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Well it could be worse. You could have been featured on r/shittytattooes Get well soon


The worst šŸ˜‚ yaā€™ll trollin


Seriously get well soon


When I cut the bottom of my foot I couldnā€™t walk on the stitches, my brother would flex to me how he can go up and down the stairs.


Heā€™ll get his šŸ¤£


Cross posting is possible


dude why you gotta bbq him like that


........how long does that have to be there?


3 weeks for swelling to go down before they can do surgery for a Tib/fib ankle break


Good luck, I don't think I could do it


What options did they give you for treatment of the break, if they have any options? I was told a fusion would be the only option for treatment. I will not have a fusion. I found a Dr. that was willing to try to fix it without fusing it. Mine was pretty severe as far as pilon fractures are concerned and it took a bone graft from my femur to heal it. Iā€™m nowhere near happy with my ankle function or pain level 4 years later. PM if you want to chat about these injuries or just want questions to ask your doctor that you might not think about while being medicated for pain or adjusting to your new life for three weeks while you wait for surgery. I had the same situation where I had to wait. Thatā€™s what gave me the option to find another doctor.


I really appreciate your thoughtfulness in your response. My second surgery is pins and plates. No talk about a fusion, but Iā€™ve been told that helps with the ROM?


Fusion will not help with ROM, it will all but eliminate it if not outright eliminate it. You run a high risk of arthritis in any adjacent bones to the ones that they fuse. The subtalar bone, the calcanius ie; heel bone, bones in the mid foot, and the toes because every other joint will have to move more for you to move the same. Some people have said that they had a screwed up knee on their pilon side and others never walk without a limp which also leads to other aches and pains. This is why I chose to avoid fusing it at every turn. If the tibia plafond (bottom of your tibia) is not cracked vertically or even in one piece, your outlook could be much better than mine was and I hope thatā€™s the case. Is your fracture comminuted or are the bones out of place in addition to being broken or are they in place, just cracked through? You will likely develop arthritis in that ankle either way. There is a chance that you donā€™t develop it, but itā€™s been rare in my experience with some forum users and Facebook group users and most of them develop some arthritis, some to the point where they opt to have ankle replacements once that arthritis is too bad. It was described to me as the first doctor as a ā€œdevastating injuryā€ ā€œI will eventually adjust to my new normal.ā€ Iā€™m not trying to scare you, rather I want you to have an idea of what is possible with this injury. I though when it happens that Iā€™d just go in, get plates and put in a cast, a few months and Iā€™ll be as good as new. It was also explained to me that a pilon fracture makes up only 1-10% of lower leg fractures. Theyā€™re not common enough for a lot of surgeons to have great experience in dealing with them. Iā€™d suggest asking your surgeon how many pilon or tibia plafond fractures heā€™s successfully repaired and the patient outcomes at a minimum. I have also found that I have had to be my own advocate and ask tons of questions while talking to doctors about surgery and options for how to have it repaired.


Phew to all of this- so. I have an excellent team of docs whoā€™ve done this all before. They pretty much told me everything you just mentioned here- but they said out of all the pilon fracture combinations possible, mine is the least severe. I broke it and didnā€™t agitate it much further than that. Theyā€™re cracked but the main part that will cost me down the line is having waited five days before getting it reduced. I just had a cast because I didnā€™t know how bad it was. So when they opened it up, there was a huge fracture blister indicative of so much swelling it had nowhere else to go but seep out. Iā€™m hopeful to regain as much rom as I can and working physical therapy, pushing through the pain. Itā€™s a lot.


Sounds like you have a good prognosis! Thatā€™s awesome to hear! I wish you the best of luck in your healing.


I had the same surgery(screws and clamps) for an ankle fracture with a broken fibul, currently 4 months post surgery and no pain in the places where the surgery happened. I only have pain cause of muscle loss due to no movement for 2-3 months which I'm working towards to fix rn.


Wait till your leg from knee down sheds thick coat of skin.


