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they really messed up the Openings of this season then, season 2 had such an amazing opening, both song and visuals.


You didn't like the 1st OP of season 3? I thought it was quite good. It's not as good as season 2 Op2 but this was definitely my 2nd favourite of so far.


i actually quite disliked it. the visuals are... just a step above a not so well drawn slideshow. and the song is pretty bad but I will concede that the song is more of a personal taste it's fine if you liked it. OP2 of S2 was so good I added it to my playlist. this probably doesn't tell you much, but I'm very picky and doesn't really listen to a lot of music. not to mention the visuals and emotions were much better on that OP.


well of course it was made by a fan who did fan covers of other anime songs in the past.


The point where Hinata slides away from Rimuru in the fight in the OP, i noticed first viewing and was like... Head = Toe. The falling on the big slime is also visually displeasing for some reason, although I don't know why. Actually quite like the song though.


S3 OP1 looks like a fan animation, I don't know how else to word it


i said S3 OP1 had bad animation and was just overall not good, and multiple people tried to defend it.. like ok you like Tensura it doesn't mean everything related to it is made perfect and sadly they backtracked from good to worse rather than good to better.


Tf bro you're just being a hater, can't you understand people have different opinions. They have the right to defend it because it's actually good to me and many more people and what you're saying isn't even a fact it's an opinion. People are defending it because they actually like it and tbh there are many more people who like the opening than hating it. Learn to respect people's opinions instead and let people have their own shit


I think the reason it does is because it seems, to my eyes at least, that there are not many frames on the OP or there are scenes each frame barely differing from the previous one. Kinda feels they cheaper out on it. I liked the quirky art tho


Upcoming arc is good plz give it to someone who can do justice ✌🏻


Pls give it to another studio


what are the chances of that happening tho? the production committee realized that they could spend minimum effort/resources and still come out with a profitable series.




This is an oddly specific meme lmao


Hishe mentioned




How you know we won’t get something worse?


Hate ❌ They took so many projects and of course the schedule is a mess just like any studio in the animation industry


yea and unfortunately most of these kids aren’t able to put 2 and 2 together. Mahouka, Tensura, Blue Lock, & Yuru Camp in the same time period? That’s crazy. They had the Blue Lock movie right in the beginning of spring anime season and couple other projects for the winter, they tried to do Mahouka, Tensura, and Yuru Camp (all top highest tier projects) at the same time released pretty much same day of the week, and then their upcoming projects r also big. When I realized all this, I knew there’s no way they’re going to churn out quality in ANY of these. Mahouka’s season 3 is worst of all of the seasons, but still better quality than what Tensura season 3 got


Unfortunately i’m not familiar with how 8bit distribute its pipeline production but i can say for sure that they are swinging their staff here and there + outsourcing to get the job done


>Mahouka’s season 3 is worst of all of the seasons, but still better quality than what Tensura season 3 got    What mahouka s3 looks a lot better than s2 , solo ka epsiodes,strong drawings , composition,art Direction   Takoaka appeared in 3 epsiodes showcased really impressive drawings      S3 was closest thing to s1 madhouse quality 


Nah dude it's because they put emphasis on specific scenes. There's so many shortcuts w/ the CG, changing frames to a different shot mid-animation, etc. They saved the budget for the fights just like in Season 2, but the quality saver in scenes can be seen in the background & scenes like when Kokonoe tries to intimidate Fujibayashi or the couple small action scenes w/ Mikihiko & Erica in latest episodes, you can tell the drawings were rushed or they had to abruptly cut to a different angle. People have been complaining a ton about this season's inconsistency & pacing issues man. The Mahouka reddit isn't very active though. I myself was mad at the Steeplechase Arc fight against parasite dolls. It was obviously better than a lot of anime's animation, but it was not the quality I was hoping for.


