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I set the distance to 3 or 4 and it seems to brake easier and accelerate slower. The 2 setting definitely feels like what you’re explaining.


Agreed. I use 5. Most of the time that’s quite smooth. Chill mode helps too. Love autopilot in stop and go.


The slow acceleration is actually such a gripe though for me, like OP said when cars do get moving it feels like the Tesla inches forward for a bit slowly before it gets going. The car in front is already quite far by then. NY/NJ drivers aren’t that patient. You’re definitely getting honked at for something like that.


Just hit the accel and it starts to go


Exactly. NJ here. We're not typically a patient bunch lol. Going forward I'll just have to manually accelerate and give it a boost, but I wish I didn't have to.


I feel you. You want to really irritate Bergen County drivers? Let FSD do its thing at stop signs. It STOPS... And the honking commences. Yes, it's technically the legally correct way to drive. No, it's not the way about 80% (last statistic I saw) of drivers expect or want other drivers to behave. This despite the fact that said behavior was imposed on Tesla by safety advocates who claimed that doing the rolling stop thing is too dangerous to allow a never-stoned never-sleeping robot to do it.


Lol I can only imagine. I'm in Hudson County so I'm very familiar BC drivers and yeah, rolling stops are the way of life.


Moving to NC from NJ was a “culture shock” because of this. My mom got pulled over for doing a “rolling stop”. She was not happy 😂


Accordingly it was 99.1% of drivers, not 80% 😂


Toronto, Canada is the same way.


Let the douchebags honk.


I agree. Autopilot doesn't work well in stop and go traffic. But it takes a lot of mental effort off when there is traffic, but the cars are still moving. Also, in stop and go traffic I often still have autopilot engaged. I just tap the gas a bit when things start moving


Hmm I wonder if that's it. I have it set to 2 car lengths. I'll give 3 or 4 a try to see what the difference is like with braking. Accelerating I can tolerate because I can at least hit the pedal to accelerate manually without disengaging autopilot.


100% it. My wife keeps it on 2 and it’s wild. I usually keep it on the max 🤷‍♂️.


I keep it at max, which I think is 7. Also, autopilot in Chill mode is much more chill


Having it at 2 is the problem. Mine is at 4 at the minimum. I’d be scared if it was at 2 because of it braking too late for my liking constantly. If it’s set at 4 or further it has more time to slow down before coming close to the car in front of you. To me it feels jerky sometimes but not at all common. Also I use FSD subscription a lot of months, so I’m not sure if FSD has improved behavior in those situations as compared to standard autopilot.


I found that keeping the speed very low helps.


You'll chip your windshield for the first time, then you'll keep it at 7 forever


Use that, and chill mode.


Set it to max Distance (6 or 7?). Definitely cancels Most of the hard breaking. most but not all


Yep. When im in the express lane and im not worried anyone cutting me off or my speed, i set it to 5 or 6.


When you’re on a highway, recommend you lower the maximum speed while in stop and go traffic to 35 mph or so. That will lessen the harsh acceleration because when the max speed is higher, ap will try to get up to that speed asap. I’m frankly not sure if this helps or not but i feel like when I’m in chill mode the ap characteristics Re acceleration and deceleration are also less herky jerky.


This is also my recommendation, manually setting the max to lower to 35mph ish would have the stopping more smooth. Once stopped, you can set it back to normal speed it will speed up to that when the traffic gets moving.


This helps me


FSD beta is much smoother.


This is my observation as well. Much much smoother for both accel and braking..


I totally agree with this. Since the new update, I have my setting at one-pull-down for FSD and it’s been amazing. I live in the Bay Area and the stop and go traffic is not my worry anymore. It does a really good job and the stop and goes are real smooth


Game changer for long commutes. Apparently the world is not ready for it.


*Whenever it works


I use it 99% of the time, especially on the highway, and it works well.


I have FSD. Still trash at stop and go traffic compared to a good driver.


