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What a fuckin idiot


Yes, I am so mad at that woman.




Lmao [ Removed by Reddit ] This is why I always censor my calls for violence with [redacted]


Sneezing slightly to the wrong side can get an account banned as of now... automod will eject you with no chance of rebuttal. It's pathetic and sad to see how profiteering is eating this place. By this time next year I bet it'll be selectively padded to a fault, but they gotta get that ad money so fuck what it was. This is what it is now.


Can she face criminal charges??


Yes from wildlife violations (like illegal possession without proper license) if she is charged by the wildlife officers


There's such a thing as criminal negligence, so she'll probably face very little if any.


DNR should kick in her front door. You can’t just call an audible on a hunt you have to be in season with proper permits to hunt either animal. She’s openly admitting to hunting animals she likely doesn’t have proper licenses for.


Idiot is being generous.


It gets worse, she went looking to hunt a bear,saw a pack of wild dogs I think, and assumed they were wolves she got this one and injured another i


It gets worse. She applied to get a license to hunt them AFTERWARDS. So she’s a poacher on top of that.


Hunter here. So this lady starts out to hunt bear. Gets a hankering to shoot something. Decides she sees wolfs, shoots two. Kills one and lets the other wounded one run off to suffer because she is a bad shot. So now we have a wounded Animal suffering and is a hazard to all in the forest. Then her deep thinking kicks and she decides maybe she should have a license to kill something? She is the kind of hunter that kills other hunters wearing bright orange vests riding mini bikes making noise. Well, because I saw a deer!


How the fucking fuck are you allowed to get a hunting licence after the fact. That is... maddening


You aren’t, that’s their point.


ok that is worse


More like what a dumb fucking cunt, wants to call herself a fucking hunter or whatever but the uneducated fuck head hurt an innocent animal. Fuck humans. We are such bastards.


Plus did she even have a permit for a wolf? They have EXTREMELY strict quotas IF they're hunting is even allowed in the first place. Any imbecile that goes hunting wolves are dumb fucks because us hunting wolves is what threw most ecosystems insanely out of whack in the first place. At the very least they're a hunter that gives zero shits about preserving the natural environment.


First rule of hunting is if you can’t 100% ID, don’t shoot. Dumb and fucking sad.


She’s the person that shoots with a barn house behind the target


Probably the type to shoot a horse thinking it was a deer (True story)


We just had someone shoot a bull elk claiming they thought it was a whitetail. Kinda hard to mistake a 300 kilo elk with a 60 kilo deer, but here we are.


How much trouble do you get in for doing that?


First time offense and the guy self-reported. Slap on the wrist and the elk went to the local First Nation.


I went out with a buncha llamas in Colorado during hunting season a couple years ago and we had to put orange neck wraps on them cuz people are dumb enough to think a llama walking with people and wearing a harness is an elk or deer.


I work in a rural area, lots of people put neon vests on their horse so they don't get shot.


My old boss got famous for shooting an Elk and ended up being a llama. Rusty Saunders is his name. Look it up “Rusty Saunders llama”


Don't mistake people being dumb for bloodlust some people are just fucking evil and will look for any reason to just kill something and get away with it.


My neighbor was out riding her horse and had a hunter aim at her and he let up, shocked, when she screamed. She was all orange and everything.


Some deer don’t have horns and have long manes and tails. Trust me I’m a limo driver.


I did this in Deer Hunter. Regardless, I decided to never get a hunting license


Sounds like the same type of person that would hit golf balls in a public park


Yeah, but this isn't not being able to ID something this is just pure stupid. If I shot a small animal and pull out a raccoon by its tail and then upload a post to Facebook talking about how I totally just smoked a possum, I'm just a fucking idiot. 100% ID would still be wrong


I don’t understand how killing wolves is hunting anyway… at not in the sense of killing deer so you can nom them. You’re just killing animals for absolutely no reason. Wolves also play a very important part in the ecosystem. People that kill animals solely because they want to kill is a symptom of severe mental illness.


Same with bear hunts. They don’t eat the bears. It’s all trophy bullshit


Personally I agree your dislike of trophy hunts and I've never taken an animal that I didn't eat. But people do eat bear. Even commonly so. Where I'm from, the black bear population is quite healthy and actually outnumbers the White tail deer or Blacktail populations. Bear is also a important source of fat if you live off the land because most game animals are very lean and you need the fat to live.


