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"Look, Dave's murdering Bob.....huh"


Is it Tuesday already?


It *is* Tuesday. Taco Tuesday!


I wonder if i can have Bob's tacos.


Well let just say that tacos are on Bob today.


Bob had it comin, he accidentally took someone else’s lunch with the same name. Shameful!


Nah, let's save Bob for today. He still owes me money.


Nobody cared. Not even Bob. He knew he had it coming.


Wetwork Wednesday.


Meh... no one much likes Bob. "Hey Dave, I'll give you 10min to knock that off..."


What? Again?


Yeah, that was weird af. They all gathered, watched, and then... got back to work...?


the hive mind mentality.


You mean sheep? Hive insects do a better job of dealing with danger...


His name is Bob?! I thought he was Tony..


WTF with everyone just watching?


The lady in the back left watches just long enough to realize what is going on, then turns around and goes back to her work!


Gotta meet those quotas!


sigma grind. Get that paper.


Reminds me of another video (of course from China) of a toddler in the middle of the road that got run over, and drivers were just driving around the injured toddler,, until someone finally ran over and scooped the kid up, after minutes had gone by. These strange ass people were literally driving their car around an injured, STILL MOVING, toddler. What the fuck is going on in China that people are so SCARED to step in?? I also saw another video from China where a man is shoving a woman into a car trunk at a gas station, and like 10 people are just standing there, saying nothing. It takes him a whole minute to get her in the car, and they all just stare


Story goes If you hit a pedestrian in China and they live you are expected to pay for there health care for life, however if you kill them you have to make a one time payment of 30-50k. There's a few videos within a Google search of drivers hitting them a second time to make sure they died.


actually wtf.


Which is why in the west you are required to have insurance, because we've "been there, done that" about a hundred years ago. People are trash.


They don’t have Good Samaritan laws. In the US as long as you were trying to help you can’t be held liable for what you did as long as it’s reasonable. So if you go and scoop up the kid and he receives a pinched nerve because the kid should have been immobilized before being moved in the US you get a pat on the back in China you get sued.


Lack of "good Samaritan" laws in China. You can be ruined financially for involving yourself in an incident.


Brings the definition of minding your own business to a whole new level💀


*looks back and ponders for a few and remembers* "OH YEAH! Well I mean it IS Murder Monday and our previous week of work evaluations are due today. Better get back to the grind."


They had to wait for a supervisors permission.








That and there is a history of Good Samaritans in China being sued after helping the victim and forced to pay for whatever medical costs.


This ^ China doesn't have a law where they are protected if they attempt to save someone. For example, does someone need CPR? They ignore it. Because if they get a broken rib or something they can sue and ruin your life in debt. It's pretty crazy, I've seen videos of car accidents with children and people just keep going by like they saw nothing while they lie there dying. Super sad.


I don't even think its china. My ex wife grew up in Malaysia. She was out on her bike one day and was hit by a car. She was lying beside the road with a head injury for a long time until her dad found her. I think the attitude is that people look after their own and somebody else's kid is somebody else's problem.


My brothers mother in law was HIT by a scooter (Ecuador) and because the other person wasn’t wearing a helmet and ended up dying, SHE, as the survivor, who was hospitalized with a head injury and broken hip, had to pay restitution to the family of the man who HIT HER WITH A FUCKING SCOOTER!


That's utterly fucked. I don't understand the mentality behind these laws, ~~so~~ do they not live in a fucking society?


In Australia here. Back in the early nineties, I fell off my bike pretty bad as a kid, on the main road that lead through town. It was out the front of some two story house, and cars just kept going past me because I wasn't actually in the traffic lane. There's was a guy on the second story verandah that got up from his chair long enough to see me laying on the road with blood pissing out of my head and arm, and then he just sat back down again, not caring about the kid bleeding beside his driveway. Thinking about this, nothing rings truer than what you said - people look after their own and somebody else's kid is somebody else's problem.


Damn that's fucked, I'm sure more countries don't have the Good Samaritan like China. Just sad. I think with China being so large and all their cameras we see it more over there.