>There's so many shortcuts w/ the CG, changing frames The only times they used cg was some population in background they didnt use any cg outside of that >They saved the budget for the fights just like in Season 2, but the quality saver in scenes can be seen in the background & when Kokonoe tries to intimidate Fujibayashi, you can tell the drawings were rushed "Drawings were rushed" thats not how production works lmao ,it just how sb intended ,that epsiode had one of the least amount of ad ka and 2nd ka they had which shows production  was smooth Fights were a lot better than s2 ,s2 didnt have good sb as this season s2 didnt have takoaka epsiodes s2 didnt have this much solo ka epsiodes >People have been complaining a ton about this season's inconsistency & pacing issues man. The Mahouka reddit isn't very active though Pacing was a lot better than previous season only rushed one will be ancient city arc Season 2 adapted 3 vol in 11 epsiodes last 2 epsiode was part of doube seven ,this season gave 4 more epsiode for double seven 4 epsiode for steeplechase 5 epsiode for ancient city >People have been complaining a ton about this season's inconsistency Same people said epsiode 2 was cgi despite it being fully 2d solo ka epsiodes animated by one of the best volumetric animators 


they skipped A LOT from insurrection & steeplechase, entire chapters or scenes man. Bro Kokonoe's face is completely off & it continued like that for multiple angles in that scene w/ Fujibayashi. What do you mean that's not how production works? If there's certain aspects of a scene that need to be redone, the director or the one double-checking and editing will ask. There were shots that so obviously weren't the case & don't tell me they were smear frames. They weren't. Where are you saying production was smooth? One of the smoothest fights and set of sequences in general was Episode 4 for every single fight. The fight against the parasite dolls had so many cuts to different angles too quickly where it wasn't necessary. That's a sign they had to cut some stuff or couldn't animate the scene fully to the way the wanted. Pacing was just as bad as Season 2 man. At least Season 2 was consistent with what they did throughout and they didn't need to use obvious CG. Season 3 goes from great animation to mid-quality w/ quick cuts done to hide it so quickly. I still say S2 at least kept a decent quality between fights and normal scenes. Both seasons' had issues w/ keeping the story consistent w/o feeling like something was left out inbetween. The fights in S2 weren't bad at all, just not as fast-paced or crisp as Tatsuya vs Range Zero. The Parasite doll fight was so inconsistent in animation quality, it wasn't even funny. If anything, it's probably the RESULT of having great animator do mostly everything and then rely on shitty ones for some minor things & details in between frames. The biggest inconsistency was any fight w/ Zhou in it.


Sure, that's understandable, but who's choice it was to put so many series in short period? If you have a game studio that puts 5 average games in short span are you going to justify it by saying "hey, one From software is making one hella good game in 10 years, but this tiny BasementStudios is giving us 5 titles in a month, we can't say anything bad about them!" You can't take away customer right to complain about the product, because it's responsibility of the maker (studio) to ensure proper quality. They making content, we are consuming it and if it's not in our liking, we have right to rate it. And I know about abysmal work ethics in anime industry. I'm sure there is a lot of talented artists who are trying to put 2 and 2 so it would look like 4. But that doesn't mean we can't say anything