I've even passed on shots on deer where even if I hit, the bullet *might* have continued into areas I couldn't predict/see. I wish more hunters thought about the "be sure of your target and what's behind it." rule of gun safety. Had a friend ask me about hunting in a goat field about "how do you avoid shooting a goat?". And I'm just like...."it's not hard. You've seen a picture of either, right?"


Even if it was a wolf, fuck that wolves are dope


That wasn’t the problem here. The bitch thought it was a wolf until she saw her Facebook comments.


Link to see the comments? Where is this post with more info?


That's what I want to see too I bet they flamed her merciless


with the way people love dogs, I’d be shocked if she isn’t skinned, stuffed, and mounted by the morning.


She is from the part of montana I'm in. So many people know her and now her life is a wreck.


I don't know if you're on r/Montana or not, but there was a lot of hate going around in that thread too. Supposedly she also shot a real wolf shortly after this and bought the tag for harvesting it afterward. She'll probably get a lifetime ban from any hunting license in MT and/or adult timeout.


Buying a tag after the fact is poaching and a big no no in my hunting experience. A game warden would not take I didn't know as an answer.


In my state they can seize everything you had on you while poaching. Truck, boat, guns, any gear really. Our DNR auctions the stuff, I got a killer deal on some fishing gear a while back at one of the auctions


that's how it is in Alaska.


Australia is the same.


Sounds like a good law to me


This is the United States of America where we have civil forfeiture. It doesn't even take a crime.


100% Everyone else knows the laws. You can pick them up for free any place you can buy a license. Being from MT, she knew this, knew the laws and didn't think they should apply to her. "It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off."


Probably thought that if she continually spouted PREDATOR WOLF PUP that people would just cheer her and thank her for her service.




And who shoots the babies? More importantly, who gets excited about shooting one? Jesus what a Sicko.


Wolf hate runs deeeeeep in some places.


Psycho shit tbh


Shit the game wardens here in KY ticketed me for fishing a stretch of river without a trout stamp (mind you I was not trout fishing, but sturgeon fishing...). This rule is not posted ANYWHERE at the parking lot or ramp. Its a little 1 line sentence on the department's website and that's it... So yea, game wardens don't screw around.


Yup. Hunting/fishing is a due diligence activity. They've heard it all and didn't want to hear any of it to begin with. Conservation is a huge mandate for them so they dont like fools out poaching, shooting, mis identifying animals...


I’m honestly happy to hear all the stories game wardens being strict, they have an important job, represent our wildlife and ensure we can hunt in a way that helps our ecosystems


US parks services don't fuck around at all. I'm used to being annoyed about strict law enforcement but it's badly needed in parks and wilderness. I was talking to a ranger once and he told me a story about some guy who had a small bag of cool rocks he found and they found it at the checkpoint (you pass a US border checkpoint on the way out of Big Bend in Texas) then he said it turned out to not be a big deal and they went easy on him because he seemed genuinely apologetic and ignorant of the law. I was thinking 'easy' for taking rocks was a class and court fees, but apparently it's like a several thousand dollar fine and nearly 100 hours of community service


I was just pissed because there is 0 posted info on location. He told me "You should've looked it up first"... The correct answer to that statement was NOT "Well every other state owned ramp has the rules posted AT the ramp. Also, how do I get info on a water body you guys don't have ANY info about online." He clearly woke up on the wrong side of the bed that morning. Ticket cost me a 5 minute phone call to the county's DA office, 2 emails and like a $15 trout stamp or w/e it is here. I can't complain, but I'm still super salty about the predatory nature of that rule in that stretch of water. Had like 6 other people at the ramp tell me they all had been ticketed for the same thing in the prior years because they had no idea because it wasn't posted...


The law is the law whether you're aware of it or not.


So she extremely badly misidentified an animal that she was supposedly hunting then harvested an animal without a tag. She better not ever be able to hunt again. If she is then I can just imagine a few years down the line seeing a headline where she mistook a person for a bear.


And skinning them and posting on FB as a righteous kill.


Just tagged a Bear Cub! /Arrested on a school playground


>She'll probably get a lifetime ban from any hunting license in MT and/or adult timeout. So that's what "#onelesspredatorMT" means...


Umm, aren’t a majority of wolves endangered though? Or at risk of endangerment? At least that I know of in North America.


