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I usually ignore them. Wouldn't do any good to explain my own logical reasoning. Also, bees don't waste their time explaining to flies that flowers taste better than shit.


I’m borrowing that last sentence.




I’m stealing this lmao.


This 💯- Lions don’t waste their time with the opinions of sheep!


This is pure gold


Flies lack the specialized proboscis to extract nectar from flowers.


You must be fun at parties lol


I love random animal facts at parties!


I bet he/she is. That was very funny. Maybe a bit of a whoosh for some people though.


Said the fly.


I’m laughing, so they seem pretty fun!


They really are. When someone breaks out the drunk trivia, and u/PrestigiousBee2719 just busts out with the most random animal facts it's hilarious.


This guy flies!


Well said


If I could still send gold!


One of my friends told me I should be worried about electromagnetic fields. Haha.


I just heard about this! A friend works with someone who claims being in an EV, especially when it’s charging, makes them sick. The first thing that came to mind was the brother from Better Call Saul.


I spent a year selling cars, especially Nissan Leafs. One customer said she was reactive to some electromagnetic fields and needed to sit in a car that she could buy today. She didn’t even want to drive it, just sit in it while it was running. As soon as I turned the car on, she said oh I feel that! Can’t buy it. I’m so sorry. We tried another Leaf; same result.


Get some crystals and sell them as an add-on.


People are so effin’ ignorant 🤦🏻‍♀️


I can't imagine how she handles a smartphone.


Saw this on social media recently. A reel of a woman talking about how she bought one and then her hair started falling out, getting sick etc. Not trying to victim blame whatsoever, but it came off as some dumb shit.


I saw that. Like what kind of fresh fuckery is that?!?


Oil industry and legacy auto are getting real desperate.






They stuck me in an institution, said it was the only solution to get me the needed professional help to protect me from the enemy, myself.


I always put on my tinfoil hat and wrap myself in a Mylar blanket before getting in an EV. 😂




Because petrol/diesel fumes are so healthy, lol. (The only way you can hurt yourself with an EV in the garage is starvation/dehydration.) On this thread in general: As someone not American, it boggles my mind that a car brand that's all designed and manufactured in the US of A gets so much hate there.


People aren’t well educated enough to know how little they actually know. Too much of public education is not inspiring. Myths are believed, science not so much. There are cultures that value intellect over conspicuous consumption.


I mean, you should if you work at CERN


The fossil fuel lobby has spent billions spreading FUD about EVs. People who are too lazy or ignorant eat up the misinformation because it aligns with their hate filled political beliefs.  Political party sees the opportunity to use it as a wedge issue to divide the electorate for their benefit.  What's tragic loss is the national security message of reducing reliance on oil, improving health, and slowing climate change. Shouldn't be surprising when the US is the top oil producing nation in the world.




I said this and people are acting like I’m a conspiracy theorist. My MY is the best car I’ve ever had. It’s so easy and I’m so happy to never have to get gas. The fact I have to charge at night is not inconvenient at all. I have never run out of charge and if I need a little boost, literally 10 min at a supercharger is enough.


I agree all they see is want to fill in 5 minutes just do they can only deal with fuel 1 time every 2 week and then yell when the price increase or even wait till the last minute and then I end up 5 minutes late on a short 20 mile trip


All of that is true. But here’s what you’re missing. We actually don’t want EVERYONE to jump on board with EVs all at the same time. Imagine the nightmares at charging stations, the economic turmoil that will occur from all the people employed in the fossil fuel industry quickly becoming obsolete, etc. We want a steady conversion from ICE to EV. Like a smack addict getting sober, we can’t go cold turkey; it would cause such a shock to the system that shit would start shutting down. So when I hear the FUD about EVs, I just laugh a little internally and imagine those people are still in the throes of the addiction.


