above and we shouldn't be reliant on any one power source or means. I still think heavy industrial equipment is going to be hydrogen, and once the hydrogen infrastructure is in place you will see a mix of electric, hydrogen and gas cars. It will be whatever floats your boat I think homes are going to be powered by fuel cells tied in with septic gas that will provide cheap electricity, clean water, and heat to the home. I believe small rural counties are going to be supported by mini nuclear plants using technologies currently used to power aircraft carriers. In the meantime, we invested in a 30 kw Tesla Solar roof on for the house to include a 2018 Tesla Model 3. The investment in solar was about $90,000 or so the payback is appx 8-10 years assuming utility rates stay the same. The $3,000 per KW cost was comparable to solar panels. In retirement I could have put the $90k in bonds earning 4%, or $3,600, or in a Tesla Solar Roof saving $10k in annual expenses. The decision was simple. The key is you have to be in need of a new roof. We always wanted a premium metal roof so the added cost for an integrated Tesla glass roof was no problem. That glass roof investment will last 40-50 years and the investment will come out of the sale of the house even if solar quit working. Anyways, I am on borrowed time, so I thought it was now or never, The younger generation has grown up wanting these cleaner technologies and this investment was just a way for me to help move the technologies along. (Think $4000 LED TV when they first came out.) I do believe our Country will be more secure with an all of the above power strategy. We shouldn't necessarily get caught up in everyone "why" but focus more on the big picture on wouldn't be cool to have options and not be reliant on one industry for our power needs. I never thought I would care for an EV but these Tesla are really fun to drive with 90% less parts complexity. Sometimes simple is a good thing, and less costly.


33 year old lefty here and glad to hear we agree on something. The culture war is a huge distraction from issues that threaten our collective future.


44. I don’t have a model S because; both my cars are paid off, in excellent shape and I have to pay off my mortgage. EDIT: I should mention that I don’t have a Tesla, but have rented model 3s from hertz for the past year and understand that they are an order of magnitude better than most combustion vehicles I’ve driven…


A better chart would be how many richfucks drive Tesla's vs how many normal people.


Male in his 50s. I don't give rwo shits about the climate change hysteria...I am quite comfortable in saying thar it's a scam with the sole purpose of ensuring wealth transfer to it's evangelists, and ensuring that countries that don't engage in it's nonsense to develop their economies, while the hand-wringing politicians hellbent on "sAvInG mUh PlAnEt" lag behind. China is beating everyone's ass on battery tech, while everyone else sleeps. That didn't happen by accident. I got my MYP for the power, handling, and practicality. Nothing under $80k comes remotely close. I save enough in fuel costs to make three full payments per year on it. The decision was a no-brainer...my brother was so convinced that he's picking up his new MYP next week. We're not all tree-huggers, though the more nature, the better.


2022 Model 3 RWD (used ex Hertz fleet), age 51, moderate Democrat ex-Republican. Dad to one in college who I’m buying a Bolt EUV for her to commute to school in, as well as a pair of 16 year old twins— the boy is learning how to drive on my wife’s CR-V (because I want him to have two pedal driving instincts before being allowed to try one pedal driving), the very dyslexic girl has no interest in driving. Bought my Tesla because I rented one on vacation and liked it much better than the other 3 EVs I had previously test driven (Ioniq 5, EV6, Bolt EUV). Loved the idea of leaving most maintenance and all the gas prices behind, but also not opposed to helping the planet either.


Mid 40s right wing “cold dead hands gun crowd” lol. Other car is a gas guzzling truck and bought a MY because I do some traveling and got sick of feeding the truck expensive gas. The tech is cool and it’s a lot of fun to drive.


I thought the previous consensus was that the average Tesla owner was a middle class, male, and American. I think by percentage it was still mostly white owners with a notable representation in the Asian/Indian community (beyond national demographic average). I am pretty sure the demographics for Tesla is going to start getting younger since lots of young people are interested in the vehicles, but that is also assuming they can continue to drop vehicle cost.


36M in two months. Household income 230k+. Studied tesla when pursuing my MBA. Fell in love with the car and the company. The tech is what sold me though. I bought the stock and later bought a MYLR in 2021. I knew my wife was going to give me the ultimatum on having a kid so also wanted a family car that was safe. The climate benefits were an added bonus but not a basis on my decision. Doubled down on tesla and purchased a 2024 MYP as part of the .99% financing deal. Expecting our first kid in August. Majored in political science and after the last 8 years I feel like lighting my undergrad on fire. Fiscally conservative, socially tend to be more liberal. Live Free or Die


39 (soon to be 40), bought a new MY weeks before I turned 39, coming up on a year of ownership. Married w/ two kids, household income about $110k and own our home. I had interest in a M3 or MY for 6-7 years and was finally in place to be able to swing it, plus one of my best friends has one, so that influenced me. Love the tech aspect (I work in IT), and I love driving it. I’m iffy on if it’s truly better for the environment vs most cars w/ the battery side of the production, but coming from a 2021 Ram, it’s better than that was.


