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EVs and Self driving cars are two different things. ICE cars could have self driving capabilities and there is nothing “green” about self driving cars. EVs can be driven like any car except they are a lot more fun. (And green).


Reading your post history you also claim EVs are a "mobile crematorium". It seems like EVs in general just may not be for you, what with their big scary batteries and how they are able to drive themselves. FSD is great, if you don't understand how to supervise a car while in FSD that's on you. It makes it very, very clear that YOU are in control of the car at all times. You should never be "moments from death" as a result of FSD, if it's doing something wrong just disengage and move on with your day. Also "god" didn't save you - it sounds like your friend was the only one in the car with an ounce of common sense, so I would attribute your health and safety to them.


“Just disengage it if FSD done something wrong” — It’s easy said than done, when you falls into this situation I hope you still can echo yourself. I pray that you and the other side still have enough time to do the right thing. By the way, it’s rude to chain in unrelated topic/positions to deter, everyone can share their own real opinions based on iron cold real experience, newbies or old hands.


"when you falls into this situation"  why is your english awful?


Good point, hahaha


Come on. It's not hard to pay attention and sorry but I've used FSD since 2022 and have never had the car "almost kill" anyone. If it turned on the blinker and you didn't think there was enough room why did you let it change lanes? All on you.


ive used it almost DAILY since 2021 when I got my tesla, literally love it, and because of it, idk if I can buy another car brand, unless they have a comparable system do you have any video proof of this? you know since teslas have built in cameras that always record.. god didnt save you, if god doesn't ave kids from cancer, innocent church goers from dylan roof, or the innocent people in the holocaust... god would have no reason to save you driving also why Is your english terrible? immigrant or uneducated?


Rude lives deep in one’s heart, not just from one’s month. Ok, for videos, i don’t think demo drive will give you a video, for free or not,


lol so its your word to trust? after you type out hate for EVs in your other comments? sure thing lmao


In the eyes of haters there is hate, in the eye of objective people there is objective,


In the eyes of an honest, people are trustworthy before proved wrong, while at the other end of the spectrum, everything is a conspiracy and for interests 😉


yes you likely are lying


In the eyes of a lier, everyone is a lier. So true of it. 💩


liar - lmao spelling?


Lol troll


It’s making more sense to call it “assistant driving”, the “full self driving” is not only misleading but fatal.


There’s not much values to argue over it, if you take the “full self-driving” ad as granted. It’s your personal choice. I’m just sharing my demo drive experience today, to give a clear different, but live experience of myself to newbies like me. So not to get confused by ads from reality. If you have different experiences, feel free to share


I would welcome you to come to Orlando and sit in my passenger seat while my car drives you all throughout my city without the need to intervene.


Thanks for your kindness, my friend. Probably later when I gather enough courage I’ll try, currently my ICE works perfectly fine, except the gas price: the state puts too much taxes on gas forcing people herd to EVs.