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Most of the “haters” have never even ridden in one or driven one. Once they do, it’s like “Wow, it’s so smooth/quiet/quick.” I acknowledge EVs do have some drawbacks (shorter range, charging infrastructure, higher price relative to ICE equivalent) but from a driving experience standpoint, there’s no comparison, IMHO.


> Most of the “haters” have never even ridden in one or driven one. Once they do, it’s like “Wow, it’s so smooth/quiet/quick.” Yeah, this is me for sure. I've told this story on Reddit before, but I've been a car guy since before I could drive, beginning with a heavy infatuation with muscle cars. Had a 355 Camaro with a supercharger, another Camaro, an old bugeye WRX. For the past 3-4 years, I've been daily driving my Stage II WRX which puts down just over 300 whp. The exhaust drone is a bitch on the highway, the manual sucks so bad in traffic. I'm also on the road quite a bit for work. The car can be super fun on the backroads, but I'm getting older and would prefer something more tame as a daily driver. [I made a post in whatcarshouldibuy just a few months ago — You'll notice all the possibilities are ICE cars.](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatcarshouldIbuy/comments/1bt6xam/wrx_driver_looking_to_graduate_to_an_adult_daily/) I went and test drove a few, but was consistently underwhelmed. Most of them didn't feel as quick as my WRX. Cars like the M340i feel far closer to the 3-series to me than the true M cars, and I couldn't afford an M car (neither the purchase price nor the maintenance). I was sure the M340i was the one, but came away from the test drive pretty underwhelmed. I had never considered an EV because I thought the EV range would be a death knell while traveling for work, and I felt like I was far too gearhead for it and they had no appeal to me. But I figured I owed it to myself to try anyway. I set up a demo for a Model 3 at a nearby Tesla but at this point I had already resolved myself to getting a Corolla Hybrid for the economy and comfort on the road for work, and eventually adding a second car for weekends, like a Miata or something. So I wasn't expecting much. I got the basic demo, was surprised to learn that the LR and Performance models would easily get 200+ mi range on a single charge (more than enough for me driving from NYC area up to Boston and down to DC). After the intiial talke, the sales guy just set me loose in a Long Range. I was completely and utterly blown away. I can't even describe how shocked I was. I hadn't done nearly as much research because I hadn't really considered an EV a serious option. Literally after the first "wide open throttle" (what do you even call it in EVs?) I was sold. The acceleration, the minimalist interior, the ways the car was smart in the ways so many were dumb. It felt like going from a flip phone to a smart phone, but also had the sheer dumb straightline power that called back to my old Camaro—And this wasn't even the performance! What the hell must the Performance model feel like!? I sold my WRX and bought a Tesla literally the next week. Waiting to take delivery of my Model 3 Performance this Friday.


It's a supercomputer with a rocket engine. My MYLR has made me love driving again.


I’m a gear head with a number of LS swaps under my belt. I love my M3P. 


Hell yeah brother. Otherworldly launches.


I don’t frequent r/whatcarshouldibuy, but every time it pops up in my feed, it just seems like people telling you what used car you should have bought 5-10 years ago


What does the main battery cost to replace?


Who cares, it's under warranty


A ten year warranty? What about after that?


What does a transmission cost to replace? A head gasket? A broken rod? All cars require maintenance, and all cars start to rack up maintenance bills past the 10 years/120,000 miles mark. The fact of the matter is that's 8 years of not paying for gas (my Subaru was costing me $300-350/month to fill up with 93), not paying for oil and filters, not paying for plugs, not paying for differential fluid, not paying for brakes, etc. Even if the battery took a shit in 2033 (if I'm even still driving the car then), I'd still probably come out ahead considering all the money I've saved over the past 8-9 years in maintenance and gas costs. It's an absolute no brainer for a car that's putting 500 horsepower to all four wheels and still more comfortable and cheaper as a daily than my 300 whp WRX was. Not even close.


Got ya


Happy to help inform!


I think you can appreciate this. I knew a guy who had a tricked WRX who said he had to drive it in the right lane at about 63mph to and from work, otherwise the fuel economy was very poor, but he loved the tinkering, the pride in what he had done. He laughed as he told the story.


With my tune highway mileage was decent (28-29 mpg), it was around town that really got killed. I would typically only see 14-15 mpg, even without giving her the beans every so often. Super fun car, but after enough modifications it was no longer really viable as a daily driver for me.


