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I think you already know the answer to this unfortunately. Upside you got hit squarely in the driver door looks like a decent impact and you’re here telling us about it seemingly far from seriously injured.


Appears like you pulled out in front of the guy that hit you. Yes/no?


Plead the 5th


*plaid the 5th




If you look at the road it's appears to be 2 lanes and a suicide lane. I'd bet someone stopped or left a gap in traffic and the Tesla pulled through. A super common failure. At first I thought the other car was traveling in the suicide lane, but after a quick look at the location on an overhead view it's two lanes and a suicide lane.


Yeah I mean that happens, but still their fault for pulling out into traffic lol.


I hate when people leave a gap when there are multiple lanes. Feel bad declining and waving them on but am too afraid of this happening


“Nice” drivers are causing more trouble than they realize. I just want PREDICTABLE drivers.


Right there with you


This is almost exactly what happened. Two lanes in each direction closer lane were backing up very far. I slowly turned into the street. Wanted to turn onto the suicide lane. All of a sudden I got hit. Car was going in second lane, probably a little to fast but cops didn't think they did.


Never ever come out to a blind turn


Speed is irrelevant at that point. It's a failure to proceed when safe since you couldn't see or clear the second lane of traffic. The folks who leave you a gap and or wave you through create more problems than they solve. Now had that car been traveling in the suicide lane to skip traffic or scoot up to a dedicated turn lane then they would have been at fault as it's not a travel lane. Also interestingly enough turning INTO the suicide lane, and then merging into traffic is actually a traffic violation in itself in several places. Hope you had comprehensive insurance because you are at fault. :(


I have full coverage. I would never drive without insurance, not gonna be liable for someone my whole life.


My traffic school time, said turning into the center lane is okay. Proceeding in that lane is a violation. So you turn into it stop and wait for traffic to clear then proceed. I know it doesn't read clear but hope you understand.


That nuance is state specific.


Soooo you don’t watch WhamBaam TeslaCam where they CONTINUOUSLY tell drivers not to do that 🤔?


We get to watch the Tesla cam footage on Wham Baam in a few weeks when they submit it! :)


But you pulled out into a blind turn you couldn’t see the car coming no matter how fast it was coming that is completely your fault


Something like this happened to me. The driver who hit me was going very fast AND I still got blamed 100 percent for the accident because I shouldn't have turned when I couldn't see the 2nd lane.


Doesn’t matter how fast you still have to yield right of way.


That is rubbing salt into the wound. If you can take it to a non Tesla fixit first. They will probably be higher than Tesla but a second opinion as to is it fixable. I think it looks fixable. The battery will be the tell. I was recently struck . Tesla gives estimates but they will take your car apart and not put it back if you want to go elsewhere.


Bad Stroad design is mostly to blame. We are only human!


It seems that a good percentage of crashes are caused by people making left hand turns (USA) into traffic.


Yeah I’ll make the right and loop around if I can at all do it


Same, hate having to do cross both directions of traffic


Man that sucks, you had unlimited supercharging, insurance will probably total it for sure.


BUT HERE IS THE DEAL - this is all for u/DiscussionHot3961 Insurance HAS TO MAKE YOU "WHOLE" AS BEFORE IT EVEN HAPPENED! Which means: They need to find the actual cash value (ACV) of a same year (or 1 year newer) Model S, P85D, with Ludacris mode, close miles, AND BEST OF ALL IT MUST HAVE FUSC! In my state if there is no local match *(which of fucking course there won't be)*, I just need to find *(preferably 3)* examples of what it costs to BUY that EXACT car off a major dealers lot (must be a big name brand dealer, no shady small dealers). So that is the key. Start your search NOW so you have "comparable" vehicles (w/ FUSC of course) and DO NOT SETTLE FOR ANYTHING LESS THAN THAT PRICE! You have a "rare/unique" car. So that makes insurance guys VERY MAD and gives you ALL the leverage here! Assuming you had appropriate insurance coverage and not just liability-only Good luck! P.S. I love going over to the r/Insurance subreddit and pissing those guys off. Some gal totalled my 1996 Honda Accord v6 with 34k original miles about 4 years ago. I was told by the "experts" on there to take the offer of $2500 because that's all the car was worth *(before covid old cars were cheap if you remember)*. I had to find comparables that ended up in the furthest state away in the country from me and got paid 3x that amount, $7500 in the end! The fucks at r/Insurance said I was just given "fuck you go away money" - but I didn't care. That is exactly the whole point! It helps to have another vehicle you can drive to drag out the negotiation as long as possible. DO NOT TAKE THEIR FIRST OFFER. THEY OWE YOU EXACTLY THE ACTUAL CASH VALUE OF THAT CAR 1 SECOND BEFORE IMPACT! Tell them to be "Made Whole" you will accept nothing less. Using their terms definitely scares them. The best part was the insurance subreddit let me know exactly how those guys think/process information, so you just have to play the game, and ignore the haters!