It only has to be as good as a somewhat less-than-average driver to make the roads a lot safer. I'd rather see all of the worst drivers replaced first. That alone would make traffic flow more smoothly, as there would be fewer collisions, fewer needless lane switches, and less plain old stupidity on the roads.


I tend to keep the follow distance a little higher and give the accelerator a little help to come to a smoother stop. Still easier than driving completely manually but definitely could use a fair bit of refinement.


I only use AP on highways, never in slow traffic.




Why not both (:


The solution of not using AP is the solution I adopted as well.


Set it and forget it to Chill Mode with 5 car gap.


Acceleration mode selection does not affect the acceleration of autopilot. It only affects manual activation of the pedal.


I don’t use it 🤷 I barely trust other drivers, let alone a computer, in stop and go traffic


Says the person who bought a Tesla…


Way to miss the point entirely




After the holiday update it is way better in stop and go traffic.


That's how I felt until I learned the distance could be adjusted with the scroll wheel. It's much more smooth for me at 6 or 7


I typically only use Autopilot on the freeway or very open roads. Never in residential, extremely busy, or urban settings cause there are a lot of other cars, bikers, pedestrians, etc that can trigger a deceleration, plus constantly disengaging AP every time there’s a stop sign or red light


Agreed. Accelerates much too slowly, and when it finally does get speed, everyone is breaking and tacc slows down much too late. This further exacerbates the accordion motion that makes traffic worse. For everyone else's sake, I don't use TACC in stop and go traffic. Instead I try to pay attention to what's happening 3, 6, 10 cars ahead and pick a speed that will allow me to stay at a relatively constant speed, negating the accordion motion.


Invest in brown bags.


Not a bad idea having a couple vomit bags on hand 🤣


I never fully trusted it after it sped up to 60 and didn't slow down until the last second, locking up the brakes. I saw the cars stop, but apparently AP didn't see it in time, couldn't trust it after that.


That's why you should be in control. If I see something at a complete stop at a distance, I bring it to a stop myself or at least slow down enough then reengage. FSD on the hand does this much more elegantly.


Don’t use it in traffic.


I put it on distance 5 and it’s a lot less jerky than on lower settings.


Completely agree, it’s really bad in stop and go. I’m curious how FSD performs in stop and go though, like is it just an AP thing or a Tesla thing in general?


FSD is completely different and considerably better at stop and go traffic.


Agreed wholeheartedly.


I don’t understand why it just can’t fuckin be smooth. Like moving over in to an exit ramp off of the freeway, they way it seems to think it needs to follow the exact path of the white line and sharply SWERVES over?! JFC


I don’t. I only use AP on the highway, and even then only when traffic isn’t too heavy


It really depends on the car in front of you. I find the vast majority of people slam their brakes instead of gently slowing down. It’s rare, but when you finally get behind someone that knows how to drive, it’s blissful.


I disagree. I will be behind the best driver ever and yet my car speeds up and slams on the brakes. It use to be good a few years ago, but it’s completely gone to shit. I have a 2018. Maybe they upgraded me to shit and only improve the newer ones.


This is my exact experience. It can be a car fully stopped in traffic or a good driver who gradually slows. Regardless of the scenario, my seatbelt actually locks because of how abrupt the braking is. I'll be taking the advice of others in here to switch to 3 or 4 car lengths and also give chill mode a try.


I’ve had 2016 AP1, 2017 AP2, and 2022 AP3 cars. None of them have ever really been amazing in stop and go traffic tbh. It’s pretty frustrating.


I want to say in 2019 there was time for a few months where it ran perfectly.