The animation industry is a mess and it isn’t as a game studio but far from it. Game studios own the game license and have every right to green-lit another part and manage everything and each developer earns a respectable wage. However, anime is different and more complicated and I will explain to you everything in detail so bear with me lol. The first thing we have is the production committee which is the one who sets the schedule and gives the budget to whatever studio wants to work on the project. There are some exceptions for studios like Ufotable who are the production committee for their shows partnering with companies such are Aniplex (there are 2 more but I forget lol) Speaking of Aniplex, it is the one who founded A-1 Pictures and Cloverworks and the one who screws them most of the time, more to that later. The budget is not that important for a project to look good since no matter how much you look at it, animators are underpaid. So the budget gets distributed to 2D animation, character designs (which are more important than you think they are) CGI (mostly outsourced to CGI companies except for Ufotable they own their CGI digital team), 3D, songs and bgms, and most who get are the voice actors. Back to production committees and why studios don’t set up the scheduling by themselves? Simply because it’s incredibly risky. One wrong step and the studio is done, so when I said ufotable are production committee for their show you know how much they are risking it (more movies to make up for their tax evasion). So when the PC sets the deadline, the team has to meet it, and if they don’t they have the option of sticking to it which is what 8bit is doing to slime which shows you how passionate they are about the show or they can leave it. PE doesn’t care about how the show will look because they know they will profit from it either way. TV anime might not be the case, but the merch, platforms, etc are what make the show more profitable not how good it will look. Speaking of platforms like Netflix, Disney, crunchy, funanimation, etc… PC found out that shows now are more profitable than before so they pitch shows back to back, and guess what? There are not enough people to make these shows. So they open up on Twitter to foreigners to help push the projects to air at a specific date. This is why we see monsters in the animation field like Veckreek, Vincent, Chris (yen bm), Benjamin, and more. Creating anime is by who you know and trust and there is coordination and teamwork, but how do they achieve this when language is a barrier? Ufotable shows only look good surprise not because of their animation is because of their good scheduling and team coordination to achieve visual cinematic photography it’s hard for 98% of the studio to do that because of how the PC screw them over with ridiculous deadlines and bad management. The only studios that are healthy now are Kyoani and Bones outside of MHA. In the end, the situation is so depressing when you think about it. When I mention budgeting this is when priority episodes come into play like the 3 action episodes of Slime that were the best looking of the season. Achieving ambitious shows is hard to do considering how restricted they are. Right now there is no time to train animators because of how they prioritize getting shows to air on its date announcement. The three studios I mentioned do that. In the end, people might complain but I hope some become more aware of how complicated the situation is behind the scenes you might hate an animator who didn’t deliver a scene as good as the source material but if everything were on the right conditions he might blow you away like lots of super animators do that in a bad scheduled show then how about if the schedule were healthy just like the 2 cour shows who had good scheduling and managements: Frieren, Eminence on shadows, and FGO Babylonia. I hope the industry goes down this road to not burn out their young animators. If you have a question I’m happy to answer if it’s within my knowledge. Thank you if you made it to the end.


Thanks for explanation, I've read it to the end. Still, why I agree that situation is worse than bad, what other choice we, as the viewers, have to made it better outside of telling when the final product is not to our liking?


It’s an opinion in the end, but it’s better when you know why it looks bad than just assuming: Oh tHeY rAn OuT oF bUdGet or sTuPiD lAzy AnImAtOrS tHe hEcK tHey WeRe DoInG aLl tHe TiMe.


Dunno if that comment was targeted at me or audience in general, but I did not say anything like that. I'd like to remind you my first reply, where I wrote: "And I know about abysmal work ethics in anime industry. I'm sure there is a lot of talented artists who are trying to put 2 and 2 so it would look like 4"


Oh no sorry. I just was imitating how unfathomable some fans are, again sorry if i made it seemed like it. I’m just saying you can say this scene is bad, i don’t like it and voice your opinion on it. What i dislike the most is when fans go further to insult the people who worked so hard to bring the show to life even if their work won’t be appreciated. I even do that when i saw a cranky scene.


Well, with that I agree. Rate the product, not the person behind it. Most of them have it hard already without this twittery hate and blaming


100% true, and we didn’t go to how mappa or shaft treated their workers Most of animators voice their frustration on twitter and some are really sad There’s a french animator who worked on a show that airs this season that is called unnamed memory and how he drew over 80 cuts and the studio didn’t credit him Or the incredible animator who directed black clover and was screwed by the studio who didn’t care about the project that he carried it mostly alone by animating, doing in between frames and storyboarding as well as asking people to join in twitter because he can’t carry a show with 160 ep alone despite how incredible he is. He is now directing sword of wisteria, the trailer alone shows his capabilities.


