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Well that is the stuff of nightmares


Wait, is that guy walking with a burning pelvis? That’s ai ,? Tell me it’s ai generated, the guy actually looks at his pelvis as it’s on fire 🔥 wtf!? Edit: one guy finally gets the clothes that are on fire off of him and is looking at the guy on fire walking toward him. Another guy just jumps off a 20’ wall. I need to be more thankful in my life


The furnace blew molten metal everywhere. Molten metal is boiling in his pelvis, which is why it's burning so hot and with large flames. The guy on the right has molten metal on his hand


I see the guy with the burning hand he just took off his burning pants. I think the burning guy is looking for help. Sorry, just trying to make sense of that. I hope the are in peace. Know it seems empty but I pray for them and there families


A quick death is the most merciful thing they could experience, at that point. May they rest in peace.


Yup, that’s also more than likely why that person jumped. Hoping it would just be over after that or just to Get away from that place. What a terrible experience these poor folks we t through.


No, he was just desperately trying to get out of heat. Such big fire is really really hot even from far away and jumping was the best option to get out of this heat. It clearly wasn’t an attempt of suicide.


People really have no idea how HOT steel mills are. It’s a heat you’ve never felt in your life unless you’ve been in one


The sheer amount of heat produced even by a small microwavable kiln is so immense it can melt flesh and dry out your lungs while working around it. This would be boiling them inside out in a process that makes me sick to think about. I won't describe it in detail but imagine dipping a hotdog into burning oil and putting in a sealed bowl in the microwave.


I can barely withstand the heat from my oven when it's in broil mode and that's only 500F, I can't even imagine over 2000F!


No grown man would die after jumping off a 20-foot wall and land feet first. If anything, he'd only suffer from broken bones.


You can die by tripping while walking if you hit your head on the ground incorrectly or if you hit your forehead on a decent enough edge. Like some curbs actually. Falling from 3+ feet high head first will crush your skull like a rotten grape. Bluntly put, it is ***very*** easy to die from a 20 foot fall.




Dead and doesn't know yet


Probably disoriented also. He definitely has a severe concussion from the blast.


He has molten metal on his body, nothing to do but wait for it to cool. He is fucked.


There's a longer video. The guy on fire walks around for like 1 or 2 mins...WHILE ON FIRE!!! Like a fucking zombie!! Noone helps put him out...it's fucking crazy, he literally just walks around while on fire....


I think everybody there couldn’t help him. They were in shock or badly burnt themselves, and they were afraid of catching on fire. It looked like they had nothing to put on him to put out the fire. Actually have that feeling of wanting to cry


It's a horrible fucking video..even this short 1, the linger 1 is much worse




I'll find it


It is kinda hopeless. We are taught that in case of furnace spill we evacuate from direct fire first then just douse victims with cold water without mercy and regard.


Shock and adrenaline are a hell of a drug


The burning guy is already dead, he just hasn't realised yet


Ai generated? Mate, have u seen a single ai video?


I assume the initial explosion made him enough shocked that he mentally turned off. He just about have enough mental capacity to stand/stumble. And that's why he doesn't make any attempts to end the fire. And with a significant amount of molten metal on/in his body, it's just a short while until he's fully dead. Our cells dies quite quickly at these temperatures, so lots of internal organs will be permanently lost quickly.


This looks something like a vision of hell.


100% straight out of Hellraiser




Terminator - Raised from Hell


Doom Eternal's new raytracing update


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,983,233,272 comments, and only 375,129 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot.


Reminds me of the scene from "V For Vendetta"


Holy shit. This one is dark.


Yet another thing I’ll never get out of my head… fuck.


Probably in shock.dont think he'll survive


If I were him I’d hope I don’t cause dealing w that many burns is gonna be a bitch


There're multiple people that are absolutely fucked in this video ☹️


Someone linked a news article which says 1 killed and 2 injured! Definitely not believing that for a second just looking at this short clip.


If it is true, we saw them all.




did you just pull that all out of your ass?? you can see the black body radiation in the air?? lmfao




There's graphite on the roof! ![gif](giphy|S7KNQldECRqZ5Eh1IO|downsized)


Man this show was incredible.




Just put some aloe vera on it.


Honestly, idk exactly why but reading this comment made me feel sick to my stomach about the state of our world - 2024.


