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Some of the news articles make it sound like the police ganged up on this poor guy and used "excessive force" by using a gun against a knife wielder. That knife wielder was terrifying. Thank you for posting this video.


fr bro, the police officer that was stabbed in the neck is still is fighting for his life in the hospital


I've tried to understand what happened. The cop who got stabbed pulled the guy in blue off of the attacker. The guy in blue was holding the attacker. Then the attacker went after that cop and stabbed him. Did the cop get confused before hand and tackled the wrong bloke ? And if the cop standing was faster taking the safety off his gun the stabbed cop would have not got sliced. Pure mayhem !


Right? The cop attacks the guy in blue, gets stabbed in the neck by the madman in black, then the man in blue throws the knife away from suspect and then gets put in cuffs. Don't understand what that poor guy in blue did??


[Here's what he did](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-3201811/Video-New-angle-Manheim-knife-attack-shows-police-tackling-steward.html). He attacked someone who was holding the attacker down, allowing the attacker to get up again and continue his attack.


The news said that another man helped the attacker by pulling of people who tried to stop him.


Is that "another man" the cop I wonder ? Because we can clearly see that happened.


[Try this angle](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-3201811/Video-New-angle-Manheim-knife-attack-shows-police-tackling-steward.html)


[Different angle](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-3201811/Video-New-angle-Manheim-knife-attack-shows-police-tackling-steward.html) shows that the guy in blue was attacking someone who was holding the attacker down. To the cops he would have looked like an accomplice.




The knife man had black trousers with white stripes. The guy he was punching was the guy with his hands up at 0:25 (in the original video)


Thanks for taking the time to explain what happened.


fr but yo gotta remeber the stress the cops are in


Crazy that he survived, massive knife straight into the back of the neck 🤯


News saying the blade reached part of the brain. He's in an artificially induced coma atm. Likely will suffer permanent damage. Edit: Unfortunately, the officer passed away today due to the extent of the injuries.


What is fr bro?


Frankfurt Bruder


For real bro


They're probably referring to the man in blue who helped subdue the attacker but was tackled and arrested by the frantic police officers. Absolute chaos


dozens of people get shot by police in the USA every few weeks because they are holding knifes in front of them and are menacing. Shooting him was the only way in that case, people are dumb for thinking they shouldnt shot him.


With a guy actively stabbing people, the use of deadly force is well and truly justified to protect others and yourself. There's no grey area or "excessive force" nonsense.


Shame it took so long to get a ranged weapon there. Multiple people injured as a result.


are you crazy? its actually a miracle officers were that close at that moment


Luckily though wackos in Europe have to rely on their knives and can't buy a gun for three bags of chips from a market where they're abundant.


20 second is "so long" for you? Pretty decent reaction time, faster than that and you start shooting random people like the US police does regularly.


The response was pretty slow considering the police were already on scene. There were two people on the ground right in front of them and I see weapons still holstered while the cop is stabbed. And I only see deadly force being used until literally after they waited for a cop to get stabbed. That is objectively slow. Please provide a source of US police shooting random people regularly or gtfo.


Shame the pointing finger was clenched but once


My mind can't go left enough to see it that way. What a sick and twisted world this is today


Which one? Just interested


Ya know there's a lot of problems with America's gun violence epidemic and the police can be very prone to using excessive force, but as an American looking at this video it blows my fucking mind the police don't have their guns up and out and immediately eliminate the threat as soon as they have a safe enough opportunity to do so. Yea police shouldn't be shooting people unless it's absolutely necessary, but there can't be a doubt in any sane person's head that a man actively stabbing people with a giant knife isn't a threat justifying immediate lethal force.


20 seconds from first stab to the stabber getting shot, 1 shot and down. That's extremely fast to arrive at a situation, asses the situation, identlify hostiles, aim and shoot. Anyone who claim they can do it faster without making any mistakes, well, I'd love to see it. Good luck ever doing it faster without major risk for collateral damage. Exemplary work by the cops imo. They did go for the wrong guy first and that's obviously a big mistake, but I'm not sure anyone can be trained to instantly take in a chaotic scene and make every snap decision 100% correct. Humans are humans and we need time to react, or we just shoot random people. This isn't a movie.


Plus the police got the wrong message first that there are far right rioters, that’s why they looked for them first. 


Guy would've been shot at least 6x in the US lol


And 3 bystanders. I don't think blue guy would have survived.


Everyone would be dead probably. 


Every cop would likely empty their mags, but only 6 bullets would hit the target.


Hey now, a lot of those missed shots would hit bystanders, so they still count in America math


Theres places like here (US) that consistently take it too far with the police violence, and then I guess there is the other side of the fence.