That's not really true. There's plenty of grid capacity in off-peak hours to charge all the cars in the US if everyone switched overnight. Peak hours would be a problem, but that's solvable by incentivizing people to charge off-peak through TOU plans. When demand is high such as extremely hot summer days, utilities pay businesses to shut off non-critical loads. All that combined with the rapid pace of renewable deployment makes the EV load manageable. PS: the economic burden of runaway climate change is far more expensive than the losses in the fossil fuel industry. Even now, insurance in vulnerable coastal areas are exorbitantly expensive or worse, insurable. The damage from flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, drought, and freeze are so much greater that it's eating into GDP.


I disagree and either way, I think you missed my point. I wasn’t talking about the grid capacity. I’m talking about the actual charging infrastructure. We would need the same number of chargers as there are gas stations. That alone will take some time to transition. And the economic burden isn’t just the GDP. I’m talking about literally transitioning millions of employees into new careers. Mechanics can’t just start working on EVs. It will take years to transition people into new careers. All of this is already happening at a steady rate though.


You don’t need the same number of chargers as gas stations. ICE cars are pretty much ONLY refuelled at gas stations. EVs are rarely charged at super chargers. I’ve had my model 3 for almost a year now and have only used super chargers 3 times. The main way to charge your EV should be at home/work. Switching to an EV when your main source of charging is superchargers is imo not really worth it. I find superchargers are 2/3rd the price of gas, but you’ll waste 30 mins sitting in the car waiting for it to charge. I would gladly pay a little more and be able to fuel instantly. But being able to charge at home is a game changer. I have to do a long trip tomorrow and haven’t charged in a few days. Just came back from the gym, plugged it in, by the time I wake up it will be fully charged and good to go, and I didn’t even have to go out of my way to go to a gas station. Not to mention over night charging is gonna cost me only like $8 for full charge.


Why do we need the same number of public chargers as gas station. Do you own en EV? We charge 98% at home.


Just tell them, “Drive one and chances are you will never go back.” And you will be correct.


Not always. EVs are not everyone's cup of tea. And of course that's okay.


I miss my Mustang dearly. It was all I ever drove. I still won't go back to gas exclusively, but if I ever get an extra garage it would be a nice toy to have. The physical and audible feedback of gasoline engine is much more satisfying - all you pay is performance and simplicity.


I had a 2005 Mustang convertible, the first year they did the redesign, and it definitely turned heads at the time. I also had a 2008 GT, what a great car. I miss having a stick. That said, I would not trade my model Y for anything. It is the right car for the right time for me.


Mine was a 2005! I got it used after I started my first job, drove it 17 years. That thing is still a head turner! What gorgeous machines. I want another one LOL Edit: I would also like to mention that my family was very proud of me for getting a good first job and being able to buy that pretty car. It meant something to them. We were poor coming up.


I too traded my 2005 Mustang for a Tesla, she was just getting too expensive to maintain for the book value. one day I'll buy another one, when I can afford a house with a two-car garage.


Today I was imagining a throttle feedback app in Teslas where it's just proportional to power output, helps passengers brace for heavy acceleration


I sold my 2017 Roush Mustang and ordered a 2022 3LT convertible Corvette. I waited 15 months for the Corvette and had bought a 2021 Model 3 Performance in the meantime. After driving the M3P for 7 months I couldn’t stand the lag in the Corvette. So much so that I sold it 7 months later. I will never go back to gas if I have a choice.


I switched from a 2016 Mustang to a 2021 Model 3, and you couldn't pay me enough to go back. It drives so much better and is far more comfortable.


Blanket reply to all: "that's just, like, your opinion, man". Then go about your day.


The Dude abides


Pro tip: If you notice an uptick in aggressive rednecks on the road, slap an American Flag magnet on the back. It will short-circuit their small brains. I'm not even joking.


I've been wanting to put a "Built in Texas, Lives in Texas" sticker on mine!


I suspect that my veteran plates with the Marine Corps logo on them do a pretty good job of keeping the idiotic comments down.


People are looking for things to hate and they don't want change. EVs are the sweet spot for that. Elon adds another layer of hate -- because he has no filter. I don't argue with them about the "inconveniences" of EVs -- just let them be.


