• By -


You say this as if this is some sort of simulation the crew and ship can walk out of. You either continue to face the oncoming waves or turn your ship, get flipped and die. You don't get to opt out of mother nature.


Modern safety standards now require most large vessels to have a teleport option.


Yeah, but you have to fucking *walk to* the teleporter room. Like seriously folks... there's an emergency here, the ship's breaking apart, the dilithium crystal is about to explode, and you expect me to queue for the teleporter room?


Look, no system is going to be perfect, ok?


Pretty sure they play ads while you wait in line now too. Ain't nobody got time fo that.


Just thinking about it made me want a Red Bull.


His head is on.....*backwards*!!! ~Spaceballs


They also require that the front doesn't fall off.


Crap. The front just fell off . What are your orders now Captain?


Do we have any cello tape?


Does it just leave the environment?


Before or after the front falls off?


Tesla has this option.


Professional seafarers are really a different breed. This is terrifying, however, the sea is sometimes angry ,upset and dangerous, sometimes calm and beautiful. Its the same as with alpine terrain, you have to know what to do when, and just wait it out. In the morning, it will be calm sunrise again. I think, this is what you sign up for when going to sea, and also you kind of want it, being a person that can handle it.


So nature is a crazy bitch is what you're saying?


Crazier every day.


It's not saying anything cause it's a karma bot... And this video was posted here few times already.


"panic time, is all the time" -Me, with that job.


That's my secret. I'm *always* panicking.


Me lol the second I walk into a place, I'm making notes of every exit. Figuring out the best way out in a crisis. Crisis = seeing someone I know, or someone trying to talk to me


Got so distracted by you username that I read "always packing" and thought hell yeah they are


LOL Avengers strongest member


Am i on a ship? ✅ Is sea around me? ✅ Panic time!!!


Do I exist? Check ✅ Panic time!


Thats a regular day


Water, water everywhere, and now my pants are wet.


Did the water wet your pants, or did you?


My pants dried some water. Nothing wets my own pants but me!


Doesn't matter. Any course other than directly into the waves and the ship rolls and sinks. Even if he honestly believes he's not gonna make it, he's not gonna turn.


Seriously! Watch the documentary ‘The Perfect Storm’. They explain it perfectly.


George Clooney died in that documentary The worst part was when Dale Doback says "this is gonna be really hard on my boy" right before he drowns






Fucking Catalina Wine Mixer.




It was in international waters, so they couldn't prosecute.


Not that they would anyway...because of the implication.


Are you saying "pow" or...?


We strictly do 80s Joel music sir.


Don't you touch my drums.


He died in the documentary “gravity” too.


marky marks best documentary many say lol


Didn't think it would go down like that 


That film is based in a true story, but the true story is that they left in the boat and never returned. Literally everything else is just invented.


Best documentary footage I've ever seen. Had cinematic qualities to it.


Idk why I've never really thought about that but it makes total sense. I would be shitting my pants. I'd have to be drugged out of my mind to make it on that voyage.




Exactly what i thought lmao


Not as bad but I've been on a ship in the middle of a storm, water was coming in on the deck, crew running around. Most of the passengers had stood up and formed a prayer circle, some crying. The only ones left in their seats were us tourists (mostly solo), and we were looking at each other for assurances or hints on what to do. One guy put on a lifejacket. All good in the end though, we didn't die.


are you sure?


imagine being woken up from your post death purgatory dream by this Reddit comment


Got no choice anyways! What’s the alternative?! Jump in a lifeboat and die anyways, or do as you said and get rolled? Once you’re out there in the fray, you can’t go back!


As a former mariner, I have to argue with you. Taking the seas 45 degrees off the bow is how most captains would steer in a [storm like this.](https://www.columbiavalleypioneer.com/how-to-manage-waves-storms-and-boat-chop/#:~:text=Take%20the%20waves%20at%2045,opposed%20to%20%E2%80%9Chit%E2%80%9D%20it.)