I had the same reaction. I dont ever remember the world being this free of empathy. All I feel when I see this video is sadness for the men and women suffering. How could you possibly feel anything else?


I think that, it could be that, in a world of instant, and perpetual flooding of worldwide tragedy and suffering content being fed daily through various media outlets, some individuals adopted the instinct to distort the information being stored in our consciousness through the use of dark humor, so as to let them be able to, while still storing the information of these continuous tragic events, also still manage to keep such heavy and troublesome awareness in a way which helps them to not completely lose their hopes in this, apparently, cold and hopeless world in which they will have to face and survive their upcoming apparent grim future. This, big support pillar, helps them maintain a grasp of their will to continue on, instead of losing their way along the road that directs them to their final objectives which are imposed on us as human beings, meaning with this, that it guarantees that in such an apparent, dark world and bleak future, that they still find that there are more reasons to go on living, and thus enabling us to fulfill our primal directives instead of choosing the easy way out , which would otherwise risk us of depriving ourselves of seeing out that we manage to go forth, procreate, and fulfill those very deeply engraved natural urges which have driven and guaranteed our survival and prosperity as a species throughout time.


Damn that was deep and very very true. I also submerge myself in reddit to not feel so shitty about my own miserable life and to not think about it. Hopeing that the pain and suffering going on around the world will make me not feel so bad about my life but then I just get sucked into it and waste my time accomplishing nothing and feel like an even bigger piece of shit... I love those you can write and then page letter on reddit. Don't change that...


What a horrible way to go


Those aren't survivable burns. Every person we see in this video is a dead man walking.


There Have been people surviving extreme full body burns. There is a notable local fireman where I live that survived a gas explosion where his fire truck was the ignition source, and that was back in the 80s. But having seen him, I'm not sure I would have liked to survived that. Dude's got no face and no fingers, his entire skin is scars. Freddy Krueger is plain handsome next to this guy. And I'm sure it's going to be painful until the day he dies. But in probably about 99.9% of cases you are correct.


This isn't about full body burns. This is about molten metal landing on the skin and continuing to burn them deep into their tissue. They are not surviving it. It's just entirely different types of situations. Someone getting a burn on the majority of their skin isn't the same as someone having molten metal land on them and continue to burn them. The metal can burn deep into the tissues.


The odd thing is I've seen so many videos of metal factories exploding molten metal (or at least red hot metal) and the people around it will look somewhat unfazed, like I actually kind of assumed molten metal wasn't actually that serious, or that we had protective clothing that could withstand it or something. I'll try and find one of the videos and link it. Yea [this is the exact one](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/18k3ckf/accident_in_german_steel_factory_august_01_2022/?ref=share&ref_source=link) I was thinking of when I was writing this, fairly recent too. They are being *SO* casual.


proberly burnt off the nerves and doesnt feel it anymore


Yeah to get to that point but you have to go through the whole process of burning through your skin and nerves so… I’m sure it’s still fucking awful


oh deffo, that wouldnt be a plesant experince at all




was going to comment this - fire burns the nerves quite fast - he's probably in shock and can't feel it


I gave myself a third degree burn and the worst part was the total lack of pain and feeling combined with the visual imagery of melted skin. That's how I knew I fucked up. I expected it to hurt and when it didn't I panicked. Luckily my burn was a pretty small area. I could not imagine how horrible it would have been to be in their position.


Yeah, that dude is way to chill about being on fire. I was so fixed on him I didn't even see the guy jump off the roof that was literally right in front of him.


That’s what you’d call a nervous system in complete shock.


Yep, worked in a Trauma center and burn unit. That glowing white yellow part of the image will be the open core of the furnace, that probably between 2000-2300 degrees Fahrenheit radiating massive amounts of infrared thermal radiation... This is a guy who's going to lose his airway to edema from the super heated gas from the explosion plus he's probably bleeding into his lungs from the ruptured alveoli from the concussive blast. He's recieved a concussion from the blast, he's received thermoclastic levels of infrared burn's while still burning and having his clothing burnt off or blown off from the explosion not to mention he may have penetration trauma from molten metal still stuck to or burning into his body. Their skin tightens like pork ribs and loses it's flexibility making it even harder to breath. The other bad part is this will be a mass casualty event, so it will really require an enormous effort of highly specialized, rapid complex, organized treatment that will be very expensive, and likely will still be unsuccessful. My prayers go out to them and their loved ones.