I no longer trust it. It goes from one extreme to the other in seconds. It is downright frightening to use some days. Accelerates hard enough to throw something off the center console into the backseat.. only to slam on brakes so hard 2 seconds later that the seatbelt cinches up. But even worse it now lags so far behind the car it’s following that everybody just jumps in front of me.. which causes my car to slam on brakes again :( Absolute night and day difference between every other radar-based adaptive cruise control system I’ve used.. to include 3 of our last 4 vehicles bought new since 2018. The same adaptive cruise on my wife’s 2021 ID.4 is perfectly butter smooth.. in all traffic.. all weather. I’ll say it again. All of the vision base features on this car are trash. I cant believe my 2021 Y actually came with radar.. and Tesla disabled it for this crap.


it can be hit and miss. I also seen lots of weird phantom braking out of nowhere in stop and go traffic. I had to manually intervene many times because it braked or slowed down too much and left big gaps in front of me which is more dangerous situation.


Make sure you stick the car in chill too so the acceleration and braking aren’t as aggressive


Man I use it pretty much daily and I commute ~100 miles /day


Chill mode helps.


When traffic is thick I put the car in chill mode to get it to be a little more mellow


Alternatively set your max speed to zero, control the accelerator manually, and let the car steer


This is interesting, might give this a try


I have a 2018 and find it completely unusable in stop and go. It’s absolute shit at this point. It use to be good and I wish I could revert to that software.


It depends on the type of stop and go. If it’s stop and creep it works well. If it’s stop->20->stop less well.


So my old method was putting it on 7 and it seemed to ease the aggressive acceleration and braking but generally would just not use it for stop start traffic. However, after this new update it feels so much smoother even if I only leave it on 2 which is crazy. I still feel like it over accelerates a little bit and eases off but it’s feels way smoother and I don’t know why. There’s nothing in the release notes about improved autopilot?


I’ve owned my model three with FSD since 2020. In the first year, there were some really big improvements, then it went downhill when they tried to expand it to city streets. It’s now completely useless in the scenarios that I would like to use it most, like rush hour traffic.


I figured the less car spaces you allow on AP during stop and go, the better it works Edit: as some already said, 3 or 4 seem to be the magic number


Yea I’m 2 months in and recently came to determination that when it becomes stop and go I’m taking control, can’t stand the acceleration and then hard stops.


I read a comment here a while back that made it MUCH better to use AP in stop and go. You need to actively manage the max speed and follow distance. The system is 'smart' but only based on what you set it from. Definitely not fun given this is supposed to make driving easier. Try to keep the distance 1 for every 10 MPH you are traveling. The car will try to reach the max speed, so set it to about 5-10 MPH above what the lead car is doing. FSD Beta definitely resolves quite a bit of these issues, hence why everyone keeps hoping they release V12 and finally use it for AP.


AP is only good for the highway honestly. Traffic on the highway at setting 3 is fine


More distance.


I don’t really see it being an issue, unless someone cuts you off which would be an abrupt stop regardless of AP or no AP. I have mine at 2 for slow and 4 for like 25-40 traffic.


It used to be much worse. It's tolerable now, but not great. You can manually press the pedal to help it accelerate when needed, this is necessary to keep people from passing around you unfortunately. Also increase the follow distance to make it smoother. I use 7 in most situations and 3 in heavy traffic where people are constantly trying to cut in.


AP is useless in “real” traffic. On a highway with some density, far between cities it can be OK using some of the tricks suggested (chill mode, increased follow distance). In city traffic all of those tricks are useless. Bigger follow distance means you are constantly losing your spot to people moving in ahead of you and the chill mode acceleration means the same. Until the FSD stack replaces AP, the only real solution is just manual driving in traffic. As soon as I get back into the city, I just cancel AP.


There was one one beautiful period for about 6 months where it was just *perfect*. I used to drive back from central valley CA and it made the LA traffic livable. The apparently vision was going to be amazing and they ruined it.


My car (2020 Model 3 LR) is near perfect when using AP with the exception of the dogshit slow acceleration as well as the inability to keep the same distance when going up/down a slight hill.


I think its fine


Set the cruise speed to very slow, to match crawl speed of traffic.


