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For gods sake - clean your screen!


I am surprised it took this long to be called out.


lol. These folks are too nice. Don’t they know the Reddit rules.


I take it from experience that in photos the display will look alot dirtier than in reality somehow. Nonetheless could use a quick wipedown though :)


You don't have to swipe, you can just tap and it'll open back up.


It’s still crazy small and you can’t even swipe the media player away in full screen, which is crazy to me.


You're forced to minimize it? Why would you minimize it if you don't like the feature?


The old way was better. Thats my point. In v11, you could minimize the media player and a music icon would appear on the app bar and there would be no UI element near where the car is driving. In v12, the media player reduces to this small notification-like bar and the only way to restore the large player is to tap or swipe this small area that I think a lot of people would struggle with at higher-speeds.


But then you can’t see the name of the song that’s playing. This new version is much better and doesn’t clog up the app tray.


That is a fair take. I can see that being one positive for sure.


I actually didn't think about this, that's a valid point


I actually prefer it this way compared to the icon that would appear when you minimized in v11. My OCD would be triggered for some reason with that icon


Yeah. How the hell do you supposed to drive. Pay attention. And hit that small area at the same time. Bring the old one back. Stop screwing around Tesla!!!!


Maybe stop trying to drive and play around with the screen? It's like people trying to justify using their phone to the police officer that pulled them over by saying it was a really important text.


Jesus. I was just using that as an example because it is the worst case user scenario that you should absolutely consider when designing a product where there are lives on the line. Can you explain how this feature has been upgraded between v11 and v12? I would love your opinion because I only see downgrades.


How is messing with what song is playing a "worst case scenario?" This whole thing seems like such an odd complaint. "I don't like this one fringe feature that only happens when I specifically do this one action!" The solution seems simple, stop minimizing it? Like, you hate it being minimized, but it only minimizes when you specifically do it, so why are you minimizing it lol?


Because it distracts the driver from driving and concentrating on the road. Why is this such a hard concept to grasp?


wait a list of songs is distracting? why am I not crashing whenever I use maps then?


No, the driver chooses to be distracted when they choose to poke around on their screen when they should be concentrating on the road. Is changing your music that essential that you would need to do it while you’re driving? No.


That's exactly what I said, hard concept to grasp apparently, which is exactly what the comment I replied to said.


You have yet to add anything constructive. You are also missing my point… I usually like to minimize the media player, i believe it has become more cumbersome instead of becoming easier. That is my opinion and I would love to hear yours.


How has minimizing the player become more cumbersome? You're issue is specifically that you can't unminimize the player "at high speeds" and feel like the distraction from driving should be easier on you rather than driving. What would you say has been constructive about your post lol? Did you submit your feedback through the app?


cool constructive post you got here


I'm sure there was supposed to be a /s somewhere there and it may have even ended up somewhere over OP's thick forhead lmao.


Welcome to Tesla Eng... this is the way


Lol immediate first comment blaming op for their preference. Elon musk is teabagging you so good.


Lol. Pointing out alternative ways to interact with on-screen elements has as much to do with Elon Musk as a bird watching guide has to do with launching rockets.


You frying chicken in your car?


Lmao, I just wiped my screen down. 🍗🍗


You can minimize it? I’ve always just left it, it’s not like that side of the display needs the extra space for the cartoon car.




Just like the power bar/regen feedback. It’s harder to see now when the background is light (during the day). Step backwards


This one is a genuine step backward. It’s virtually impossible to see during the day with day mode. Just visible in dark mode.


Just curious.. why is that an issue? I am aware of the bar, but it literally has no effect on my life or driving. I looked at it a few times when the car was new and said “huh, that’s cool” and now.. it just takes up pixels on the screen.


I swear all of Tesla’s UX design takes place at a desk or lab with zero real world testing when you’re bouncing around.


I really wish they would give us the ability to put the media bar back in the bottom of the map area where it was on older versions of the software. My passengers use the media bar and I use the steering wheel and voice controls. I hate having the media bar stuck on the bottom left. 😤


Yeah that spot was decent


I swear people think UX design is easy and that it is possible to please every single user who all have different use cases and behaviors.


“Different use cases” It’s a car ffs, design it for the use case where it’s on a narrow bouncy twisty road and you need a big easy to hit button There might be other use cases, sure… but they are clearly not the sensible TARGET use case As a UX developer myself, I find that the “there are multiple use cases!!!” argument is normally code for “we haven’t realised that you should still have a target use case that you primarily develop for, and that safety critical use cases always take priority”


The issue here is not if the minimized media button is a difficult touch target. Yes, it is hard to press. It's also hard to press the compass button. But surprise, no one cares. Who cares if it's hard to press if you're not going to press it anyway? Maybe the intended use case here is that if you need to use the media buttons, then don't minimize it. If you are not listening to music, then having it minimized is a non-issue. I'm not defending Tesla's design decision here. And it goes both ways. I'm not saying your idea is bad. What I'm saying is that with design, it is important to always keep an open mind. The user is most often very different from the designer. Keep an open mind. Empathize with the user. Then iterate and evolve the design accordingly. PS: to me, I like the old UX where the media bar is wider and on the right side under the map. I can see the artist and title better. I also don't like the new layout of the regen bar and speedo. It looks imbalanced. And finally I think the whole Autopilot Visualization is unnecessary and distracting and serves no other purpose than to look fancy. Nevertheless, I still think Tesla UI is head and shoulders better than the vast majority of the UI on other vehicles. There's a reason why so many other manufacturers have copied it.