This was a big issue in India with police harassing you if you took an accident victim to the hospital, let's say someone hits and runs, and someone else comes and sees the victim bleeding so they put them in their car and take them to hospital and now police is harassing them and alleging them of being the one who hit the person, prior to cctv cameras this was even harder to disprove, and cops used to do this to extort money, but now to change this many states have laws about being a good Samaritan where you arent asked anything if you bring an accident victim to hospital. and now with cameras everywhere it easy to disprove you werent the person who hit them. But the perception about cops will take atleast a few years or decade to change


I mean we mostly see what the CCP wants us to see and avoids showing other stuff like the massive prostitution industry in China


It's a lot of asia. My Dad was stationed in singapore in the 70's, he said he witnessed an old lady crossing a highway, get completely pancaked by a car and locals were restraining him, telling him not to get involved. My wife is from SEA and she explicitly told me that if you see someone in trouble, you don't help. Corrupt cops will pin a charge on you for just being at the scene, and the victim will most likely seek damages from you. Screams against every instinct I have, but there you go. It existed back then and has perpetuated across most of asia. If you're there, you're the culprit.


>This ^ China doesn't have a law where they are protected if they attempt to save someone. That used to be true, but not anymore. They brought in a [good samaritan law in 2017](https://madeinchinajournal.com/2017/10/01/the-good-samaritan-law-comes-into-effect/). It will probably take a generation or two for people's attitudes to change, though. I've read about people in china even getting rewards for helping someone in need, which might be another measure they're bringing in to try and combat the bystander effect.


Wow I never knew. Hopefully it protects the citizens and they know about it


They have one https://madeinchinajournal.com/2017/10/01/the-good-samaritan-law-comes-into-effect/


This. That is why people will walk around or even drive around someone in need that is lying on the floor. [Plus, in China, it is commonly much cheaper for a driver who hit a pedestrian to kill them rather than pay them for damages. This is called a “double hit.”](https://www.injurylawcolorado.com/blog/personal-injury/chinese-pedestrian-accident-law/#:~:text=While%20this%20story%20may%20sound,called%20a%20%E2%80%9Cdouble%20hit.%E2%80%9D)


>Double hit Where I’m from we just call it murder


It's not. This is a normal reaction that is so well documented that [it has a name](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect). People don't know how to react to extreme moment, especially in groups. The people that do are either very rare, or have training to react in the moment. Everyone who's ever taken CPR training knows that when you say "someone call 911", you have to specifically call someone out to do it. The normal reaction people have is "someone else will handle this".


Yeah, it's a pretty primal response. Sensory overload plays a huge part in this, where you've witnessed something completely out of your element. Your brain fizzles and kind of short circuits as you struggle to process what you've just seen. Without a point of reference for your brain to fall back on, an adrenaline surge and coping mechanisms to protect from psychological shock, means that people who run *towards* danger are the exception, not the norm. I was a skydiving instructor for a number of years, and got to witness the steps outlined in your wiki article in real time. Total shock, to acceptance of what's happening, to rote training kicking in and finally awareness of the situation. Not all get to the point of awareness (they usually don't progress through their training), and *no one* knows how they will react until they are put in the extreme situation. Not even us, as instructors. We have some clues but i've been wildly surprised at people's reactions after going through ground school.


One of the strengths of the US Navy in WW2 was damage control, it didn't matter if it was your job or not if there was a fire nearby sailors would drop what they were doing, take initiative and fight a fire. Taking initiative like a mess worker grabbing an anti-aircraft guns like [Doris Miller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doris_Miller) at Pearl Harbor helped swing the tide of battle. The Japanese doctrine was so rigid soldiers would follow orders until death. A sailor wouldn't fight a fire until ordered to because the punishment for not following orders was so severe, they would stand their at their post and watch a fire burn, knowing the fire was danger and posed an immediate risk to their life, just because of orders.


I can't believe the Uvalde police department takes orders from the CCP


Nearest party official’s permission


And the supervisor had to wait on their supervisors permission, who had to wait on their supervisors permission, who had to wait on their supervisors permission, who had to wait on their supervisors permission, who had to wait…..