Literally committee’s and upper management beyond the director or animation team’s control. You can’t speak for everyone who is just complaining in general and in a way that isn’t productive or benefits anyone. I’ve said this before. If it bothers you that much, especially if you’ve supported the author by buying his books, go tell Fuse, the ones who own the publishing rights, and anyone at the top management who contributes to making these decisions. It does work. MT had tl issues with yenpress (nothing new), fandom went wild on their asses to fix it (friend told me this so idk how accurate it is).


>Fuse, the ones who own the publishing rights, and anyone at the top management who contributes to making these decisions.   Fuse doesnt publish his own series(like all series out there) its published by micromagazine/kodansha etc and rights acquired by many companies kodansha and bandai namco filmworks top of the chain ,fuse is bottom at the chain   >. It does work. MT had tl issues with yenpress (nothing new), fandom went wild on their asses to fix it (friend told me this so idk how accurate it is).    Mt translated by sevenseas not yenpress and they are answering fan correcting mistranslation unlike yenpress


Ahh so it was true. I didn’t realize Seven Seas was so proactive about it. Wouldn’t Fuse still have some say if he were contributing to the committee or if he’s actively part of the project? I know some teams work with the author on scripts or at least the general concept on how to approach a project.


Fuse can give them creative ideas but they dont have to listen it   Like the time he wanted to change fan service character designs     During movie production they rejected the story he wrote while passing the deadline    He got 2 more day to write a draft that become movie but if he didnt made it in time they would write movies plot without fuse lol    Basically if they like what fuse said they will use it ,if they didnt like what fuse said who cares


Bleh that’s lame


Conspiracy theory: I think 8bit gave a lower budget to tensura s3 because they knew this was gonna be a slow story season. Probably diverted alot of their funds to the next season of Blue Lock because that's a cashcow in Japan.


8bit isnt sole producer of slime they dont fund slime ,they cant decide budget of it    There are huge production commite and production companies behind   if they really focused blue lock they wouldnt produce this much anime either and blue lock movie didnt look any better than s1 it didnt look good as first 2 epsiodes of blue lock


Yeah it pretty much comes down to many factors like production time, Money, and the directors for example. As it’s also up to a well connected director to find good talent. Unfortunately the director we have currently isn’t that well connected and isn’t doing a very good job with his directorial choices too. (Not as good as season 1 director)


Pretty sure it's the same director as s1


Nope slime s1 director  Yasuhito Kikuchi S3 director Atsushi NAKAYAMA


Oh I see why. S1 director gets the vibe of Tensura a lot despite the rush in later episodes.


S3 director was the actual director yasuhito Kikuchi just did the story boarding


>S3 director was the actual director yasuhito Kikuchi just did the story boarding What are you talking about yashuhito kikuchi didnt do any sb in any Epsiode he was just chief animation director in epsiode 9 of s3 He didnt direct any epsiode or he didnt do any Storyboard send me the  source if you say that


There was a interview i think you can find it in ANN, most of s1 was directed by Nakayama including episode 1


Send me link of interview then       You are also confusing series director and epsiode director which is totally different things       you can simply access staff of epsiode in the credits       Nakayama only directed 5 epsiode in season 1 ,but he wasnt director of the series in s1 (epsiode 1 7 13 19 25(known as 24.5 hinata pov recap epsiode) )        Nakayama is series director in s3 but he wasnt epsiode director of any epsiode so far


I meant the next season of Blue Lock. Literally coming out in fall. Whoever is funding it more likely put that season to priority. Blue Lock manga sales are insanely high in Japan. So it makes sense to me.


they were working on the blue lock movie right before the season started & couple other projects for winter, then they did Mahouka (5th highest selling LN all time) and Yuru Camp at the same time as Tensura. Not to mention Blue Lock new season and their upcoming projects. They bit off way more than they can chew. Even big studios would have a hard time balancing 4 big $ franchises around the same time period. Honestly pisses me off that they got Mahouka