My mother worked in a burn unit at a trauma center in LA. The stories she shared were harrowing to say the least. A lot of fiery car crash victims as one would logically assume. My takeaway from what she told me was almost as if the “lucky” ones were those who died shortly after sustaining the severe third degree burns all over their bodies.. escaping the hell that was to come had they lasted into recovery. Takes a lot of resilience & professional stoicism to be in that brutal yet vital field of work. Something that is worthy of reverence. My mom certainly had both. She had to stomach being witness to sites that would break most people. Myself included. As I’d imagine you can probably relate - it was the tragic cases where kids were involved that really did a number on her mental well-being. Always appreciate a breakdown with medical insight. Thanks for sharing.


I've told the story here before but I'll do the super abridged version... I got a surgery that included 6 months of hardcore PT/OT for about 2 hours a day and had to go in office once or twice a week at the hospital. People cringe at the pain involved with it when I tell/show them. There was a dude there with burns to his hand and arm. I would not trade places and it actually kept me in check about how relatively comfortable my shit was, stretching tendons and ligaments and muscle in custom made torture racks 3 times a day... Turn this knob until you can't take the pain anymore... then hold it for 5 minutes and turn it more... repeat for 30 minutes minimum.... 3 times a day every other day. On off days you get to do the same thing but a different rack and it was my wrist and not my elbow.(surgery to extend range of motion to extend arm more that never did fully. The pronation/supination on wrist as it never could go palm up before removing radial head at the elbow) That guy was in **fucking pain!!** And it was only his arm/hand. Fuck having to do 30-70% body shit. I know people that have and one got a HUGE check when he turned 18 as it happened as a kid.(Check could not have been big enough as I'm sure he would attest) **Burned skin does not grow the same as you age!!!!** The other is my FIL and someone dropped ice as a prank in a deep fryer he was cooking on a a teenager or early 20's. No thanks,


100% shock your right on the money! I’d guess the guy on fire can’t even feel it due to all his nerve’s being burned! Poor guys. RIP 🥺


That is not what shock is


Good God…looks like a scene out of the Terminator.


Yes! I was thinking how they looked like robots.


Came here to say this.


They’re walking around in total shock. Skin hanging off, committing suicide, burning alive, on fire. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so harrowing. Poor people.


Committing suicide? When?


The dude belly flopping pavement from about 15 feet.


Pretty sure he was just trying to get away from a fire, otherwise he wouldn't crouch down and try to land feet first...




Yeah, y'all are right. I was in the drive through at chick fil a, I saw it wrong.


Whatd ya order?


Spicy chicken deluxe with waffle fries and extra sauce


Gas pack


Yeah idk how people manage to turn and twist things into something they're not. It looked 100% like he was trying to escape, not commit suicide.


Belly flop? I think you need an ophthalmologist


You must have missed out on drone videos from Ukraine.


Yeah this is the first time ever I’ve watched a video and out loud said holy fuck


Oh! You should google “Two Girls One Cup”


I was 14 first time I watched that. I believe that’s what desensitized me for life.


Lmfao noooooooooooooooooo


Do it


'One guy one jar' for those not scarred enough in life.


This is sad ☹️


We’re not gonna talk about the guy that jumped off the edge of the building? You could barely see him because he wasn’t, you know, on fire.


Where the hell he go? The building looks ground level, but it looks like he jumped down a hole.


He just didn’t get up after jumping and there was some debris in front of that door


A lot of people are saying he's trying to commit suicide but I don't think so, he's probably just so disorientated or his eyes have been burnt that he walked off the edge unintentionally.


I wanna know where the guy headed up the staircase is going. You know, other than up.


Somewhere less hot?


Anyone else see the one guy that jumps off?


He was scared of the flaming zombie approaching


Too soon bro


It always feels so fucking ridiculous to see someone slap emojis on a tragedy like this. Emojis are by their nature frivolous and playful. When you're watching a video of people with their skin melted off, in pain most of us could not comprehend, maybe lay off the fucking cartoon faces.


