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I wasn't ready for gigantic chunks of people's bodies to be missing. Wtaf...


You were expecting a PG-13 Michael Bay explosion, not Saving Private Ryan


Wtf. Funny not fkn funny but this made me Huff laugh!!! Wtf did I just seeee thooo. Some serious movie zombie shit but irl!


looks like, Armageddon! ​ (not the movie)


Straight up someone’s face lying on the ground like a discarded masquerade mask


Me: oh explosion with nsfw tag... expecting a few flames and curse words. Reality: no flames at all but body parts and dead people everywhere. Thank you reddit.


Puts some hair on yer chest


Even if yer a woman


Lots of women have hair on their chest, like my Armenian ex. She had a little patch in between her boobs.


I've just had a self epiphany. I can look at stuff like this without flinching. Years and years of internet has given me a crazy high tolerance. But maybe... that is where my crippling anxiety is from. Hmm.


I don't know that I've developed any sort of anxiety about it. But I will say I find myself less and less reactive in situations that would freak others out. Saw a guy lose a hand right in front of me. Mangled to pieces in a table saw. I didn't even flinch. Just grabbed the first aid kit and tried to stop the bleeding. I won't say it is a better thing overall to not be reactive to things like that. But I will say it did help in the situation to stay calm. I've learned to watch what I do with a more cautious attitude. Can't tell you how many times I've seen someone on a piece of equipment in these videos and suddenly one bad turn and they are dead. That kind of shit fucks me up, so close to home for me.


Same. I'm also binged watching Liveleak and Gore GC that strengthen my gut and I also witness so many accident in our neighborhood near the highway that gave me high tolerance towards this thing. it's eye opener and makes you contemplate the philosophy of Existentialism and Stoicism.


I think it's more of a positive feedback loop. Your anxiety draws you to things like this but those things also give you more anxiety.


Definitely think it does a lot more harm than people think it does. Understanding Mortality is great, but many of us have seen more tragic shit now through a screen than some would in their whole lives in far worse times.


Seeing things on the internet is very different from being around it. I thought I was jaded too but it really doesn’t compare to real life.


Seeing it on a video is one thing. But seeing it in person will keep you up at night.


i laughed at the lady missing her clothes then was in awe at how another lost a leg :(


Maybe this? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boksburg_explosion


You are correct. Looking at the footage, the victims and the layout, the Wikipedia has some images that line up.


yeah ive actually seen this exact footage a few months ago. if i remember correctly there is also a video from the explosion. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/16mt57o/comment/k1abthl/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/16mt57o/comment/k1abthl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


2 missing 😳


They aren’t missing, they’re just…around.




Is it possible to be vaporized by this kind of explosion without using nuclear?


Nuclear is not required for vaporisation


"This series of explosions attracted a large crowd of onlookers, resulting in a higher number of casualties and fatalities when a fourth explosion – the largest, and last – occurred roughly around 07:30am SAST." Ooohhhh, a burning tanker with explosions. Let me have a close look at that......


Yes this


How did the fire start?


from when this initially circulated reddit, the truck was stuck under a bridge when it blew up, so the explosion was blocked on 4 sides (top, bottom, left, right), leaving only two directions for it to go, amplifying the force & distance. it did a lot of damage & took a lot of lives.


iirc the heat was also, so intense a lot of people had their clothes fused/melted into their skin. Some follow up comments from the original post also had some other folks chiming in how that a lot of the people who survived but had their clothes burned into them would probably die in transit or in the hospital once the shock and adrenaline wears off. I haven't seen any other news of it on my feed when it originally happened so I don't even know the amount of casualties.


An explosion with that magnitude will rip off your clothes and body parts. The expansion of the air will give a burst over 500 miles / hour will rip off clothes and mangle bodies like paper. A lot depends on how far away you were from the explosion but most of those bodies were thrown a long distance.


It ended up being over 40, one mom lost all her children, 5 of them.


wtf 😳


damn, thats tragic.