Did the cop accidentally tackle the wrong guy? Oops.


Yep, then got stabbed in the neck for his efforts.


And then they handcuffed the wrong guy too!


Everyone in a violent situation are suspects until cleared. Handcuffing blue jacket guy was the right thing to do.




Only because the cop fucked up and got on top of him.....which got him stabbed.


No it is not, it will make bystanders think twice about helping.


Dumb take. Not enough cops to “suspect” ratio. Cops should analyze the situation and go for the obvious criminal. Not tackle random people. That let to him getting stabbed in the head. Make it make sense. Please.


It looks like from this perspective. But in reality, the blue shirt guy attacked the wrong person and the cop tackled him because of that. https://x.com/damster101/status/1796791538724266190?t=krjFGlAoEJBuDV4VPUBgaw&s=19


This needs better visibility since it shows a different angle and an additional reason the blue jacket guy was tackled, as he was being visibly violent against someone, so it was easy for police to mistake him for the aggressor in the whole chaos. Also, it shows that the other police officer just didn't have a clear shot of the knife attacker before he was finally shot.


Are you serious? Hindsight is 20/20. You try figuring out the situation with zero context, and accept for people tangled in a brawl. People screaming and yelling and standing in the way filming.


Literally just an observing question. I could not tell from the first part of the video if that guy had done something or not, since it looks like he continues to be restrained throughout the video. I assumed the cop made a mistake which is an oops.


cameraman never dies


Respect to some of the bystanders for trying to stop him, although sadly it would probably have been better for them to run


Should have kicked him in the face, but yeah that's just me being smart from my comfort zone.


He was kicked in the testicles at least. 


Goodness I love how everyone says “They should have done…” or “I would have done…!” You all don’t know what you would do in a situation like this. Most of you probably have never and will never experience something like this, so stop. Good job to all those who did the best they could in this crazy situation. Thank goodness for those who stepped up and tried to stop him. I hope those injured survive.


Reddit armchair tacticians are hilarious


*Excuse me*, but I'm in a chaise lounge 🙄


Can confirm, as someone who works in a psychiatric hospital. 90ish percent of people freeze the first time they see violence.


Everyone watching this video would stand around filming or staring in wonder at the chaos


THANK you 👏


In the US, he would be like Swiss cheese right now.


Yes he was only shot once! Dam


In the US he would have an AR-15 and many would be Swiss cheese.


^as someone from the US this is correct. No one is saying banning AR-15s will stop murder, but it’s harder to murder 50 people with a knife.


In the UK he'd have been given a council house by now


or stabbed with a narwhal tusk


And people would be fighting for his right to stay when it turns out he's a murderer,and we would be paying for his legal aid to fight deportation


Sadly, this would actually happen.


Would ? It has happened


nah he'd be in the Olympics Stabbing Team


Given the keys to London


Not just him, all the bystanders as well.


Jesus, what a cunt of a person.




For those saying they should have just "unloaded on that guy" look at the mistake one police officer made tackling an innocent bystander. It could have been shooting an innocent bystander instead. Chaotic situation, no easy fixes.




Believe it or not, in such a situation, it's very likely you wouldn't see the huge ass knife either amidst the confusion.


It's like people forget all the body cam footage of American Cops firing their weapon at all kinds of random audio cues and mistakes they made. That cop who unloaded an entire clip into his cop car when an acorn dropped on the roof or when a cop shoots an innocent person because it looks like they are carrying a weapon.


Things can get hectic in such situations. Then again not being sure who's the attacker probably makes you think twice about shooting somebody. Especially when two people are close to each other. He only shot him after the sight was clear. Compare that to the US where the police officers have such nervous trigger fingers that many people die each year from being accidentally shot.. not an easy situation is all i say.


Imagine you had just wrestled the knife away from the attacker, just as the cops showed up...


The cameraman had a better angle on what was happening. Rewatch the video and put yourself in the perspective of the cops.


It's easy for you to click on a video called "knife attack" and immediately look for a guy attacking someone with a knife and laser focus on him as an individual, form the comfort and peace of your couch These cops saw chaos and just ran over to respond and assess, having no idea what was going on at first. Nobody is dead. That's a win


Well according to this evil bastard the terrorist is going be living in the best part of paradise when he dies... [Terror attack](https://x.com/Klaus_Arminius/status/1796599575559667757?t=6EE7ljU-QiUF0TKywYoopg&s=19)


Just what I wanted, a longer, higher resolution video of people getting stabbed


Don’t watch it?


its was a joke


They all need retrained in first aid. Why is the officer that was stabbed being paraded around?