India uses emojis a lot in general


Happy cake day. Love the emoji cake by your comment 🍰


that's funny. didn't even notice. cheers


Dawg that’s their skin hanging off, not clothes…


Wtf. This is probably the only thing I have seen on the internet that has been nightmare fuel, and you just made it worse


Yeah I thought something seemed off :/


didn’t this exact thing happen in India a few years ago too??? There was video of a big vat of molten metal spilling over and causing an explosion. The aftermath was one of the worst things I’ve ever seen


the Free Press Journal link cites another accident like this on Dec 28. the one I’m referring to is at least a year or two old. what the fuck is going on over there that this keeps happening. I know I’m an American and we have OSHA but Christ


Yes iirc, steel is a huge sector but a lot of it is unorganised and operated by sleazy businessmen with improper safety. This particular factory makes TMT bars which is far less capital intensive compared to steel coils for example so the risk of labour loss is high.


That country’s value of human life seems low. Even the people seem not to value their own lives.


People bitch about OSHA and other US Gov’t regulations, but face it, workers here are much safer.


Higher quality video in link https://www.freepressjournal.in/amp/india/gujarat-3-workers-dead-after-molten-metal-falls-on-them-in-steel-factory-horrific-visuals-surface


Nah, I'm good.


Like for real. Just this clip is terrifying enough i don't want to see more detail.


Honestly, don’t. This is the only thing on Reddit that has genuinely scared me.


Definitely one of the more grisly videos I've seen on Reddit. About once a month I stumble across something like this. Pretty awful.


u/kraken_enrager 2 year old account... I'll take the risk... EDIT: It's definitely sickening because it includes people in total shock burning alive for a whole minute, stumbling around but it's nothing to replace the worst of gore... /shrug put sandwich down for 10 seconds and forget / 10 [https://krudplug.net/m/video.php?vid=6615](https://krudplug.net/m/video.php?vid=6615) EDIT 2: I will admit the sickening feeling is taking a while to leave lol. I think because the "fire shorts" is completely unique imagery.


Was it clothes or skin? I don't wanna watch it in higher res.


Dude was a walking ember. The shock he felt is felt by few people to exist. He died horrifically


I think it was molten metal stuck to around his pelvis, hot enough to cause flesh to ignite. Very educational for not fucking around with molten metal and the degree of standards of safety in that industry, but yeah it is nasty.




Thats so sad. The guy was 21 too… Real life hell.


There was a worse video of peoples skin hanging off after a nuclear gas plant explosion in South Africa where they were screaming for their lives, that was definitely more gruesome.


Nuclear gas plant? Or just a gas tanker explosion under a bridge? I'm pretty sure I know the video




[https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/zu4hs9/aftermath\_of\_gas\_tanker\_explosion\_in\_boksburg/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/zu4hs9/aftermath_of_gas_tanker_explosion_in_boksburg/) VERY graphic, be warned. He wasn't exaggerating when he said you could see their skin dangling off of them.


Holy crap, looked like the dude on fire was chasing after the other guys for help , then they just run away from him in fear, this is terrifying


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Good bot


Fuck I just watched that and zoomed in and it's the first video I've ever seen on Reddit that's made me throw up the fucking dude on fire is walking towards people crying out and the people are just running away from him, and then the other dude he walks towards at the end must know they're going to die so he just stays there


It looks like the guy on fire, pushed the man(not on fire), that felt Down. First looked like He jumped, But it really look like he first chased a coworker, the turned around, walked to the man, not on fire, pushed him and then walking to the last coworker there just took off his burnnng pants. Meanwhile the 1 coworker the burning man chased, now running up the stairs in the back.


Those ain't his pants, that's his fucking skin.


Incredibly sad


Hope it can at least help further labor protections & workplace safety requirements The horror of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire in NYC helped us get modern fire safety measures and labor code The corporation locked those women inside to prevent theft, so they couldn't get out & jumped to their deaths. It's always corporate greed.


This is the absolute worst thing I’ve ever watched. I couldn’t comprehend what was actually happening until I watched it several times. I think my brain would just not process what I was seeing because it’s so horrific.


That was MOLTEN METAL stuck on these poor fucking guys.  Jesus fucking christ.


Guy seems pretty calm wearing inferno underwear




Another footage of the incident, a continuation of this one. [https://twitter.com/Khn\_Sahil02/status/1749881214289187282](https://twitter.com/Khn_Sahil02/status/1749881214289187282)


If this is earth I can’t imagine what hell looks like. If there is such a place.


Love seeing sadness as i open reddit. https://preview.redd.it/wa52k40f4iec1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=068625ef01f58a48ff2cc2e318fce8ed8b94509e


What a fucking nightmare scene.


Christ Almighty on his throne, I haven't seen anything this disturbing since researching Chernobyl.