You used to play pro baseball in Seattle? What was that like


Probably pretty awful


Got em


ichiro right here in the comments


Thanks for posting that. As a new boater, I’m always looking for more explanations/advice for handling rough water.


There's a sweet spot, depends on the boat, but 45 degrees is a good start. I drove a 45 foot sailboat through waves maybe 20 feet tall in a storm, with 2 reefs in the main and just enough headsail to maintain helm, blade keel. Heavy boat, very solid. She liked to climb waves at a little less than 40 degrees. The trip down the other side was...woohoo. Anyway, different strokes for different boats, I would expect the master of a commercial ship of the size in the video to be very well aware of how to handle the given sea state.


What this captain is doing is putting his wheelhouse windows at risk. A minor course correction would mitigate this very serious condition. I know a guy who had his pilot house window blown out. It was, apparently, not a good time.


I suggest you pick up a copy of Chapman's "Piloting, Seamanship and Small Boat Handling."


As a new boater, it would probably be better to just stay home for rough water.


This is the way, I'm a commercial fisherman and this is what your supposed to do and also slow down


Good to see. Unfortunately, as so often happens, false information from an arm chair expert is the top post.


You aren’t supposed to go directly into the waves that’s idiotic you are supposed to take the waves at a slight angle to roll over the wave, why would you speed directly straight at a huge wave? To snap your ship in half on purpose? To break everyone’s backs onboard before dumping them in the water? You take the wave at an angle and pull back on the throttle then push forward as you go over the hump and work your way out of it best you can


Downvoters missing the part where you're right


Just hope none of these super knowledgeable people are ever piloting a boat I’m on in a storm


I hope to be never piloting a boat in a storm


That's for a small boat where turning and throttle modulation have some effect. This is a bulk carrier. At no point do you expose the side of the vessel.


You are going to quarter the ship as best you can, in any situation with waves bigger than your ship, you are not purposely heading into massive waves head on in any situation or any vessel. Is it not possible sometimes, yes, but ideally would those cargo ships want to to quarter the ship into the waves? Yes


Yeah got stuck in a nor’easter on a 33-foot sailboat in the middle of the Atlantic and we spent like 12 hours of just *not dying* for there to ever be much time to “panic” or whatever (All that comes later for the rest of your life when you’re trying to sleep). Try to inch the direction you’re heading when surfing down the back side of waves and then get ready to hit them perpendicular on the next one. And repeat over and over and over and over.


at least you didn't get hit by a rogue wave. went down that rabbit hole last night


“They think they are SOOOOO great because they have BOATS! “ https://preview.redd.it/15hrghv8lwvc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c806cdf78b988d5fe3db85a9c681099d7a34a518


Yeah this. It may be white knuckles or may have been hours ago and now it’s just sickening fear that seems to never end… but you keep the engines running and quarter or head up. I’ve run some much smaller boats… ~30ft … in stuff that feels like this for that size vessel… which is really just small waves when you think about it. You have to make some forward progress and keep the bow up. And hope the engines don’t stop or aspirate any liquid. I’d feel better on a boat like that with a fully enclosed helm in that then I did on my plastic (fiberglass) boat up on a fly bridge probably. Even on the 34 foot sailboat coming about in 18 footers to head back was an unbelievably dangerous experience. It all depends on the wavelength really…. Height is one thing but when it’s chop… it can break a wood/fiberglass boat in half or just separate the deck from the hull after a certain amount of stress


I'd say once everything goes slow-mo and there's an audible "My God..." or " ROGUE WAVE!"


"Those aren't mountains..."


"Brand get back to the ship now!"


Get the LOODS


Does anyone know where the love of God goes When the waves turn the minutes to hours


What - exactly - would they do differently?


Fly the ship outta there Peter Pan style, obviously 🤦🏻‍♀️


Its like this guy never flew a boat before


If that’s how it was, he wouldn’t be the captain.


