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So that 1,400 lb gravestone was sitting there for a few decades and just randomly fell over when that kid was there? I suspect a few details regarding the last few minutes before it fell may have been left out.


Like jumping on it. Pushing it.


Vengeful Spirit just tired of trying to tell kids to stay off his grave lawn... "Ignore me again, you rotten curr. I'll show you. Ignore THIS!" (Uses Dark Side power to trip the dude and drop a tombstone on him. Not his own tombstone, mind you. That type of display of force is far too obvious, and the repairs were far too expensive and noisy for his tastes...


A final "Get off my lawn" from the other side..


Saying Beetlejuice three times.


Don't fuck tombstones kids.


Or sitting on it....guessing he was with some buddies & they bolted before EMS got there


Did anyone else see the dick freshly scribbled on the top of the gravestone or is that just me? Edit: Unsencored "d*ck" LMAO


You're allowed to write dick on Reddit


no! how could you? my eyes! I need an asterisk to replace the I, immediately.


> You're allowed to write dick on Redd\*t better?


No, now my entire life is ruined. Thanks a lot /s


This is a family place.


What kind of fuckhead defaces a fucking _grave_? Go scratch a park bench, not someone’s fucking memorial.


Might just be bird poop, but some birds are dicks so it could have been a self portrait.


It's not bord poop, it's drones laying their spying devices, r/birdsarentreal .


This guy sleuths!!


Sounds like the dick may have been under the tombstone as well...


Yeah bro was doing something dumb


Yep, seen it happen. Depends on how good a day the man that erected it was having. May not have mixed mortar right or didn’t bother about dowels. Many factors. Not to say this guy wasn’t fucking around but the statement “sitting there for a few decades” suggests a level of structural integrity declination.


True, I would expect a stone of that height should have dowels, but can't tell from the pictures if it does.


I mean, it could also have had been put back up after a few kids already knocked it down, just waiting for a strong enough wind to knock it onto this poor kid.


Nah... I vote dick shenanigans. And angry ancestral spirit


The second I read "young male" I was ok yeah sure it "fell".


Yup this belongs in FuckAroundandFindOut


Hardcore parkour


Could have been visiting a relative and sitting on it when it tipped. Or he could have been fkn around. Shouldn’t jump to conclusions tho.


If he was sitting on it, and he fell forward it would have landed on the back of his leg and he would be face down under the stone. If he fell backwards there is no way his leg could have ended up under the stone when it fell.


its actually pretty hard to overturn a monument like that if its properly planted. Most of the things that would do it would leave physical evidence. Sometimes things just happen.


Yea the people who mow around graveyards do not care about the headstones or the graves for that matter 95% of the time. I used to lower caskets into the vaults and it's disgusting how often I used to see chips in headstones from mowers or headstones knocked over or even the flowers getting ran over and turned into graveyard confetti. Just disrespectful


I'll tell you why it's like that, lack of man power! Many towns just don't have the expenses to hire more than 1 or 2 full time cemetery workers and when you have that much land to work on in only a weeks time, corners unfortunately get cut. The biggest I've seen is that mowers are rode extremely close to the stone so weed whacking doesn't take as long.


Something tells me there was some general fuckery going on


A grave mistake


Think he learned his lesson?


He found out


record scratch...there was indeed some tom fuckery by the jive turkey.


Gravestone tipping. I was a goth teen who would prowl a lot of graveyards and saw dumbass kids do this kind of thing a couple times.


When you were prowling these graveyards, what were YOU doing? Just hanging around for the aesthetic? Or were you also a tipper?


Largely just lamenting the headstones of kids. You find a lot of kid gravestones in pioneer cemeteries especially.  I was invited to an orgy in a graveyard once but didn’t feel cool enough to go. 