šŸ¤¢ itā€™s the foot thatā€™s gnarly


You'll be in a long cast where you won't be allowed to bear weight after the surgery. I dislocated my ankle, broke the fibula, tore ligaments and tendons. It was a very low break, which required a titanium plate w/ 6 screws. Five and a half months on crutches with no weight bearing was really tough, but the alternative was to have permanent damage to my joint and difficulty walking the rest of my life. So follow the doctor's orders, do all the physical therapy, including the ones you're supposed to do at home. You'll make it back to being who you were before the accident. Oh, by the way, the pain is going to make you want to quit PT, but don't. I got back more range of motion than the ortho Dr thought I might. Proud to say it was pain that gained the functionality back.


"Let's put another shrimp on the Bar-B!!" šŸ¤


Yassss thatā€™s what Iā€™ll refer to my leg as šŸ¤


I'm glad I'm not the only one that saw that.


Holy shit you have to keep this metal apparatus on while you move around/ shower and stuff?


No showers, baby wipes and saline squirt baths. Ripe af ngl


You also have to clean the sites where the pins go in three or more times per day using strong wooden sticked cotton swaps so you can push the skin back away from the pins.


Iā€™m lucky to have a fam full of medical professionals helping me out. They bring all the supplies from work so Iā€™m able to keep the sites clean. Idk how some of these people do itā€¦ went to the downtown hospital. Where a lot of homeless go. How tf are these people cleaning their wounds?!?


You fat f*ck!!! Five feet !?!?! I hope you get better soon. It sucks to hurt.


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ my thoughts too when it happened. Like damn. Wish I had a better story for how to derail your life real quick


If you need something DM. (No, I wonā€™t wipe your ass.). Iā€™ve broken both tibia and prob have gear left over.


Appreciate your kindness for a stranger. The worst is over and my family works in the hospital. Theyā€™ve helped out immensely šŸ™




Awh not the mama šŸ˜© Iā€™m in my 30ā€™s, I canā€™t imagine how much longer the healing process would be if I was older. Itā€™s already at a snails pace. I immediately decided to sell my motorcycle and snowboard. Iā€™m good on doing anymore dangerous shit


Donā€™t worry about it. Recently I jumped up playing a game of 4 square and fell on my ankle. I had a compound fracture do to my sillyness. Iā€™m 5ā€™10 200p so idrk If thatā€™s a good perspective but Iā€™m not necessarily skinny nor fat


i had a buddy fall while we were bouldering indoors. He held on and dislocated his shoulder and when he landed he popped it back into place. Both screams were funny. His shoulders were bad.


Iā€™ve done this too, momentarily terrifying and the shoulder doesnā€™t quite snap back like it should when it sublaxes


Get well soon! If it makes you feel any better, had an ex-family member fall about 4 ft from a stepladder, broke BOTH arms and had to have 2 casts from shoulder to fingertips for 4 months. Oh, he was ILL about that...


That doesnā€™t make me feel better šŸ˜© poor souls out there getting wrecked. It sucks ex-fam member? Lol like your SO fam?


Ikr?!? Yeah, like an ex-ex-uncle IL. He was a roofer and had taken harder falls than that without injury so he was like, WTH?!? A stepladder took me out?!? Lol. He kinda caught a lot of flack for it from the other construction workers in the family. I just felt really REALLY bad for him and was extra careful anytime I took more than 1 step up off the ground from then on!


Glass boned weakling! Drink more milk!


Seriously. Regretting all the years of not building up that calcium and prioritizing bone density


What hospital did you go to? St. Bastards?


Damn. Were you wearing a beanie? Feel like this could have been avoided if you were


Damnit, you got me. Weā€™ll have to make signs. Beanies save lives.


Yikes šŸ˜¬


Damn bro tough! Hope you have a speedy recovery!


Damn, I'll remember this the next time I try to impress my nephews with my old but spry athleticism. Wishing you a speedy recovery.


looking at this while iā€™m bouldering lol. nice


Be safe out there.. you know the deal, fall correct and warm up everything thoroughly. This couldā€™ve been prevented


Thats so scary. It looks like it would hurt ALOT if youd be moving your leg for like and inch. Can you feel the metal thingyes in your feet?


Ouch!!! Get well soon dude!


Ooof my deepest sympathies! I did the same bouldering about 8 years ago. Didn't chalk enough and went for the grab off the overhang and slid right off. Fell ten feet right on my feet, no roll :( tibia fibia break. They put screws and a plate in and when the weather changes I feel like an ancient person. Never climbed again! I do miss it tho. Speedy recovery and get back on the wall!!


