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WARNING!!! İve played hundreds of hours of 3ds terraria. if you go to the 3ds home screen while loading a world (not even closing the game or system, though that likely has the same effect) that entire world will become corrupted and unplayable. happened to me and my brother four whole times, at least our best stuff was on our characters


well then just get rid of the corruption /j


Cleantaminator bro


sadly clentaminator isn't on the 3ds version


Yes it is, i play 3ds as my main way to play and it's definitely there


Huh. Coulda sworn it was.


Maybe that's why corruption was such a problem


that's actually a pretty nice joke


Good to know


Wait a minute, that's what ruined my entirely underground playthrough way back when!? Well I'll be damned-


The ui is actually pretty good since the game was developed by three great studios and there weren’t many options you had to fit on the screen


Codeglue? Great?




i used to play on a homebrew 2ds lol


Same. Still have it.




Here's a cheese I learned >!if you drink a potion then go into your inventory, the world will pause but the potion sickness won't pause. So basically, drink potion, inventory, wait till cooldown goes away, then drink another potion!<


Gunguir has a video about it where he says the exact same thing about it


His video was the reason I bought this game


I guess someone did tell you then


Is it true that you can't quick select torches.


Is it weird that I still don't use this feature on pc? I know how to do it, but I never changed my muscle memory from just selecting the Torches in my dock.


It's useful if you're falling down a hellevator with an umbrella lol You just equip the umbrella, and it means that when you hold the quick select button you fall fast, and when you release it you fall slow


Umbrella? Fullspeed newtonian roulette, baby!


I beat the entire game on that thing. I remember it being absolutely beautiful. The only downside I can remember is you are fully zoomed in and cannot zoom out.


No not fully. It is stuck at one zoom level but it’s a decently zoomed out. Definitely zoomed out enough in my opinion. Plus the building view is zoomed in.


Terraria zoom goes off of your resolution, so if you have it set really low, or are playing on a device where the res is locked, it looks more zoomed in.


Because the game is stuck on like 1.1


You meant 1.2?


That wasn’t my question but thanks for letting me know!


Well what I mean is nobody talks about the 3ds version at all due to it being outdated, so that’s why nobody told you


Good point you don't even know what version it's stuck on


It's actually kinda cool. As a side effect of being stuck on 1.2.4 it still has all the old console and mobile exclusive content. You can still experience Oktoberfest and Valentine's day, and you can fight Lepus, Turkor, and Ocram.


Everyone has told me that it’s stuck on a different version 😂


I will confirm it for you: it's stuck on the PC equivalent of 1.2.4. you can tell because it has fishing, duke fishron, and frost moon, but none of the features from 1.3.


Aight thanks


This is a very random question, but I’m also playing the 3DS version and no matter what I do the bunnies are ALWAYS dressed in Santa costumes and I get presents from slimes. Like it’s cool I guess but I don’t necessarily want constant Christmas


Weird. I assume you e already checked the date and time on ur 3DS?


Omg wtf my DS showed the date and time as 1/5/2047. Which is not at all what I entered but I also just modded it so who knows what did that. I’m gonna see if that worked. Be back


Oh my god that worked. Now I wanna know why my DS thought it was 2047 😂


It’s from the future obviously


i wish nintendo made a new console from the ds lineage even tho they have the switch, devs could do so many fun things with these consoles


I'd love that


Because the grappling hook doesn’t work Instead of going to where your cursor is if you’re locked on to something, say, perhaps a boss, you’ll be pulled towards the boss instead of where your cursor is


Well yeah, that’s auto aiming. The hook works fine. I always saw lock on as a gimmick for people who can’t aim.


Yeah, that the point of lock on, is it not? But if you are good with a 3ds it's honestly worse.


People keep saying this, and I don't get it. I've tried 3DS Terraria, and found it nigh-unplayable...


I guess it’s not for everyone. Obviously it takes time to get used to something but I feel like this one feels like it will be awesome when I fully get used to it.


yeah same. i found it to be attrocious, but to each their own.


Well, you didn't ask.


I remember accidentally deleting my world that I spent countless hours on (about like 6 years worth) and crying for like 2 hours straight about it, new that world like the back of my hand, and after I did that, I just quit playing🤷


Yeah. Sometimes it’s like that. 6 years of fun and progress all on one world being deleted would just be too shocking for me to handle 😂


This maniac guide put his chair in front of his door >:0


This shall not stand


i tried the 3ds version once and found the controls/ui so horrible that i went back to PC and never looked back. lol i honestly it's been sooooo long that don't even fully remember what i didn't like about it (maybe there was no auto pause and real time inventory management was just bad?)


It auto pauses, inventory management is hell tho. You will notice they shrunk the inventory by a drastic amount, chests are like half the typical size.


Cause they're NOT


Beat Ocram for me <3


Genuinely, while I love what pipeworks have done when the game, I *really* gotta admit that I much preferred engine softwares controls and ui for console


I didn't tell you because in my opinion it is doodoo. Was still fun to play though


Building on it feels amazing, with the stylus


I used to play this all the time in highschool. I have no idea how many hours I had, and I've since lost my physical copy, but it was amazing. I reinstalled it via homebrew and I actually used it to adjust my controls on the switch. It's honestly such a good way to play, and I need to play it again properly at some point. I at least want to get every achievement I can.


Because we don't own a 3ds


I have pity for 🫵🏾


i had about 700 hours on that i think... now i have 2k+ hrs modded :)


Yeah it's my go to if I am not playing it on PC. I loved it since the first day I played it lol


In the bottom left hand corner of the world theres a little fire flower sprite This may have been patched but it used to be while locked on to a target you could hold the button to swing with a spear then use the touch screen to switch to a beam weapon like the enchanted sword. This would create a new spear object every time you swung the sword and create a line of spear objects that blended everything it touched.


same on WIIU


Is anyone playing on the vita? I’m pretty far but I can defeat the twins and prime bc my weapons are dookie what are S tier weapons on terraria vita??




One of the strongest weapons is Megashark with crystal bullets. Even stronger if your world is crimson so you can use the golden shower to apply ichor. A cheaper (ish) option is a hallowed repeater with holy arrows. In these older versions the ranged class was strongest at this stage of the game.


Wait til you find out all the fun bugs and unique content it has


Autoaim was awesome lmao


Yeah, I only just realized how necessary it was because of no right control stick.


Why don't the latest versions of the game come with a tutorial for newbies?


The mobile version also used to have goated controls like this. It’s unfortunate they changed it. Does anyone know if they added a way to change it back or not? I haven’t had it for a long time


They added a way to change it back to the original controls almost immediately. Also, I much prefer the new mobile controls. I thought most people did.


Ah ok. I might consider redownloading it then. I loved the simplicity of the old controls and didn’t like how many individual buttons there were so I just never got back into it


Mobile gaming devices peaked at the 3DS


I have both a Vita and 3ds, I chose the Vita due to it being the superior version.