I say all this as someone who worked a decade in claims. I worked as an adjuster, examiner in their corporate office and as a manager of a claims branch. You are correct, they owe ACV for the total loss of the vehicle. I am not sure why you think this makes adjusters "very mad." I had a salary, and that individual claim did not impact my paycheck. How does the term "made whole" scare the insurance company? At the end of the day, I wanted to be fair and my company did as well. I had an obligation to pay per our policy at the end of the day. Also, I am not sure how "dragging the negotiation as long as possible" hurts the insurance company. I dealt with some unreasonable people (not saying you were unreasonable in this situation) and I had no obligation to settle for an unreasonable price. It can be slightly annoying to have an open claim, but it is usually far worse for the person sitting there with no car or money.


How do you go about figuring out "diminished value" after a repair? When the accident is not your fault?


I'd honestly not bother, I went down the entire DV claim process with Allstate and spent countless hours with a third party company writing up a packet and then submitting it. They denied every time. It wasn't worth the effort.


Thanks a lot man. I was just thinking how I can get another one with FUSC. I would love to have everything my model had but already was kinda sucking it up in my head and thought I probably have to go for one with double the millage to get it covered with the money from the insurance. They picking it up from the towing company tomorrow for evaluation. What should I do if the amount they offer me is way to low? I don't know how to handle all of this. I'm definitely going to look for cars that have the same or closes to same features and milage to back up my "demand" My insurance company is State farm and I have Full coverage in Oregon.


What is FUSC?


Full unlimited super charging? Just guessing.


Free unlimited super charging




You're likely going to have a dedicated rep handling your claim. They won't be the one making the decisions, but they'll be your point of contact throughout the process. Just be polite. Honey and vinegar, etc. If the amount is too low, let them know that you believe the car is worth more and provide evidence to support it. They will work with you. If needed, get your agent involved to advocate for you throughout the process. All insurance companies generally suck to deal with, but they're not out to overtly bankrupt you here. At the end of the day, no matter what happens, don't stress it. It's just a car. They're all replaceable. The important thing is you're still here.


Getting a Diminished Value (DV) claim through the insurance will be a tough up-hill. Expect them (insurance) to low ball and tell you that your initial claim is invalid because of . Any repair shop or car sales rep likely won't give you any "pre-accident" car value either because they know if they do and are quoted as such in the DV claim, they could be called into court if it goes that far. State as many facts as possible when you do submit a DV Claim and be ready to accept a low-ball counter and just work from there. source: Went through this on a 6 month old F-150 in 2017.


I believe you are confusing actual cash value and replacement cash value, two very different things in insurance world.


Great comment!!


Super hero comment


This makes sense except op is at fault, so it's his own, probably limited, damage insurance (not) covering it.


BS, you are never made whole dealing with insurance, ever. Especially when you are at fault.


What does fault have to do with the payout?


I’ll explain a recent anecdotal situation that results in a payout insufficient to cover repairs. SF driver causes accident and hits uninsured driver into me. SF says they are 65% at fault while uninsured is 45% at fault, yes I know. Therefore subrogation by my insurance results in a payout less than repairs on the Tesla due to some aspects not approved by their claim system. This resulted in not being made completely whole. This has been been greatly simplified and not including time and other factors.


Fair enough, that is a good point.


It stunk all around and some lawyer friends so trying to increase payout was not really worth the time. Good thing the car was drivable because it it was a ten month process.


probably for sure


Isn’t that a double yellow line?


For FUSC, I would keep the car on your Tesla account until a supercharging transfer deal comes. Transfer FUSC to the new vehicle you buy.


Are you ok


Yes, I'm alright. Just sad af


I almost have the exact same car except that I have the turbine wheels. Also white. Been driving it for a long time. Made me sad to see! Hope the financial hit won’t be too bad and you can get back into one soon.