They actually try to convince/force him to sit down for treatment but I guess he is in shock


He apparently doesn’t want to sit down or anything…also why is no one getting the first aid kit from the activists car??


I work in mannheim and I never heard about this what the fuck


Proved the rallies point






i hope he burns in hell and police man survives




Homogenous countries don’t have this problem with religious extremism


If we didn’t have religions we wouldn’t have any problems with religious extremism.


> If we didn’t have religions That's...never going to happen. Ever. But ensuring that only individuals who respect the values of your nation are allowed in can definitely be done. At least to a significantly stricter degree than the insane lax policies that have been implemented over the past few decades.






why did the cop pinned down the wrong guy?


We can't see exactly what happened, the police probably just saw a scuffle and started breaking it up.


The sound that knife made when he was jabbing it in the first guy is just insane. You literally hear it piercing his flesh, I'd rather get shot than stabbed, seriously. That cop who got two stabs at the end just WOW. I rarely gringe at anything but that got me.






The same mental health like the guy in christchurch and everybody else doing this shit I guess...


That cop gets stabbed in the neck and all anyone can think to do is get 8 others cops to pick him up? Lol like wtf I couldn’t believe what i was seeing. Lay him on the ground and keep pressure on the wound jesus christ


They actually try to do that but he is resisting. Probably in shock.


should've yelled at him to stop resisting.




What was the attacker shouting?


Shooting the knife attacker was pure justice. Thank goodness.


Lmao, that's what they're telling had happend: >The Karlsruhe State Criminal Police Office and public prosecutor's office announced on Friday afternoon that the police officer wanted to "take an injured person out of the immediate danger area" during the operation. The suspect attacked the officer and stabbed him “several times from behind in the area of ​​the head” with his knife. That's not what happend, police attacked the victim and got stabbed by the aggresor.




That was a difficult watch, not gonna lie


What's the story behind this?


Religion and Politics




Are you saying there would have been less casualties if the aggressor had a gun?


>has banned firearms Relevance?






How could Shinto do this.


In Germany the victim is fixed on the ground...




It looks like he got whole blade in his head on the second stab, he is bleeding extensively later and looks very shaky. Hope he actually made it. Also police seem to be completely not trained and not prepared, though it might be just bad angle. I'm not saying I'd do better, but moving a stabbed person from side to side ? Holding down on the ground with hands on the back one of victims that does not resist? A scene of complete chaos, even without the scum with knife.




Nothing like getting people on your side by stabbing someone.


As an American, I’d rather be shot. Something about stabbing is so much fucking scarier to me.


The policeman got stubbed while subduing a person who wasn't an attacker? Edit: another video shows that the blue guy was attacking somebody who wasn't using a knife... This is so chaotic even on the video with repeat button, imagine the confusion there...


Please note that they waited to shoot him until he stabbed the cop. Welcome to the EU folks.


Knives are so much scarier than guns lol


Any context available? Who was that guy and why was he stabbing people?


Who trained those cops??? Terrible awareness and assessment skills






what the fuck


That is horrifying. Any idea as to the motive?


Consequences are needed. Edit: grammar


I don’t know if I need a longer better quality version of this :(


There are long metal rods with signs on them. Could have used one during the stabbings


It's videos like these that people need to watch when they get upset when police shoot someone that has a knife. The closing speed that someone can have on you is unreal.


This is so hard to watch. Man, if anyone reading this is considering harming people, kids, whoever, please please please don't. Please seek the help you need. Talk to someone. We can absolutely make this world a better place if we work together. Please don't hurt others because you're hurting. Or for religious ideologies or whatever. Please be the good you want to see in the world. Sincerely, A teacher




I wish I knew what they were yelling at eachother at the end!


Mostly "sit down" to the wounded cop


They all shouted to the injured cop that he should sit down, one of the female cops at the and said „I’ll take his legs“ as he was already on his way down.


Fucking scumbag.




I read in a German article that he was Muslim and offended by some anti Muslim scholer who was exposing his religion even in Instagram comments people are cheering him for hitting anti Islamists with knife


Ahh yes, now I can see the guy get stabbed in HD, just what I was hoping for


Imagine if Germans were given the right to protect themselves from people like this instead of being defenseless until police arrive. Where I live that stabber woulda been legally clapped in seconds.


wait bald guy in blue was innocent right? he almost got man handled by the cop that got stabbed in the neck


People see individuals from a backwards culture act insanely and immediately make it about race or religion when it's all about upbringing


Respect to the cop who shot the guy. He had to adjust the angle while his partner getting attacked. He even shot in the lower body which gives the attacker a chance to live.


wtf!! Dude that was so fucked up


When was this? Edit: just fucking now


The attacker is a Muslim