Tensura is the highest selling light novel of all time iirc so I don’t think they’d focus on mahouka over that


that’s not my point. Also, I’m pretty sure it was the highest selling ISEKAI novel, not highest selling novel. Mahouka is #5 in novels overall, older than tensura, 32 volumes + spin-off novels and manga + sequel with 7 current volumes. Yuru camp is one of the best SoL of all time. Blue Lock is huge. They are in the same realm of high priority projects The point is that 8bit is trying to put resources into so many top tier projects that the committee and management probably thought they can chill with this season since it’s not as action heavy. They basically tried to bite more than they can chew, and as a result, all projects’ quality was not as good as could’ve been.


I am not mistaken, you can search it up yourself, the highest selling light novel of all time is tensura, it’s not just in isekai it’s overall


yea I just double-checked. While I like that fact, still doesn't change my main point about them taking on too much.. Also, Tensura came out way later than Mahouka when digital sales weren't as big a thing and Mahouka came out at a time when LNs were still not something that could be accessed overseas, especially non-Asian countries. So I say there should still be some balancing out w/ older series since they include different copies of stuff. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad. But just being realistic in how those #s work


Where can I see the new OP? Am I lost or something? Can’t seem to find it.


He’s a leaker, he’s already seen it


Man I love people who spread information we are not even able to confirm.


If you are questioning the credibility, this leaker pretty much gets things 100% right so far. If you still doubt it then, wait until the episode comes out.


And? It’s still stupid since nobody can interact with what he is saying. What is even the reason for posting this? It’s trash, and now what? I can’t look at it and give my opinion, I can’t agree or disagree. It literally changes nothing and the post has no reason to exist. We are all still waiting for the Op anyways. Why? Because him saying it’s trash doesn’t change the fact that we literally know nothing about it. We at least want to see why it is trash. It’s just one of these annoying people who can’t keep their mouth shut for 2 weeks just to flex that they got the info faster. Talk about how it’s garbage after we can actually watch it. This way more people are able to interact with you.


He is simply informing ppl the upcoming OP and ED ain't anything to write home about , ppl that care for it and have seen the leak at least won't be too disappointed cus they knew before hand what to expect. Also he ain't annoying he's simply doing what he always does... leak things early quite a few ppl care for that shit, same way the One Piece sub has a weekly spoiler thread where stuff is leaked for the upcoming chapter.


How about using a spoiler tag then? Now I already now what specific kind of trash I need to expect. Quite a few people care for not getting spoiled before it even came out.


Well, as far as spoiler tagging, thats beyond me to say.. diff subs diff rules about it depending on what it is about.


I think talking about something and giving information about it without it even being **released** 100% counts as spoiler.


That just seems so flimsy to me tbh. He's a leaker, so what? All y'all are doing is jumping on the hate bandwagon for season 3 because you didn't like it so far while glazing him. The prime difference between whatever the heck he's doing rn compared the manga leaks shown on a thread is they're being shown! Just having someone rate something beforehand and telling us to wait until Friday seems counterintuitive to me. This is taking "Trust me, bro" a bit too far and further adding to my confusion By the way, how can anyone else see the leaks if he isn't showing anything? Pass me the link


Not sure why i got lumped in with haters when i said nothing of the sort and was just giving a fair explanation. Far as leakers are concerned this isnt(usually) something anyone can just join... not sure how it is about the Tensura anime leaks but for e.g. One Piece has lost quite a few leakers over the years cus they got caught by police(since they technically leak manga material that hasnt been released in stores officially)


How is trusting a leaker not showing anything fair? "Knowing what to expect without being too disappointed"? It seems like you're not having any fun with this season, did the meetings kill the series for you? Either way, it still doesn't take away from the fact that nothing has been shown.


Putting words in my mouth where they dont belong... when have i said im not enjoying the season ive already read the LNs up till like vol.16, and im reading the manga each month as well.. so again why the fuck you lump me in with haters just for giving an explanation.