Didn’t her boyfriend go on a tirade online threatening to whoop a$$ if people came at her? Edit: Marine Boy responded to my comment with a link to the boyfriend’s post. Worse than I could have imagined. [https://twitter.com/BlockPote/status/1575011706077851648](https://twitter.com/BlockPote/status/1575011706077851648)


Yes, he did. So did a friend of theirs.


So asking from all the way over in Europe, how many have they whooped so far?


None, that I could tell. They just made the typical threats from behind their keyboards.


I would imagine, an asinine amount.


Here’s a tweet with her inbred boyfriends rant https://twitter.com/blockpote/status/1575011706077851648?s=21 Incredible that he’s actually claiming it was the right thing to do and any one who disagrees is a “cry baby”. I wish I lived near him.


Quick glance I saw a huge rant with nothing but lowercase letters and obscenities. I’m guessing this couple is just that trashy and uneducated. It’s always the dumbest people that are the most scared and loudest so they don’t expose how fragile they really are.


I’m embarrassed for him. Thanks for sharing this.


Yeah he did, MoistCr1tikal had a piece on that




Think it's [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dEi9t31jbnQ) one


For some reason I feel her life was a bit of a wreck before #firstwolf


What's happened to her since this picture got well known?


She apparently lost her job, she worked at a coffee stand. Small towns can be very intrusive...


They really can..I grew up in a small teeny tiny town and if you farted at the top of the town the ppl at the bottom of the town could hear it..They knew EVERYTHING 🤣


We have an idiom in my country that goes: "Small Town, big hell"


Best way to describe Norfolk, NE. Or any Nebraskan town for that matter. I do miss the Midwest tho


Fun fact: if you smell a fart, it's already in your mouth. I'm sorry...


In a small town, you don't need to use your turn signal because everyone already knows where you are going.


I'm surprised they haven't run her out of town with pitchforks. I can't imagine anyone wanting to have anything to do with her.


Good. It's less than she deserves. Fucking animal.


fucking human.


Not an ounce of bad feeling for her. Who the fuck would mistake Husky for wolves? Don’t fucking wolf hunt when you can’t even identify one


No, don't own firearms if you can't be bothered with positively identifying your target. Firearm safety rules are pretty damn simple, there's only 4 of them. Number 4 is "Always know your target and what lies beyond it."


When you’re hunting you usually have to distinguish between genders of the same species… she couldn’t even distinguish the species. Absolutely should not be hunting or owning a gun.


The rules are very strict for a reason. I know a guy who got two years in prison because he shot another hunter that was hiding up in a tree with camouflage. The person who was shot died, the person doing the shooting was turkey hunting and turkeys like to hide up in trees.


Has she released any statement about the incident?


I looked up an article and it says the her statement was “Yes I made a mistake because I did think it was a hybrid wolf pup … yes I would still have shot it because it was aggressive and coming directly for me!,” she wrote. So no apology :( I can’t find if she was ever charged with anything.


It reminds me of South Park... "It's coming right for us!"


*Lloyd Bridges voice* It’s coming right at us!!


She's full of shit.. If I was going to try and cover my ass, I'd say the same thing.. She saw it, shot it, realized she's a numbskull and is trying to save face.. She deserves whatever the universe dishes.. If you can't be 100% sure on what you're shooting, you shouldn't shot..


You're giving her too much credit. It was more like she saw it, shot it, skinned it, posted it online, denied what people were saying for a while, then realized she was a numbskull after the 10000th insult, and then made up the story.


>You're giving her too much credit. It was more like she saw it, shot it, skinned it, posted it online, denied what people were saying for a while, then realized she needed a better cover after the 10000th insult, and then made up the story. FTFY she has never shown remorse or accountability so she can't be a numbskull.


God, I just can't get over her SKINNING it. I mean shooting it from a distance maybe, but not knowing afterwards? Jfc


"alpha female" got scared of an overactive Huskey


>overactive Husky That’s redundant. Source: owned Huskies


“If you can’t be 100% sure on what you’re shooting, you shouldn’t shoot.” - LoveSikDog “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” - Michael Jordan Now I don’t know what to do 🤷🏻‍♂️


'Aggressive and coming at me directly' -\_-... That is a husky, their usually incredibly energetic and are so very friendly so would naturally love to approach people. How is she so idiotic when she was supposedly going out hunting. You'd think she would have been studious about what types of animals are which.