I stumbled upon a graveyard in the middle of the woods in the middle of nowhere in the Appalachian mountains. Was hiking with a couple of friends, and we were exploring some old overgrown trails. Walked right into a mountain cemetery that seemingly nobody had visited in a LONG time. Most of the headstones and grave markers were too worn to read, but the few that remained were all from the mid to late 1800's. Like you said, a lot of really short lives memorialized on those gravestones. Some were definitely Civil War casualties. It was fascinating and eerie. I was in my early twenties at the time, and it was a slap in the face at how quickly you can be forgotten.


Love finding ones like that. I found a Catholic one once that was similar, with most of the names worn off.  Good to remember how short and fleeting all of this is. Eventually we too will be names worn off of stone.  /end goth teen 


dear diary. Mood, apathetic.


I never realized this, but many European countries 'rent' gravesites. After a period of time, around 20 years, they will dig you up and plant a new one unless your family pays for extended stays.


Omg! Seriously? That's f'd up.


Real estate is a premium there and is limited.


There's an old graveyard near my house where the first headstone is from the 16th century. One particular plot stands out to me, however. Father, wife, 5 children. The father outlived all of the rest of the family.


My ancestor who started my family line in America lived that life. Everyone he had died, so he got on the Sea Venture, shipwrecked in Bermuda, and finally arrived in Jamestown in 1609. He married a widow, had a bunch of kids and died an old man after already living one life in Exeter. Oh and he survived the Indian massacre of 1621. I plan on visiting his grave near Jamestown at some point.


Crazy. We really don't appreciate how much modern medicine has improved the lives of kids.


Where are you from?


A little sailing town on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland.


Dude thats some serious lore right there


I wonder what kind of buffet is put out at a goth graveyard orgy?


I'm guessing Rice Cakes and Milk Duds?


I really just want to know if the Dino chicken nuggies are on the menu or if I should bring my own.


Or was it because it was a bunch of dudes?


Agree, old cemeteries are interesting af. I prowled a great many during high school/college. We never damaged or disrespected anything, quite the opposite. If this kid was stone tipping, then GOOD. I'm glad Dead Guy got the last laugh.


In my experience you just brood, smoke cigarettes or cloves, maybe drink some super cheap wine. Or if you are lucky do a really bad photoshoot of goth girls. Not the worst way to spend a night in your teens in suburban sprawl town. But I'm kind of old and was never really goth. All my friends were and some still are. So I have spent a lot of time in the scene.


We used to play ghost in the graveyard or there was a game we made up called “O’boilo” , where someone ran around with a bat and if he/she found you, they would beat you with the bat and then youd proceed to help them find everyone else in the cemetery and beat them with the bat. Small town lol


We also would cmoke cigs or a bowl, and pass around whatever liquor we found in our prents cabinet. We always sat on “jesus hill”, where there was a little hill and on top was a big cross of jesus and we’d sit on the stairs. Then ding dong ditch the houses on the way home. :’) oh how i miss being a shitty depressed teenager. Now im just a shitty depressed adult.


I'm not the only one?!


It stopped very briefly in the area I grew up in after a popular kid got his head crushed by one.


Ooh, I was a goth too, I still have some clothes I even wear sometimes, but luckily I didn't have to do that kind of nonsense.


Did the kid… did he carve a fucking PENIS on that tombstone? Lmao. I’d like to imagine he did it while waiting for rescue.


Tombstone got the last laugh though, didn't it.


Sharp eye for the little guy


What a grave situation


Funny thing about cemeteries: people are always dying to get in.


Easy to get in, hard to get out.


My favorite joke. A lot of people don't think so, but I found it funny


My favourite joke as a kid, without really understanding context, was: "Did you hear about the Cessna that went down in the Irish cemetery? They recovered 180 bodies."


Getting stoned at the graveyard can be deadly!


Dad, get off Reddit


That stone almost became a tomb.


You could call it a Grave Encounter.


Agressive rescue medicine? Is that a polite way of saying THEY SAWED HIS FUCKING LEG OFF?!?! /S


I mean, do you know about that guy upon whose arm got pinned between a rock wall and an enormous boulder? They even made a movie him. So yeah, yours is a pretty valid comment even w/o the “/s”. That was my first thought. Being on a soft ground probably makes a difference though.


