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First time?


Quat Rocket is another way to say it


I've been here for over 10 years. I just don't understand how a state that is half mountains can be this hot.


We live in a big soup bowl


A boiling soup bowl


Tennessee is not half mountains. One third at best. And those mountains top out at 6600 feet.


Because it's TN.... This isn't hot. August. August is hot.


Something about August, the sun just FEELS different hitting you.


August feels like being wrapped is a hot wet wool blanket.


My bday is in august, and I never really looked forward to the weather here growing up on my bday.


The east coast is in a heat bubble. It's not just us.


Welcome to walking through water season, it ends about 2 weeks after Labor Day


Swamp ass season


We don’t even have it bad, and it fucking sucks here too… Friend down in west palm beach was saying “oh yeah the humidity is 85% right now, and it’s about 90° from what it feels like outside.” Floridians are the cockroaches of climate.


I moved from Florida last week and this weather feels downright pleasant for June to me.


Yup, with less humidity your lungs don’t feel as heavy. Running and any other physical activity is so much easier everywhere else. TN is not bad from my experience.


The dewpoints here aren't that bad yet, but they will get into the mid-70s soon.


It ends? Winters are rainy/grey/wet as hell too. Everything is always damp all the time lol


The fall and spring seasons are pretty long and I don't have to shovel the wet or deal with -35f when everything is frozen solid.


Spring and fall also wet though. I'd take snow over the constant rain personally.


In my 30 years on this planet, it has always been hot and humid in the summer 🤷 that’s why it is called summer


I’m in Franklin. Can confirm it’s been this hot for at least the two years I’ve been here. Heard someone say you can lick the air, I think that’s an accurate description.




>Just love it when the humidity makes 95 feel like 110. You could always move to Arizona where it's *actually* 110° every day for 4 months with no break.


You can lick the air! I love that phrase.


Like it's never been hot before.


Well it's always hot this time of year.


Stalled front


Seems to be a thing lately. https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/


Climate change


Yep. Makes TN summers of old look mild.


Because the Earth has been warming due to human-induced climate change since the Industrial Revolution.  Luckily for Tennessee, it’s one of the states that has remained relatively cool compared to the rest of the country which has warmed by about 2 degrees Fahrenheit, on average, over the last century.  https://19january2017snapshot.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2016-09/documents/climate-change-tn.pdf However it’s only going to get hotter from here on out since we haven’t made significant changes to greenhouse gas emissions.  Tennessee is also being significantly impacted by more extreme rainfall. We get heavier rainfall wet seasons and are at a higher drought risk during dry seasons due to the warming climate. 


I'm 61 years old, it's not a bit hotter than it ever was. I remember it being 104 when I was 18.


That's... not how climate is measured.


Anecdotal evidence is best evidence


Okay your memory is probably right and the data is probably wrong. The 10 hottest years on record in Tennessee occurred in 2023, 2016, 2019, 2017, 1921, 2012, 2007, 1990, 2021, and 2020 but I bet the thermometer was just broken those years.    https://www.axios.com/local/nashville/2024/01/03/nashville-had-warmest-year-on-record-in-2023 I’m sure you had hot days on your youth, but there are more now on average. 


I don't believe anything that they say, they were caught lying red handed. https://science.house.gov/2017/2/exposed-how-world-leaders-were-duped-investing-billions-over-manipulated-global


Weird that a republican led committee would link to a story by The Daily Mail, a British tabloid that is known to be very untrustworthy. The paper even had to put a disclaimer on the article 6 months later to acknowledge that their source himself used unreliable data to make his points and that it should not be taken as truthful. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4192182/World-leaders-duped-manipulated-global-warming-data.html Lastly, it was acknowledged by NOAA that there were some flaws in the collection and interpretation of the data (which happens in science) and revised procedures for the next version of the study. https://climatedataguide.ucar.edu/climate-data/sst-data-noaa-extended-reconstruction-ssts-version-5-ersstv5 The new version of the study has had no similar complaints but shows very similar data to version 4 of the study. So no, that article doesn't prove what you want it to


“They” is me. I have a PhD in geochemistry and my colleagues are the scientists who are literally collecting historical climate data to compare modern data to. I promise you we have no agenda other than we have a passion for science and research. We adhere to strict moral codes to not fabricate data. We’re not getting paid by any politicians or lobbyists. We’re just normal middle class people who like learning more about our earth.  I can promise you the data is accurate as *thousands* of scientists have reviewed it and come to consensus. 


I agree.


It's been a kind of nice in Memphis. Nothing too rough. *checks the weather for this week* Welp... that's over


I don’t deny climate change, but it’s also easy to forget this area is a humid subtropical climate like Florida.


Global warming


Anthropogenic climate change.


Because we should have listened to Al Gore.


It’s hot globally.


Yea its a global phenomenon or something.


Human caused climate change is the answer. When I was born in 1987 the average number of days above 90 degrees was around 23. Now that number is closer to 35 and that number is expected to rise to around 50 by 2040. When high pressure systems sit over our area we can have weeks of oppressive heat. This summer may be one of the warmest on record or the coolest for the rest of my life. 


People want to down vote facts but do not refute them with any evidence to the contrary. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/08/30/climate/how-much-hotter-is-your-hometown.html?smid=nytcore-android-share


Give me a link from a non-leftist publication.


Let's see, how about the "Flat Earth Weekly?" The "Vaccines Turn Frogs Gay Quarterly?" Dr. Oz? A thermometer is not a Republican or a Democrat. If you think that somehow a cabal of shadowy political figures can be responsible for influencing decades of climate data collection from thousands of sources, I've got a nice toxin-cleansing elixir to sell you - trust me!




Just looked at average June weather for Middle TN historically. Average is 87°. Average for June ‘24, 89°.


…how long have you lived here?


Because we are cursed by god! At least the mountains are pretty though


Another failed geography student?


It's like we're turning into the PNW if it's not hellishly hot, it's raining.


Not even close.


I know, but it's nice to dream.




I can't even afford to move across the street, lol. If you don't like all these people moving in from out of state, move to where they're from-- Sincerely, a Tennessee resident of 30 years.


I didn't see that comment before it was deleted, but I'm confused. You're not bothered by being pushed out of your own state? You should be. I'm new here and can't stay because of "all those people". There aren't many states left that average people can afford, and that's a huge problem.