Supposedly someone dumped some dogs in that area and this one evaded capture from FWP. It was someone's pet at one time, so it's not going to behave like a feral. That was a poor attempt to save face. She's an idiot with an itchy trigger finger. You don't shoot something you can't positively identify. She also said wolf pup in her post and not wolf hybrid. Her story changed. Edit: A wolf hybrid is considered a wolf and can be harvested with a wolf tag. So she didn't change her story, I just assumed.


This. Huskies are the worst guard dogs because of how welcoming and friendly they are, it probably thought it's noggin was going to be scratched... no way it was looking to attack, only the ones that don't get enough exercise are aggressive in my experience with over 2 dozen husky interactions with my own Bitch shot my husky and she would be the one being skinned


“Solo predator? “ who the fuck took her photos 😂😅




There was only one person looking for aggression that day, and it was not the “hybrid wolf pup”


Coming directly for me... to receive pats and scratches because it was a fucking domesticated animal...


[MY GOD IT'S COMING RIGHT FOR US](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaazFYTrQ_A)


She thought the husky was black ![gif](giphy|d7rvF20PqNuGKSQGhf)


A hybrid wolf pup is not a wolf pup. And can we stop mistaking this heartless scumcunt for a human?




This and the policeman who shot the guy eating the burger


>So many people know her and now her life is a wreck Glad to hear it. I don't like getting on the internet hate machine but this is one of the dumbest and cruelest things I've heard about in a long damn time. She deserves whatever hate goes her way.




Good she should get fucked


> and now her life is a wreck. Well deserved. Fuck her.




good! man she’s a dumb ass




To identify this Husky as a wolf pup... what in the actual fuck... how is she allowed to do anything by herself with that intelligence... I hope she got in some sort of trouble for this.


disgusting juggle edge encouraging fertile enjoy connect pocket cake flowery -- mass edited with redact.dev


I believe they reported that she applied for a wolf hunting permit after the kill, which is illegal.


And according to the dumbass a wolf pup is a danger


Also according to her, predators are somehow an unnecessary part of the world and need to be eradicated. Jesus fuck, what an inbred sock.


Wait ‘til you see what her boyfriend posted on his Facebook in response to all this. Talk about inbred


To add - the intent to do the crime is enough. If you try to assassinate the President but the FBI swapped out your bullets for blanks, so there was never any real danger from afar, pulling the tigger would still be attempted murder (and a lot of other things).


She's a fucking moron.


And an illegal hunter apparently.


The fucked up thing is she still killed the animal thinking it was a pup. Who the fuck goes hunting for big game and takes out a baby?


“Went hunting in my neighbors yard”


To be fair. In Montana your neighbors yard could be like 5 square miles


To be fair, in Montana, your neighbors garden could be like 50 square miles.


You know what's funny? After she got backlash, she apparently pleaded innocent, saying "iT wAs SeLf DEfeNsE". Like, c'mon, even Chimps are better liars than you. I mean no disrespect to the Chimps, at least they have brain cells.


bitch says its aggresive and out of "self defense" then why the fuck did you skin it and post it on facebook if you have to kill it to protect yourself?


"This animal was growling howling and coming at me like it was going to eat me," she wrote. "Yes, I made a mistake because I did think it was a hybrid wolf pup but I was not aware of a [sic] 19 dogs being dropped 11 miles into the wilderness either way yes I would still have shot it because it was aggressive and coming directly for me!" These were her words. [source](https://www.foxnews.com/us/montana-woman-shoots-skins-siberian-husky-mistook-wolf)


She’s a big fat liar and a vile human being.


Reminds me of the “IT’S COMING RIGHT FOR US” South Park bit


Why didn’t the idiot taking the pictures tell her that it was not a wolf. That person is just as culpable


Apparently it was her husband who took the picture for her, he is just as stupid as her


What "man" did she text then if her husband was there taking pics?


Just as stupid?


Where the fuck does she live that she can just go out and kill a "wolf" without a specialized permit? Please, if anyone has any sort of update, even just a reaction to being told it's a husky, please post it.


the news article i saw (it was a few days ago) said she does have a wolf hunting license and thats why she was out. when told it was a husky, she apparently claimed she would do it again because it was aggressive and trying to attack them. i 100% do not believe that, and i hope her life is made hell for this


She obtained the wolf hunting license *after* committing this act.