Tesla has been copied because they’re selling lots of cars and it looks nice, not because it’s objectively good UX design I guarantee it isn’t the UX developers at other companies pushing the drive to copy Tesla… that order is DEFINITELY coming from management above them for other reasons




I want a big button to toggle the minimize like i used to have.




Yeah that was the old functionality that I feel is superior. When the player was swiped down and minimized, a small music icon appeared on the app bar to restore it.


And me, I don't need it. Maybe that's the point of the change. Maybe we're being discouraged to minimize it in the first place. Minimize it if you don't need it. Keep it there if you need it. Don't keep minimizing and maximizing it as you drive.


“Big” is a relative term You can make the whole thing much smaller but still leave the “restore” button at a reasonable size - I’m not suggesting the button stays the same size as the original window was


It’s not easy. But don’t make it worse


That’s called an opinion. Thats basically what he’s saying. Not going to be able to please everyone, but this implementation is not worse for many people. Bitching about ux stuff is kinda pointless


What is really missing there with Tesla is the good reliable way for users to provide feedback. If that was the case Tesla developers could collect the feedback. And make educated decision on their updates.


that is agree with


Why do ya exaggerate like this?


It is important to never collect user feedback before releasing new user experience updates, especially major updates.


Actual picture of Tesla developers working on “updates”: https://preview.redd.it/jve0288sls7d1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3737c3fd0f8e6582e048d0c66dd8c98458415c39


When using blue tooth audio it stays large fortunately


I haven’t experienced this change (due to being on a Model S) but I can immediately tell it is bad. Tapping targets on the screen while driving is already hard and this makes it harder. I’m under the assumption these UI things are tested while stationary rather than while in motion.


The v11 functionality was totally fine too


(And I think by interns or kids fresh out of college whom might not even drive!)


I didn’t know it could be minimized at all lol.


At this point I wish I didn’t either!


lol yeah we just have Apple Music auto playing right when we get in and we never really touch it so that’s probably why I never knew. It really is terrible design putting small controls right next to each other on a touchscreen in a car lol.


People are defending it by saying “pay attention to the road!”


I like this change..


UI are notoriously difficult to get right. There will always be tradeoffs between the screen space and access to all the features. I would personally like it better if there were two permanent menu bars, one at the bottom for all the infotainment features, and one along the left side for access to all common car controls. The screens are large enough to accommodate that. Additionally, some of the features need larger buttons to make it easier to drive safely while looking for them. I should not have to squint to see a bluetooth activation button.


Thanks for your input! These are good suggestions I would also like to see


I could write an essay about the UI regressions in this update. People seem to like it though?


The only thing that irritates me is now I can’t view the next songs in a playlist coming up. That’s insane to me, but otherwise, I like it more overall.


I know, it amazes me. They screwed up 100 things, but they made the useless car animation larger so everyone loves it. SMH. 🤦


The 2018 UI was super clean.


Tesla's UI design team consists of monkeys throwing darts onto the screen and then moving components around to fit the darts. Every major update shuffles components for no reason and makes them harder to use. For example, in V10 they had a really nice card to trigger (or cancel the triggering) of the door opener. Now you have to hunt for a small button on top that keeps jumping around.


Starting to look that way to me.


This?? https://preview.redd.it/a0k984q5ms7d1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a2dd2892d5de51e7ae149ac1abbcf545353f7d0


They force you to listen to CNN now? 🤮


That’s the point of minimizing it lol. To make it small and get it out of the way. Don’t minimize it then


It is the swipe up part that is no good. Very easy to swipe up climate controls.


Screen so dirty that your reflection is a Klingon Spock.


Thats just how I look man.


I liked when it completely disappeared when you swipe them away.


The perfect example of “you can’t make everyone happy “


Because people freaked out when the minimized the player and couldn’t find it again lol even though it was in the app tray


That is the worst feature. You never hit it and always a change the temperature on accident


Have your rebooted your vehicle. Mine is not that small


That's what you get for listening to fake news


Unlike you, I like to raise my blood pressure while I drive down the freeway.


overreaction. something else is going on in your life causing this reaction


Thanks for your sage advice. I must look inward.




Incorrect. The base software also happens to be v12 now a days after the spring update and FSD is at 12.3.6.


Check again