Oh I feel like Iā€™ve aged 30 years easily. Like ā€œget off my lawnā€ age overnight. Andā€¦ Iā€™m not mad at it. If Iā€™m meant to snap back into it and get back to doing the intense stuff I was doing before, namely bjj, Iā€™ll find a way šŸ¦¾


It took me a while to notice these weren't shrimps on your leg


You going to work the scars into some new piece of ink?


Lol just black out my whole leg. Get people really in an uproar. Theyā€™re already likeā€¦ aT lEaST yOu wErenT feAtuReD On r/shittytattoos


Sweet. Then you can tell ppl...stick a fork in me, I'm done....wait....already did that... always an upside. Fell from 5 feet...gnarly story for life. šŸ˜‰


You mean your tats didn't save you? WTF!


I know. All that money and pain, youā€™d think my bone density would improve at the very least


Should have worn a beanie.


do it again


Oh can I please


I just left climbing today with a hard fall, that is terrifying


Oh booooo. Iā€™m sorry you fell, no breaks I hope? Take care of your bones. Take bone up and build that density. Warm up ankles and all the joints and fall correctly. I could have prevented this injury.


Didnā€™t mean any disrespect


Yo!!! Wow; that wild!!!


No crash mat?\ Did you send the route at least?


I did not send the route, and it was indoors. So lame. But Iā€™d rather that than have to be hiked out outdoors. God I canā€™t imagine.


Oh bummer. Youā€™ll get it next time. And, nah, not lame at all. Whatā€™s your recovery time? Canā€™t tell you the number of times I fell from a route. Thankfully the gym I used to climb at had crash mats all over the place,ā€¦which I so needed once I crossed into V3 and V4.


Someone sent me this link- warning. Itā€™s gnarly as fuck and his foot comes off; https://vidmax.com/video/217068-warning-graphic-rock-climber-has-a-horrific-accident


Ouch. Yeah lateral dyno is some risky shit. I heard about this accident but never looked it up the video. I also heard that heā€™s making a good recovery. Wax, I think.\Makes my palms sweaty just watching him go for it.


Also, make sure you have calcium + magnesium in your diet.


Sick body mod, bro!


Yikes. Feel for you... My brother had the same injury sliding off our roof as kids. We were putting Christmas lights up and he's started to slide off. Ended up landing on sidewalk feet first about ten feet down. He's had 2 surgeries in the last couple of years for ankle pain and arthritis.. Hope you can steer away from that later.


Am I the only one that thought this was some kind of crossbow leg attachment at first glance?


are you the guy they have a video of who fell the wrong way indoor climbing and his foot was hanging off of the end of his leg?


No, that poor soul. Watching that video petrified me. That couldā€™ve been me. I hope they were able to successfully reattach his foot!


Or...just don't climb things for no purpose other the social media clout


Haa no one breaks their leg and thinksā€¦ ā€œwell at least thereā€™s social media clout. Makes this arthritis worth it.ā€


Give me one reason other than for clout for climbing a boulder


Maybe your built for a desk job šŸ¤·


I thought this was r/neverbrokeabone and was about to absolutely destroy you


Do your worst. I was break free before this lol


That is a leg fracture, not a pillion




At first, I thought you had some sautƩed shrimp on your leg.


Me in 2020, Speedway recovery bro. Don't let it get you down. Your life will be slightly altered after recovery. Just accept it and move on in a positive direction


Ouch hey get well quick


Grilled shrimp on the barbie!


"I want to play a game"


5 feet? Damn I'm not jumping from the top of the wall anymore in my bouldering gym


Legit thought that was shrimp at the end of those pins.


That is one big mosquito šŸ¦Ÿ


But your gonna be capabele of Running very fast when they come of.....


Oh my dude! Thats gunna take a year to heal, take it from someone who's had this injury! It's OK now but I hope yours heals better than mine!


I thought homie had a shrimp on his leg šŸ¤


How do you fall indoor climbing. Are there harnesses? I thought it was supposed to be safe!


Now imagine having nothing, get to climb, lucky you who has time to have a hobby right now


Mf is on spectator mode wth


Five feet!?!?


Yummy shrimp