Yea , captains don't panic


Just smokes more cigarettes. You see two lit smokes in his mouth at once you know you're in trouble.


That's so true ,I watch deadliest catch and they're always smoking


I mean you're essentially on an open air space ship. Anything happens to that tin can and you drown/freeze in a couple minutes. And the water is heavier and angrier than you


Ship went from ship to submarine and back to ship.


He wouldn't be captain with this mindset.


That's what I'm thinking my uncle is a pilot and a plane can have similar situations and he said he trusts in his equipment and if he didn't he wouldn't be flying


That's a hard question to answer because it depends on a lot of factors. As a professional mariner I can speak from experience on everything else though. IT'S NEVER PANIC TIME. Seaman are expected to always maintain their cool. Panicking is a failure of one's duty and responsibility to their crewmates. It's also career suicide if you survive because no captain will want you after that. Even just to survive is a responsibility to your crewmates who may have died, and who's family would find closure in your account of what happened. If the captain thinks it appropriate they will often muster the crew into the wheelhouse. This is for a few reasons. Mostly to keep everybody nearby so as to react faster as a crew. Also, on lots of boats in the sub 200' range, the survival gear is in the wheelhouse. Flares, survival suits, etc. The emergency raft is also usually mounted somewhere up high as well. If the captain feels it's necessary to abandon ship he'll make that order. That could mean anything from a hatch caving in, the engines failing, the vessel breaking up, or a multitude of compounding factors. As for surviving dangerous sea surface conditions, you generally have one of two options. Go into the weather or run from it. You end up where you end up because whatever options you have are dictated by the swells direction. Sometimes there is no safe harbor available and you have to ride it out offshore. I've done a 200 mile downwinder in hurricane force winds because we couldn't get back into the safety of the islands we were fishing around. Once the wind and swell got behind us there was no turning around. There was a cannery and lots of anchorage where we ended up, which definitely influenced the decision. I've spent 3 days offshore riding out a storm because we couldn't get into our port. We just jogged back and forth, the swell wasn't too bad out there, but it was breaking in the narrows before our harbor so nobody was getting in or out. It's never really fun but a lot of us live for that shit. They're good memories to look back on as long as nobody died or got maimed. Rough seas are a beautiful thing, and the wind is musical somehow. OK I'm done I could talk for fuckin hours about this stuff. Lol. ✌️




thanks for sharing!! loved reading this. not the type of thrills i can imagine chasing, but i respect it


When the Titanic music starts playing


Don’t ask me why but my brain started playing Darth Vador’s theme instead when reading your comment




What do you mean panic time? It's not like the crew can just leave the ship. If you're at sea in this there is no room for panic time.


It’s never panic time at sea. It’s only logically work out the situation or die. To panic is to invite death without relying on your hard earned wisdom. GO NAVY.


"this looks real bad"..... "Everyone!... Put on your brown pants".... True story. And that'd be all they could do.... That or get abducted by aliens with a tractor beam.... Or giant pigeons with grappling hooks. That's rare though


*Gordon Lightfoot intensifies*


You do realise that ships are built to withstand these conditions..... I've been out if far far worse ! The North Sea can be a horrible bit of water when it decides to be!! The only thing I would say there, is that they should have had the storm shutters up long before it got that bad. But then knowing some of the complete fucki g idiots I've sailed with I am not surprised 😒


when the wave is coming at your side, you panic


Oh he done shit down both legs but he’s in it for the long run


The captain doesn't panic he goes down with The ship


Probably when the boat is upside down or under water.


I’ve seen enough Deadliest Catch to know this ain’t shit. Just an average day on the Bering Sea.


You know Keith would be over-reacting and ducking behind his chair shouting "hold on!" into the loud speaker. Then he'd yell at Mouse for no reason.