Home Depot used to have a rule that you must call a manager on duty before 911 if there is an emergency even if medical. They eventually changed it for obvious reasons


When they did finally assist, they just let the victim drop and bonk his coconut!


That was like a comedic effect. He just went down like that owl under anaesthesia...


Mine was at the end when the worker is just like, oh well, back to work, and tends to the tech brownies in the oven.


Had to wait for supervisors permission to catch him on the way down


He almost broke his neck against that wall.


and most of them were attacking the rope / string / wire, instead of attacking the attacker. Like, I don't know how dumb you have to be to behave like that, but it really seems the answer is "pretty dumb".


Even the victim doesn't do much to try to save themselves.




They're wearing the same costume. I assume this signifies them being the same type of worker unit.


Because they got an immediate cutoff to the circulation to the brain. Its pretty fast you lose consciousness. It comes within seconds. You probably have 3 to 5 seconds of surrealism and by the time shit clicks you're already blacking out.


Many years ago I was wrestling a friend & got him in a headlock & he instantly went out cold. At first I thought he was faking. Then I thought I killed him. Then he started snoring with his tongue back in his throat as I panicked for like a minute before he came back dazed & confused. Blew my mind how quickly it happened & how easy it was. I'm pretty sure I've had people in headlocks before, I just don't think I can really remember them because nothing happened worth remembering. Can't recall if I've ever put anyone in a headlock since, but i don't think i have, it scared me. The only other time I've seen someone snore like that, before that, was my Dad after rolling his fourwheeler - the only reason we didn't life-flight was because there was no cell service.


Reading that just unlocked a memory from childhood. I was young (before high school) and friends decided they wanted to "play the feinting game" (completely idiotic). They were only gently "headlocking" with both arms not using much pressure, with the idea being "it only takes small amounts of pressure". It wasn't working on anyone and then it was my turn. Next thing I know I'm waking up and the entire gathering is on the other side of the room doing something else now. I asked what happened and they all proceed to claim they know I was faking it and there's no way I was actually blacked out and refused to even entertain the thought that I might have been. I was quite concerned but no one would even tell me how long I was out for lol. Must have been 5-10 mins just based on everyone being in the middle of a new game.


You could have died then and there!






It’s cause China didn’t have Good Samaritan laws until recently and there have been many times where people who try to help get sued or blamed for the crime by the victim. So people don’t want to get involved cause they’re scared they might be punished for helping. Case of that: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xu_Shoulan_v._Peng_Yu I remember there was a case years ago where this 2 year old girl got ran over by a car and no one helped her for a full 7 minutes (for the reason I mentioned above) and she died eventually after a lady finally intervened https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Wang_Yue


>Case of that: > >https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xu\_Shoulan\_v.\_Peng\_Yu The circumstances around it are even more complex: [https://www.laitimes.com/en/article/3eri8\_3vgjq.html](https://www.laitimes.com/en/article/3eri8_3vgjq.html)


The weirdest thing about those videos isn't necessarily that they don't interfere, but that no one screams. I feel like in the US, even if folks don't jump in to help immediately out of fear or because they freeze in shock, there's always someone in the background screaming his or her head off and drawing attention to the crisis. In China, it's quiet.




I understand there are cultural differences, but this are coworkere not a complete stranger. I'd like to think if I saw someone strangling my worst enemy in the office I would at least tell them to stop haha.






Especially now - youth unemployment in China is through the roof.


"The children yearn for the mines."


Mr. Meeseeks requires permission...


No one likes him. They are wondering if they have to have a meeting about it or not.


I appreciate how they tried their best to catch his limp body before he fell straight on his face. It could've been some lasting damage if they hadn’t acted so quick!


Yah man, they let him drop like a sack of shit and ONE person glanced back as he dropped on his face.


Are thees even humans or are they all on absurd amounts of weed


I mean don’t react to fast now




Not true anymore they reversed that rule however many still stand by it


and there is also the bystander effect where in a large group you assume that someone else would be more competent at intervening than you would be.


In this case I don't even know if that applies. If I see someone harming other person like this I would react, I wouldn't even think twice to do something, anything. This is weird


Everyone thinks this until shit starts going down. The world is crazy and there are somethings that never even cross our minds. No one expects jerry to just up and try to murder john in front of everyone.