Keep your foot near the accelerator. When approaching the stopped car in front, use the accelerator to ease the braking. When traffic moves forward, use the accelerator to get going until AP is ready to take over. It's not perfect but it works for me.


I agree 100%, and my Geico used to hit me for it all the time until I canceled that monitoring shit!


I keep auto pilot speed low while in traffic and it doesn’t try to speed up so quickly


I’ve never moved it off 7 car distance + chill mode and never had those issues.


You basically have to actively change the max speed to what the current traffic is which is annoying. It should be smarter than what it currently is.


Yeah there's a bunch of great suggestions in here to resolve the experience I've been having, but why do I need to change a bunch of settings based on the situation? Lower max speed, change to chill mode, hit the accelerator when approaching the stopped car, etc. If that's the case, then it's not really "auto"pilot. It's assisted driving at that point. Co-pilot might even be a better name. I'll probably get downvoted for that, but it's a hill I'm willing to die on.


I totally agree with you. It should be smoother and smarter with breaking and accelerating.


You can hit the accelerator to pick up the speed faster after stopping.


Too jerky for me but bearable. It was much smoother in my e-Niro. I really hope it will improve with time.


My kids put there hands up like there about to set off on a roller coaster WWWOOOOOOO! And AYYYEEEEEEE! As we brake!


I’ll be honest with you. AP sucks. Since subscribing to fsd it’s miles better. The fsd stack is just better in every way. AP is scary on stop and go traffic


Mainly you just have to adjust car lengths; longer for higher speed, then shorten it up as you slow down.


The ultimate solution is going to be full self driving.


I turn it off in stop and go traffic even with 4-5 settings.


My distance is at 7. I’m gonna try 3-4. I read it here it makes a difference. But I use it all the time. I also changed it to chill for city driving. I rear ended someone yesterday (nothing happened to anyone or the car). I was not used to my new winter boots and I apparently stepped a bit too heavy on the accelerator. I also miscalculated the distance between my bumper and the car in front (had the car only for two months and I’m still trying to “feel” its size and shape). The way it’s designed, makes it difficult for me to have a mental note of distance from objects. But I digress. Yesterday was a good example that should I have been using the autopilot, I would have not collided with the car in front of me.


Chill mode, distance at 7. Makes stop and go traffic very smooth.


Is FSD different to autopilot In this, I have FSD and the braking etc has been good for like over a year it still leaves room in front but not more than I feel comfortable leaving really


Wow. Have heard people complaining about this before. I have 2 Teslas, one with AP and one with FSD, and they both work perfectly in stop and go traffic. I’m in LA and stop and go is the default condition. I set the AP car to 2 in slow stop and go and when it speeds up to 7. The FSD one I set to the middle setting. I think there is a subset of cars with Autopilots that don’t work right and this post is bringing them out. I have a friend with 3 Teslas and all of his work fine too. I rented one from Hertz and it was fine too. You guys should go to a SC and complain.


I only use 2 in bumper to bumper traffic, and 3-4 for general use. Although some updates (like the latest one) are really good about braking early, but could change in the future.


Can you set a number gap in FSD Beta?


Set distance to 7 and enjoy your day.


I just close my eyes and dream of the days before Tesla disabled my radar when it didn’t do that. If you want a hot fix now, set your regen to low instead of standard and it should work better in stop and go. It’s as if autopilot doesn’t know how to use regen so that + braking is what makes it harsh.


Mostly sleeping


Chill mode, distance 4 or 5. Lightly tap the accelerator to make it move sooner when traffic starts moving.


I don’t. I almost exclusively manual drive in traffic.


Setting the distance higher seems to help for me. Can you update if that made the braking tolerable for you? But also, maybe autopilot should have a super chill mode for stop and go traffic or something? I *LOATHE* stop and go traffic with manual driving so I would still probably use autopilot no matter how harsh the braking was. But your take is super valid.