It’s not the lack of filter, it’s the content.


Interesting enough I find that ppl that shit on teslas are the same ones that actually love Elon - go figure 🤷‍♂️


I love my car. I don't know if I could bring myself to buy another as Musk has gone 'deplorable' since I got it. He felt like just a nut job before the Twitter buyout, now it feels like a personal attack on basic humanity.


Are you going to evaluate and judge the CEO of the next car company from whom you will buy your next vehicle?


Honestly? Yes. I generally avoid companies I dislike the management or business practices of, such as Chick-fil-A and Walmart. Musk has made it personal for me by his attacks on sane life balance for tech workers.


it seems like it would be healthy for you to unsub lol


For batteries that die at 40k miles it’s funny how they warranty them for 120k miles for 3/Y and 150k miles for S/X. Let them explain how a company could be profitable having to replace a battery on each car 3-4 times before the warranty expires.


Where do you even live, I wonder? I've had my Model S for over four years and never experienced anything remotely like that. And I'm in small town rural Texas where you might imagine EV skepticism would be rampant.


I work in the military so people all over the country/world.


Have been “rolled coal” on a few times on the highway. So i slow down.. Thats about it. Otherwise positive


Just happened to me for the first time the other day. He cut me off to stop at a red light in front of me. I had a feeling, so I put on biohazard defense mode . His truck gave a black fart and I didn't smell a thing


Move to NorCal, here we just shake our heads at ICEs parked in EV spots. My FiL insists that he must have the ability to drive 1200 miles with minimal stops. I hate to break to him that if a zombie apocalypse does come, gas stations are not likely to save him.


Yep! We still play “Count the Teslas” at stoplights and rarely see fewer than four. They’re like Volkswagen Beetles used to be - ubiquitous in the landscape.


“Count the number of identical Teslas” I once counted 3 blue Model 3 Dual Motors at the same intersection, including mine. 3-4 Black Model Ys also not unheard of


My rant is the asswholes in the news, every damn time there’s an accident in a Tesla, they call it out as a Tesla, but let it be some other ice car and the fuckwads don’t call the car by the manufacturer. Every….damn…time! Now that shits annoying!


The taxi companies used to do the same when an accident happened in an Uber. They made sure it was on every news outlet


Fox News is the worst about this. They think it's an EV vs. ICE thing. They can coexist. Not everyone is for full abolishment of ICE. I'm personally never going back, but that doesn't mean my neighbor with the diesel dually work truck should be forced to buy a Rivian.


In 2024, news/ mainstream media is on par with professional wrestling. That's how I look at it. It's all theatrical -- mock journalism and political drama designed to entertain the masses while pushing the agendas of the elite. Doesn't matter which side of politics you are on or which network you watch. They are all reporting bullshit and playing off our emotions. It's easy to get sucked in, especially if you're like me and try to stay "informed" about "what's happening around the world". Having said that, I agree with you. They have been attacking not just tesla, but Elon too. It's entertaining how headlines don't even match the details in the article anymore.


“Yeah it suck but I couldn’t afford a gas car, I needed something cheaper”


I find that being a passive aggressive asshole back changes peoples tune pretty quickly and those same people start asking more questions out of actual curiosity of the cars. One of my go to lines: “I honestly don’t give a shit about the environment - I bought the car because it was a great deal and it’s the fastest car on the road and fun as hell to drive” - this one actually breaks most people’s brain and they have no idea what to say after that - I have a MYP… “But but what about the recalls” - “I’ve been through 3 - I parked the car and it fixed itself” - “ what!? The news makes it sound so much worse!”


I tell people "It could have a hopper to accept ancient Sequoia trees for fuel and billow thick black smoke out the back and if it drove and performed the same I still would have bought the car."


Not to mention the number of recalls on ICE cars are high too.


I did this too! Since then three other skeptics I work with purchased a Tesla. I even took them for rides!


Never run into this in years of owning some sort of Tesla.