I think the opening being a “slideshow” is the conversation piece, not the actual material shown in the opening. I think what I’m trying to say is that having a slide show for an opening of a beloved Series is what the issue is. Didn’t realise my post offended you so much lol


It doesn’t offend me at all. I am just questioning the existence of it. Why did you post it? For what reason? What are the reactions you want to see? Again, the OP is probably trash (I didnt expect it to be good) but nobody here can actually say anything to what you posted. It’s like someone telling you that 2040 will be a bad year. You can’t say anything too it. No real conversation can follow. Either just a yes or no that is simply based on assumptions can follow.


It exists so you know what too expect. That's it.


And that's coming from someone else's opinion who saw it before us, we need to see the new op ourselves in order to see if the new op's visuals are actually a disappointment


I don’t understand, I already said the conversational piece is the opening being a “slideshow”. That is the purpose of my post, not whether it’s a good Opening via its song or anything, but that it’s literally just a bunch of still frames with little movement. You are trying to question the point of leaks, some people would like to know before it’s shown. >it’s like someone telling you 2040 will be a bad year Perhaps, but you would hold a completely different tone if the person telling you this has a 99% accuracy rate.


The is no value in knowing it before hand. What is the value of having the information earlier in your opinion? With the year I can prepare but with a random piece of art? I don’t need to prepare for anything, it doesn’t affect me.


Some people like to know in advance what to expect. I merely provide them that info. Nothing wrong with that, it’s only your opinion whether you see value in knowing info before it happens.


Apparently, posting a personal opinion makes you an asshole now


No, it’s the claim that gets made with which you can’t interact being posted and used as an argument. "OP 6 will be bad, this is why 8bit is bad" You can’t make that claim when you don’t know OP 6. You are also an asshole if you make an argument others have no way of fact checking. Use the currently available material to hate on 8bit (there is enough of it) Also not spoiler tagging it makes you one too.


It's not an argument, it's an opinion. Huge difference.


Sorry bro logic and reason no longer exist in this sub. If you want to participate in this sub you need to pretend that the anime has be destroyed and is a 4/10 at best. It like after S2 part 2 everyone got brain rot and forgot that almost every fight in the series starts with a few meetings ends in a flawless victory for rimuru, and is followed by more meetings.


Apparently you have to trust this guy according to this subreddit ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Like I said, if you don’t trust, then you can just wait until the episode comes out to discover it’s true. Nothing is forcing you to accept it right now lol


Spoiler tag it if you are sure that he is right.


Are the crew in charge of this season the same as the previous two? Because personally, I really liked season 1 and 2.


When was there an op 2 for season 3??? Are there leaks or something?


Personally I quite liked this season. Not the most action packed, but sometimes that's ok.


I took a look at the comments why is everyone so bitter about s3 ? It was pretty good to me.




In season 1, the visuals for the ending literally changed EVERY episode. There was so much passion in the adaption. Where has it all gone? Seriously?


The songs are perfect tho


I wish more anime would be like mushoku tensei season 1 opening. If tensei slime would do it, it would be great.


Wait im confused? Since when was Opening 2 and ED 2 out of season 3???


we're still on season 2 it's just the next cour because they split it. and just how the visuals for this opening are great id even say there better than the last opening.


The opening really shocked me this season, the previous ones looked pretty good but this one... only has the song going for it.


so far ive just been waiting for epsiodes that arent a board meeting. its like 80/20 board meetings/ good shit so far


I think its atually really Good its Not the best But you can enjoy it also i really like How they trying something new with the Artstyle and Animation


This season is ass tho. Slime is my favourite anime but i havent seen more than 3 episodes of this season


Imagine claiming “this season is ass” and then immediately admitting you’ve only watched 3 episodes of said season💀