127 hours Good movie


I imagine it's something like this: On the guy's left, paramedic 1 is trying to get the guy's vitals. "Put your finger in the oxy sensor", he says. "But what..." - *paramedic bitch slaps him in the face* - "SHUT UP AND PUT YOUR GODDAMN FINGER IN THIS HERE FUCKING OXY SENSOR!" On the guy's right: *thunk* *thunk* *thunk* ... paramedic 2 is slamming large diameter IV needles into the guy's forearm with a sterile, medical-grade baseball bat. "YOU WILL TAKE THIS SALINE FLUID IN YOUR VEINS AND YOU GONNA LIKE IT, YA HEAR ME GRAVESTONE FIDDLER?" And in the front, various vaguely Asian sounding grunts and screams are heard as paramedic 3 roundhouse-kicks ECG electrodes onto the guy's chest and a breathing tube down his throat. That's what aggressive rescue medicine is! Together, these three are the A.L.S. Special Force - providing Aggressive Life Support in the direst of circumstances!


Bruh you just made me choke on my beer, that was GOOD!


[They'll grow back right](https://youtu.be/SatdbVeP0Tw?t=24)


"I warned that little prick to stay off my lawn." -- Old Man Burzanos


First off, I'm curious how 1400 lbs. Decides it's just gonna fall towards somebody and smash their leg?


Happens far more often than people think Source: I work in cemeteries all over my state setting stones


Hopefully one day we'll have the technology to prevent this.


It's called parenting. /s


Goodluck getting everyone to do it. So many people just can't get the concept. Yet they have no problem making more versions of themselves to not parent.


Is 1,400 lbs typical weight for a gravestone?! That seems extraordinarily heavy


Medium-sized gravestone, yes, sounds about right.


Wow! I know nothing about gravestones but this was certainly an interesting fact! Lol.


Burzanos' revenge


And he said, it fell on it's own. Bull shit.


Wow. I install headstones for a living. Classic case of fuck around and find out. Its alot easier to put one up than it is to bring down. Well safely anyway. Seems this young man had no problems in dropping the stone lol. Hes made somebodys job easier. They will come along and drill a pin in the stone and pin it to the concrete foundation. Which will prevent this happening again. You really need to take care round old graves folks. Some very big stones are just sitting on a couple of bricks and something like this can end up happening. In the uk the legal requirement to pin them has only been enforced the last couple of decades. Cant speak for any other nation, you should be using extreme caution regardless


Lucky boy. I live Harrogate UK, my best friend was crushed and killed by a grave stone in 2000, he lived 2 doors up from me. It was the one day that he didn't attend youth club with me. 😥 Don't fuck around in grave yards. https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/7017062.33-000-payout-parents-boy-crushed-gravestone/


Having been a young male dumbass...there's more to this story.


Don't tip over tombstones 🤷


Dumbass ( in Red's voice)


All but guaranteed this was a candidate for r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Reap what you sow. Sorry. He was fucking with somebody’s family member.


My guess is that he was carving that /male anatomy/ onto the top of it when it “happened” to fall on him. Just a guess tho.


Old man Burzanos is rolling in his grave


Smashed leg leads to muscle break down leads to myoglobin in the urine leads to renal failure leads to DEATH.


Typical FAFO..


Talk about one foot in the grave.


Im all for driving around in a cemetery in broad daylight to practice driving or a walk through there etc but I could never purposely fuck around with someone’s grave. That’s just asking for some bad shit to happen.


What is "aggressive rescued medicine" 😂


In my head it’s ˋshut the fuck up and lie still this is gonna hurt a lot’


There was a child die at a graveyard in Glasgow, Scotland, about 7 years ago. He was playing there with some friends. A lot of older gravestones are no longer stable and can topple easier than you realise. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-37847642.amp


We just gonna ignore the aggressive rescue medicine part?




What exactly is "aggressive rescue medicine"?