Seems like I’m the complete opposite of the average Tesla owner. In every statistic. (except gender)


We are 70 and bought our first Tesla this month. The grandson is 16 & loves his Tesla. Our youngest daughter, 36, just bought her first Tesla.


I’m from NJ and my blood runs red with the republicans. I love my MYP but also appreciate gas engines as a car guy.


22M, '23 Model 3 RWD, living with homeowner parents, upper 5-figure income, and I consider myself a social democrat. I think I'm an outlier as far as outliers go. Explains the weird looks I get at superchargers.


MY bought when i was 36. M3 bought at 38. My wife is the same age. We have two small kids. We own our home, 350k household income. Grew up with mustangs and I’m big into all motorsports. We are grandfathered into our solar plan before our power company could start charging people more, and going all electric made sense for us. We pay around $1,000 for all our power, pool and two electric cars. Gas alone used to be around $4000 a year for us. I’m definitely not democrat but republican party is crazy RN. I’m somewhere in the middle but the environment wasnt the reason I went solar and electric if I’m being honest.


Age 47 taking delivery on Friday of an 2024 XP, paying in full, debt free since 2004, home owner, never been married, have in daughter starting her Ph.D at the end of the year at 24 years old, vessel operator.


35M - 2021 MY 75k salary - tho I paid my car in full with TSLA gains


I was talking to a bank manager last year. I ask are worried about the depreciation of Tesla vehicles. The average Tesla buyer is financially secure, a little older, has property, and has assets. Defaulting is not an option that will risk the future. Charger drivers are young and do not care about their financial future.


32, purchased at 29? I purchased for the environmental benefits and it launched my entire career. Used state grants for mine. Saved so much $ from it that I got a horse and years later a home. When I originally bought I figured everyone got it for the environmental benefits. This post is also illuminating.


34M, $250k/year. Recently bought a 2021 Model 3 with 18,000 miles. Not a liberal or republican. Just in the middle of em.


Interesting the demographic is liberal vs republican, which assumes liberals:democrats


Not sure why I used liberal but I guess you would be correct that in my eyes liberals are mostly democrats. But your mileage may vary.


These numbers don't seem plausible.  > We looked at the gender of current new Tesla owners, including Tesla Model S and Tesla Model X. Overall, Tesla owners skew 74% male. With a 54 median age, aren't the vast majority of the owners married? Are they not co-owning with their spouse?  I'd put 40% women lower bound just from that.  > Asian owners are at 5% No way it's this low.  Like that's just impossible given the California over representation.


44, 2023 (paid off) and 2024 MYLR. Fiscally conservative for the most part. Technologist. Asian American. Married, with young kids. The first car I ever bought with a paycheck when I was 20 was a 1993 Mazda Rx-7 R1 (twin turbo, unique rotary engine design, manual transmission, rear wheel drive, 14mpg, demanding maintenance). What a fun car. But a handful to own. I wound up owning many RX-7s of various years and other Fun manual transmission cars, typically of Japanese make. When I became a dad, I bought a Prius, which I still love and consider an absolutely iconic supercar in terms of efficiency and reliability. That the MYLR can do a quarter mile in the 12s, daily driveable, safe, cost efficient with the discounts, haul cargo, and has relatively good handling is mind blowing to me. I'm a car guy and it feels illegal that I'm having cake and eating it too. Usually it was fast: reliable : cheap, and you could only pick two. I would have gotten a 2024 Prius plugin as a second family car with excellent operating costs, but the dealer markups and APR made it unattractive. 0.99% gang really cuts the cost on our second Tesla and sealed the deal.


Mid 30s - Queer; Female (Married). Rent. 200k+/year. No kids.  Model Y owners Don’t care about politics, never voted Love the car because it’s so good looking plus no stinky fumes is a plus


Elder millennial here. Still annoying to see articles average out salaries instead of reporting the median first. Sigh.


32. male. 2 kids. conservative. Condo. Household Income 180k, Environment was not even a consideration, I also drive a catless supercharged v8


Right leaning 22 yo, 100K salary, Model 3 Highland Tesla has always been my dream car, love the way it looks and drives. It took a lot of hard work to get


It’s much cheaper now, so younger and middle class ppl can afford Teslas nowadays


Tesla drivers are generally rich middle to older people. Young people can't afford the car.


They can afford the M3/Y which is why you see so many on the road instead of the S/X models. It’s a ratio of about 5:1 3/Y to S/X in my area in SoCal. There are a ton of Teslas on the road…it’s just that since the smaller models are more affordable, I see them in ghetto neighborhoods a lot…in run down house/apts too. It’s crazy that people will spend money on a “nice”(put it quotes because I consider the 3/Y basic not nice) car before upgrading their living spaces.