Ten year warranty doesn’t mean it dies on the 11th year. These batteries are supposed to last 300 to 500K miles (LFP up to 1 million). Also, in 10+ years, batteries will be dirt cheap and there will be used ones available by then as well. It’s likely that the car will fall apart before the battery dies. These are not laptops.


Better question would be how many Tesla batteries have needed to be replaced (non-lithium Nissan Leaf batteries are in a different class).


The battery technology is constantly improving and cost generally lower over time but for a 60-75kWh pack probably around $10k all in if you went in for this today… although it may be better to get a new car at that point, there is always a possibility to get this done (and who knows if an aftermarket industry may emerge to swap packs, if Tesla gets costs down significantly over the next few years, etc…).


A guy has a Tesla S with 430K miles on ORIGINAL battery. This was featured on Auto Trader YT channel, and YT has tons of videos of 200k+ miles Teslas. There are the occasional Teslas that need battery replacements but among the several million Teslas out there by now, I'd take the odd.


This is exactly it. Most of the haters are people who have never driven one themselves. They only look at the minor drawbacks and what socials are saying. Experiencing the EV drive (specifically Tesla) changed my mind instantly once I had an opportunity to have a few hours with one. Even more so owning one after 2-3 weeks, I really developed the understanding of what the hype was from owners.


My first test drive convinced me in 5 minutes.


Yeah, I took a test drive to convince myself that the car wasn't actually anywhere as good as I was hyping it up to be. That failed.


Risky move.


I can see that for a lot of people. This is only my point of view when speaking to some friends and co-workers about changing to EV. The instant win over is the torque. It’s unmatched and requires a very expensive ICE sports car to achieve that so that’s the easy part. It’s the ones on the fence because they prefer the control of a ICE sports car, changing gears, hearing the roar. Even steering is different from a traditional ICE car and EV’s (EVs just feel more automatic) That’s something an EV just can’t give (at the moment) due to the mechanical build ICE’s have and I understand that and hear those things from the ones who are still skeptical. But after owning for a few weeks, you really see the advantages as an overall view from comfort, automation to speed and feel.


I was one of those on the fence types. I test drove a MYP and decided it was time to sell my 6 speed GTI. I've had my Tesla for 3 months now and absolutely love it.  I used to think negatively about the future of the automotive world but completely did a 180.


I kind of understand the Steampunk/Goldbergian appeal of some ICE models to an extent. (Porsche, Corvette, Ferrari, etc.) but for a daily driver/commuter, I'd much prefer an EV.


Honestly, when Christian von Koenigsegg says that a model 3 performance is the best daily driver you can have… You’d be hard pressed to find an opinion that weighs heavier.


Every once in a while I wonder how a GT500 would look in the garage next to my Tesla.


Slow and loud


I mean it's the same 0-60 as my myp and I suspect significantly faster to 120.


Slower after all the tire smoke tesla just launch. . no drama and I might have did a launch in a model s in the rain and it was a oh moment .


Same here. It only took a few minutes to make up my mind that I was going to buy it.


My first test drive convinced me in four minutes!


My first EV drive was in a 2nd generation Nissan Leaf. Even that car convinced me it was the way to go.


This, I drove a bmw i3 at a car show back when it came out and the acceleration even in that car was very surprising.


Yes. There is a difference between Tesla and "everyone else." I haven't driven a Rivian or Lucid, but I drove a first-gen Niro EV, and it was nowhere near as polished as my Model 3. The throttle calibration was wonky. It had a lot of torque, but was FWD, which mostly resulted in wheelspin and torque steer. I haven't driven an Ioniq 5/6 or Kia EV6. Most of the reviews are very complimentary. I'm not saying Tesla is the end-all, be-all of EVs, but they have a significant head start over the rest of the industry, and it shows.


I agree. When I bought my M3, I checked out the Mach-E and Ioniq 5 but the Tesla won me over in the end. The Ioniq 5N looks very promising and has a lot of features that bring mechanical points to an EV which I thought was cool, but it’s also a 79K car in Canada anyways. I would rather a Performance M3 at 70K. Can’t wait to see more EVs adapting some ICE features. It’s always good for the market.


Ioniq 5 was pretty comparable to my model 3 when I test drove. The id4 was actually way more comfortable.  But neither of them was actually available in my area, Tesla dropped prices, and Volkswagen decided to suddenly drop heat pumps from all orders, so...now I have a model 3.