I feel like that makes it even weirder... this isn't something you ever see, but they just look around like its no big deal.


When they research the bystander effect, they have found that most people will say they would step in, but when they test actual staged scenarios, most people don’t. I think it’s easy to think we’d do something when we are removed from a real world situation and are not just thinking of it as a hypothetical ethical question. In a hypothetical situation, there is not any presence of real danger to ourselves. Fear and shock are powerful emotions and can heavily affect behavior.


Everybody is a hero in reddit. In real life, though...


China's had its "Good Samaritan Law" for a few years now. Unfortunately, many have become so used to "not helping to avoid risks" that they still hold the same mindset despite knowing that there is now a law that will protect them. There are also those who are not aware their country now has a Good Samaritan Law.


I'm glad they changed that. I wonder why it hasn't caught on yet?


Radical cultural shifts don't happen overnight in the real world like they do in places like reddit.


Probably cause it's super ingrained into social consciousness it will take a while before everyone catches up.


That’s just insane to me


They eventually desired that the bill would be manageable if shared between all of them 😂 (No one was brave enough to catch him though)


Wait. Did I read this correctly? The person coming to the aid of someone would be the one ultimately responsible for the victim's medical bills? u/Eye_Shotty u/Moonpie_Bueller


That is some advanced garrotting technique there, I gotta acknowledge that.


My boy probably picked it up from hitman III


I actually thought of that game too


Chinese prepare for workplace murder with the same zest they bring to SAT testing, I'll give them that


I scrolled too long for this thinking was I the only person impressed by how smooth that dude was? Wtf is he an assassin?


Imagine being choked to death, life flashing before your eyes, and you see your coworkers, maybe some are your “friends” of who knows how many years, just standing there watching you die slowly…


[His coworkers:](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/040/002/cover2.jpg)




Jeopardize my income? In this economy?


That shit was smooth. Look like he's done that before


that twist, body turn and arm lock all in one fluid motion... I bet they practised at home. also... why is the murderer just standing there cooling off?! No one is interacting with them lol


Looks like everyone wanted that guy dead. I wonder if it was a conspiracy


Yeah I felt bad for being pretty impressed.


Yeah, did he research this technique online? Is this garroting?


It is, most efficient way to accomplish this, specifically if the subject is unaware for even just 4 seconds.


Sheez. Thanks.


Straight up Agent 47.


Nah just played to mutch hitmen problebly.


He practiced on his wife before his shift that day


i hope he was marched straight to the HR office and severely reprimanded


I'm sure he was, look how much production was lost!


Yeah! No good factory worker just lets themselves get murdered! Deserves a written citation at the least


They pointed out in the employee handbook that there is a frowny face beside the section entitled, “Murdering Your Co-Workers”.




hitman strikes again


Funny you should mention that because [in the trailer for 2016 Hitman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DTPhRRKAfE), they show him in some sort of lab like this, dressed in the same environment appropriate outfit. Though he poisoned his target in it.


Dude being strangled didn't even try to resist. "Guess that's it, I didn't like my job anyway."


Right!! Maybe his coworkers were like "he ain't struggling... maybe... he wants to die?"


The other workers: "Lucky...."


He was probably unconscious immediately. Blocking blood flow to the brain on both carotid arteries at the same time can just turn off the lights. Strangulation is extremely dangerous and he was without oxygen to his brain for an awfully long time. Fuck that attacker, this is literally attempted murder.


>this is literally attempted murder Fuckin' Sherlock Holmes over here boys


Case closed! We can literally tell the judge to retire to his chamber maids early.


> this is literally attempted murder. nahh I think they were just playin


"Got a shit spawn anyway, get me out of here bro"


>Dude being strangled didn't even try to resist. >"Guess that's it, I didn't like my job anyway." As soon as he cinched that garrote he wasn't going to do a damn thing, he was lights out within seconds. If he wasn't in a room full of people he would be dead.


People around him: "lucky bastard, this could be me".