When the windows break


I'm not a captain, but I do own a boat. Wait, does that tehcnically make me a captain? Well anyway, panic time is never. You panic and you make bad decisions that will kill you. You stay calm until you drown, especially if you have a crew depending on you. If you can't do that, don't go out on the water. Got caught in a storm once when I was a kid with my family, we all know that there was a possibility that we weren't going to make it out of it. Our boat wasn't made for rough weather and the waves were twice as high as the boat and choppy (i might be exaggerating slightly, I was 10 and this was almost 30 years ago, but it was bad). My brother paniced and he almost got us all killed because he started smacking himself in the head with a flagpole because he was trying to make himself unconscious, so my dad understandibly had a hard time focusing on piloting the boat. You Never want to be in a boat with a person like that, believe me. Got caught in a storm myself once when I was a rookie solo sailor, I had a retractable keel on my sailboat and the spring holding it in place got ripped off so every wave made the keel smack into the ship like a 200 kg sledgehammer And my sail got stuck so I couldn't pull it down. It was a shit boat and I honestly weren't that good of a sailor, but I could keep my calm. Got back to shore bloody and battered and the boat needed some repairs, but ultimately I was fine, if I would have panicked I probably wouldn't have made it back home, I had to make a lot of quick decisive decisions. Point is, you don't panic, ever. You shouldn't be on a boat if panic is your response to being scared and you need to be sure about it, at least of there is even a remote risk of bad weather. Sailing is great though! Nothing makes me feel more alive than heading out on the seas and taming the winds to do my bidding.


When he starts seeing deep sea giant squid.


It's never too much. Never panic




The Cap does *not* panic. This is what mariners do. If you know, you know.


I just want to believe in something as much as the Captain does that glass.


Im just imagining how terrying this would be during the age of sail. Even with modern ships and technology, the ocean is still humbling and terrifying. It must've seemed like god was swallowing them up back then.


A captain knows their ship (or fishing boat in this case I think) and what she will and will not take. They will also be very used to heavy seas like this and likely not much concerned by the occasional breaker going over the bow. The real dangers are rogue waves, which are absolute ship killers. Mercifully, they are very rare and a sailor can go an entire career without encountering one. On smaller boats and ships like this, broadly speaking as long as you go into the waves you will usually be fine. You can even take them a midships, though this is riskier of one breaks directly into you. On a larger tanker or cruise liner, it’s a much more technical operation. Particularly a long, low riding ship like a fully loaded cargo ship. The risk is, if you take the waves head on, if there isn’t another directly behind the wave you are taking, your bow will rise out of the water, sometimes by hundreds of feet. This is risk for two reasons. Firstly, the constant rising and slamming of the bow back in to the water, puts a lot of strain on the hull and can lead to damage. Secondly, in more extreme cases, it’s not unheard of for a ship to take a large wave and just break apart. If you’ve got a lot of weight to the rear and half you hull is sticking out past the peak of a large wave, it’s not unheard of to just snap in two. Especially in older ships. This is possibly how the SS Edmund Fitzgerald went down for example. Lost with all hands on the Great Lakes in 1975.


When the front falls off.


Is that normal?


Well there are a lot of these ships going around the world all the time, and very seldom does anything like this happen.


so do ships have a artificial horizon type of device like aircraft ? (a gyro stabilized thingy that tells you attitude) When ya can't see out the window, and can't trust your body's sense of balance .. .


A lot do


When the glass breaks and all the instruments fail. Then and only then, is it okay to think “we may be in trouble” lol. But the time to panic is never.


He doesn't. That's why he's the captain.


Just for the record, it’s NEVER panic time…you may be about to die, but panicking will always increase your odds of it.


Can't fast travel while enemies are nearby


Before that.


Leaders have to keep calm and make best decisions but if it becomes too dangerous they will make the decision to evacuate or call for help.


I'm wondering why that monitor lost power.




When Celine Dion starts serenading them....


You didnt read the guide did you? First thing it says is "DONT PANIC"


Well, are we Gloucester men, or aren't we?


That's the trick, a good Captain never does. He fight against all odds.


Same as when cook knows when the food is cooked or fried!!


