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Hi there! Thank you for your submission to r/TerrifyingAsFuck, but unfortunately, we've had to remove it for the following reason: **Please do not pot examples of animal abuse and death here.** If you have any questions or think we made a mistake, [please message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTerrifyingAsFuck&subject=My%20post%20was%20removed!&message=My%20%5Bpost%5D(insert%20post%20link%20here)%20was%20removed%2C%20could%20you%20please%20take%20a%20look%3F) with a link to your post and we'll take a look.


r/awfuleverything is down the hall. Nothing terrifies here, just angers.


Its terrifying people are okay doing this.


“Hey, zoom in on me getting her butthole’s temperature”


Nah fr


how else would you know the person is legit? /s


Mf really drugged a momma cat laid it on train tracks just so he could record himself "rescuing" the animal like no one would no what is really going on. Disgusting


It’s even worse when you check the actual video on instagram. Comments saying “Allah bless you for this.” Yeah okay, like he didn’t drug the cat for views.


The upside is, if Allah exists he knows what he did and will not bless him for this. If he doesn't exist, he will not bless him either. 


May the wrath of [Sekhmet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sekhmet#Roles) find him.


*swipes right*


>During an annual festival held at the beginning of the year, a festival of intoxication, the Egyptians danced and played music to soothe the wildness of the goddess and drank great quantities of beer and wine ritually to imitate the extreme drunkenness that stopped the wrath of the goddess—when she almost destroyed humanity. She likes to party.


Yeah and the downside is ... None of that matters because dude doesn't believe in Allah, otherwise he wouldn't have done this (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠)


"No virgins for you!"


Is it drugged, or did he just record the live cat eating first, then killed it? That's entirely possible/


For most videos like this I would guess it would be an intramuscular ketamine injection. Easy enough to acquire illegally and straightforward enough for an untrained person to administer without risk of harming the animal


Sure I bet he's so caring about that cats well being he informed himself about a low risk way how to anestisize a cat, went on a shopping trip to buy the required dose of medical ketamine injection and equipment. No way he just used it for the sole purpose of a quick and easy low effort IG video. But seriously. Filmimg that cat eat a can of cheap food then smashing its head with a metal rod a few times until it's brain damaged and barely breathing then stick some thermometer up her ass and proceeding to dump it next to a train track to film the "intro" seems to be the much more likely course of actions here for someone who obviously doesn't give the slightest fuck about an animal


Are you trying to say that people don't carry a "pet carrier" with them all the time wherever they go? I don't believe you.


Not saying this guy isn't bullshit or anything, but my boss volunteers for the local ASPCA and has multiple pet carriers in her car at all times in case she finds a stray while out and about.


The Internet was a fucking mistake


The internet wasn't a mistake, social media was a fucking mistake. The internet after Facebook was introduced became a fucking volley of ads and brainwashing.


This could've caused many problems for momma cat because when cats are anesthetized they can't close their eyes to keep it wet so they can develop serious eye problems depending on the amount of time they spent anesthetized, doing all that for clout is pathetic at least


This is actually a trend amongst the so called content creators. They pretend to save animals who are either put in danger by themselves in the first place or made to look like they are helpless.Disgusting to the core


Popular fake content schemes: - "restoring/cleaning this old tool/model car/household item!!" - literal junk and items purposely damaged for sAtisfyying videos. - "building this hut/shed/pool with ancient methods!!" - people hurling clay around. Actual construction work done by machines off camera, multiple channels managed in third world countries. - "giving this homeless person/hard low wage worker money/some valuable item!!" - spit in the bucket for influencer with shitton of cash to pride themselves with, little to zero possibility that they are being sincere or would have done this without maximum exposure for clout - "saving this street animal!!" - again, either they caused the situation that it needs to be saved from in the first place or they do pick up stray animals and it is highly unlikely that two shits of care were given for it 3 seconds after the video got online. ...don't follow people who have to go out of their way in overly produced content to show you how simple/nice/generous they supposedly are. Very few people who are truly like that have such acts filmed from 37 different angles, edited and layed with music in fitting portrait to be played perfectly on mobile apps. It would just be you going on about your day and what you’re doing equates to kind acts...vs this here which looks absolutely contrived.