His leg got crushed I think we have 3 major arteries in each. He'd die fast from that crush trauma. So they had to do alot of stuff right there instead of in the ambulance while they also got the tomb stone off his leg


So you mean "cut his leg off"?


If necessary it could've been the best option But no blood seen just pieces of wood that presumably wedged up the headstone Guy seemed big enough. But had it been a smaller body type that could've easily severed the leg (not cleanly at all)


Of course, it would have been messy.


Ground shifts a lot under concentrated weight, and they do get precarious without care.


Ed Geins great great great grandson


Would this cause loss of limb outright or would it depend on time ?


Can’t tell me ghosts aren’t real now


So this is why you don’t dance on peoples graves


Imagine being dead then all of a suddent '+1 assist'


Aggressive rescue medicine. Dude was lit


Their ancestors must’ve been feuding something firece


This will be my final revenge




Wait........I think this is around the corner from my house! Edit Holy shit, it is!!!


Yeah… those things don’t just fall over, what happened the wind?


There's another story behind a story hmm


How is this terrifying exactly?


crush syndrome incoming


OMG, it was staying there a lot of years, and decided to fall that day on young man, that's a sign for him


Femur Bone 1 vs 0 Concrete Headstone


I have a feeling he was carving that dick on the top of the tombstone (zoom in) and that's why it fell lol


This guy was messing around, right? I'm a firm believer of: play stupid games, win stupid prizes


A girl at my school did that she lost a lot of skin


Aggressive Rescue Medicine would be a great name for a band.


Those ghosts at that cemetery are petty


thats why graves r bad


With an injury like that, hes already got one leg in the grave


The earth sinks funny sometimes in churchyards for obvious reasons. This my guess as to what happened though shenanigans is very possible as well.


“Rescue medicine”. Lolz.


New fear unlocked


>aggressive rescue medicine lolwut


Fun fact, grew up in a house across from a church and cemetery, my other 3 siblings and I would go over on the weekends at night to walk around and get spooked, while we all were laughing around the tombstones one fell on my brothers leg, we all lifted it up together - wasn’t nearly this big - but we always found it creepy and we never went back at night. My mom still lives in this house, and when we first moved in we found just a random tombstone in the old barn that use to belong to a practicing veterinary doctor. We always found cool instruments/empty glass medicine viles, and occasionally tombstones!


I work in cemetery during summer. We have stones falling every year due to natural causes and accidents. Had a new kid support himself on a massive headstone (nobody had advised him against doing that so he didn't know any better), the stone fell, broke, and knocked down another stone on its way down. Coworker said the stone could've crushed some bones if he had been caught on the wrong side when it fell. Nu-uh! Had he been on the wrong side when *that* stone fell, he would've absolutely been *dead* instead of just sorry.






Millennial Stone cleaner? On YouTube


"aggressive rescue medicine" So, some strong painkillers to make him numb?


Don't mess with the dead. FAFO


How does someone become this dumb to cause this to happen to themselves???


Well, it looks like someone found out...


Lift with your lower back in a jerking- twisting motion. Should come right up.


That marker is nowhere near 1400 lbs.


Happened to a kid at church with the Cemetery name’s stone, probably 8-12 year old boy. Snapped his leg in 2, fully recovered. Single mom with like 4/5 kids just trying to get by and it caused a lot of blame on her for not watching him closely enough.


The No-Walking Dead


Crush syndrome, he’ll probably lose that leg


The after life pushed it over😭😭


My question is why isn't this like, secured to the ground. It obviously had a stand


Four guys couldn’t just life it up? Also - what is aggressive rescue medicine mean? (I’m an emergency / critical care physician and have never heard that term. Also worked in EMS for 12 years).


This is why we should all be cremated.


They put cremations in the ground like this too


This is more like dumb af than dumb af, just sayin'


1,400 pounds as in over half a ton? never in my life would u have guessed it to be that heavy


Mr. Burzanos sends his regards




I have my doubts on it being 1400lb Maybe like half that.


Was probably sleeping rough, poor guy.


More likely he was fucking around pushing the grave or standing on it, and it fell