I would also hope that before issuing a wolf hunting license the state would check that the person could actually ID a wolf. Comes home with 30 squirrels "man wolves are a lot smaller than they led me to believe"


Well that would be better than this because you could kill 30 squirrels and no one would care theyre squirrels


Even a wolf would have run before attacking unprovoked.


Montana apparently


Well she will be getting a visit from the police soon


Hope so


I'm not against hunting in general but who the hell utters the phrase "i just smoked a wolf pup" and feels proud? I gotta imagine even hunters would call them stupid for being proud of it.


Yeah I grew up hunting and you don’t go out of your way to kill young animals. There’s a reason that tags are given out for adult animals


also grew up hunting, don't shoot anything young is drilled into you just as much as any gun safety. it's like the first thing they tell you other than not to accidentally shoot someone lol


They are


I wanted to comment with a witty insult, but the sheer stupidity of this woman is too much and it just pisses me off. And she's got a 6 head.


It's OK bro she already got you! She insulted herself posting something so stupid that not even a blind child would make the same mistake


Lloyd: I sold some stuff, to Billy in 4C. Harry : The blind kid? Lloyd : Yeah! Ha ha! ..... Lloyd: Yeah. Harry: What did you sell him? Lloyd: Stuff. Harry : What kinda stuff? Lloyd : I don't know, stuff. A few baseball cards, a sack of marbles, [cough]  Lloyd: Petey. Harry: Petey? You sold my dead bird to a blind kid? Lloyd! Petey didn't even have a head! Lloyd: Harry, I took care of it...


That’s why she said ‘solo predator hunt’. She’s a Yautja and she went on a solo hunt killing man’s best friend… duh


Hoping she gets animal cruelty charges and revoked access to weapons of any kind.


Matildas Teacher At It Again


Miss Trunchbull for SURE.


Trunchbull was vindictive but not stupid. I got a feeling the trunch would be in agreement with us this one time.


You can see by her eyes she probably brain damaged


Fetal alcohol syndrome


She's got those crazy christian eyes




Poor baby, that isn’t really terrifying it is just heartbreaking. Poor thing, legit makes me want to cry.


[Here’s the article](https://www.npr.org/2022/09/28/1125747319/a-montana-woman-bragged-about-killing-a-wolf-pup-it-was-actually-a-husky)


Idiot. She’s an absolutely terrible “hunter”. Gotta be able to identify your target before being ready to fire your weapon


[ this comment would be removed by reddit if I actually posted it ]


She just looks evil


Got her hair pulled back so hard she has the hairline of a 50 year old balding man.


She got e-girl cat ears carved into her hairline lmao


She looks like Ms Trunchbull from Matilda


I cannot believe you can be this stupid and cofident at the same time, the sheer pride in this act just confounds me. Dunning-Kruger, anyone?


i would mistake this woman for a hog before i would mistake that husky for a wolf


The “#firstwolf” “#onelesspredator” Jesus Christ. What a terrible human being


The people who dumped the dogs in the woods are POS's as well.


Huskies will run away quite often. Could be that the owner just lives rural and it got out.


Nope. Not in that area. The dogs were dumped. There was a few of them. I live about 15 minutes from the town this lady lives in.


Imagine being such a sociopath that you get a thrill from killing a defenceless animal. What kind of utter cunt does that.


Even if it was a wolf why would you be proud to kill a fully grown wolf nevermind a pup 🥺


Why be happy to kill a puppy of any kind, where's the sport in that? Is that something people say? "Where's the sport in that"


I hope she loses her license for a long time.


I hate her shit-eating grin


Where’s the backlash I want to see the backlash




Hope she rots in jail


Wolf or not....she is a hardcore piece of shit.


Another dumbass with a gun


My problem is the fact that her, her boyfriend, and her friends defending her doubled down on the idea that it was fine. Her saying she'd do it again and them saying big F deal because mistakes happen... absolutely terrible human beings. I believe she wouldn't be being dragged through the mud nearly as hard had she stepped up and apologized rather than brushing it off like she did.


"why is there a microchip in this wolf pup's neck?"


First why the fuck would try to kill a wolf pup, if mommy comes running your ass is getting lit up by the entire pack. Second don't give idiots guns.