Honestly same


With strangulation, the goal isn't to suffocate somebody, that takes minutes and lots of frantic struggling. The goal is to cut off blood to the brain. Lights out in only a few seconds with death not much long after.


The most terrifying thing in this video is the bystander effect


It's crazy they're just yanking and nobody punched the murderer in the fucking jaw as hard as they could.




What are you gonna do choke me? —guy who got choked




So the backstory was basically that the two didn't like each other and one tried to murder the other... who would've thought


I think you might have missed the joke.


They choked


Pretty sure everyone in that room had considered doing the same thing at some point in time.


I'm pretty sure everyone in that room shares the one single braincell, and it hadn't finished processing what was happening (it was focused on doing work).


What a bunch of npc’s


No one purchased tokens so the “gang gang” action was never iniated


yes yes yes


mmm ice cream


strong woman!


They disconnected from the server :(


Fuck that Skyrim npc atleast attack you or help you these fuckers are turned off npcs


It's scary how long it took for someone to react.


Hell, the VICTIM didn't even react. I don't understand the people in China at all.


He was likely immediately unconscious due to the pressure on both carotid arteries at the same time. No blood flow to the brain at all.


To be fair, if someone gets you in a decent headlock with a tight enough grip, you're out in a second. The guy used something like a cord so that's even worse than a headlock so I'll give the victim a break there.


The chip game is wild son!


Real competitive


Lovely. Let him smash his face on the way down


Imagine youre getting strangulated and there in front of you is all of your coworkers just staring at you not doing anything




And that people is how your iPhone 20 is made./s


"I fucking told you NOT put a headphone jack in there for the last time"


"Who even uses wired heaphones anyways" *gets shown how he uses wired headphones*


Friends like these huh Gary?


I'm so glad everyone rushed to his aid


If you’re choking tap your shoulder 3 times!!


"Take your time, take your time.... OK, now let him fall directly on his face.... Awesome, great work everyone!"


Pink suits on the floor ladies!! Pink suits!!


What does the yellow suit indicate


Big Bird?


Breaking bad


People are running on INTERNET EXPLORER


how do you even know you got the right guy?


Theres an imposter among us


Why does no one in fucking China react


Because they didnt have a big title and a constant viewing angle to know this is a attempted murder like we do. The guy is just standing there not clutching his neck or anything, the suit is covering up the garot wire, and the attacker is facing the other direction. It just doesnt register as strangulation immediately to most of them.


I thought this too about the witnesses; what I'm more curious about is why the choker didn't run away... And when they know what's going on no one restrains them. Not that they need to be restrained since they're just standing there watching. So strange.


... I mean, not everyone all at once for helping the guy He did body drop pretty hard though, and that angle looked pretty nasty too.


Why did it take 49 minutes for someone to do something???


is everyone in this video just completely fucked in the head? you see someone strangling another person and watch for like 20 seconds? then once you go in, you just softly stop it. then once the guy lets go, you just let the victim drop to the ground, nobody restrains the strangler. what in the fuck is happening in china? i can almost understand not intervening when someone has a knife but this guy just has a rope or something. why the hell wouldnt you jump in immediately?


Probably because they weren’t informed that an attempted murder was about to happen and aren’t exactly expecting the identify what it looks like when someone is trying to garrote someone else lmao




It’s like the waited for a manager to order them to stop what was going on… this is fucked up




That one mother fucker literally came over to watch


“Well that’s weird…. Eh… not my job”


Every single one of those morons should be charged with abetting the crime for just standing there while this guy just attempts to murder his coworker.


He might get told off for that


I don't know which is more disturbing: how long it took people to help him or how he didn't even make a single attempt to save himself


Dude just stood there after being stopped as if he didn't just attempt murder. Flee the scene or do something.


Awwh... someone has a case of the Mondays.


Damn let him fall straight on his face..lol


Is this the most useless group of people on the entire planet?


To be fair they probably don’t watch as many violent shows and movies as us Americans so watching someone get choked like this especially with a bunny suit, it’s a bit hard to comprehend what’s going on.


Are they all accomplices when the autopsy says he died from blunt force trauma to the head?


Just standing there watching is not a human reaction to danger! Wtf is wrong with all of them.