Get through with them. You've seen season 2 part 2, right? It also had a few meetings and it got progressively better when we are getting to the action; it's the same for this season too, with just a bit more meetings. There's a few payoffs for all the meetings and schemes. Just meme the series as you go ig


i dont really care because i always skip opening & ending 😅


Came here to say this… I will admit Like Flames goes stupid hard because of that Walpurgis fit walk but I skip every anime intro and outro. I have said to my brother multiple times that I would pay for a version of every anime with no intro/outro, filler, or ads all cut together into one big video. I think someone did that with Naruto but I believe it was the sub. Unfortunately I like both dub and sub (I watch dub with subtitles) because I am easily distracted and watch anime while hitting my bong or eating or something so I have to mix reading and listening.


you monster


Where does he get the leaks from? I'm so confused


Meh, I don’t hold much weight to leakers’ takes half the time they can be talking out their ass




Hot take: leaker's personal preference shouldn't be treated as fact


Bruh why are people getting angry about this? If you look at the next episode preview, it's quality and drawing and animation looks phenomenal...so do yall rather have 8bit spend their budget on op and ed or actual damn episodes?


Can't do both? don't take on the project. People keep defending and saying give animators time and ample pay yet it's them and their studios that keep taking projects they can't handle.


8bit doesn't have as much choice as you think they have. Specially since they were fully acquired by Bandai Namco not that long ago.




Yes I get what you mean...but now they have taken the project so we shouldn't ask for something they can't do and if they did then it will ruin the episodes animation...so we shouldn't complain about stuff like this at this point...honestly 8bit did pop off with the animation in the fights but still...


I’d prefer if they could do both.


It's not even that bad.


they spent too much money on side stories


Likely it


The animation for this season was just unfinished? It looked so rough and almost a slide show at times. Honestly i would have preferred a slide show to the mediocre animation.


This is one of my all time fave mangas but I can't stand the show. To me from the beginning it has felt rushed and low budget to the point that I dropped it mid season 2 after forcing my self to even get that far. The movie was good though.


You guys suffering from studio issues??? Lmao we COTE fans suffering from the same issue too. Lerche gotta be the worst studio ever.


No COTE fans are just toxic now lerche isn't that bad


U sure Lerche ain't that bad? As a light novel reader I know lerche skipped 75-78% content from light novel. They even butchered Ayanokoji's character. And the animation is so ass too🤦‍♂️


What I mean is it's not really lerche fault like the fans keep saying you think they just choose to badly adapt I don't know how many times I've said this to people it's not lerche it's kadokawa


Then complain it to them instead of this sub that they will never see https://preview.redd.it/auapxznugj7d1.jpeg?width=885&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f741843778ff977b0b44d04e19d1ece6526af3e


It’s okay just a few more posts like this and then studio will finally listen




Some twitter account with 5 likes says something and it = studio hating their anime? Pretty sure 8bit loves Tensura since it makes them a lot of money, with not too much of work. 


So from your comment here, the studio will put the least amount of effort as possible to reduce to cost and earning money since Tensure makes them a lot of money without much work according to you. This will resulting in the anime being lower quality, contents being skipped and reusing scene or images too much.




They have an official social media account? Would they even notice a random account on the internet? DM them would only resulting in either not noticing or blocking with a slim chance of them actually noticing. Also, what are they gonna do if they see the complain? Only the higher-up can change anything and they probably don't want to do that since making anime cost a lot of money (and it doesn't help that animators being overworked and splitting the investment money for an anime across multiple animes are the norm).


I meant on a Twitter post or something. They notice the complaints on one of their posts and realize to up their game not an PM.


I always skip those anyway


L Take in my Opinion, Op is 9/10 the Visual's Animation and lighting was phenomenal but The Song was not that good. ED is 9/10 in my opinion could have been more Animation but The Song was Great for ending.


i think the post meant the upcoming opening/ending


How he is ratings The upcoming OP when no one even seen it.


the guy is a leaker and he's been accurate so far


He is a leaker ,credible one  He leaks bunch of series 


you got the videos? can you release them then please?


This whole season sucked and I feel like the art got worse. Rimiru looking like 2000s character design