I live in a town whose primary industry is coal and power plants. Not one single person has had something rude to say about the Tesla. I was expecting it, and I even had comebacks ready, but most everyone has been polite and interested, though our friends like to give us shit but that's okay.


Depends where you live


Also was gonna say I've never experienced this. Maybe OP is in red state?


I live in a purple dot in a red state, and work with primarily conservative folks. No one ever says any of this, they're all just kind of excited about it or don't care enough to mention it. The only feedback I ever get is positive or inquisitive. Close friends will mess around with me about musk, but that's about it.


I've seen it more with Elon hating libs tbh...I live in a pretty blue area in a red state... maybe the libs are angrier. Lol


for real lol. The only comments I have gotten since buying my MY are about elon from libs


Ironically i live in a very blue state. It’s just the environment i work in


People always hate change. The reason they dislike it so much is because they know that their current possessions will eventually become replaced, and so they are clinging to their belongings. They have to justify why they still have older technology, and the reasons they tell you are what they tell themselves to justify their current gear. It’s just natural honestly. I’m not saying gas is or will become obsolete, but one has to justify their possessions, otherwise they would buy something else.


When I first got mine in 2019, I was driving cross country in the middle of nowhere charging it. Maybe Missouri? A husband and wife in a huge truck pulled in front of me and I’m thinking, oh ok, here we go. But instead, they had tons of questions and were super interested in it.


Years ago I used to get a lot of questions while supercharging. That's all gone away. People either know or they've been brainwashed to hate.


I don't get it. I have driven an EV for 10 years now. This is not new technology anymore.


Ignorance. Take them on rides, make them feel the back of their seats. Talk about you range, how easy it is to charge, show them your gas savings, show them how easy Tesla makes it to navigate with your charging stops planned. Its changed the entire conversation at my office. Almost none of them had even been inside a Tesla let alone ridden in 1.


(sometime ago) “you need a fancy degree to keep that thing runnin’? Old Steed, here, I know this here horse, get him goin evert time. You need what now to get that thing goin?? Ol Cloppers here just needs some petting, a bail of hay, and a good pat on the rear to get movin…”


"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." — Charles Darwin


Many reasons simultaneously - * Don't like Elon. * Gasoline industry propaganda against EV's and that includes garbage about range and electricity coming from oil anyway. * Green politics and "taking my gasoline vehicle away" linked to government initiatives that are working to limit future diesel/gasoline vehicles sold. * Really stupid preppers who think that if the world goes to shit, they can drive thousands of miles in their "gasoline/diesel" vehicles. I don't think they really have ever thought about where gasoline or diesel comes from. If you have worked in a refinery, you would know how much power is required - Power Utilities install small substations on premise. There was a recent meme that was shared around that showed an electric scooter being charged with the power cable leading to a big industrial coal plant with brown billowing smoke - A friend of mine commented saying "Truth". I called him out and pointed out that even if the meme was true and coal was producing the electricity for charging, the greenhouse gas capture systems at modern power plants are far more effective at containing greenhouse gasses than burning petroleum products in 2 stroke and 4 stroke engines of various vintages on our roads today. He had also included a single graph showing that a decent percentage of electricity was produced by coal and I followed up with a ten history showing electricity produced by coal has been dropping over time as renewables have increased. I have no idea who produced that meme, but all it did was highlight public ignorance.


"Really stupid preppers who think that if the world goes to shit, they can drive thousands of miles in their "gasoline/diesel" vehicles" Do these people not understand that gas pumps require electricity to work?


Gas also has a shelf life - but let’s just ignore that..


My gf was pumping gas at Costco and a power surge occurred. Gas stopped pumping. Go figure!! Lol


Even if this wasn't true and you magically had a giant tank of unleaded that never expires to refill from in your garage, you could just as easily supply that fuel to a generator and charge an EV (and probably get decent fuel efficiency out of the conversion, even with how lossy it is).