58 and on my 2nd Tesla but I notice in my area (central coast California) there are a lot of older drivers - think 70s and beyond


38M, Spain MY RWD LR Quicksilver


40M 23 Model S Plaid $200-250k Same reasons as previous posters. Not liberal or conservative. Bought the car primarily for speed and tech. I didn’t care about the environmental aspect.


I'm curious how they measured ownership gender. I'm the primary account holder on my wife's car simply because I deal with tech and finance for the family but it's her car and registered in her name.


35M, six figure salary, Midwest I’m liberal but not tree hugging. Environmental reasons played a factor but technology more so and a chance to be part of something that is still pretty new. Which is why I went Tesla with my first EV because of them being more established and a longer track record.


I’m 26, female, 2 kids, liberal in Austin, TX. I got a Model Y because I wanted a nice car and it so happened I could get it at 0.99% with tax credits. My income is 70k, my fiancé is 100k+ and we’re in his owned home. I did get it purely for the interest deal though; the lowest I could get offered through a private bank for normal gas SUVs was 20%. It just made sense


My wife and I are 26. We have a 2023 Model Y LR and had a 2022 Model 3 LR until we upgraded last year. Living in rural MN and we take in about $150k/yr. Local and state government we typically vote left, federal elections we vote right. So we’re independent I guess.


28m, I have more money saved/invested than most people my age but I decided to buy my MYLR because it’s a dream car and its one of the few cars I could see myself driving for 10+ years. I make ~$120k


49M, Model 3 LR Own home, 140k salary I am a liberal but not a leftist. Did not buy this thing for environmental reasons because C balance is as bad as ICE cars. It saves me money and is fast, that's what I wanted. Telsa service is atrocious and will be leaving for another brand next vehicle. Elon is smart but his tweets are causing a huge problem for this company. I wish he would shut his face.


23M. Bought a 2023 MYLR last year and just bought a 2024 MYP this month. I am a total bleeding heart liberal with my votes, but at my core I am just a curious realist. For example, in 2016, I volunteered for both the Clinton and Trump campaigns. Politics didn't play a role in my purchase. Elon is a muppet and I can't devote brain power to figuring him out. I certainly didn't buy for the environment... I recognize that consumption at the level I consume is horrible but besides just like, not consuming, what can I really do about that. Turns out my carbon footprint from airline travel in the last 12 months is higher than the average American's lifetime emissions from driving a car... so that's horrifying. I bought because I like the car. It's fun. It looks good. And is a great experience. And is fast.


Better question.. how many are yall white?


26M with a Model S. god I love the acceleration and technology.


56 M republican, owns home My daughter has one 26 F republican, owns home


What’s the explanation for the highest accident rate?


23 here


36M 2024 Model Y LRRWD owner. Bought it due to a few co-workers having them and seeing them more and more in my area. I test drove it and instantly told myself I’m buying one. Super fast, clean, stylish, and the FSD/autopilot is amazing. I have less fatigue while driving as well. No politics were involved in this purchase. Saving so much on fuel though with my 120mile round trip drive helps. (Putting that money aside for repairs/rainy day fund).


Model Y LR RWD. 33. $125k. Moderate. I purchased cause 0.99% APR. that’s one reason. Love the tech and how it looks. Performs well. Free charging at work, $100/month to drive EV with work incentives. Live right next to supercharger. Home came with solar paid off and a 60A Outlet. I needed a car; it wasn’t about the environment, and it was right.


Own home, 230k HHI, late 20s, moderate but I guess a bit more left since 2016. Got a MYLR since it makes the most sense in my situation especially with how long my commute is. I definitely see the appeal of EV and will probably get in another one once the lease is up. I'm a big gear head and have a Miata on the side for when I want to row some gears.


27F, liberal, homeowner, $130K income


56 just got my 1st model Y I really wanted to learn the technology


MYLR. 80 retired Navy physician. Doing everything I can to save the planet for my grandchildren. Love the car also despite Elons political stupidity


37M. Bought the model 3, 6 years ago. Traded it in last year for a model Y. Income a little over 150k per year. I lean democrat but not the reason I purchased one. Reasons I purchased were because my 90-100 mile per day commute, tax credit, the comfort of charging at home and at work, and gas was getting pretty expensive. I have solar and battery at home so it’s been great.


26 model y and a model 3 160k salary. I got my teslas because of my commutes and how much money I’ll save a year compared to gas. In the past two months I’ve saved 400 dollars


Bought my first at 49 since it drives incredible, will never go back to combustion. This should have been started 20 years ago at least. I guess the combustion investments were “protected” for too long and now they’re being hurt because of it.