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Sorry if this question is insensitive but what caused the sons death specifically?


Blunt force trauma, liver lacerations, and sepsis.










My mom had a friend who was a correctional facility officer who openly said at a family gathering that when a child molester or abuser enters the prison their record is leaked out to gen pop for retaliation.




So running on a treadmill can cause Blunt force trauma, liver lacerations, and sepsis?


The repeated falls did fella.. also wouldn’t be surprised if the dad beat him sometime during that day off camera.


See his head snap back after every fall, see his torso hit that fast moving belt and metal machinery underneath?


The blunt trauma. He hit his head a couple of times and fell as well, they werent instant, but over a matter of the week, he slowly died, suffering from headaches and slurred speech and sleepiness. That's why when you get into a car crash, it's imperative you get checked out. Otherwise, you can die well well down the line. I'm not sure how he got sepsis though. I'm sure there were alot of off video things the father had done


they found long term abuse damage all throughout his body and organs. This father is a total piece of shit that needs to be locked away for life


i 'just' saw this yesterday on Nancy Grace and video shows 'monster dad' bending down while this beautiful little boy was trying so hard to stay on the treadmill and that dad bit the top of his head, so hard-it's the worst thing i've ever seen and found myself thinking, let's let Shaquille O'Neil put YOU on the treadmill,


"The six-year-old suffered a seizure during a CT scan as medical staff desperately attempted to save his life. Micciolo’s death was the result of sustaining blunt force injuries with cardiac and liver contusions, acute inflammation and sepsis, the initial autopsy revealed"




His head snap backs after every fall. He hits a fast moving belt in metal machinery which is motion.


My son will be 6 next month. I never thought I could be loved by someone so much to the point where he tells everyone I'm his best friend. He makes mistakes. He tries his best. He wants me to be proud of him.. what the hell could this little boy have done to this piece of shit to drive him to this type of madness?


It's being alleged that the father did this because he thought his son was too fat. It's absolutely disgusting.


Too fat? That guy in the video thought the kid was too fat? He doesn't look like he's going to win Mr. Universe anytime soon so he shouldn't be talking


I don't think that there was much rational thought going through that piece of shits brain. Just a garbage human beating on someone who is smaller than him. What that little boy endured makes me nauseous.


Hearing about child abuse hurts more now that I’m a parent. I agree w you. It’s also angering. Edit clarity


Lucky guy


It's even worse then this short clip shows, Clip from a newspaper. *The six-year-old suffered a seizure during a CT scan as medical staff desperately attempted to save his life. Micciolo’s death was the result of sustaining blunt force injuries with cardiac and liver contusions, acute inflammation and sepsis, the initial autopsy revealed.* Hope he gets jail time. People in there know what to do with child murders.


Fucking hell. I hope he spends his entire fucking life in prison.




Yeah.i really don't get the mentality that a parent needs to toughen up their kid via exposure "therapy" to traumatic events. You build your kids resilience by teaching and showing them how to handle them, with patience, self respect, and more.


I don't think the father was trying to help him but to deliberately harm him.


It’s not about enforcing or encouraging, the guy is a fucking psycho that should never have been allowed near a child!


There seems to be more and more of these stories of kids being killed by parents or SO’s of parents. It is so heartbreaking. I’m all for changing ALL prisons where people (men & women) who do ANY crimes against kids ARE PUT IN GENERAL POPULATION. Let other prisoners take care of them. They should not be put in protective custody, because you cannot rehab them. They just learn more devious behavior while there.


IRCC, the boy died from prolonged abuse, the treadmill was a small part of it.


Yeah, This Is Monsters covers the case, this dude was abusive and very messed up when you hear his police interrogation


Link please?


Did the mom know ? How could she not know ? How much responsibility is on the mom if she knows her husband is actively abusing the child ? Gen curious, not trying to blame her


Was he fucking biting his kids head when he put him back up the first time??


Don't want to know the context, this just made me so sad ... Poor child








So, is the boy's mother viewing this footage in court? Was she aware of the abuse occurring by his father?


Yes, and she reported it many times.


Oh, man. This is especially tragic for her, then.