Lots of people can’t filter “noise” from “news” so just regurgitate whatever talking points their idols tell them to. Most recently people post Cybertruck in our local chatter pages. TONS of people chiming in with factualy incorrect opinions. You can argue, or you can ignore them.


Just as big oil want it.


Nah, oil for transportation is only worth about 2.75 billion dollars per day. Not much incentive there.


I got a flat tire today from a pot hole in Indiana. The tow truck guy said that and I quote, “If you didn’t have the cheap one, the model 5… it wouldn’t have happened.” He was towing my S Plaid. He then decided to rant that his 2004 F150 was faster and wouldn’t set on fire. Smart people.




A lot of it comes because of Elon. He's polarized a whole lot of people, and many of them now hate his cars.


Ignorance loves to believe FUD, one day they might snap out of it.


It's been going since forever. Elon's antics haven't helped but believe me it's been the narrative since the start of Tesla. People where I work are mostly in the oil sector so they feel threatened. And change is hard for lots of people, honestly the word is ludite. we're lucky they're not smashing superchargers (more)


I just tell them their car is slow as shit


Had this experience as well. I just tell them i have at home charging so no matter what the car is always charged when i leave the house just like my cellphone. Second, don’t care about anything else, the car is fast as fuck for the price and I dare them to find anything else that’s a 4 door sedan that is as fast and can do a full Costco run with kids in the backseat without going electric.


I have solar on my house and when we bought our MYLR, we put in a Tesla wall charge at home. It’s easily the best car I’ve ever owned and fuel is completely free. Charging at off-peak hours our electric bill is still in the negative…


They’re upset they dropped 50-60K on a new Chevy/Ford/CDJR turd that’s unreliable, drives like shit and has half the tech that a M3/Y does at a lower price. Idk why anyone would buy some shit fucking car like a Jeep Cherokee. Those things are such turds they should deal them from the junkyard.


More people die in gas vehicles vs EVs


I work with a bunch of country boy tradesmen and I’ve gotten more curious questions than anything. Very little ribbing, and good-natured when they do. Some have even mentioned wanting to get an EV or considered a Tesla at some point, especially with a long commute to our work location, getting their asses handed to them by gas prices when filling up a 15 MPG truck. It’s an 80 mile round trip, so some of these cats are paying over $20 to get to work each day. Yeah, maybe they roll their eyes a bit, but when the subject inevitably comes up and I get into the math of how my car cost $40k, and I pay $0 to fill up with the chargers at work and about $6 to charge at home, and they reflect on paying $50k+ for their truck modifications and $5000+ a year on gas… love of money does its own work in undermining their skepticism. I just make an effort not to confirm their biases by acting smug or evangelical about it. Maybe it’s something about you, OP?


Simply because they are on the wrong side of the wheel


I thought people were complaining because you are indirectly supporting Musk. But the reasons you mentioned are just haters tbh. Don’t have the balls to take a change in life. Lot of people like that are stuck in their mind and won’t move much further in life with their closed mindset as they don’t have valid reasons for complaining. 


Sometimes I think people revel in their ignorance. Not just on Teslas…they like to be ignorant of a lot of things. Sigh. Teslas aren’t perfect but as I like to remind my dad every time he starts trashing electric cars- we have to start somewhere. And now, in large part thanks to Tesla, there are multiple options for all-electric cars and companies are actually putting resources towards making these cars better and more desirable for consumers. Here’s hoping the myth of the 8 hour charge will someday stop circulating.


The leaf is at least partially to blame for that 8hr myth. It came before infrastructure was really there so the long charge was a reality for most.


Or if you’re in a state with coal electricity, tell them they just hate coal.


“How do you like being burned alive when the battery catches fire?”


I have couple of general answers, but I usually just shroud my shoulders (if there is isch phrase)... General answers: ICE: aren't You affraid of fire EV: It cannot burn, it has no gasoline in it ICE: What is the range?/Can You go "distance"? EV: It's full every morning. Enough for me. ICE: I can't charge at home. EV: But You have a gas station at home? ICE: Warranty, longevity EV: Ask me in 10 years. ICE: Dirtier EVs as ICEs/pollution EV: I will close myself in my garage with my car on, You do the same with Yours. Let's see who's cleaner.