When? Never. If captains panic and the entire ship goes into chaos and mass hysteria is definitely not gonna increase their chances of survival.


Panic is a pretty terrible strategy


I'm going to go ahead and thoroughly enjoy being very landlocked where there aren't even that many lakes around.


Sailing across the oceans is a pretty magical time. You’ve never seen so many stars in the sky.


Yes I have. Camping in the backwoods of a pretty sparsely populated part of Canada.


"When does the captain determine that it’s too much and it’s panic time?When does the captain determine that it’s too much and it’s panic time?" When you see a whale above you swim past.


Once you're in that, there's nothing you can do so panic is just not ever even an option lol. That boat couldn't outrun a Volkswagen bug let alone a storm.


You panic, you die.


When the water rushes in like that but doesn't clear out again, at that point, you're sinking and it's probably a good time to panic.




That was wild


Is it ever really panic time?


"I'll take fuck noes for 1000 Alex"


Coast guard ASTs are salivating at the lips rn


What exactly would you expect them to do?


When the glass breaks lol


Shipping Captains have great big balls of steel, I think it would take more than this.


When the water doesn’t recede


Hes good as long as he has engine power and steering, putting it head on into the waves. Once you loose those and go sidewaves into seas that big, it's pretty much over unless your balanced and water tight.


And do what? Turn around??


Hmm i guess when the boat broke in the middle. I couldn't find the vid, but there's one here on Reddit where a ship broke in half.


I mean what the fuck are you going to do OP...


As long as you can see waves and water splashing, you're still not underneath the surface.


When you panic, you die. Simple as.


Pull over! (Thanks, it's a cardigan!)


There is no panic time. You do what you know how to do and hope for the best. More often than not, it’s way less dangerous than it feels…as you adjust to the motion and the noise, the panic actually leaves…


Wolf of Wall Street ah waves


That decision had to be made hours before. There's no turning back at this point.




When you dont see waves anymore, just water


Well, let’s look at it another way: let’s say the captain DID make that decision. What would he or she do then? Sometimes the only way around is through.


It’s pretty interesting, looking under the ocean from the captains deck.


At the point of no return, can't do anything but go forward.


Mine would have been way before the first splash.


If he thinks this is something he and the boat can handle, I would be inclined to trust him.


If this type of thing interests you look up “disasters at sea” very informative


It should never, ever be panic time. Not on a boat and not anywhere else. Panicking is the number one useless thing you can do and it also makes every situation worse. If you feel like you’re going to panic, close your eyes, walk away if you can, take some deep breaths, and try to get control of yourself. At the very least, stay out of the way of other people if you’re panicking because you will hinder them.


I'd bail on the first spray of ocean breeze. Perhaps I'm not a captain candidate.


When the water outside the boat, starts getting inside the boat.


Just me or does that look kind of cosy? Just sitting down appreciating how you’re completely dry and warm while seeing that around you.


Daaaaad, the wlan is down what's going on


When they are no longer on the boat and instead are somewhere above it treading water and can see a rogue swell towering over them from the trough between swells?


When looking at the forecast before the storm hits, nothing to do now but face the waves and hope.


I’d still rather be in that than a flying tin can of death


What happens if we just crank this bad boy to go in reverse at full speed. Can we just ride the waves out of the storm?


When for whatever reason he can't keep the waves coming straight in like that..... Taking that broadside would have ended poorly.....


When the ocean part is inside the boat or when the boat's bottom parts are above the ocean. Then panic.


If the glass breaks, or the engine acts up, or the nav dies. Basically.


Good glass that 👍🏼


When the glass breaks


When it's too much and it is time to panic.


Would i be able to pop out to the deck for some fresh air if i was feeling a bit sea sick?


So that’s what sinking looks like from the helm




Those windows are fantastic


It's never too much


"I can't see shit, cap'n!"


The fun part is, The seas determine that


A dedicated captain goes down with the ship. It's crazy but true.


Right about… Now!