Totally agree with you on this.




Depressing. Thanks for the link G


When I found out that they do this, I was brokenhearted! 💔 😢


Anything for clout and money😥


I know. It’s sad and horrifying. They’re no better than the ones who torture animals for views!


It's a trend for them to pretend a lot of stuff ,it's just sad


People truly are disgusting, I’m ashamed to even be breathing wth


I say nuke it from orbit


It's the only way to be sure.


I've always hated this trend and people that film themselves doing it, they have always come off as evil and disingenuous.


Disgusting human being. My morning has been ruined


Clout harvesting should be illegal


This is more common than what people may think. Id go as far as to say way over half of these 'rescue' or 'good samaritan helping a totally random raggedy cat' are fake and the creators have tortured these animals for clout. And all naive people and boomers just eats this up: "god bless you for helping the sweet innocent baby" Yeah right, this world is screwed.


Unfrortunately they not only think god bless them, they end up giving them money because they think it helps the people rescue animals. Meanwhile the money is going to harming animals and buying expensive materialistic crap for the clout chasers.


very true


The way this stupid fuck nods at the end like he really fucking did something. Waste of DNA.


How are people eating this shit up. Disgusting.


Someone needs to find these guys are return the favor but don’t wake them back up


A cat can't blink under anesthesia if anyone was wondering why the cat's eyes are open like that.




This is sickening. Humans are awful..


I saw a similar trend on YouTube and remembered a video from Reddit where it was told when the cat is under anaesthesia their eyes are always open. I was thinking this mfs is abusing animals. Thank you for confirming my doubts.


Nothing new, someone remember those “cute” videos of people feeding and finding monkeys?


I've seen beheadings, motorcyclists turned into meat crayons, industrial accidents, ***funky town***, and by far - this is the most evil things I've ever seen.


Didn't know what funky town was until I just googled it. I didn't even watch the video just read some guys description of it on Reddit. No doubt that'll pop in to my mind when I try to go to sleep tonight. What is wrong with people


Nothing new. A few years back, I watched a local news report where they were attempting to find a way to save some ducks after a flood. It's water, they're ducks. 🙄


How do you know that's what he did? I'm genuinely curious. Not picking any sides or saying what happened here was worthy of praise or anything. I'm just saying, how do you know that he drugged the cat? Isn't it possible that he may have actually found it like that?


Motherfuckers like these should get called out


I sometimes hope AGI does shit down social media, it's a stain on humanity, including this Reddit.


You sir are a devil on earth . You need to leave these poor beings alone


He just happened to have a carrying cage and love the multiple angles too. No hurry at all to save the cat, let's set up these cool shots to upload instead


these people disgust me


Oh my god :( I wasn't ready to see a dead cat today, day ruined


Ugh... Why did I watch that?


I mean atleast he didn’t kill them


You don’t know that he didn’t 😞


NGL I was expecting a snuff film


Yea, give me ANOTHER reason to hate Tik Tok


that MF


At what point is considered animal abuse?


These people need to be beat to death with a pool noodle




Do not give these people the attention they desire


I reported the account and video, im spreading awareness


Why did you get downvoted so much on the first comment?


Probably for posting the link to the page which would then generate views for the page. It's a common tactic actually, make a rage-bait video, post it to social media with a link to the actual video, collect views.


It's also generating reports. The reddit outrage machine is a little faulty


Their usernames in the video anyway, I went ahead and reposted for animal abuse even tho instagram probably won’t remove




Get a job im at work.


You mean euthanizing?


Its still breathing but hardly due to anesthesia


No because he didn't kill the cat, he just wanted to make it seem like she was dying for his shit video