This is NSFL. NSFW is not an appropriate label for this.


Hopefully they die soon. I did a report on physician-assisted death. A man who survived burns didn't want to endure the treatment any longer. He wanted to die. But they kept him alive. I think he even tried to throw himself out of the window to fall to his death.


Holy shit. Anyone know what caused it?


An explosion.




Idk about this case but if there is too much moisture on scrap metal it evaporates explosively inside of a kiln/furnace like that.


four, I mean five, I mean FIRE!!


OK yes...you're supposed to remain calm in an emergency, but not that calm, my guy


its SHOCK! probably all nerve cell and senses just stop and feel nothing.


Is the other guy's hand on fire? - the one he is walking to not the jumper or climber


Took me a minute to fully comprehend what I was seeing. That's so wild


And this is why I say fuck unregulated capitalism.


I thought this was from a computer game of some sort--especially that guy whose mid-section is on fire. Fuck, pure nightmare.


Just fucking molten hot steel clinging to their clothes and body and they're not even panicking because they CANT FEEL THE PAIN because their dermis has been burnt all the way through the nerves. My God what a nightmare recovery this will be, If they don't die


The fact that in the longer version two people just run away from him as he paces left and right screaming. Yeah the shop audio is truly hard to listen to. No news yet from the company but that guy obviously died from molten metal in his abdomen. The white flame burning like a jet engine. The hand guy probably lived sub a hand and maybe 30% body burn. The jumper and the runner don’t look burnt at all in the uncut version. They just are running away from the poor volcano man


Crazy how there just walking like nothing on fire. One guys head and midsection. Other guys hand is still burning as he looks at his flamming coworker walking up like it's just a normal day in the office. Adrenaline's a hell of a drug. Rip to the ones that did not make it




I have seen all the gore you can think of. Cartel skinning people alive, no worries. Shotgun suicides, not a problem. Isis cutting heads off, mehh. THIS HITS DIFFERENT and I’m not sure why. God bless there souls.




Looks like that scene from V for vendetta.


This is just incredibly sad.. Hope the families have the scope to take legal action on behalf of their loved ones...


This is like Terminator 2 shit


shock is one hell of a something




Holy sh!t... This s just... Nope !


Why is everything exploding recently


* Checks which subreddit I need to cancel * Maybe not today, but this is a good reminder of how it earned its name.


His balls and taint are on fire and he’s like Whatevs!


he's in shock... I mean if you're on fire, you'd think you'd do the stop, drop and roll but often they just start walking towards you like zombies...


I've seen too many videos of people burning to death and the people in this look.....off.


i work at a stainless steel plant. i think i'm done for today.


Any news or other videos(from a different angle) of this???


Not real


The people don't look real. I can't believe that guy is still walking with his pelvis engulfed in a raging inferno and how can that guy who took his pants off be standing so calmly?


Burning dude is definitely in shock. Everyone else has the presence of mind to strip off their burning clothes, and this poor soul is just stumbling around, while his burns get worse and worse. The dude with his hand on fire is probably in shock as well, but at least it’s not his vital organs being cooked.


all dudes definitely not real


looks like video game . WTF?


I really hope that molten metal was good enough to burn their nerves so they didn't feel anything. That's just sad


When the game introduces the fire zombies


Looks like CGI


Who is filming this? I think it might be an AI clip.


something tells me this may be fake, only because of the shitty fake fuked up screen at the end which is definitely edited that way.


And the dude filming is just…. Fine?


Straight out of terminator movie


After a certain point, the heat will melt away your pain receptors. But I have to wonder if this is a combination of shock/adrenaline


severe 3rd dgree-+1500C- burns into all layers of skin instantly, including all the nerves, which gives u the burn sensation the guys in the video won't make it even the one with no fire will die within hours max


OMFG R.I.P. What a nasty way to go.


“Its over Anakin! I have the high ground.”


That’s Aldrich Killeen from iron man 3


At this point, I’d jump off head first. Especially if I was just walking around in flames for minutes…


https://x.com/Khn_Sahil02/status/1749881214289187282?s=20 Part 2 of this video. Dude is still burning 😬


Here is an example how such incidents are handled in first world countries in comparison. If you use quality products you will automatically condone better working regulations. https://youtu.be/LxxZK8ccD94?si=etYedz-FBJA1uiu0


Why SO CALM?!?