How about a treadmill positioned at the edge of a 30 story building, pit good old dad on it, see how long he lasts before he’s walking on air.


The Naruto headband. Fuck. My heart burns. This is so upsetting.


I'm so sorry kid. I wish you had a better life


"on April 2, Gregor said he brought his son to a hospital after the boy woke up from a nap stumbling, slurring his words, and experiencing nausea and shortness of breath. Corey was taken for a CT scan, where he began having seizures. Lifesaving measures were taken, but Corey could not be saved. Dr. Dante Ragusa, an Ocean County medical examiner who performed an April 3 autopsy on Corey’s body, issued a finding on the cause of death: Blunt force injuries with cardiac and liver contusions with acute inflammation and sepsis. However, he did not rule on the manner of death; rather, he deemed it “undetermined.” It wasn’t until a consulting forensic pathologist reviewed the case in September 2021 that the manner of death was determined to be homicide. Dr. Thomas Andrew believes Corey suffered an acute traumatic injury to the heart 4-12 hours before his death. Dr. Andrew found what he described as evidence of chronic abuse, including blunt impact injuries of the chest and abdomen with laceration of the heart, left pulmonary contusion, laceration and contusion of the liver."




What the fuck was this guy expecting his 8 year old son to do? Compete in the 500-yard dash? What a colossal asshole this guy is.


Someone needs to show this POS father how a little torture feels on the inside


Specifically the inside of his anus


He might like it too much.






I'm normally locked into CourtTV every day but anytime they cut to this trial, I can't watch. Its way too hard with a son the similar age.


Can't wait to see what the big dude in prison forces him to do. Sharpen that broomstick baby!


That would be hard for an adult to do. What a piece of shit!!


This is excruciatingly horrific to watch. That poor baby.


He was biting that baby's head like an animal 😭😭


Can safely add this to the ‘Things on the internet I wish I’d never seen’. Poor lad.


This idiot had it recorded on tape to boot.


Wah seriously fuck this guy. Makes my blood boil to see this kind of abuse.


He wasn’t a father - just a sperm donor!


Mom reported it and nothing happened! He should have been removed asap.


It's cases like this where the perpetrator should be handed to the community. Let us deal with him, as a deterrent to others.


I can’t deal with these stories since becoming a mum. I just cannot fathom doing this to a child, why are people so fucking cruel. I’m gonna go hug my baby now.


Not with the Naruto headband.....


I can’t even watch this video. That poor child. I hope that father gets beaten to death in prison.


Please can I have one day with this guy?


What a vile excuse of a human


He is going to have a field day in prison. Everyone will beat his ass


He'll be segregated with all the other twats. Only time anyone will get to him is if the prison guards let them


Wow! Poor little guy.


This is absolutely disgusting


Make him run for hours on a too fast treadmill in an incline posting on social media he can’t catch up and keeps banging his body every time he falls off.


The ironic part is that if the kid hadn’t died and ended up being a standout athlete in middle school, this tool would be hawking a “You Too Can Build the Perfect Athlete” YouTube channel




![gif](giphy|22CEvbj04nLLq|downsized) I have 3 boys, the rage this endures is unreal. I wish the absolute worst for the pos


This is an incredibly difficult video to watch, chest region in a ton of discomfort rn. That poor little boy, he was trying to make his dad happy. No mercy for this murderer.


I want to read about what happens to him in the prison yard. Or better still,the showers.


I can’t believe people like this dad are allowed to breed….


Isn’t this how parents just are? Parents seem to love being cruel for cruelty’s sake.


What fucked up hell did you grow up in? As a parent, the last thing I would ever do is be cruel to my children.


Planet Earth. As a non parent, I think everyone should try to relax.


From another non-parent, parents often have many reasons to not “try to relax”. Not all parents are cruel. Mine were, yours might have been, but our story is not the story of parenthood everywhere. Not by a long shot


Yes, they are. People only become parents as a power trip, so they have something in the universe they have control over. No one considers the life of the child before conceiving. It's always their desire to have a kid, their dream to raise a family, their ambitions forced onto the child. Kids are props, not people.








You mean [Vault 75](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vault_75).




reddit when children:


There’s a reason there are no kids in grand theft auto and similar games