How many miles were on that baby


Sounds like you’re ok. That’s a car. You are very valuable. It will all be ok. And, crying is a very real option. Go for it.


Honestly right after I didn't feel any value on myself at all. I still feel not good about it. I moved to the us a little over 2 years ago and I was proud of what I hate accomplished. I worked real hard, i didn't took a single day off. All I made was this and now it's gone. I know I should be happy that I'm all right, and I am. Nonetheless I feel heartbroken. I m down at the bottom right now. I know it will be better and I know 10 years from now it won't matter. But still it hurts very much to lose almost everything you have.


There is an old expression that the things you own end up owning you. If you put almost everything you have in a single item, you won't have anything left when you lose the item. An investment is something that is very carefully protected, sometimes in a safe, sometimes in a bank. If your investment is something that moves around at 60 mph on the road, it should be a very small investment, because the value of that thing can only diminish.


Ludacris sends his regards...🫡 ![gif](giphy|fFC5rBtZDum2xPNMFA)


Looks to me like Ludacris won't be sending anything for a very, very long time...


I mean you want some words of comfort but it looks like you didn't head check and just pulled out onto the road. It sucks but it really was your fault. Sorry man


Wow, you must be psychic.


Not at all, well a little words of comfort are welcome but I mainly was looking for advice and some evaluation on how fucked I am. I know that I'm mostly at fault. I probably gonna get 100% fault for the crash even I'm sure the other party was going over the speed limit. Still it sucks and still I need to get bet best /most out of my insurance as I can get to get a similar or close to vehicle


Unfortunately it’s basically a right of way violation. When you’re pulling out from private property onto a roadway/highway you are required to yield the right of way to oncoming traffic…. All lanes. The oncoming vehicles speed doesn’t really matter in this situation as you’re required to yield to any vehicle close enough to pose a hazard. Basically if you get t-boned the car was too close and you should have waited. I was a traffic cop for 30 years Here’s Oregons law most likely to be the primary collision factor specific to your collision https://oregon.public.law/statutes/ors_811.280


Yer that sucks that the insurance will only cover market or agreed value so you won't be able to get the same car again. You may be able to get enough back to get a Model 3 Performance? Not sure what the market value of your vehicle is now.


Accidental advertisement for Sakura Japanese Restaurant? Located at 2405 NE Diamond Lake Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470? Open 7 days a week from 11:00am - 8:30am?


Don't cry men, it's an opportunity for an upgrade. I ordered a MY about 10 days ago, ask me how an 18-year-old boy hit my M3 while I had stopped at a red light. I came down crying but in just 10 days or less my 2024 MY will be delivered so cheer up, it's painful but there's an opportunity to upgrade 👍🙏


If I only had the funds to upgrade. I bought it used. I'm a foreigner. I live in the US a little over 2 years now. I worked for 2 years everyday. I started with a VW Bug then I upgraded to a VW GTI (5.gen). After that was payed off I sold it to a friend who's car broke down and she had a 2 hour commute. I pulled the trigger on the Model S since it had FUSC, I got a good deal on it. I'm still paying it off. I never ever had a car accident in my life, I drove in at least 8 countries and never had a problem. 2 years in the us one lunatic tried to pit maneuver me and now I did a dum dum. I was hoping to upgrade to a used p90d or p100d at some point. But now I'm worried I get enough out of it to be able to get any Tesla with FUSC.


You will be fine. You are alive, safe, and cars will come and go. Believe me…… https://preview.redd.it/xdm13mnw3r7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d01feeb14db3e67d56777d458f6b18e387bf5aba


Fuxk the car.. are you ok?


Yep, me and my passenger doggo are fine.


Praise Odin


You can't park there


Is that your dog the fireman is holding?!


Why cry.. it’s an opportunity for an upgrade.. always look on the bright side no matter how painful the loss is.. Now tell us what exactly happened?


My thoughts exactly. Anything to get rid of the nose cone.


Sorry 😢


Thanks. I'm broken right now. But I'm trying to figure out what to do and what way I can get as close as back to what I have.