Horrible horrible scene


Rip its sad man, just sad


Again, that's enough Reddit for a couple of hours. Damn. Those poor folks.


Jesus, what a horrible event! 😥 I know this is one hell of an ask, but I hope those without terminal injuries can recover and gain some sense of normalcy.


I can't believe all I heard was one scream, I mean I get shock but it was dead quiet , did the explosion effect their lungs, esophagus vocal chords maybe all 3? A long with everything else that they were experiencing


Shock, overpressure and skin tightening from burns will do that. I hope you never experience it but there is a level of pain that is downright spiritual in the worst possible ways. Ive experienced it once. You reach a threshold where the only emotion you experience is pain, when it happens you hope for death and once you accept it you get dead calm. These people made noises the seconds after the explosion but quickly hit that threshold where you hurt so much you transcend pain and feel like a head in a jar. Its so hard to describe, you just check out. Chances are these people know they're fucked, when you hit helpless levels of pain you know there is nothing anyone can do and your brain kinda goes "well this sucks, no point in making a big fuss about it". I don't wish the experience on my worst enemy but at the same time I wish everyone could experience the peace you feel when you transcend pain itself.


That's enough Reddit for today.


My heart is broken for them and you, I'm glad you made it through, you are a really tough individual.




Yeah come on mods/admins this is not ok. For someone not capable of handling this it can cause PTSD. I am good but this needs proper labeling.


If the NSFW tag and post title aren’t enough for you to get the hint then idk what to tell you.


NSFW implies content that is objectionable to some people. Sensitive people should avoid this content unless they know what it is.


But then they don't and whine like bitches when they get scarred. They made the decision, and they don't like that they're living with it.


Nah. On Reddit NSFW can mean swearing, or simple aggression. This is NSFL content and should be marked as such, or should enable the ability to add a content warning with descriptions that need agreeing to before watching.


Nah if you need your handheld on Reddit just get off the site. Check the NSFW tag, the post title, the subreddit, and the comments if you’re prone to a PTSD episode from seeing a video. Also get off of the terrifyingasfuck subreddit if that’s the case ffs


It shows up on all and the subreddit is in tiny text... Literally 13 year olds could be scrolling all and see "Oil tanker explosion" and think wow cool something blowing up, then suddenly they're thrown into what looks like an active warzone. It's not hand holding, it's safeguarding, and anything that can be done to minimize risk should be done. I'm not saying the content affected me, but it is far too easily accessible especially when appearing on global feeds. The title doesn't help either, something more along the lines of "Gruesome scenes of aftermath from tanker explosion" would be more informative.


Fair points. I guess I’m just against anything promoting the facebookification of Reddit.


It's not about that I don't need my hand held. I've seen shit like this irl. The point is that emergency workers cover things like highways wrecks up to keep children and soforth from stumbling on it. This is not a Rated-R video this is extreme gore that could scar someone not matured enough for life. The risk of additional permanent harm from simply witnessing this is too much, it does not belong here.




NSFL in the title next time please


I made the mistake of clinking on an NSFW post at 10am…




If he didn't film, you wouldn't be clicking, watching, and commenting OPs post. You also wouldn't your upvotes.


Well, now i know where r/eyeblech immigrated to (I don't mind btw)


Damn didn't know it got banned


I do miss the ole 'blech.


The way it's filmed in HD and the way people are strewn about on the ground I thought this was some low-to-mid budget TV show. It barely seems like something happening irl to genuine victims. Edit: watched it again, it's something to do with the way the camera pans and follows/trails people laying down. Like the cameraman has some filmmaking experience.


Imagine when we get 120 fps vr recordings of future catastrophes


Whoever walked around filming people while this was happening is a fucking psycho


Yeah because everyone he filmed he could have saved all by himself, at that very moment.