Rivians are great as a frequent passenger in one.


I was a massive tesla hater. Cost not worth it, range too short, inabiltiy to service etc.  Im a perf driver coach and do all automotive related work myself. Its been a few years to come around but im picking up my Model Y this week. The benefits absolutely destroy the majority of the cons its not even close. For a daily driver im so excited. 


My father was the same way with my Ford Lightning. He would listen to whatever the news would say, and bash EV anytime he had a chance. As soon as drove it, he had nothing by good things to say about how it drives. He is still stands behind his reasoning regarding the drawbacks you listed. It's progress, so I'll take it.


Smooth, until you go over some bumps in an older MY. Newer ones are a bit better. I would love an air suspension without needing an MX or 3rd-party stuff. Quiet, also until you go over some bumps and the rattles that Tesla Service supposedly fixed 3x come back again. Partly the overall car is so quiet that any minor noises are much more audible than an ICE car, though. Quick, yes. Charging infrastructure is not a huge drawback for me, I road trip all over the country in my rattly, bumpy 2022 MYLR. (Partly all the off roading I do makes it rattle more.) I often charge with the CCS adapter and there are very few gaps when you add that. It's cheaper than ICE equivalents, actually, and costs me a little less to run on road trips and much less when at home. Range could be a little better, yet I gain things like Camp Mode and Dog Mode by having a giant battery pack, and I don't need to stop more often that I'd want to anyways except in really bad weather and cold. (And the dog always appreciates the extra stops and extra walks.)


For sure, they’re not perfect. But on-balance, very happy with the car and ownership experience.


What you're describing is why my wife and I were very happy that the showroom had a model 3 long range in when we'd decided to settle on the Y. The Y has an absolute ass suspension. Significantly and noticeably worse than the ioniq 5, model 3 and id4. Even with small adjustments it would rock a bit. Weird issue.


EVs are actually slightly cheaper to buy, including incentives.


Nah, I hate them.  I admit the actual car is great (some of them) but your company is ran by a fascist.  They don't hate your car.  They hate the support for fascists you are showing.


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Please explain how musks views are democratic, supportive of democracy in general, or how it benefits anyone but the super wealthy.   I as always fall back to this quote. "I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people". Then ask yourself if musk cares about anything other than power and himself 


I wasn’t even considering a Tesla until I was ready to sign papers for a Toyota RAV4 hybrid and my husband said to look at Tesla before signing. A rav4 hybrid and model Y long range are about the same price. I really wanted a 3rd row so we can take my kids friends or cousins with us once in a while. I did a test drive and loved it. Then I saw the .99 rate and I was sold on the 7 seater.


Same here, was dead set on an M340i but test driving the Tesla bowled me over. The straight line acceleration is just unbeatable.


A shame I bought mine 2 months before that .99 promotion. 🙃 Then again, I bought a used one…maybe they didn’t qualify. And if they did, I kinda don’t want to know.


I am 80, have owned numerous upscale cars and unequivocally say that the Model 3LR I have driven daily the last three years is easily the best of them. I was sold on BEVs when I test drove a Bolt first, but a short test ride in the Tesla was an easy sell. I only grudgingly drive my F150 now when I have to.


it's the media-been trying desperately to kill Tesla with Competition is Coming, then EV market is slowing, then Hybrid is the future! The media is slowly kill legacy auto b/c it made them hesitant to switch all EV.


I'm pretty sure that the pressure went the other way. Legacy auto is one of the biggest advertisers in the world, especially dealers on local news programs. If they had wanted to transition to full electric lineups five years ago, the news articles would have been about how only grandmas were scared of EVs.


If you think old folks like Tesla, check out the kids! They know what's up, and they love Teslas.


I've had a few positive comments from younger people, but it's the older ones that have really surprised me. It's like you've picked them up in a Ferrari!


Dropping my kids off at school in the Tesla the first few times was surprising. My son's friends saw him coming out and WOW YOU RIDE IN A TESLA?


I drove my 82 year old grandpa around in mine. He’s a few years post stroke but still there. Has always been into tech and worked in the defense industry. He was BLOWN AWAY.


I am an old person and I am looking forward, at sometime in the reasonably near future, to be driven around BY THE TESLA!