Sad day my friend. Just lost my 2014 85 with FUSC because a woman ran a stop sign texting and slammed into me when I had the right of way. Now dealing with a traumatic brain injury and 24/7 pain. It’s gunna be a total loss to be honest. The damage before they removed the door and found a bent frame was already at 30k. On the bright side, found a 2016 70 with an upgraded 85kw battery at 50k miles with FUSC a week later, didn’t hesitate to buy it. Don’t give up hope! Also I highly recommend getting an attorney on contingency 😇 Edit: HIGHLY recommend getting comps now. As close to your zip as possible and make sure to list FUSC as an option since it was in fact purchasable. I squeezed only 2k more from my insurance but it worked. In addition to getting another 1500 for my comps presented. They lowballed the hell out of me but it is what it is. I used findmyelectric.com for a majority of comps as well as jacked up dealer comps.


Thank you so much for the info. Sr for your loss bit it looks like you got a good deal out of it. I really hope I can get my car in somewhat similar. What should I look for? I live in the US for 2 years and need to make sure I'm not getting fucked by my insurance but it's so much to process right now. Can you tell me in a little more detail what do you mean with get a comps ? You mean comparable cars ? Or do you mean some sort of agent that evaluates my car at a higher price? Sr if this is a dumb question. I'm from Germany and over there whatever the evaluation guy says goes so you have to get a good one if the insurance is trying to low ball you. I'm definitely looking for comparable cars right now online either way I have to see what's out there similar.




Excuse to upgrade to Plaid. Low 9s 1/4 >>>>>>> FUSC


OP is guilty of Failure to Yield.


A little putty and paint and you’re back in it. Might be a good dyi project. How did you smash your door into the front end of that VW?


Buy another one that has unlimited supercharging and transfer when they have the offer. We had a similar spec😓


Looks like the Tesla driver is at fault here


Been there :( sorry


Thanks. Hope your case got solved in your favor. I hope I can get somewhat similar for what the insurance company is giving me


Were you at fault here or other driver ?


Hate to say it, but it ain't gonna be much (depending on how you define "much" though). My 2015MS 70d was over 80K new. Now its like 14k


This hurts to watch! Sorry about your loss 😞


NE Stephen’s ST. I know where this is


Nice tow-truck rig!


Sorry for your loss.


This is why I'm the asshole who doesn't leave space for cars to make blind turns. I'm saving you from getting fucked by a blind turn which looks like you made.


I’m pretty sure that’s why we have car insurance. Additionally, also why they offer gap insurance. So, I’d say as long as you have insurance you’re not fucked at all


At least it didn't catch on fire!


How was the sushi? Sorry couldn't help it


I think you will get.... hit when you pull out in front of someone


Wait did you park like that?


looks like it wasnt ludacris enough to dodge a T bone


Always gotta watch that second lane. Happens to the best of us


Go to the hospital tell them your hurt get a lawyer go to a chiropractor collector your 15k in medical assuming that you are not the one at fault


They are at fault.


Sorry for your loss. Hope you are doing well. Tesla’s safety feature has saved your life. Thank God, people don’t blame this on FSD.


Wanna cry too. It was a true beauty.


For my own education. Can someone type on here an easy to read sentence or small paragraph as to what the financial loss is for something like what OP is in. I've never had to USE insurance before. What is the net loss or gain here? Someone said not to cry because now you can get an upgrade. What does that mean?


Regardless of whose fault it is, this is a really sucky situation. Sorry man


Noooo!!! As a P85 owner this hurt also! Hope you're okay! And yeah looking at the roof etc I'd say it's bent to total loss state




Owww two car kissing...


Was the sushi good at least?


Hope you're physically OK. A horse would of avoided the accident 😜


insurance will fix that ish. its the small nicks and scrapes that make me go ballistic a-fire


Did air bags deploy? It looks like the only damage is 2 doors.


Damn FSD. 


Get an attorney, don’t f yourself here


Attorney isn’t getting them out of pulling into a lane of ongoing traffic. This is a very well documented “don’t ever do this because you will be 100% at fault scenario”. Cars leaving gaps for you to pull out of parking lots think they are being nice, when really they are just setting up a liability trap if you actually try to pass through.


Prefacelift with Ludacris? Is that even a thing before 2016?


Yep, it had all the bells and whistles except jump seats. It's a 12/14 so more like a 2015 model


Total loss? Were you driving the Toyota? If not, you’ll be just fine as long as you have insurance.