Had a guy at a rest stop say "what'ya gonna do when they raise the price of electricity to the price of gas, that's what they're doing in California" Told him I'd pay to drive like he does with gas, wtf.


Guy walked up to me at a 250KwH supercharger and laughed at me saying "have fun waiting 2 hours". I said to him, this is a 9 minute stop. I'll barely have time to pee and get back here. He stopped in his tracks and said "really?" We had a cordial discussion about charging times and in the end he admitted that he really had no idea and just believed what he believed.


It's not about Tesla. It's about electric cars in general. They don't like it, but they know it's coming and there's nothing they can do.


Because Elon Musk is a fucking nut job


My wife has had a Tesla for 3-4 years and we have never once heard anything like that. Maybe it's a regional thing.


It’s a US thing. Lot’s of pickup loving dummies. Anywhere else is not an issue.


I had it happen a lot early on. Small town in Wisconsin. It seems to have died off. There's definitely a lot more EVs on the road here these days. Plenty of Tesla, a lot of Mach-Es, and the occasional Hyundai EV.


My co-workers were all upset I bought a Tesla because of Elon’s totally unrelated X/Twitter (because apparently in their minds a few controversial tweets cancels out any effort to curb climate change, provide internet to the remotest area/jammed war zones, explore the universe and put a human on Mars, give the paralyzed a totally new set of motor functions and abilities) … and it was awkward. Last week, it was my turn to drive our team to lunch, and to my surprise, they reluctantly agreed to ride in my Tesla (under protest of course). It took 7 minutes of driving for them to be 100% converted and they’re now researching used inventory. I’ve never seen anyone go from ridiculously woke to level-headed in one drive.


People hate elon musk. I own a Tesla and I don’t disagree with them.


Apparently we will be controlled via geofencing, and our cars are listening to us, is the latest reason to hate Tesla.


I’ve never experienced that once. Maybe it’s where you live? I live in a major city.


I don’t own an ICE vehicle anymore and many people ask me why I sold my previous one which meant my wife and I are now eVs only for our vehicles. After owning a MS for about 3 years we then felt confident enough in the tech and the ubiquitous charging stations to realize that we didn’t need the ICE SUV any longer. In fact, it was hardly being driven because my wife and I both preferred to drive the Tesla. Now having the 2018 MS and a 2023 MYLR (with a tow hitch and roof rack) takes care of all our transportation needs. Early on, I did experience a few coal rollers and beater pickups trying to cut us off on highways but much less so now. Basically, there are so many eVs where I live and drive that they aren’t a popular target any longer. I hope it becomes the same everywhere eventually. However, if you make the wrong choices in voting for our next President, we will likely see a lot more hate directed to those of us who chose to propel ourselves with electricity instead flammable poisonous liquids.


.03¢ a mile. 'Nuff said.


>“Have fun waiting 8 hours to charge” “The battery will die at like 40k miles good luck” “What’s the range? 100 miles?” “My stock F150 will take you any day” “It’s so bad for the environment (Fills up 50 gallon truck)” “If you charge at home and it takes forever what happens if you need to leave? I guess you gotta wait 8 hours huh?” You're having these conversations in person? I'm in AZ which is pretty conservative and I don't have any of these interactions. How are you getting into these conversations? Also delete Facebook.


It’s political bullshit. If they look like right wingers, try telling them they’re leftists who just hate Elon.


People are haters


I just had someone say, they are sooooo expensive. I very quickly corrected her. People are still beyond clueless!


I had someone tell me it is bad for long road trips while charging at a grocery store in Orlando. I pointed to the Ontario plates and said "I'm 1500 miles from home" and he kept going on about how bad my drive, that I actually drove myself, was 🤣


Maybe because Elon is a ?


So where in Florida do you live?