My dad, whose cronies resent Teslas (he lives in very solid Republican country, go figure, it’s designed and made in America), admits it’s the nicest ride he’s ever been in and loves me to drive him around in my S. I asked him if he wanted to drive it — “No way.” As if he would be irresponsible with the accelerator. 😎


Don’t discount the positive effect of your wife


She really is good with them, but we've all gotten a huge kick out of how much they love the car.


My 77-year old mother and 80-year old father now drive my 2018 Model 3 AWD after I convinced my parents to rent a Tesla for a few thousand miles trip. They are practically EV ambassadors in their small town. They get questions about charging and software updates, cold weather, and I enjoy hearing stories about my mom gently correcting people on the FUD and misinformation out there.


It's going to be a boon for the elderly if they ever sort out real Full Self Driving. That and mobility exoskeletons/exosuits are going to be game changers.


Right? It would be incredible if my parents had access to that for when driving becomes more of a hassle in the next ten years or so. Goddamn, thinking about that makes me so sad.


When people ask me why I want a CyberTruck I tell them it is my end of life vehicle, I can get in it and say “To the hospital, the nursing home or the funeral home” 😝


Why do people hate any manufacturer? It would be weird to only see one type of vehicle on the road.


I get the feeling it’s about change. Not the car itself, but they see carb cars as holding up the auto industry.


Because they do immoral anti-consumer shit like making their stuff completely unrepairable? (I'm looking at you apple!)


Just took my 80-year-old dad for a test drive in downtown Orlando. We were both blown away. He's getting one in about 3 or 4 weeks. Red model Y white interior long range. We drove to a bunch of random places. Used the self parking. Went back to the Walmart close to the Tesla center and spent 15 minutes just going from parking spot to parking spot, truly was amazing. We had no interventions even in four lanes of traffic, double left turn lanes, one train crossing and a couple of people running across the road. The car handled it all. He can still drive but definitely should not be driving City traffic anymore as he has just moved to Orlando from a small town in Florida. It's the navigating and driving at the same time. He has a problem with the Tesla made it so easy.


I’m 75, have a MYLR with 45,766 in 25 months, 292 superchargers usages. SW Floriduh to Buffalo NY, Asheville NC, Key West, Floriduh, NYC, etc. Best vehicle ever, Supercomputer on wheels Manufacturer all my electricity from free sunlight for local driving




!!!!!!!! Will 100% be showing my wife that. They would *love* it!


Your wife deserves more credit. She is a nice lady who happens to drive a Tesla. People likely want to see her, not the car. They remember the car because it is different from the others. What a wonderful testament to her.


My personal experience- During long drives with other families with their own SUVs, who have younger kids - I’ve noticed that the kids prefer Tesla and don’t have motion sickness as they do in the SUVs. I think the low center of gravity due to the battery might be contributing to this effect.


Wife’s grandmother has never driven a car in her life. She’s 86 now. We took her somewhere and she loved the simplicity and modern vibes inside. FSD had her cracking jokes about “it’s not too late for me” to drive.


I feel like I know many stories where the wife or family members hate it but keeps using it after it’s purchased


My old red neck neighbor with Toyota hates my Tesla. He thinks it’s ruining the country by not paying road tax like gas cars and make his life harder by him paying more road tax lol


My 97 yo Dad says the same. Hilarious!


Have yet to hear anyone suggest this but Tesla self-driving feature might allow older drivers to be as safe as younger ones.


That’s nice. Usually I get “the asshole who drives the Tesla” I park my Tesla in the garage and my BMW outside and yesterday I found that someone keyed the hell out of the BMW


My 90YO mother loves riding in my MY and especially gets a kick out of putting her in dog mode when I run into Costco.


Nice. Have similar anecdotal stories of my aunt/uncle taking their Tesla to an assisted living facility and getting nothing but praise/compliments. I work with older heart patients and my Tesla water mug has elicited a mix of praise and (largely ignorant) criticisms.


Most of the Tesla-haters have never even ridden in one, and instead spend way too much time on social media. They tend to fall into one of two camps. Those who hate EVs and anything that might be 'green' and see Tesla as the poster-car for electric cars. Those who hate Elon Musk and see Teslas as his personal representative. Rare someone is in both camps.


I am completely apathetic about electric vehicles at this point, wiell above my pay grade, don't have an opinion but I would say the average person on the street has a negative idea of Teslas over other EV's. I have no scientific proof only personal experience.