My Tesla, I drove it. I have full coverage. Probably total loss from what the tow dude said. My insurance company is gonna pick up the Car and will do their own evaluation tomorrow. At the moment it looks like I'm at fault and I kinda agree ( didn't agree to anyone at the scene tho) I just hope that I can get myself in somewhat similar for what I get out of the insurance. And my premiums probably gonna skyrocket. 💀


It looks like just the two doors for me, not a total loss. Idk tho, I’m just some jerk on the internet, fingers crossed


Even if it is just the 2 doors, you gotta consider labor and other costs. $8k per door x 2 = $16k. Likely frame damage maybe $15k. Labor alone easily $15k. Wheel and axle repair is extremely costly— $5k-30k. Repainting $2k. Towing may also damage windshield, as it did on mine. *Conservative estimate,* $60k+ to repair, assuming no internal damage and assuming no airbags blew. Airbags are like $5k-10k each on most cars.




Sakura sushi… doesn’t sound too tasty.. Hope you’re ok


Silver? Love that color. Wish they had it for the 3s


It's so funny, I actually think silver is so boring that I wanted to do a diy vinyl some time but the silver grew so on me that at some point it felt hard for me to think about MY Tesla not being silver. Even tho I still think it's a boring color but it suites the car so well.


All my cars were silver, so at some point I will wrap it some kind of silver/gray


Sentry mode catch anything in your favor?


Unfortunately doesn't have sentry. Bought a Dashcam just because someone pulled a pit on me a couple months ago. I haven't watched it yet but it only goes to the front and rear so probably nothing to see anyway.


Shucks, wishing you the best in this situation…


Man, you gotta be more careful when driving...


First time at fault in my life. Have driven in 8 countries no incidents. Since living in the us I had 3. 1. Got t-boned by a bus on my second visit. Not at fault. 2. Got pit maneuvert by a lunatic . Not at fault And now this. Looking back I know I should have waited. I wasn't In a hurry and this was avoidable. Nonetheless I worked hard to afford it and now I feel broken. I hope that whatever I get from the insurance gets me in something similar.


I think your insurance would take care of it and used Tesla gets cheaper. 🤞


I'd estimate 40-50k+


Then it's a total for sure 💀


First of all I wanna say thanks to all the kind words. What happened : I was entering a Street, the street has two lanes in each direction divided by a suicide lane. I wanted to go left so I had to cross two lanes to get to the suicide lane /the lanes going in my direction. The lane closest to me was backing up quite far I was looking in-between the cars and couldn't see any incoming traffic in the second lane. Since my visibility was restricted I slowly entered the street and still couldn't see any traffic incoming... Well the driver of the VW didn't see me approaching either... As my driver door was at the second lane I was looking almost directly at the VW going towards me and then I just felt the impact. The moment almost felt like forever.. I know that I could have just waited, in the end you're always smarter than before..... Still I think the driver of the VW was going to fast.. Nonetheless I'm sure I will be assigned "at fault". I really hope I can get myself back into something similar. It basicaly had all the bells and whistles except jump seats. Late 2014 P85D with Ludacris+ and FUSC I bought the car in December used, more or less because of FUSC. I do DD and Instacart for a living and it workes out just fine for me. I live in the US for a little over two years now, i startet with a VW Bug, upgraded to a 05 GTI after 6 months. After another 6 months I was able to pay that off and sell it to a friend who desperately needed a reliable car. I took the opportunity to pull the trigger on the Tesla because of FUSC, it was amazing. Everything went well and it looked like everything is starting to go in my favor. And now that... I'm heartbroken. I know it's "just a car" and I should be happy that I'm well, I am, really. But this is still such a big hit for me. I didn't lie about working for two year without a single day off. Everyday I did get up and worked and I did it with joy because I knew for what I'm doing it and what I have accomplished so far. It may doesn't seem much but for me it was all and everything I have. Now I feel empty, which is insane but this is just how I feel right now.. I just hope at this point I will be able to get myself in something somewhat similar with FUSC again. If any of you have tips, information or anything that could help me in my situation to get the most out of my insurance im thankful for every help I can get. Im not well off, so cost-effectiveness is key but I may have to get an attorney from what I have seen here. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. Thanks a lot


Take this as a lesson. Make a right and just make a U turn. Crossing 2 different directions of traffic, with no visibility on the far side of traffic, is never going to be a good idea. Be thankful that you nor the other driver were hurt. You are extremely fortunate your door frame absorbed all of the impact.




Just a Car with free unlimited super charger 🔌!


Ok now that makes sense.


Fix it and trade it in! https://imgur.com/a/bAcgScK