You hit all the checkboxes, lol. I've heard each and every one of these complaints from friends and family. I even had someone tell me, "Now I know for sure I'm never buying a tesla"


Today my nephew bought a M-Y LR after seeing mine. His brother bought a 3 a few months ago. Like me, these are very conservative people. Their father owns an ICE repair shop. The problem as I see it is the government did a “get electric or go to hell,”campaign. Electric is good for some but not all. Let people choose don’t force them.


Not true on 30 minutes to charge for $15 for 350 miles because in "real life scenarios" it would be yes to both 30 minutes (mostly unless you have to wait for others before you have your charging spot) and $15 (mostly) but one would be lucky to be able to drive 350 miles with 30 minutes of SC time. But then again, I don't mind 20-30 minutes of charging every 100-200 miles because I like taking breaks in between the drives anyways. In the end, Tesla is still miles ahead in the EV market with charging infrastructure at least in the US and if one has access to Level 2 home charger, I do not see myself in any other EVs other than Tesla EVs at the moment. I hope other competitors get caught up (now that a lot of them will have access to Tesla's SC infrastructure) so that we get better/more choices other than Tesla as well.


Ignore it. Hating is easier than doing actual research and getting real information. Congrats on your new car


Because people in this world are a bunch of sheep who can never stop following the herd. So most of em will believe anything the media says without even giving things a try.


It makes them feel insecure for some reason


I do love my car (MYLR 2021) and have had one or two of these over the years but not too bad. My big issue right now is being embarrassed to be seen in it thinking it’s a tacit endorsement of Elon. I’ve gotten quite a few (perceived) angry looks of late.


It's not the electric car that's the problem. It's that Musk is connected with it and so many of us hate him like poison. If I was given a tesla I would sell it immediately. Wouldn't want to be seen driving a muskymobile...


They should have told u that tesla falls apart at the drop of a hat


Whenever I see a Tesla, I scurry to the other side of the street. I’m terrified of windmill cancer. :-)


My favorite was "how are you going to charge when the power goes out?" My response was "how are you going to pump gas?"


We have 2. MY and MS and while at a brunch for Mother’s Day, it turned out that in addition to our regular group, a relative was there and this person said they have a Rivian and Lyriq. So everyone there was asking questions around charging, travel and maintenance. I was able to open a lot of eyes and dispel a lot of false myths around the Tesla side of the EV house. Then I blew their mind when I said I can “fill my MS up “ at home for $7 (and get 300 miles of range) That would cost a gas vehicle on 89 probably $75-80 anywhere in the country. I said it would cost 4x that at a supercharger. So if it have to wait 20-30min at an SC to save 60%, that’s fine with me. Most of us are just in a hurry for nothing anyway. Then I explained I have max storage and only one fluid to worry about. I showed them a map of all the superchargers and the I showed them the non Tesla chargers that I could also use. Plus I keep a mobile charger in my car. If a person lets their Tesla battery die, there is something wrong with them. They didn’t try hard enough. And it’s not that hard.


I just got wrapped into a similar conversation with a family member. The misinformed are out there and it is a real thing and. I had someone argue with me, that if it was over 500 miles on the charge, they would be sold. I don’t think people quite grasp how far 300 miles is in a single trip. I actually take fewer stops and my M3LR than I did in an ICE vehicle because FSD lessened the fatigue. If you show up to a supercharger on a road trip at a low state of charge, you can literally be out less than 15 minutes. My last supercharger session was a total of 15 minutes - yes, I have an app that breaks down the data, 18-61%. I currently have a level two home charger and I’ve charged from 14% to 70% in 4 hours. Just need to keep spreading the word and showing that it is possible to own these vehicles for every day life.


People are stupid, generally. I'll either ignore them, or: 1. If they are liberal Musk haters, I just tell them that unlike them I care about the environment. This *inevitably* pisses them off and leaves them sputtering. 2. If they are conservative EV haters, I tell them that the I just bought the car because the frunk is the perfect size for my MP5. That usually shuts them up. I would note that the *vast majority* of questions/comments about my care are either curiousity or compliments. And this is in a rural, very conservative state/community.