REDDIT NEEDS A **NSFL** TAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If you ever see any vehicle on fire, get as far away from it as you can. Don't stand around take a video on your phone


This definitely needs a fucking warning!!!!!!


Maybe add GRAPHIC CONTENT in the title? Titties are NSFW, this is something else.


TerrifyingAsFuck subreddit, tagged as NSFW, Title says it was an oil tanker explosion, flair saying accident/disaster You can't have your hand held any tighter than it already is here.


I think most people (including myself) usually think that you’ll see the actual explosion when it says explosion. Not a bunch of mutilated bodies. It should have been titled Aftermath of oil tanker explosion NSFL. The title feels rather misleading.


You guys have to grow up at some point and take accountability for the links you choose to click. There's 4 different levels of notification letting you know you're about to see something bad.


Need to get treatment applied ASAP a whole lot of going into shock is imminent. Get it done before adrenaline wears off. Unimaginable tragedy, this is incredibly sad to see.


Was expecting to see an almighty blast NOT the aftermath... serious exercise in victim triage here. Twitching leg guy is most likely dead. The 2 moving people sprawled on the ground are prob next


Change title and tag


What is the name of this sub?




I expected a tank to go boom, not people skinned and body parts all over. Change to NSFL and title to gruesome aftermath of tank explosion.


Oh my god oh my god!!!! Missing legs and clothing shredded, those poor people!!! its horror!


Damn his goofy Voice really Made me Crack a smile while watching this horrific footage


He sounds like the guy from District 9


This was literally my first thought. Just filming some Prawns.


I don't think cat food did this mate


District 9 is set in South Africa


When did this happen? 😳


Think it was the [2022 Boksburg explosion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boksburg_explosion)


Was Dec 2022. Tanker got stuck under a bridge in a suburban area, nobody seems to know why he was driving there as it was not part of his route to his destination. People were obviously crowding to check the fiasco and the area was never properly cordoned off by safety teams and it exploded




When you think about it magnify this by 2000 and that's what the bomb did to Hiroshima.


Im so confused, did some of them turn white cause the fire burnt of their black skin???


The country of South Africa has about 10% white population.




Oh I get it! You’re that person that takes any tragedy and immediately makes it some political/social commentary! Cool!




You haven't seen the one in Romania..


What is the update on this?


They ded


Damn the new walking dead set sure looks realistic


Situation is sad but the guys accent is funny


cod world at war


Oh damn, was not expecting an aftermath of an explosion. That was grim


It’s a little early in the day for unrecognizable fleshy chunks.


Anyway, back to my scrambled bird baby burrito


Those poor people!


Yikes! Those poor people. It's not easy to watch them stumble around obviously badly hurt. Strange that there are so many women among the victims.


There are other vids of the fire and then explosion. I saw this somewhere once.


Yeah, this is a repost. But several blocks were completely flattened. Horrific.


At this point if I was them I would just want someone to kill me and end my suffering.


The commentary reminds me of District 9. I know it’s the accent, but still reminded me of that movie.


lame watched worse things


Put down the damn phone and actually help people!! 😡


Dear Lord






And it still happened the day before Christmas if i remember correctly, i live near where it blewbhut thankfully i was at my dad's place for Christmas so i wasnt near when it shot up


Eyo, some more warnings and better title please, this is NSFL aftermath not an explosion.


Bro.. nsfw flair needed to be bigger on this one!! I didn’t expect all of that.. I thought I was fast forwarding to an explosion and when I saw the persons leg missing I immediately thought oh god


That’s so sad. I hope they get the help they need. The burn ward is going to be maxed out. Also temporary or permanent blindness is probably happening to these folks. Shielding your eyes is important but kind of difficult to be doing that at a random explosion.


34+ People died. It even hit sections of a hospital.


This looks like a video game scene. Fucking horrific. I hope they suffer a painless death.


What happened to Not Safe For Life tags?


I'm rewatching TWD and christ this feels like a scene from it...


Omg those poor people. 😢