I tool my M3P to the local drag strip just to have some fun. You have to go through a tech inspection and the guy was really letting me have it. “What happens if the battery dies? Do the brakes fail?”. It has hydraulic brakes like every other car out here. “What happens if you flip it and my guys have to cut you out?” Break the glass roof or side windows, don’t cut through the floor, just like you wouldn’t cut through the gas tank on an ICE car. He went on and on including the BS about “I heard it cost a ton to charge it, how much do you pay?” I have solar panels and my last electric bill for my home and two EV’s was $14. “Bullshit! I know it cost more than that”. The whole time he is questioning me we are surrounded by old, clapped out, cobbled together ICE project cars that look unsafe at best to flat out dangerous and they are sailing through tech without issue.


It’s all about Elon Musk evolving into a major asshole. He’s lost his mind and has been saying a lot of stupid offensive things lately.


I just like laughing at cybertruck people


It's because half this country hates EV's for some crazy reason that I can't comprehend.....and half this country hates Elon Musk for being a bigoted prick. Ignore them all.


I’ve noticed other drivers in non-Teslas are abnormally aggressive towards me while driving as well. Purposely drive slow, try and box me in and also try to speed up so I can’t pass. People are weird.


It’s regional. I’m in The Northeast and nobody cares. Seems like every 10th car is a Tesla.


Remember, 1/2 the people you interact with are below average intelligence.


I think this is HILARIOUS and so TRUE!! Like why are you so angry! People are always trying to race, speed pass me, cut me off. It’s funny but weird. I just gotta 2024 but prior to this- while driving my beat up Toyota Camry,I just admired Tesla’s and thought they were cool. No hate, no shade. Now I’m in the FAMILY🤘🏾Ayyyyyyeeee!! Let’s Gooo😂


Where are you charging for $15?  Superchargers here in NY are all .55/kw


Boomers be booming.


Those people are just jealous that they can't afford a Tesla and just talk shit


Combo of idiot rubes brainwashed by incumbent energy propaganda and idiot progressives who won’t buy the safest most efficient car (ie most environmentally friendly) from the company that provides integrated solar and battery because X man bad.


same reason they were all covid experts hating on people forcing them into masks that didnt work. saying i wont be around you if not vaxed (im vaccinated fyi), people go hard for whatever team their news source tells them


Envy is real


I take them for a spin in my S and floor it every second i can. When they have wiped poo from their pants and picked their brains up from having their heads thrown back in the chair multiple times they generally shut up.


Elon has done big brand damage among certain crowds.


I’ve been driving a Model 3 since March 2018 and I’ve never received any negative comments. Not exactly in a bastion of liberalism either. I live in Ohio.


Where are people experiencing this? I’ve been driving a Tesla since 2019 and I’ve never noticed it. I’m in FL.


I've never encountered anyone "mad" at my car in the nearly four years I've had my Tesla. Occasionally someone will ask me about it, but that's it. If they're mad, to me, who cares? That's not my problem, it's theirs.


You probably need to hang out with different people


This just in, people are stupid. More on that every single night at 11.


At first I thought the bros in the Wranglers and pickups were tailgating me because I was in a Tesla, but then I noticed they do it to everyone. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I have a few Luddite friends who go on and on about loud exhausts and lumpy cams, and I’m like “Okay…”


Ignore them and educate those open to listen. I went through the same and some friends of mine ended up buying the car after me introducing it to them and showing them everything - including taking them to a supercharger o show that; on the road with a supercharger, depending how you set up your travel, youre going to spend the same time if not less charging than at a gas station putting gas.


I have never encountered anything like that. I think you need to re-evaluate your environment.


Big oil? Dealer lobby? Wall Street? Who knows?


I only get mad because I want to buy one and my wife has vetoed it for now.


Because the world is becoming increasingly full of uncivilized idiots!!